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The Big & Dandy Trip Abortion Thread

I agree with nuke. if you can't handle bad trips then you shouldn't be using psychedelics. they are an essential part of the entire experience.
I make a distinction between a rough/difficult trip and a bad trip. Some of the difficult ones have been of the most benefit to me, in terms of personal growth or awareness of an issue. I'm forced to deal with something I might not want to. I've had many of these.

I've only had one of what I'd consider a bad trip -- total psychedelic meltdown... not a god damn thing makes sense, everyone's out to get me, im stuck this forever, gonna die, might as well get it over with and kill myself now full on pounding terror and anxiety. The exact opposite of love and peace. Fear, hatred, anger, anxiety, pumping though my veins... no escape. The very concept of calm is gone. There is only bad and worse, and every second that goes by I learn how much worse things can get... which is quite a bit, since from my perspective, time has stopped.

While I can and did handle that, I don't think anyone should have to be told that if they cannot deal with such a situation that psychedelics are not for them. Being able to handle it is a good thing should you get there, but a very careful selection of setting while in the right mindset, with the appropriate "escape plan" is sufficient I think.

By escape plan, I mean being able to quickly and drastically alter the situation and environment... like lighting change, music change, going to different safe location, having benzos or antipsychotics, etc.

Sometimes just knowing you have something to calm you down if needed, is all you need to calm down. Its very reassuring.

Thats not going to help you much though, if you just broke up with your long term SO, your best friend just died, your dog is in the pet hospital, you got fired, and just dropped 5 hits of acid. You have to use some common sense.

I do think you should expect to have a rough experience at some point, and be prepared to deal with that possibility. If you trip enough, its going to happen.
I've had my ass kicked before. It's a good way to learn to respect very strong psychedelics.

I think it's kind of nessiscary to the overall exprience of doing psychedelics.
if you never had a bad trip, how would you know whether you ever had a good trip?
HeadyHomeGrown said:
Seroquel and always just let go and let the substance do what it wants with you don't fight it and you'll be fine.
Yep although I've never used anything 2 abort a trip. This Shit will KNOCK you out. Hm maybe a benzo will take some edge off maybe a nice beer buzz anyone else no about these other 2 ?
nuke said:
Maybe you should learn to trip in a better setting, then? Or learn to start at reasonable dosages of a chemical and work your way up to a maximum level, so that you don't get overwhelmed?

I've seen too many people have awful trips because they're just irresponsible psychedelics users. Getting your ass kicked teaches you respect.

Totally agree. I have only had one or two bad trips, but I could still draw positives from the experience when it was all over. Plus, knowing that you can survive a bad trip will make you more confident next time... ;)
of course it depends on the person/ situation but i think one of the best ways to help someone through a bad trip is by psychology.
i heard a story of someone having a bad trip at a party they were freaking out and didnt know what was going on, saying things like "make it end!!" etc and someone went and got an MnM or something and gave it to them and said that it was a pill to make them feel better and that it should kick in instantly, and it totally worked, the placebo effect is a powerful thing
fizzacyst said:
Thats not going to help you much though, if you just broke up with your long term SO, your best friend just died, your dog is in the pet hospital, you got fired, and just dropped 5 hits of acid. You have to use some common sense.

/\ I am fully aware my reaction is inappropriate because what you are saying, fizzacyst, is very very true, but it had me in stitches. LOL

I have also had my ass kicked many times, and I agree entirely that these moments (or hours) are essential to the experience. How long it lasts depends on so many factors, but mainly YOU and where you are in mind and body.

I have used acivated charcoal to abort trips before, but I don no tknow how effective this is unless the drug was ingested orally and is still in the stomach.

One more thing I wondered is how effective beta-blockers might be if one wishes to escape what's happening... anybody have experience with that?

Generally I just find moments unpleasant and I can be a bit harsh on myself when issues become urgent and I have been very much able to let issues be issues and not obsess with solving or rejecting them...

But there is one moment that had me very very afraid in the past... the moment where you get so close to insanity, or to complete selflessness (ego deathj I guess is what it's called) and it just seems that IF I LET GO NOW I WILL CEASE TO EXIST AND I MAY NEVER COME BACK. I know that all I need to do is let the drug do its thing and just not do anything except be, and see . . . but there are stories of people who went very far and didn't make it back properly. And I just don't want to have that. The thought of being a vegetable forever onwards can be quite unnerving.

Now I wonder if there's anyone out there has any advice on what to do when you're so far gone... and whether those who made it back bruised and scathed and generally much the worse for wear DID let go and hence lost the plot a bit, or whether they didn't and thus had a major freak-out. Perhaps experienced mind travellers who are also experienced meditators know about this.

It's a preoccupation I have long had and it recently came back to me after reading a pretty recent three-star report on erowid about someone's 2c-E experience that was, well, very freaky.

The only answer I had in the face of the terribly harsh and indifferent realities the tripper was shown was to remember love - the only logical conclusion given such a reality. To remember it and gracefully apply it whenever one remembers. Dunno if that's enough though, because it's been a long time since I've been that far out there.
Dunno if you've already read it...


This can be the consequence of taking too high a dose of a psychedelic drug. It can happen at a perfectly reasonable dosage level, but is far less likely. You find yourself bombared by a torrent of images, concepts and connections, all coming at you from your friendly neighborhood cosmos. The details of the experience will vary, of course, with every person who finds himself in this particular place in the mind, but the general feeling is one of being flooded by meaningful connections with everything in the universe and everything else. An experienced traveler, knowing that this, too, will pass, might manage to relax and enjoy the complexities of the onslaught, but to the naive experimenter, it can be overwhelming. The ego, the core sense of the identity, might be hard to maintain; the sense of Self might be lost in the roaring noise of the continual, instense input.
If you find yourself in this state, remember first of all that it's temporary. If you find it impossible to relax and swim with the roaring river, or simply need to recover your sense of identity and a bit more control over the experience, open your eyes (if you had them closed), then stand up and start moving around, trying your best to focus on what your body is doing. Watch yourself walking, and talk to yourself, using your Observer to remind you of who you are, what your immediate situation is, and what you are attempting to do. Something like this might result: "I am Jacob Smith, I took so-and-so milligrams of Whatchamacallit appromixately an hour and a half ago; I'm being flooded by too much information and I am attempting to get grounded by having this conversation with myself."
If you can manage to see humor in anything you're experience, and especially if you can smile or laugh at yourself, you've won your battle. You may have hours ahead of you, but if you can feel even the slightest little spurt of humor, you've recaptured the thread that will lead you back to your Self. When you can feel your own presence, when you can say to yourself, "I'm here, I'm ME," (nevermind good grammar) your fear of dissolving into the surroundings, of losing track of your own existence, will gradually subside.
What you should be aiming for in such an experience is this: maintaining your sense of self-identity, your knowledge that you are a being distinct from other beings and from the world that surrounds you, while allowing the images and concepts and energies that are bombarding you to be what they are, to go where they are going, to flow through you and past you. After a while, everything will begin to soften and quiet, and the crashing flood of information will become a trickle. One of the things you may be left with from this experience will be a new appreciation of what it means to live your life with a goal, a focus, an intent of some kind to help channel your energies and thoughts.


- Ann Shulgin, TiHKAL: The Continuation

Ego death does happen now and then to all trippers I think... You just have to ride it out while it's there and try not to be too overwhelmed. I don't think there's any consequence to completely losing the 'self' on a psychedelic drug experience, on a reasonable dosage level and a reasonably well known compound... That seems part of most high dose 5-MeO-DMT and DMT experiences, and those people all seem to manage well later.
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My trips always have good moments and bad moments. The bad is always a par of my trip. If I want to remove it and have a nice time for sure, I flip he trip with MDMA. This combination gives me the trip I've always dreamed of, but never had, because of the anxiety and fear I get sometimes. I've used it only with shroomz, but a dose of shroomz that wouldn't be even senced normally, on MDMA makes a full blown trip with much visuals and thoughts. And less depersonalisation (the thing that frightens me most when tripping) because of the smaller dose.
In the early days when I was a frightened little kiddy, the only thing to save me from the terrors was ten mgs of Valium©.

Now I just guts it out.
fizzacyst said:
I make a distinction between a rough/difficult trip and a bad trip. Some of the difficult ones have been of the most benefit to me, in terms of personal growth or awareness of an issue. I'm forced to deal with something I might not want to. I've had many of these.

I've only had one of what I'd consider a bad trip -- total psychedelic meltdown... not a god damn thing makes sense, everyone's out to get me, im stuck this forever, gonna die, might as well get it over with and kill myself now full on pounding terror and anxiety. The exact opposite of love and peace. Fear, hatred, anger, anxiety, pumping though my veins... no escape. The very concept of calm is gone. There is only bad and worse, and every second that goes by I learn how much worse things can get... which is quite a bit, since from my perspective, time has stopped.

While I can and did handle that, I don't think anyone should have to be told that if they cannot deal with such a situation that psychedelics are not for them. Being able to handle it is a good thing should you get there, but a very careful selection of setting while in the right mindset, with the appropriate "escape plan" is sufficient I think.

By escape plan, I mean being able to quickly and drastically alter the situation and environment... like lighting change, music change, going to different safe location, having benzos or antipsychotics, etc.

Sometimes just knowing you have something to calm you down if needed, is all you need to calm down. Its very reassuring.

Thats not going to help you much though, if you just broke up with your long term SO, your best friend just died, your dog is in the pet hospital, you got fired, and just dropped 5 hits of acid. You have to use some common sense.

I do think you should expect to have a rough experience at some point, and be prepared to deal with that possibility. If you trip enough, its going to happen.

I didnt even read the rest of this thread...but i agree with everything said here. i too have had one bad trip and mine resulted from some prick selling my friends and i 25mg capsules of "2c-b" which resulted in 24+ hours of pure hell for us...also the only time i've ever gotten drugs that came with a printed warning label "25 mg. DO NOT EXCEED 30mg." so maybe i should have been more careful and dumped some out of the capsule, but after reading extensively i felt was completely ready for a 2c-b experience and still do...yes maybe it RHYMED with 2c-b, but after 24 hours of my most intense psychedelic experience (not counting salvia) i have a hard time believing that is what we ingested... bad trips happen for all kinds of reasons. 8(
^ One of those reasons may be your assumption that eyeballing an unidentified powder is a wise move. And you certainly can have a bad time on 2c-b.

Be Safe :)
Ximot said:

But there is one moment that had me very very afraid in the past... the moment where you get so close to insanity, or to complete selflessness (ego deathj I guess is what it's called) and it just seems that IF I LET GO NOW I WILL CEASE TO EXIST AND I MAY NEVER COME BACK. I know that all I need to do is let the drug do its thing and just not do anything except be, and see . . . but there are stories of people who went very far and didn't make it back properly. And I just don't want to have that. The thought of being a vegetable forever onwards can be quite unnerving.
This sounds like a "break through" experience. Fighting it can definitely give you a bad trip. To SEE it is to Know. And Once you've SEEN it, you "Know" that you can never not Know again. You might even never come back. At the very least, you will never be the same...
I think John Cunningham Lilly is a good example of somebody famous who never came back all the way.
Embrace the trip at this level and everything Usually turns out OK. But not always (eg Dr. Lilly). His psychedelic hypermentional world took over his life.
That paragraph that somebody quoted from Alexander Shulgin describes another of the things that can go wrong here.
And Il have bad trips from other things too. With mushrooms it seems almost random, even at lower doses (less than 5g dry weight). It feels almost like a head ache where my head doesnt' hurt but my brain or mind hurts. The brain doesnt' even have pain receptors so it's a creepy, sinister psychological pain that you'd have to experience before you could understand. Going to sleep while tripping on mushrooms seems to trigger this kind of bad trip. (I cant' help it, I get very tired). It's awful and too scary to let myself sleep again. After trying to avoid these things, I still have bad trips and don't know how to make them stop. I'm kind of scared to try an antipsychotic. I took some recreationally once and it was extremely unpleasant. Is there an herb you can get from a health food store? What about barbituates (instead of benzos because I might not have benzos handy)?
In hindsight, some of the bad trips would have been preventable. I was the kind of kid who would take high levels of lsd or shrooms after breaking up with a SO, losing a favorite pet, or flunking a class or something.
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Aborting bad trips:

To "abort" one -- to fully stop it in its tracks and poof back to baseline -- would be awfully tricky. Once you're on the rollercoaster, you can't stop it... but you can certainly steer it around.

That having been said, I'm not sure I've ever had a "bad trip" where the whole trip was terrible. I've had a couple experiences with moments of sheer terror that felt like hours, but an Earth-hour later and I was soaring as happy as could be.

Here's a list of things I do when tripping either when I'm nervous, or that generally make me happy. If something's going the wrong way, I go back to the fun things, and it gets better.

- Call your girl/boyfriend and talk for a while (if she can come over and cuddle, even better)
- Go down the hall to a friend's room and hang out there.
- Change the music. I usually make two playlists before I dose... One containing a whole bunch of music I really want to hear during this trip (maybe a new CD, whatever), and a second playlist containing only my favorite-est, upbeat songs (a particularly good GD show, etc). If the trip's going the wrong way, switch to your "known-safe" list.
- Put on a different hat!
- Take a walk outside (even if it's really cold out, or rainy; just remember to wear weather-appropriate attire). If you're good with a camera (and capable of operating one), they're fun to bring along.
- Start singing
- Start dancing
- Put your lucky T-Shirt on
- Someone said this earlier; remind yourself outloud what you've taken and that you'll be okay. I tend to write down how much of what I've taken, as well as the time, and sticky-note that to my monitor. That way if I'm trying to explain to a friend what's going on and time gets a bit fuzzy, he'll be able to figure it out.
- Draw or color. Call up "Paint" on your computer and draw colors around and watch your monitor sparkle.
- Laugh out loud
- Smoke some pot (doesn't usually work in the peak parts of a trip -- this might intensify it.. but a nervous/shaky comedown can be calmed out nicely like this).
- Turn all your lights on
- Play videogames with a friend
- Go walk around a public street and watch all the people (sit on a bench somewhere).
- Eat something sweet like whipped cream or ice cream or chocolate (Foods are amazingly rich and wonderful when tripping, but lots of people seem to forget this).
- N2O.
- Take a nap
- Meditation, yoga, tai chi, stretching, rhythmic breathing
- I've never had any on hand when tripping, but Valium, Xanax, and Klonopins are things many folks seem to use to 'take the edge off', especially when trying to go to sleep afterward.

Good luck!
^ Oh come on you can't be serious :|

I've aborted a 20mg 2C-E trip after I realized that some outside distractions were messing with my hearing far too much with some nordiazepam powder I estimate 20- 40mg had me sleeping in about 30 minutes.
I've found the most efeective way of ending a bad trip is to take some more hallucinagens and hope for the be(a)st. Never had a bad trip though so it may not work as I hoped.
You can't cut short a trip either buddy - unless you're unconcious