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☛ Official ☚ The Big & Dandy 4-HO-EPT Thread


Bluelight Crew
Sep 6, 2015
Welcome to the Big & Dandy 4-HO-EPT Thread!



There is almost no information available about the chemical as of this post so there's not much else to put here, but it has recently become widely available and thus deserves its own thread. This is an entirely novel psychedelic so I must urge caution to all those out there who intend to or are considering trying it for themselves. Though so far the class of chemicals it comes from appears to produce fewer risky physical effects than many others on average, there is no way to tell how anyone will react to an entirely new molecule until they actually do it and find out. Please, if you do plan to take this chemical, know your sensitivity to these kinds of psychedelics first and start with reasonable doses before working your way up.

That said, in the case that you do take 4-HO-EPT, please consider adding any important information about your experience to this thread as well, so that others will be more educated about its effects and safety. Due to the popularity of many closely related chemicals to this one and the recent outgrowth of tryptamines it seems likely that many people will be trying this one for themselves if they get the chance, so the more information we have about it really will greatly benefit everyone, especially since we're starting from basically nothing.


So far, I have taken 4-HO-EPT once myself at 25 mg. I wrote a trip report about it which can be found here: (4-HO-EPT/25 mg) - First Time - A Short, Sweet, Powerful, and Novel Experience.

To sum it up, I found that for me personally 25 mg was a good starter dose, not too strong but not too light either. The physical side effects were very mild, consisting mostly of a slightly increased heart rate and stomach upset at the onset that both passed before the peak, clumsiness during the peak, sweating, and light leg tremors and jaw chattering, along with a cannabis-induced headache. The primary subjective effects were a mix of stimulation and sedation both somewhat mild, notable but not forced euphoria, enhanced sensory pleasure, very light threshold open eye visuals, and a brief phase of intense but transparent closed eye hallucinations, followed by a shift into a field of white light with some imaginative imagery in it. The first alerts came within ten or fifteen minutes, the peak effects began about an hour after dosing, mostly passed within an hour after that, and the entire trip was down by about four to four and a half hours after dosing. I also have noticed since writing the report that there was a good afterglow lasting for at least a couple days following the trip, during which I felt very relaxed and happy.

It was a very unique experience, and one that I personally found quite enjoyable. I will not recommend these doses to anyone else because others must find what is safe for themselves first, but now that I know that 25 mg is a good starting point for me I am considering taking 35 mg next time, probably within about a month once I work my way back to it.

If anyone else has anything at all to share about this one, please do!
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I would say that 4-HO-EPT was very much alike 4-HO-DPT for me in some key ways, but also less unique from the others overall.

The headspaces, at least at the doses I've taken, seem almost exactly the same. They're both extremely lucid, even when the trip feels deep at the same time. There is basically no disorientation nor any significant stimulation. Though, I would say that when the hallucinations start playing a role 4-HO-DPT makes me feel somewhat drifty, whereas 4-HO-EPT had more of an excitement.

Physically, 4-HO-EPT was between 4-HO-DPT and the other 4-substituted tryptamines for me. For instance, 4-HO-DPT has not given me any leg tremors at any dose, and 4-HO-EPT gave me almost none, but still a couple, at a dose where the others would have given me more. I also found 4-HO-EPT more physically euphoric than 4-HO-DPT, it had me stretching and smiling the whole time and felt more like a classic psychedelic in that way.

Visually, I would say that they produce similar imagery with eyes closed, though 4-HO-EPT was far more colorful and geometric, in a way that was overall similar to mushrooms and DMT, much more traditional feeling than 4-HO-DPT. With eyes open, they both felt similar for me in how they can be only very weak even when the closed eye is so strong, but notably at this point 4-HO-DPT is already a bit visionary, like hands forming in the walls, but also dark, limited to a fewer shadowy colors, whereas 4-HO-EPT was mostly abstract and formless, but also had a greater range and prominence of colors, more like what you'd expect from a low dose of something like mushrooms.

As for the other details, 4-HO-EPT is active at doses comparable to the typical tryptamines, unlike how 4-HO-DPT requires very large doses when taken orally. It also only lasted a few hours, whereas 4-HO-DPT lasts me six or seven when dosed orally, but it also kicked in much faster. I cannot compare to the more popular method of insufflation for 4-HO-DPT though, that might get rid of some of these differences.

However, I have not had an overly strong trip on either yet, so I really can't fairly compare them at that level.
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Thank you for the elaborate reply, it seems like something I would very much enjoy.
No problem, I'm glad to contribute. :) It's an interesting one for sure. I think it would probably be likely to be enjoyed by those who also enjoy both 4-HO-DPT and the classic indoles.

I've actually bumped up my month plan too.... I think I'm going to take this again on Monday. I've been really curious to see what it can really do since the first time felt more like a taste, so I think I'm probably going to take around 35-40 mg this time.
So a couple days ago I myself had the privilege to sample this new chem. Although it was a bit underwhelming (due to a lower dosage) I can see a lot of potential in the future! In the beginning of my day I took a 1mg allergy test without any noticeable problems or effects, which meant a green light for my first experimentation later that night.

So roughly 10 hours later I prepared 15mg of the 4-HO-EPT (fumarate) into a gell capsule and swallowed it with water. 15 mins later a had a small snack just for the hell of it, which thinking back on it now probably delayed the effects for a little bit longer. After about an hour and a half later I started to feel the first effects. Although subtle, I started to feel both a body and mental buzz similar to the buzz I get off other tryptamines. It had a smooth feeling to it without any negative
body load and made me feel more awake and put me in a good mood. As for the visuals they were also subtle, I would have to stare at something for a few seconds to notice slight morphing in my peripheral vision. Overall the effects were noticeable for a couple hours but I didn't keep track of the time too closely.

Overall I feel like it is something that has lots of potential at the right dosage and ROA. 15mg was a good way to dip my toes into the water without doing in too deep too fast, but next time I will most likely up the dosage to 30-40mg (orally) in a week or twos time. Or maybe I will try a different ROA, I will decide that when the time comes. And if you are planning on experimenting this on your own I highly recommend you treat it with the upmost respect as there is very little known about it and could have any kind of effect.
Anyways I want to thank you for reading this, have fun and stay safe!
Hey Coolfriday, thanks again for bringing your experience here. :) I'm glad that you enjoyed your trip on it as well! I could definitely imagine its signature still being present at 15 mg, that seems like it would be a pretty nice dose to get euphoria and not too much of everything else. I'm very much looking forward to what you'll have to say in your further experiments as well, especially after today!

I'm on 40 mg orally of 4-HO-EPT at the moment, and it's pretty great. It's put a lot of perspective on the lower doses.... This is a very interesting psychedelic, and also a very complex one. I'll be a writing a trip report about it later, obviously just because there's almost no information available on it right now, but also because I really want to try to capture the feeling this trip has given me, going through like several stages of effect.... I truly think that this molecule has the potential to be one of the greats, at least in my book. I don't want to rave about it too much because I don't want to push my opinion too strongly right now while there are very few others to oppose it, but I really do see something special in this one.... I intend to explore it as much as possible while it's still around.

For now though, I'm going to go back to enjoying the trip. :)

And welcome again to Bluelight, Coolfriday! =D
So a couple days ago I myself had the privilege to sample this new chem. Although it was a bit underwhelming (due to a lower dosage) I can see a lot of potential in the future! In the beginning of my day I took a 1mg allergy test without any noticeable problems or effects, which meant a green light for my first experimentation later that night.

So roughly 10 hours later I prepared 15mg of the 4-HO-EPT (fumarate)]

Having a few smaller doses between 1mg and 15mg is probably a better way...
I had pleasant, albeit mild, introduction to 4-HO-EPT at 22 milligrams (4 insufflated followed by 18 orally). I think I'll need a bigger dose to get an idea of the true character of the substance, but for the sake of documenting a chemical with very little existing data, I wrote a brief report:

Breath is the Conductor of the Heart
I took this substance yesterday for the third time, at 65 mg orally. This was definitely the most interesting experience I've had on 4-HO-EPT so far.... It felt like it really went deeper than the others to the point that it finally felt like a "full" trip, in that it was both very engaging and that I was able to take quite a lot away from it. Still a surprising lack of hallucinogenic effects compared to things like the headspace and euphoria though, but what is present is still incredibly interesting to me. If anyone is intrigued in more of what this chemical can do I would suggest taking a look at my trip report. :) It can be found here:

(4-HO-EPT/65 mg) - Third-Time - Into the Psyche <3
Hey Kaleida, do you think doses upward of 65- maybe 100 would be physically comfortable with this substance?
I really couldn't say with any certainty about the higher doses, but I can say that 65 mg for me was still very comfortable. There was a body load that resembled most other tryptamines in having things like sweating, mucus build up, or mild tremors, but nothing seriously disconcerting, and what I do get from it I actually find to be lighter than most other tryptamines with similar strength trips. I would still be cautious with it since so few people have ever taken it and for all I know individual responses could vary quite a lot, but I personally wouldn't feel any real fear of potential physical consequences with doses up to 100 mg based on my experiences so far. It may be quite physically intense in its own way by that point though, but probably in a more pleasurable way if this last trip was anything to go on.
Two days ago I've taken the 4-HO-EPT for the first time. After performing the allergy test - it has a weird taste, but not unpleasant to me at all, Ive decided to take 40mg further complimented by 15mg 4-Aco-MET. A little over than 24 hours before that I've taken 100mcg (1 blotter) of ETH-LAD that produced mind-blowing trip when I decided to smoke a huge bowl with concentrates during the peak (TR coming...). I know the tolerance had played a huge role but with me lysergamides do not have as much cross-tolerance to tryprtamines and I only have two days off a week and I was excited to try something new...:p

Subject: 170Lbs male with about 10 years of extensive psychoactives research which includes: DMT, Mushrooms, 4-Aco-DMT, 4-Aco-MET, 4-Aco-DET, 4-HO-MiPT, 4-HO-DPT, LSD, AL-LAD, ETH-LAD, ALD-52, Mescaline, Allylescaline, Methallylescaline, 2C-P, bk-2C-B, MDMA, Amanitas, Salvia, Amphetamines and other stims. Previous trip was on 100mcg ETH-LAD a day ago. Almost empty stomach (light vegetarian breakfast taken) prior the experience.

Set & setting: Solo trip, at home, late at night, feeling comfortable, excited about experience.

Dose: 40mg (measured on a decent milligram scales with +/- 1mg) of 4-HO-EPT, encapsulated in two gel caps - 30mg with the 10mg chaser. 15mg of 4-Aco-MET was also consumed at an hour and 45 minutes into the experience.


T=00:00 - Took the first capsule with some green tea and going to take a shower.

T+00:30 - First alerts - noticed changes in the thought process, very light. Smoked some cannabis.

T+00:45 - Took the second capsule before the psychedelic train had departed and smoked some more cannabis :)

T+01:00 - Definitely psychedelic head space emerging, body starting to feel light as air, my hands are weightless. Mind gets clearer minute by minute and Im loving the feeling. No visual or auditorial activity noticed. Pronounced intellectual stimulation - browsing books, psychology, art, spirituality, natural healing, human archetypes, Bradbury, Huxley, e. t. c. I spent some time with the runes as well - I highly recommend "The Book of Runes" by Ralph Bloom for those interested in esoteric discoveries.
Insight is extremely easy at this point, I feel that my mind is ever-expanding... Far from ego death and not even feeling the softening of it, nor the withdrawing, like with 4-Aco-MET, rather the ego feels blissfully integrated with the body and the world around.

T+01:40 - I'm seriously enjoying the headspace. Like Kaleida put it out: It is deeply satisfying in a cosmic orgasmic kind of way...
The thought about the tolerance from the previous day and losing that wonderful feeling makes me measure and eat 15mg of 4-Aco-MET - I really want THIS to last as long as it can. It was rather a quick decision based on my immediate thought and it turned out to be a great idea!
Some sweating is noticed, very similar to my "lucy sweats" - very enjoyable to me. More cannabis is smoked as well.

T+02:30 - No visuals or other perceptual changes that are noteworthy. But I'm glowing, feeling invincible, fearless, and not with over-inflated stimmed up ego, but rather with God-like Understanding. Thinking of my past mistakes is easy and productive, this substance makes me want to trust my instincts. Feels like the extrasensory ability is amplified, I feel very calm and ready for anything. Feeling of Great Transcendence is all-enveloping. I'm thinking: "Why can't we bring that amazing clear feeling into our everyday life? Why do we always forget it, why forget the most important lessons and fall into own ego traps again and again?..." It makes me understand why certain people deciding to become monks/nuns for the rest of their life - it is a way for trying to maintain that blissfull egoless feeling of acceptance.
I feel wonderful, not euphoric but rather naturally awed and quieted down by the importance of accepting what is NOW.

T+03:00 - Coming down already, in a similar way as with LSD - still feeling very transcendent and light as air! Body feels weightless. Contemplating the nature around me, watching cars go by with people in them going by their business thinking their busy thoughts, even the grey snowy sky looks appealing and full of bliss!
Smoking cannabis with 4-HO-EPT reminds me of smoking it while tripping on LSD - it feels that the cannabis high cannot penetrate the true high given by the psychedelic and just providing some smoothing out effects. Full of insights, glowing with understanding, lots of art ideas and thoughts of social participation (I'm usually quite a hermit). I feel genuinely happy!

T+04:00 - Very intellectual and pleasant afterglow, feeling serene. Still no thoughts of eating. Deep appreciation of finer concepts of life. Taking shower...

T+05:00 - Food tasted normal, reduced appetite and no real desire for sex. After eating took 150mg of 5-HTP and 100mg of L-Theanine. Sleep was achieved within an hour.

Next day - Woke up refreshed even though slept for only 4 hours.
Took a daily stack of nootropics upon waking up and it was triggering flashbacks of trip's insights throughout the day, very nice! At work I was so wise and productive that a co-worker of mine bought me a six pack of beer after my revealing speech about relationships! =D

What an amazing substance! Pure intellectual bliss with very very strong analysis enhancement and patterns recognition. My mind felt stunningly clear and very aware.
4-HO-EPT made me feel very similar to when I was able to achieve satori (deep blissful realization of WHAT IS, that is very short in duration) during deep meditation session or the feeling of AWE when you are swept by the beauty of nature at certain moments of life. I really want to call it "Angel Dust", because that's how it felt to me - incredibly light, airy and very transcending. This substance has pronounced "Air" spirit so it would be good for "Airy" individuals and especially good when taken high in the mountains where there's a lot of winds imo...
Not sure if my experience could be considered +++ by Shulgin's scale because it makes you forget that you took the drug and focus deeply on Understanding.
It definitely shares similarities with LSD, in fact that was the only tryptamine that was reminiscent of it's effects (I haven't tried 4-HO-MPT yet).
I am stocking up on this substance as I see a huge potential for self-work, meditational practices and micro-dosing. The gift of 4-HO-EPT is in it's intellectual properties entirely, don't expect hedonistic feelings and pretty visuals. It may be used as a "deepening" agent in combinations with other trypts I'm thinking - felt a very nice synergy with 4-Aco-MET. Could be used as a party social drug but in a warm organic hippie atmosphere rather than stimmed up laser clubbing. I ranked it high along with my other favorites.
I would recommend it to anyone looking for a clear clean mental trip that doesn't last too long and does not load your body and psyche, reading and writing was remarkable with it. Also I have not noticed any body load besides quite pleasurable sweats 8)
My next dose with it will be 65-70mg.

Thanks for reading! :)
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Man, I gotta grab me some of this while it's available. Between your report and Kaleida's reports, I'm entirely sold.
You really do, Xorkoth. ;) I think there's a very good chance you would find it enjoyable anyway, just based on my experiences with it! And I would certainly be very interested in hearing your thoughts about it as well. :)

Awesome report Volsam, thanks for sharing. :D I'm glad to hear that you got so much out of it! I can imagine how that addition of 4-AcO-MET could make for a really nice combination too, I could see 4-HO-EPT synergizing with a lot of trips in that way really.

Your experience really does seem to resonate with the few I've had so far in a lot of ways.... I also do find particularly that 4-HO-EPT feels a lot more like it brings me to the same sort of pure states I get from deep meditation than most psychedelics. When I first started practicing meditative techniques and found them to be a bit more flashy and emotional before they became just another part of repertoire of conscious states I was also very new to cannabis and able to produce some fairly vivid visionary effects and psychological states by relaxing to such a degree in environments such as a darkened room while lying in bed, and these things combined got me to some of the most freeing, mystical, or complex inner experiences that I have had honestly before or since. These days my meditative experiences tend to be much more solely psychologically and emotionally oriented and I am perfectly content with that, but it is always nice to be able to have the right keys to unlock those deeper spaces within myself for the times when it feels appropriate to do so, and 4-HO-EPT really seems to achieve that in me as it brings me to a very similar state as I recall from those times in wholly every way possible, be it in the body, the mind, or the inner visions. And the fact that it can do this in particular without really having any of the distractions that many or most other psychedelics often provide at the same time, even being practically transparent on the body and the sensorium at fully active doses, makes this I think a substance truly worth holding on to.

I do feel the need to say as well, though I entirely agree that this drug's focus is very strongly directed towards the mind, don't be surprised if you find it to provide you with some hedonistic rewards or beautiful hallucinogenic effects from time to time as well. :) My experience with 65 mg certainly showed me that these things can be brought out of it if you just dig deep enough, though even then I still felt I was only seeing the tip of the iceberg. Based on my experiences with 4-HO-EPT and other tryptamines so far though, I'm starting to form a theory about its potency for producing these individual effects.... It seems to me like it might be possible that whatever causes 4-HO-DPT to have a drastic loss in oral potency compared to 4-HO-MPT and other 4-substituted tryptamines has only halfway happened with 4-HO-EPT, which would seem logical enough given that it lies structurally in between them, but I'm suspecting that the different types of effects these molecules produce may be disproportionately affected, such that in 4-HO-EPT's case I'm feeling like its hallucinogenic effects may be closer to, but just a bit more potent than 4-HO-DPT's, whereas its psychological and emotional effects may be closer to, but just a bit less potent than 4-HO-MPT's. I'm intending on continuing the same kind of dosage increase for my next experience on it as I have used already, meaning that my first was 25 mg, x1.6 for my second time was 40 mg, x1.6 for my third time was 64, and so I added 1 mg to smooth it out. Multiplying it again would be 104, but I think I'm going to go with a solid 100 mg so that I really can directly compare it to 4-HO-DPT, since I've also taken that exact dose of that orally. I think that should definitely clear some things up. :D

Anyway, thanks very much again for sharing, and for going into so much detail and giving some of your thoughts on the whole thing. It was very interesting and insightful, and I'm definitely looking forward to hearing about your next experience on it as well! :)
It would be so awesome to trip with someone just as interested in such states of mind as me!.. imagine if we can do it together, just guys from bl who are into that - when in such group I tend to go exploring deeper and the trip overall will be multiplied by minds that are alike! Fun, fun, fun...%)

4-HO-DPT compared to 4-HO-EPT felt "dirtier" to me and with lesser developed head trip and rather pronounced body load, including some chest discomfort that was in a way similar to my bigger doses of 4-HO-MiPT. Individual chemistry and metabolism play a key role, I'm guessing, when it comes to such substances.

I'm excited of both hearing Xorkoth opinion and Kaleida's 100mg TR! ;)
Very detailed Volsam, I enjoyed reading it and it made want to try it more. It's so cool that there are new tryptamines now. :)
Also the feeling of being fearless that 4-HO-EPT gave me, could potentially be used as a launchpad for smoked DMT imo. My poor ego gets shattered every time I smoke a decent dose so I naturally have apprehension although the benefits always overpower it :p
I'll test it out and post it here!

Posting TRs makes me feel involved and I'm hoping more people will seek out information before trying new drugs so there will be less trip disasters!
It's definitely an important (and rewarding/fun) way to contribute to the community... especially with new compounds that there isn't much information on.