Temporary Ban

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If I have broken the rules, then I should be punished.
My intention was not to cause anyone grief.
How long will I be banned for? What is my status regarding points/punishments/floggings (or whatever lol) and what are my crimes specifically?
This information seems relevant, does it not?

Sincerely yours,
Hello, hope you are all good. I don't know what caused you to get temporary banned nor how long, mostly depends. It can be 1 week to few months, you should be able at least to view the P.M that was supposed to be sent to see more details. I think an administrator or a Sr.Mod later will contact you via E-Mail or if not here.


I've been reluctant to reply to this question because, on the one hand I'm not the mod that infracted you and am not responsible for the parts of the site where you made the posts that resulted in infraction. But on the other hand I was involved in replying to some of the posts you made that likely contributed to your ban.

Also I have some pretty strong feelings about some of the stuff you posted around the time you got banned, so I'm reluctant to involve myself further in a disciplinary action involving posts someone else is responsible for.

But since no one more appropriate to handle your question has responded yet, at the least I'll say that it appears to me that you have been banned for a week. So you should be auto unbanned in about 2-3 days from now.

I can't see the posts that got you banned since they have been taken down and happened on a part of the site I am not a moderator for, so all I can see beyond what anyone else can is how many warnings you have. From that, I would say your ban is either for 3 days or 1 week. So if you're still banned, it should be another few days.

As for what specific rules you broke, I'm afraid I'm not in a position to answer that. As in I literally don't know.

However I would advise against posting further under an alternate account. You might want to try seeing if you can private message one of the admins or mods for the dark side under your primary account. If that doesn't work and you still aren't unbanned in a few more days, then I'd try contacting the admins or dark side mods under this account.

But I would recommend against using your alternate account for anything other than privately trying to find out what the status is of your main one. bluelight is run by volunteers so there can sometimes be a wait for someone to respond. But until they do I hope my post is of some help.
You were temp banned for abusing members in the recovery sections of our website. The racist ranting didn't help matters either. All that stuff is against our rules.

I will check into the length of your ban but I strongly suggest you reflect upon what staff members have told you and avoid this sort of stuff if you wish to continue posting here. If you have any questioms, feel free to PM me or any other admin.
Greetings Possums
I try to PM with my banned account, but it does not work:
Oops! We ran into some problems.
You do not have permission to view this page or perform this action.

This here works for me.
I have received no notifications regarding my infractions, other than these here replies.

JessFR Thank you for your estimations. Your effort to promote caution is much appreciated. I am aware of your strong feelings. Perhaps we can continue some day.
I personally do not have strong feelings about our conversation. As far as I am concerned, you said nothing bad or offensive whatsoever...other people's opinions not withstanding :)

swilow Thank you for your reply. I will be grateful if you can confirm the length of my incarceration. I will indeed reflect on what the staff members have told me.
Abusing members in the recovery sections...ok...maybe...but ok.
Racist ranting - "everything is racist" [Anita Sarkeesian et al.]

Best wishes always,
You need to chill the fuck out, don't overreact, bad for headaches. You will have it, do other things 1-2d. You love that account, we can see,

haha aye

all I can see beyond what anyone else can is how many warnings you have

For clarity - members can't see eachother's points, only staff can see what a member has accrued for infractions.

You do not have permission to view this page or perform this action.

This here works for me.
I have received no notifications regarding my infractions, other than these here replies.

Thank you for that. We just relaunched the system and there are portions of permissions that we may have missed despite our best efforts. The previous system left a member with no idea of what happened until after they were able to return and view the warnings. In the new system, we intended to allow the member to see the infraction so they understood, but prevent them from replying (after all, it is intended as a time out from the site, and an open channel to focus any rants isn't productive for anyone). It seems while we tested it to allow member visibility while banned, it got lost in the actual site migration. We'll check back into that. Meanwhile, there will always remain the channel to email [email protected] if there are such questions needing answering. The traditional method of pointing people to admin gmail also spares them issue of a public display or review of their situation here in STH.
Reg. "...an open channel to focus any rants isn't productive for anyone ... pointing people to admin gmail also spares them issue of a public display or review of their situation here in STH.

Thank you for your reply.
Perhaps you can forgive my act of rebellion here and now. I am not writing in an effort to complain about my ban, go on a rant or any such thing. To the contrary. My ban is kinda nice, like a holiday by the sea :)
I am here to share my recent experience, and how it has influenced my attitude for the better.
You see...this bl account isn't all that important to me. That is not to say I lack appreciation for this site. I love spending time here, reading and learning, when I do periodically.
The fact is, I do not have a history of writing and engaging in any significant way. Until just recently, I did not post anything for over a year...maybe two...so obviously not that important. My work & life affairs keep me busy. I no longer use drugs.

BUT it bothered me when I discovered that I was banned. Not just the usual hurt pride crap...sure that is probably in there somewhere, but I have learned to ignore that non-sense. It has to do with the complexities of freedom of expression, pc culture, blue light's mission statement and your rules of course. I had to ask myself - Why did I come here posting in the first place? Because I love strangers high on drugs? I believe people here need my guidance? I am on a saintly mission to save lost souls? lol no. I came to use bl as a diversion. That, I believe is my honest answer. Not very honorable I'm afraid.
Did I ever read the user agreement all those years ago? Probably not. Even now, I only skimmed over it...knowing instinctively what it's all about (arrogant). But I did now read the parts which I believe are designed to keep me in check. The bones of contention for many users, no doubt.

Here is a point of observation: As a result of my ban and not knowing why or for how long etc, I started reading in this STH sub-forum. I quickly discovered the rants, complaints and various dramas of previously banned or similarly troubled members. Very interesting. It was (only) by reading these historical (often involving ex-bluelighters) dramas that the bl rules became "illuminated".
For example - The rules of course do not forbid specific words, but apparently the time came when the word faggot was no longer tolerated in "The Lounge" hahaha :) That's actually really funny to me...the way we are...as people. I think it is important to be able to laugh at ourselves. I search myself, and the truth is: I hate it that someone would forbid the use of any word...especially the word "faggot"... omg but why?? Why would I or anyone have a problem with that? I'm really not sure...but it's actually hilarious when I think about it. How stupid that is...how stupid I can be...just funny.

I have some understanding now of the difficult thing that you people running the site are having to juggle. I have gained some understanding and respect for the staff, volunteers and bl as a direct result of reading these publicly displayed situations.
So I'm thinking...some of these "situations" should be made public - especially the ones that serve to illuminate "the spirit of the law" so to speak.

Sincerely Yours
It is not good to abuse people in recovery and hopefully the posts that were offensive will be pointed out so you can adjust your responses to either not react or be of some use. It does not help not knowing what was wrong or any other misuse of the system which can happen and is not part of the deal either.

Communication via words at the time and by actively involved people who get to know you is likely to be of more use.

Don't worry it's not the end of the world and you can make amends to the people who did not like your posts if given the chance.

Bans are silly yet that is the way things roll at times,
I have some understanding now of the difficult thing that you people running the site are having to juggle. I have gained some understanding and respect for the staff, volunteers and bl as a direct result of reading these publicly displayed situations.

So I'm thinking...some of these "situations" should be made public - especially the ones that serve to illuminate "the spirit of the law" so to speak.

Sincerely Yours

Thanks for your detailed response and observations. Some forums do have a subforum dedicated to publicly displaying bans/infractions and the accompanying reasoning for them, as well as appeals and summaries of relevant deliberations if any are made.

That idea has also been floated here before but rejected on the assumption it would probably just kick up a hornets nest of never ending bitching, trolling and disagreement. Instead, each user is supposed to receive a direct message, as TLB said. However, we are always open to revisiting the idea of some kind of public notification of infraction/ban and deliberation summary if its felt the increased transparency would on balance be positive and not destructive.
Greetings Possums

Thanks to all the Staff Members who took a stab at guessing the length of my ban. You were all wrong. It has not expired - which is fine, because I have not yet exhausted my study of bl history & the evolution of today's slippery 'Zeitgeist". Keep that hammer going guys. I am certain that in my recent posts, there are more violations against site or forum rules that can (must) be punished. Racism, Sexism, Trumpism, Homophobia, Islamophobia, promoting Violence and rampant overall Bigotry...the list goes on.
I 'volunteer' to address my Hate-crimes against bl & humanity at large. A good place to start would be here:


As we can see:
Derschieber refers to drug addicts as "completely discredited", calling them "dumb-ass junkies" and goes on to say that those addicts who make complaints should be whipped...20 times no less.
This is in breach of BLUA 4. You may not: post or upload any content that victimizes, harasses, degrades, or intimidates anyone for any reason whatsoever. [paraphrased]
This is a clear incitement of barbaric violence, degradation, intimidation and victimization.

Penalty: 1 -3 Points

In his Donald Trump-like sermon to promote institutionalized systemic oppression towards women & marginalized minority groups, Derschieber breached BLUA 4. on multiple occasions.
He sarcastically asks "When hubby beats his wife it's because of anger problems?" knowing full-well that men don't need to be angry - they love to flaunt their toxic masculinity, constantly slapping women around so as to maintain today's rape-culture where females are nothing but sex-objects (grab them by the pussy) and cheap house-servants. His comment is basically saying that the female is an "irrational woman" who should just shut up and go make a sandwich, before you get another smack.

Penalty: 1 -2 Points

Derschieber shamelessly makes muslims out to be knife-wielding terrorists from whom we must protect our families, lest they suffer stab-wounds...or beheadings in the street. Further more he insults the Prophet Mohammad saallallaho alaihe wasalam. Astaghfirullâh !! May Allah make him miserable in this life and the next.
We know from the Sahih Hadith: A Jewish woman used to insult the prophet (pbuh) and disparage him. "A man strangled her till she died. The Apostle of Allah (pbuh) declared that no recompense was payable for her blood" (Abu Dawud vol. 3, no. 4349)

Penalty: 1 Point - Death

Derschieber cunningly asks about the motives behind "Leroy's" raping spree. Everybody knows Leroy is usually an American man of African descent.
We're not simply being told that blacks might be rapists...no no no...he said "When Leroy rapes your daughter..." - in other words, Leroy is certainly going to do it, and apparently we all know that, the only question remaining is 'when'. The casual assumption that everyone already knows what Leroy (blacks) will do, might well encourage any real Leroy in the forum to simply accept his fate, and rape a bunch of American daughters before stealing their i-phones & pocket change.
This kind of double-whammy racism, against Black Americans & just Americans is unacceptable.
All this should come as no surprise since we know that Derschieber was born in Germany and is now hiding in Australia, a place full snakes, criminals & bloody wankers who commonly refer to Americans as "Sepos", which is short for Septic Tank...i.e. full of shit.

Penalty: 2 -3 Points

Derschieber continues by asking us if Captain Cook is to blame whenever "a person that has been in a country or region from earliest times" (snip) rapes his infant daughter. At least here the Moderators made some sort of half-asses attempt at extinguishing the flames of Derschieber's racist wild-fire that threatens to burn down all the New Guinean, Australian and African tribal cultures.
Of course any educated person can still see that Derschieber's bigotry was obviously aimed at The custom of raping Aboriginal children, eating “every second child” and making the older children also eat them. [Geza Roheim, Children of the Desert: The Western Tribes of Central Australia. Vol. One. New York: Basic Books, 1974, p. 255]

Not to mention the fact that The mutilation of young girls’ vaginas is also practiced by the Aboriginals, “in which old men roll emu feathers with a loop of hair. This device is put into the vagina and then removed, pulling away a large part of the womb. The rest of the womb is then cut horizontally and vertically with a stone knife. When this wound is healed, the girl is then circumcised and made to have intercourse with many young men. The mix of blood and semen is collected and given to frail tribesmen as a fortifying elixir.” [Cathy Joseph, “Compassionate Accountability: An Embodied Consideration of Female Genital Mutilation.” The Journal of Psychohistory 24(1996, p. 12]

I'm not even sure what to do about this extraordinary level of hate-spreading. BLUA is not equipped to deal with a threat-level of this magnitude. It needs to be overhauled asap. We can not have racists like Derschieber leaking this kind of information on a public forum, where others might see it omg ?!?

Moderators must SNIP his account, PERMANENTLY BAN him longer ...they must SNIP all his posts...SNIP Derschieber's racist Neck !!

Derschieber is also guilty of Bigotry by Omission.
Like a dirty alt-right rat, he strategically excludes homosexuals, trans and queer-gendered people from his hate-list, which is just another way to show the world that these oppressed people count as nothing to him. In the mind of this bigot, the LGTBQ community and all their struggles for survival do not even exist, and by this blatant act of exclusion, he is encouraging young impressionable greenlighters to do the same.

Penalty: 2 Points

Call a meeting...BAN this prick once and for all. When he comes asking (lame) questions about how long he's banned...string the loser along...probably one or two months...keep checking your email buddy...a senior modfag will pm you shortly, be patient...we're all just innocent volunteers etc...you know the drill...deal with this racist abomination by the book.

Well done Team.
I am certain that in my recent posts, there are more violations against site or forum rules that can (must) be punished.

Why do you spend the bulk of your post speaking of yourself in the 3rd person?

What is your intent in posting this? If it is more self reflective, by all means keep these thoughts in consideration should you choose to post again here when the ban is lifted. Most people are able to filter their writing to abide by the rules without flogging themselves publicly in the process. Somehow, I think this is more about criticizing how staff does, or does not, enforce rules on this site. It does not endear you to anyone by telling them how to do their job. While you read the BLUA (lol...not real findable atm, but OK), perhaps you notice this bit

Bluelight reserves the right to take action to restrict or terminate your access to Bluelight at any time for any reason.

Most sites have that kind of catch-all phrasing to permanently remove people who prove they can't conform. A temp ban is not to that point, it's temporary to send the message to obey our rules. Picking a fight with us over what our rules are, or how we enforce them, will not help you. I suggest you serve out the remainder of your ban and then decide if you really wish to be a part of the community going forward. Meanwhile, we're looking into how to better communicate a ban (why, how long, etc) as we've just migrated software and are working through all the settings and options.

By checking your profile, I see the recent infraction was one point, but you already have 4 other points on your record. We're working on ensuring members can see their record and know where they stand. Until then, I'm informing you that you have reached 5pts now due to your history of poor decisions. Those 5 pts, according to the point system (available in our ANNOUNCEMENT forum) triggers a 2wk ban from the day that 5th point was issued. That leaves you a little over a week to go. Plenty of time to decide if your mode of posting here needs to be adjusted (personal filtering can do a lot for a person), or if this isn't the place for you (a decision you can make, or we can make 'at any time for any reason'). You get first choice in the matter.
Check out any other drug forum (drugs-forum comes to mind) if you want an example of "nazi modding" and perma-banning on a whim. Yes we've perma-banned people, of course, but you have no idea how long it takes to get there, except for people who join the forum to spam or source drugs (of which there are a great many), who are perma-banned instantly. You got temp banned, deal with it. It was for abusing people in The Dark Side who came for help and had nothing to do with racism or political views or anything. The martyr act is pretty transparent.
This infraction system does not seem to be working anymore .

First, is your comment relevant to this discussion? It might be, but I think you're speaking of someone else and would appreciate clarity.

Second, what do you mean it isn't working? Can you be more specific?
Specifics don't matter now, as we're finding several recent members who got temp banned aren't being brought out of it as expected. I guess I know what takes over as my top priority for the next few days. To the OP, and anyone else stuck in a temp-ban, we're looking into it. New system, new settings...must have something set wrong. We'll come back when we (think we?) have it fixed.
I can't be specific in this forum TLB, no one can.

Mate there's hardly anyone except staff left to temp ban anyway so may as well just leave them in there . I'm not being a smart arse or anything , it is what it is.
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