Mental Health Testosterone for depression


Oct 29, 2018
I've had depression all my life - tried everything there is to try SSRIs did shit, psilocybin works great but it's hard getting a regular supply, LSD doesn't help like psilocybin. The best combination I've ever found is something i stumbled across - testosterone and eating a little decarbed sativa weed like sour diesel. Testosterone is the best anti-depressant i've ever taken by a long way. Wasn't even expecting it to be an anti-depressant I just wanted something for my workouts. Good god, it makes you sooo happy. And eating sativa is just the icing on the cake. Never been as happy in my entire life.
I've had depression all my life - tried everything there is to try SSRIs did shit, psilocybin works great but it's hard getting a regular supply, LSD doesn't help like psilocybin. The best combination I've ever found is something i stumbled across - testosterone and eating a little decarbed sativa weed like sour diesel. Testosterone is the best anti-depressant i've ever taken by a long way. Wasn't even expecting it to be an anti-depressant I just wanted something for my workouts. Good god, it makes you sooo happy. And eating sativa is just the icing on the cake. Never been as happy in my entire life.

Wow man. Great info. I've always been interested in doing a testosterone cycle, but its side effects scare me a bit.
I would certainly give it a try. I’m not sure how well the gell works, but the IM works great. TRT, exercise and stoicism. Milk and Honey is what I call the mood they maintain in me. Dosed two days ago so really smooth sailing today. If you do injections dose once a week instead of biweekly to maintain a more stabilized mood.
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I'm injecting maybe 12-20mg of test every day - been on it for around 6 weeks, not noticed any side effects at all - I thought my boobs would be growing etc - never happened.
I'm injecting maybe 12-20mg of test every day - been on it for around 6 weeks, not noticed any side effects at all - I thought my boobs would be growing etc - never happened.

You have a lot of research to do. Gyno is the least of the side effects you should be worrying about. Injecting every day is silly as shit. Get a long ester and inject every 5-7 days.

This is not a long term solution unless you are truly committed to being on test for life, which I can tell you are not, because you dont even really understand what you're shooting.

Not trying to be a dick, but you opened up a much bigger door than you realize. Spend at least 10 hours reading about AAS. Start lifting, take advantage of that test, and actually improve yourself and your life. You'd be shocked what it can change
I think it's you that needs to do the reading redrum - injecting every day massively cuts down on side effects because you maintain a constant level - if you fuck about injecting once a week your levels go up and down like a yoyo and you get more nasty side effects with your body trying to level it out. If you don't want bitch tits - inject every day.

Read up on "the gold standard of trt" - that explains why injecting every day is a thousand times better and healthier than once every 5-7 days.
I think it's you that needs to do the reading redrum - injecting every day massively cuts down on side effects because you maintain a constant level - if you fuck about injecting once a week your levels go up and down like a yoyo and you get more nasty side effects with your body trying to level it out. If you don't want bitch tits - inject every day.

Read up on "the gold standard of trt" - that explains why injecting every day is a thousand times better and healthier than once every 5-7 days.

With regular Injection of long ester I have maintained even blood levels for 6 years doing once every 5 days. With undecenoate you could easily do once a week. Hundreds of thousands of guys across the globe are doing the exact same thing, no "tits".

Uneven levels don't necessarily cause gynecomastia, that's more due to prolactin, and progesterone playing with estrogen. Low test has nothing to do with gynecomastia without high presence of other hormones that shouldn't be there. Testosterone is 1 sexual hormone in a spectrum of about 10 that are very important, and all play with each other. You need to understand FSH, E1, E2, E3, progesterone, prolactin, DHEA, free vs bound test, DHT, etc.

You come show me bloodwork with a significant loss of testosterone cypionate or enanthate within 48 hours on injection, hell, even 72 hours. It's like taking shots of water every 2 minutes instead of chugging a glass a few times a day. Maybe it's for you, but I dont see why you would.

Again, you seemed to be worried about 1 aesthetic side effect, when you need to be worried about ruining your HPTA long term, your reproductive health, or your cardiac health. Read up.

If you feel like living like a pincushion for life based on misinformation, go for it, but I bet 2 years from now you are shooting a couple times a week max, or not at all. I'm not trying to show how much smarter i am, I am trying to make you aware of the implications of what you are jumping headfirst into. I've tried these things myself, and I've read extensively on them, there is a negligible benefit for a lot of hassle and pain
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Well this is the opinion of a guy who runs a TRT clinic and has hundreds of clients:

In my professional opinion, Gold Standard TRT is daily subcutaneous injections of Testosterone Cypionate

Btw, I don't find injecting every day any problem - use an insulin needle sub-cutaneous rather than intra-muscular so there's no scar tissue buildup.

It's up to you but every day certainly works for me and after reading around i found it the safest and most healthiest way with the least side effects.
I'm curious about the undeconate tho redrum - did you pick that for the long half-life or is there some other benefit you find to it? Are you using test as TRT or more for bodybuilding with a bunch of other steroids?
This is another explanation of why injecting every day is so much healthier than any other protocol, look at how constant the testosterone levels are compared to the once a week admin:

This site is a bit odd. Their graphs all jump days in groups of 25 or 50, which is basically impossible to interpret when we talk every day injecting. They also are including results of SubQ, and "shallow IM" with traditional IM, which is a little confusing, as they all work differently. I find when researching, the more sources you read from, the better. Good to get a wide variety of perspectives.

Purely scientific numbers need to be moderated with real world anecdotal advice. Hang out on some AAS related forums, read posts by bodybuilders, many of whom know these drugs 10x better than supposed expert doctors. Almost nobody does any of these exotic protocols, because for 99% of cases, there is negligible benefit. Long esters were invented for convenience and efficacy, may as well take advantage.

Theres no reason you shouldn't pin every day. It probably wont be inferior, but it just seems like a lot of hassle for no gain.

If you are struggling with depression, definitely read about people who have done the same. Many people regret it and have a hell of a time coming off in 5, 10, or 20 years. Some do just fine for life. Even in that case, test may give you a push, but you gotta keep the wheels spinning. The first few months on test are different from the first year, and the first year is different from the rest. It may not always make you feel the way it does now, just be prepared that that is a possibility. Also be prepared for body hair growth, balding, skin changes, and testicle shrinkage. There are many real side effects that are much more permanent than gynecomastia. I have avoided the worst thus far, but in 7 years I went from a completely smooth twink to a mangy silver back gorilla, covered in black hair, and my beard goes up to my eyes. That is 100% permanent. I thank my local deity every morning I wake up will a full head of hair.

Undecenoate I have tried out of curiosity, but mostly use cypionate. I did abuse AAS for bodybuilding for 2-3 years, but an additional 3-4 years on just 80-100mg of cypionate every 4-6 days.

These days I'm actually going more like 50mg per 5 days, because covid shut down my lifting, and I've noticed no side effects other than my normally raging libido is now just a little raging.
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This seems medicinal mostly for older males or biological females who have been born in the wrong body.
Testosterone can help for depression. I would be seeking to find potentially what is causing the depression first. For people who take testosterone by prescription, their testosterone levels are below healthy levels, sometimes really low. This is what causes their depression and therefore increasing insufficient levels of testosterone has beneficial effects. That being said, steroids like all other substances are often abused. Testosterone like speed makes you feel good which can help take the edge off your problems but the actual dependency on steroids creates more problems on top of the already existing problems that got you taking steroids in the first place. Speed for example can be therapeutic if and when it's used in the context of therapy but unfortunately many people take speed to run away from their problems and so their problems get worse and now are amplified by the abuse of speed.

I have taken steroids for the best part of 7 years and I have done a lot of research on them. I have tried quite a few compounds both oral and injectable; deca, npp, tren, all test base esters, dianabol, equipose, anavar, anadrol. All at optimal levels and then, well, potentially detrimental levels too. I've found that the allure with steroids is far darker and the motives behind taking them far more concerning than what most people perceive at the surface level. You try being around people who cannot function without being on inhumane dosages of steroids. They are a nightmare, particularly if they are using steroids as a crutch. I say that having found out myself what it's like having trained in underground bodybuilder gyms and absorbing the culture and getting to know people. Many are addicted to steroids and they cannot function without them. Many start taking them because they want to rid themselves a particular flaw, insecurity, perceived weakness etc and then steroids help to superficially find a solution ie by getting bigger, stronger etc. The flaws themselves still exist but now they are hidden away, these might be mental and emotional difficulties, and they often are. Many people who abuse steroids have experienced trauma and/or sustained periods of difficulties and so they use steroids as escapism, just like any other drug. Links to domestic violence and incarceration are hugely increased when a person is abusing steroids as are traits for personality disorders and severe symptoms of mental disorders that contribute to social and personal harms.

What I'm trying to get at, as someone with 'insider' knowledge of the world of steroids is, it's not rainbows and pettycoats. Understand WHY you want to take them and then when, and if, you start taking them, understand WHY you want to continue taking them. If you find that you feel better, great, but make sure that better is not simply an altered state of consciousness that maintains distance from what reality is like when you're not taking them. When you come down, when you don't feel invincible and you're now human again, it can be quite an adjustment to return to normal life when you're used to being so high on potentially way higher levels of testosterone than the average healthy male. It can easily become about maintaining the high as apposed to using them for the original intended benefit. This is why personally I come off steroids every now and then in order to get slapped by reality so that I come down from the pedastal you'll find many steroid users find themselves on due to changes physically, mentally and emotionally. I do it so I understand that taking steroids isn't a form of escapism and all that needs to happen for me to see the reality of my life is to stop injecting steroids and the raw truth presents itself. I'll come off solid for anywhere from a few months to a year, maybe two.

Did they work for my depression? Yeah. But I also have low T levels anyway. I was a skinny kid at school, massively underdeveloped, didn't start puberty properly until I started taking gear and that's when I was around 22-23 by the way. All the other kids at school were showing off their pubic hair and facial hair and I struggled to grow one hair on my chin up until I took gear. So for me the need to actually get on gear was real and it genuinely changed my life. That being said, have I abused steroids since then? You bet. And the thing is, you can easily go from just doing it therapeutically to all-out abuse. The dosage will go from a reasonable amount, say 300-500mg, to 700, 800, 1000mg. I sometimes want to pretend there isn't an issue and that I'm not addicted and I don't need them etc but I also know that when I'm doing all that I'm actually in addiction. The challenge then is lowering the dose to a therapeutic one (around 150mg every week) and it doesn't become an addiction anymore because I'm simply replacing the low levels of T I always have had. I also come off and simply deal with the low T levels in order to prove to myself there is life beyond steroid use. My low T levels are not so low I'm not producing it but they are concerning. Low T is low T, if you have it it's generally not a good thing. I can manage it pretty well and had done all my life prior to discovering steroids.

The abuse potential for steroids is REAL. And because they don't often show the same signs as other drugs where it seems obvious they are addicted, the consequences are real and they exist. Steroids change you, for better or for worse. I've been on the end of both sides. I once almost started a fight with a guy waiting for a bus because he pushed in. It was completely unnecessary and it was simply a benign isolated event but I was so angry and so amped up you'd have thought he had murdered my dog. That one moment in my life, that came completely out of the blue, made me realize that there is a fine line with steroids and it's very easy to cross. All you have to do is not be conscious of these changes and detour from potentially therapeutic goals to now abusing them and the results of this will speak for themselves. They can make you more detached from certain things and can make you worse, depending on how deal with your shit.

Steroids are not a magic bullet. Their abuse/harm potential is very real and needs to be taken very seriously. You don't want to be prescribing yourself, or be prescribed, a drug that will grow to enable dysfunctional coping mechanisms, habits and lifestyle choices. For that you need something else completely because the issue is far deeper than a needle will go.

Hope this helps :)
P.S also research, research, research, research