• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

The Bamboo Bitch Project

Awesome stuff - more please!

I'm hooked -

who is the Bamboo Bitch? did the cat tell you anything?

is the cat cross with you?
WHO is the Bamboo Bitch?

The strange origins of the BB were captured on Tik Tok (which you may not be able to watch if you are in US - sorry my bad!)

ps so glad you liked. and yes cat was a bit cross with me because I had to take a "Stanley Kubrick" approach and shove her off the bed to get her into character.
But now she says it was the most rewarding experience of her acting career. Miaow!
Imgur really hit the skids lately, nothing loads for me anymore
you are right - it sucks!
I need to find another platform ... any ideas?