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Something I'm tired of


Dec 31, 2005
Just something I've noticed more and more as I've been going out. Everyone you talk to just talks about drugs flat out. Like I don't mind having a chat about them every now and then but for some people you see out regularly drugs will be the basis of almost every conversation you have (except for maybe DJ's and dancing). And I'm completely sick of it. It's not that it's bad to talk about it. What is bad is to talk about nothing but. I always find myself being the one trying to steer the convo in other directions but for those who are so wrapped up in the scene they can't really see that there's a big wide world out there that is bigger than dance parties and pscyhoactives.

Are the people you see out like this or are they actually witty intelligent people who are good to talk to?
Take away the drugs and the music and where is the common ground???

I think anyone who has been, or is involved in the scene will be able to relate to what you are saying. The majority of the time, the only time you see these people is when you are out and indulging in illicit substances. The ice breaker is obviously going to be what the good pills doing the rounds are, or an interesting drug story, as this is what everyone can familiarise themselves with.

There are people out there who you are able to have a more meaningful conversation with, they are just few and far between. You just need to find another shared common interest other than the drugs.

I guess another question you need to ask yourself is - Do you want to be having 'witty intelligent' conversations when you are out in 'The Scene' as for some it is more of an escape to relax and enjoy the music.

Just my 2 cents
I know what you mean. I don't really go to parties to make new friends to be honest, just always go with the same circle of friends to have a good time. That or get really fucked up and entertain myself like the last time on acid, haha.
I'm on the other side of the fence, I've just 'started having fun' where as the people I hang around have been in the game for a while and tell me to shut up about the drugs... I keep asking questions about things and thier experiences trying learn as much as I can... they get tired of it, but when I go out I find bringing the subject up is a very grey area, I try to avoid it now... if your talking shit to someone who is rolling while your rolling youll be sweet but yeah haha the coke/ice heads are a little too paranoid so I just avoid it now
My favourite is when some chopped random comes up to me and initiates a conversation by saying " what have you had tonight?" 8) I usually just walk away. Or try and convince them that drugs are the ill of the world.

I still remember sitting outside at this club one night and hearing these youngins talk about drugs for a good half an hour. I had to stop myself from sniggering out loud when one of the girls was like

"oh, i love the green ones. They are always the best!"

It made me want to paint a panadol green and convince her they were double-stacked imports ;)
Humans of many cultures have always taken drugs and they always will. That's nothing new. What's new is the prohibition of drug taking and the illicit behavour associated with it.
Its also appealing and exciting to do something "naughty" and we've all been there. Think about it - do people talk about smoking or drinking in the same way (the two most dangerous drugs of all)?

Prohibiton, mystery and secrecy are big drawcards......I guess sharing the experience is important for many people - we are social creatures after all!

I think maybe it could be an age thing too. My friends and the crowd we hang out with are not teenagers and we don't talk about drugs much I do agree though that talking about it constanly would be a bit over the top not to mention boring.....
My favourite is when some chopped random comes up to me and initiates a conversation by saying " what have you had tonight?"
I've been guilty of that sooo many times 8) Most of the time when I see a random I think looks interesting to talk to thats all I can think about, or saying, "wow your fluro coloured pants are trippy!"..

But yeah I agree c_d I'm very over the whole drug discussion thing. I try not to be elitest about it - its so easy to be when the conversation goes, "you know I herd speed collects in your spinal fluid and stays with you for life" 8) - I just tend to keep my mouth shut. Its sad in a way cause I still feel like one of the younger people at most places I go to and I'm already more mature than half of the people there...

Going to different places every few months helps get over this problem :\
^ hah. I am all for randoms coming up and talking to me, in fact some of the best nights i have had involves randoms. I just don't want them to come at me and talk about drugs drugs drugs. That's all. Sure, everyone in the club is probably on them, but surely there are more interesting things to ponder over?

I love hearing all the myths people believe in about drugs. It makes my night.
By the time you're old and jaded you find that your conversations are less about drugs and more about music.

Randoms begin to piss you off more with their drug banter, i dont smoke ciggarettes so thats no way to start a conversation with me...

I can't help but be elitist when i'm around groups of idiots who are arguing about ice being cut with things like g.. and mothballs.. etc. I just tell them to stfu coz whatever their friend is telling them is a load of crock shit.

ughhh dont get me started on that crap.
I think Lil Angle sums it up well. It is probably just a topic that they think that you may be interested in or an easy way to break the ice. I know when I am mashed thinking of witty or intellegent conversation topics with people that I don't know is not an easy thing to do. I'm sure if you talk to alot of these people for a while they will have stacks of interesting things talk about. Next time somebody comes up to you start talking about drugs, why not ask them some questions about what else they do or where they have travelled too? Don't be a cunt to some munted dude and just walk off.
It's weird because when I was younger I ALWAYS wanted to talk about drugs. Now that I'm older I never want to talk about them.
It's funny that this topic is posted in a drug discussion forum.....*rolls eyes*

I get what you mean about people that only talk about drugs though, it is especially annoying when you're not on drugs and want to be, or when you have friends over who don't take drugs and get really bored by the conversation....

I think sometimes it's a bit of a dick-size competition, comparing notes etc...

as for myths etc, well i don't really hear a lot about that as I tend to assosicate with people who are better educated about drugs, but I personally like the occasions when i meet someone who doesn't know much and has all these questions that i can answer with facts instead of media-hyped lies.... then i don't mind talking about drugs... What it hate is the recapping of "that night we smoked a G in 2 hours" conversations that you've heard a thousand times, that really serve no purpose or the "those were the best pills of 06" conversations, or, my personal least-favourite "omg i'm so high right now"... grrr! you don't take drugs to talk about being on drugs!!!

But, sometimes people don't have any life-changing ideas or eppifanys on their mind, and silence needs to be filled in that weak pea-soup coloured part of the morning when you don't quite want to wrap up your good time just yet but your mind is a little broken from talking philosopy all night....

The tried and tested solution is to tell the offending party that their story sucks and give them a new topic... people may get offended at first, but they soon realise it's in their best interest to shut up.... but you'd better have something else to talk about, because otherwise you get that eery silence that means the party is over and you have to start putting pieces back together... better to ramble about boring things until a real conversation starts then sit in uncomfortable silence realising that you haven't eaten for 2 days, your house is a mess and somehow you have to work tomorrow....
Well I'm 20 and if I'm sick of it already, I can't imagine what it'd be like when I'm 25.

But once again, it's not bad to talk about. It's bad to talk about nothing but. Enjoy the high but try to make fantasy overlap into reality. So rather than getting off ya chops and wasting a few hours talking about how these are the strongest pills you've had in x amount of months/years, you start chatting about what your career aspirations are. Where you want to travel. Your opinion of america. Which country has the consistently hottest guys/girls. Which accent you like best. You know, just random shit to talk about. And once you start chatting the conversation just flows and you may end up having a d&m. :) That's always my goal. I love to have fun but I also love to connect with people on personal levels.
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I'm kind of the same way.. but I get majorly annoyed at people who are into the scene *just* for the drugs and don't care about the music at all. Like I'll go up to some random and be like "man how good was dj x or artist y" and they'll be like "whose that?", when it's the friggen headliner of the gig. Unfortunately that's like 50%+ of the people in the psy scene, if not more. It's to the point where finding someone you can actually discuss the MUSIC with is like an amazing discovery. Besides, there's only so much you can say about drugs.. "yeah, these are good.." or "i've had better". As opposed to being able to discuss other awesome parties/artists you've seen etc.
if the other person i am talking to knows what they are on about i am happy to have a brief disscussion about drugs, if they dont know what they are on about i would much rather discuss music and the types of topics college_dropout mentioned.
there's something I find a bit weird I find talking to complete strangers about drugs, no matter what state I am in where I am etc etc. It just doesn't sit well with me for some reason. Maybe its the above reasons, eg, lets talk about something more interesting- I'm not entirely sure where my weird vibe from it comes from.

If someone comes up to me and is saying they're on this or that and its good, I go "oh thats good, just look after yourself ok" and try and steer the convo elsewhere. When they continue on, I find it weird v weird, and I am like "oh I gotta go the loo" or "oh, fave track, gotta go dance".

I mean, nobody comes up talking to you about how much alcohol they've had, and how drunk they are and how the last time they drank a different brand and it was heaps better....
Can't imagine how painful it would be if they did!
its hard for me, i think i take enough drugs that eventually i should mention it :) but i don't go on, just answer any questions, and mention it in relation to other things (if someone say's "did you drink on the weekend?" ** I scoff =D **)

but then, most people i see are damn zombies...