• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

Sulfinic Phenidate (Sulphenidate)


Nov 14, 2007
Is there any data to support that the "phenidates" would retain activity if the carboxyl group were replaced by a sulfinic acid group? This would leave even more room for substitutions than the carboxyl group. Perhaps there are some opiate cousins hiding in there?

I suppose the analogs of known phenidates would be sulphenidate, methylsulphenidate, ethylsulphenidate, etc.

Is there any data out there at all on this? I would be interested in any toxicology or binding affinity info anyone might have on this on. Dunno why but it just sort of popped into my head the other day and I figured here is the best place to ask.

Perhaps there are more caveats and side reactions in the synth, or maybe it's neurotoxic as all fuck.

Anyone know?
I don't think sulfinic acids form esters like carboxylates do.
sulfinic acid esters are definitely possible, but most likely very unstable (sulfinic acids aren't really that stable either). a better guess for a stable compound would be the sulfonic acid ester, but i imagine those would be too polar considering you want them to cross the bbb easily.