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Stronger or weaker?

Typically yes. The average is usually 100mcg but never listen to a dealers comments on LSD dosage. Dosages are almost always exaggerated and the person selling it to you likely has no way of truly knowing.

150ug is like- half an original 60's microdot, for reference. Full microdots were full on, potentially and frequently life-altering trips for many and half a tab was considered a very strong and sufficient experience for the majority of people.

My own Mum took LSD 8 times exactly half a microdot each time and as far as she is concerned she experienced the absolute full intensity of LSD and I accept and believe that.

After all it is a state and experience not a qualitative physical or mental buzz as such but you are tapping into something inherent and natural and unlocking it's glory.

But a legit 150ug is a pretty strong dose, but not outrageous and not unmanageable at all for a stable person and situation with a positive mental outlook.
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The microdots I took were not stronger than regular blotters. 150 mics is a nice dose. I think hits are usually between 60 - 200 Mics.
Dosage info with LSD is really quite ambiguous being that unless you created the solution with the crystal yourself, you have no real way of knowing how much you're taking. Hell, a few trips back, I was told each hit was about 70-90ug, so I took two, assuming in the past I'd had much more than that, and I was walloped over the head by the intensity.

So I never even ask about ug dosage. I just try one tab when I get a batch and then go from there. I used to halve 1A-LSD blotters to about 70ug and that was enough to get a decent trip experience, and supposedly the two are about equipotent.
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60 ug under normal conditions will have you tripping balls apparent oevs geometric surfaces peak is quite short 100 ug can induce ego death if the conditions are right. the peak of a 250 ug trip is leaving this reality and entering into another world/universe dimesion of existence just like albert hoffmans first trip. doses over 300 ug + and you will never look at reality the same way. 500 ug for a normal person will probably scare them off psychedelics for a long time or forever.
150 should be a good starter dose, although 100ug might be more good to start on but it's up to you. My first trip was 200ug, i handled it well. If you're confident go for the 150.