• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

Request for full text


Oct 23, 2015

This article supposedly contains valueable information about the reason why pfizer dropped pyrazolam. I know some people around here have access to the full text and id greatly appreciate it if someone could post it here or pm it to me.

Id even buy it if i didnt have to give all my personal information to them.

That should get it for you, I can't DL the actual paper but thats because my PDF reader integration with my browser is behaving all squirrely.
Thats a link to sci-hub, aimed directly at the paper itself via search for the DOI. If that doesn't do it, lemme know.
Sci-hub is a website (several, now) thats run by this russki chick, who like myself, believes all scientific information should be open access, and it specializes in cracking open paywalls. Its fucking good at it too, spoofs the user token iirc that gets forwarded to the publisher, making the request appear to come from a legit uni account, when in actuality, its somebody who doesn't like the way those greedy fucking bastard motherfuckers like Elsevier shit all over authors, and shit all over unis, shit all over everybody but their own bank managers.

In short, they are full of shit, and greedy moneygrubbing wankers that need to go take a swim in the Styx wearing concrete boots. Bastards.

That site can get not just that specific paper, but just type in a DOI, a PMID, sometimes even a text string, and bingo, paywall torn down, open access to what otherwise might have costed anything between $40 to 100 or more!
And disgustingly or what? some of these pricks expect you to pay for VIEWING it, without being able to save a copy, for a few hours. RENTING access. Absolutely makes me sick to my stomach, I've always hated elsevier in particular, amongst a couple of others, but they are some of the worst, most egregious moneygrubbing whorespawn going, as far as publishers are concerned. Utter, total and beyond redemption noxious bastardlyshites. Not just my opinion neither, plenty others think the same. Elsevier has tried taking the lass responsible for sci-hub to court and to shut down the site but she just keeps giving them the finger and popping up new hosts!

Bwahahahaha, I love her, and I've never met or spoken to her. But I could just about propose marriage on that basis alone, thats some serious arsekicker of a girl, and I really admire what shes done.
Whilst I myself have never paid for a journal article in my entire life, despite having read my way through gigabytes worth of data, at least three hard drives worth on ergot fungi alone, never mind my other scientific interests, I used to have to ask people with uni access and hope they could fulfill my requests, out of the goodness of their hearts, now? i just get the DOI or PMID etc. cut, paste, click, and boom! paper delivered on a silver platter, from russia with love, so to speak =D
Heh^ you got there first while I was typing.

Bloody paywalling bastards can suck me off, choke on my scrotum and die in a fire.

*upraises a middle finger, whilst the other hand utters a torrent of the foullest terms of abuse in ASL sign that I know, at those greedy shitbags*
Thanks a lot guys ! I still dont understand why they dropped it but at least i got clearance on this.