• Bluelight

    A memorial
    to Bluelighters
    who have passed away

RIP Lestat / Limpet_Chicken

Hannah Capps

Let the Redeemed of the Lord Say So
Jan 29, 2006
Not sure how to even put this into words. I called the Manchester police department to inquire about Lestat. Many of you are not aware of the deep friendship that we both had for about 15 years. He to many was a bit rough around the edges, I miss hearing his hilarious brit slang terms that always made me belly up laughing my head off. The police were not at liberty to say when or how he passed, still it's good to know that he's gone and I don't have that awful gnawing feeling in my gut from 2019 to now searching high and low, calling, investigating, beating down doors the most polite and insistent way I could on this side of the pond.

My guess is perhaps he passed away sometime in 2020 because he fell off the grid, Lestat's mom passed away in 2016 and the last few times that we did speak he honestly had lost a spark that used to be there.

He introduced me to BL 15 years ago, and I have him to thank for knowing you guys and gals here at BL. He also had high functioning autism, as do I. Was quiet brilliant with (ahem) synthesizing stuff 😅 Bittersweet memories here while I wipe away a snotty mess of snot recalling how he was so outlandish, but I saw through that there was a side of him that very few knew about. I was honored to have known him, and I miss him something sore.

A raw untouched spot in my heart has opened up and finally letting go of him.

If I a Christian (not just in name only) and someone very different and bullheaded but sweet goth explosive as him could for 15 years find a friendship anyone can choose to make a friendship work we were both proof of that. Through many hard times, Lestat is to thank for me not ending my life on many occasions He's also to thank for 'listening' to me type for hours on end about the things that needed to be released, processed and let go of.

Anyhow, if anyone has anything funny, insightful or just condolences to give please comment down below.
Beautifully said Hannah. Sorry for your loss. May he rest in peace <3
I am sorry for your friend. I am tired of death this week. Please I pray for yet brief respite.
It’s a difficult experience to find out someone passed some time ago (or an unknown time ago, it seems in this case). It can make grieving even more complex than it already is.
I’m so sorry Hannah, and I hope you have peace of mind and that your dear friend is himself at peace. <3
Rest in peace, Lestat. It pains me to hear this, Hannah. I'm so sorry that you lost your friend. Wishing you the best as you heal.

My thoughts are with you. <3
thanks all, I'll mend it's sweet of you all to offer support, very much appreciated. <3 Let us not take one another for granted, time is the most precious commodity we have and we can redeem the time or waste it.
Hi Hannah, please accept my condolences for your loss. The name 'Lestat' is vaguely familiar from years ago, but did he change his name to Limpet_chicken by any chance? It's just that the person you describe sounds exactly LC who suddenly disappeared a couple of years ago.

If I'm wrong, then please accept my apologies and R.I.P. Lestat
Hi Hannah, please accept my condolences for your loss. The name 'Lestat' is vaguely familiar from years ago, but did he change his name to Limpet_chicken by any chance? It's just that the person you describe sounds exactly LC who suddenly disappeared a couple of years ago.

If I'm wrong, then please accept my apologies and R.I.P. Lestat

Yes sadly that's him. :(
Hi Hannah, please accept my condolences for your loss. The name 'Lestat' is vaguely familiar from years ago, but did he change his name to Limpet_chicken by any chance? It's just that the person you describe sounds exactly LC who suddenly disappeared a couple of years ago.

If I'm wrong, then please accept my apologies and R.I.P. Lestat

I didn't recognize the name at first but I do remember that screen-name you mentioned! RIP :(
Yes sadly that's him. :(

Goddamn! We all suspected he was no longer with us, but never had any confirmation - until now.

I liked him and we got on well over BL, and he was always mentioning you - not by name, but he often spoke of an autistic goth lady that had a very special place in his heart and his description matched yours.

Would you mind if I announced this in EADD as that is where he was most active? Many of us were very concerned when he disappeared and it may help to provide some closure.

I'm so sorry for your loss.



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Wow now that is fucked up, this week couldn't possibly get any worse. I can't handle all these Bluelighters dying every God damn day it seems now. He was such a brilliant man and will be sorely missed, may you R.I.P. 😢
I am truly saddened to hear this news.
My condolences to his family and friends.

We have lost WAY too many of our Bluelight family as of late.

This “pandemic “ and “lockdown” has really fucked us all up.
We are not the only ones losing family.
The impact that all of this has had on people is devastating.

We need to pull close together like never before.
We can help one another.
I am here if anyone needs to talk.
I care and I love you guys.

Rest In Peace my brother.
Goddamn! We all suspected he was no longer with us, but never had any confirmation - until now.

I liked him and we got on well over BL, and he was always mentioning you - not by name, but he often spoke of an autistic goth lady that had a very special place in his heart and his description matched yours.

Would you mind if I announced this in EADD as that is where he was most active? Many of us were very concerned when he disappeared and it may help to provide some closure.

I'm so sorry for your loss.



Yes you are more than welcome to mention this in EADD
Maybe we should add Limpet Chicken to the title of this thread so he can be recognized?
^Yeah I only ever knew him as Limpet_Chicken in all his years here.

Always had some pretty informative posts, RIP dude.
I agree this is the first im learning about this other handle I always knew him as Limpet_Chicken also. He was so brilliant I learned so much from reading his posts over the years. I been missing him around here since his dissappearence a year or so ago. Really hoped it wouldn't turn out to be awful news such as this that explained his absence.
My condolences Hannah - LC / (Lestat) was a genuine legend, was well loved by more people than I suspect he ever knew and while I am not entirely surprised at this awful news, the months of not knowing were genuinely tortuous for a few members that have left posts here with there being real relief in at least knowing he is at peace and hopefully, his mom x