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Recommend more good movies per post

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bloodsport is fucking mint

Haha, I was just about to say. :D


"I'll show you a trick or two".

I may have located a copy of Sweeney Todd.
So is it dealable? Is it actually good?

Loved it myself. Watched it three times in a week I think and that doesn't happen often at all. Plenty peeps seem to think it's bilge though so YMMV.
Yeah it's not as good as Rushmore, Life Aquatic etc.

Still worth giving it a go though. Having a decent rip always helps too...

Gotta recommend


Watched it for the first time recently, and it's quite a nice sorta film, pretty easy going, few lulz... i find Bill Murray really watchable though, so maybe that helps. The Groundhog too... %)

Yeah, I think that film has a pretty cool message. According to the director the guy relieved that same day for over 10 years, which is why he could speak french and ice sculpt by the end :p

Gattaca and Memento are both pretty cool films IMO.

I may have located a copy of Sweeney Todd.
So is it dealable? Is it actually good?
I haven't seen any of Tim Burtons films since Sleepy Hollow so I just don't know...and the things a musical. Which only works for The Wizard of Oz really.

I hated it, but I didn't like the corpse bride either and some people seem to think it's decent.
I didn't like that Sweeney Todd film either. There's only one musical I've ever liked



One of the best films ever.
I haven't seen a Tim Burton film in it's entirety since Ed Wood.

Looks like it's gonna stay that way too.
^ used to love that film, watched it recently on a comedown and loads of ket and got sort if sucked into the TV and the characters were right next to me

also while were recommending musicals, a bit more matt and trey!


Alfred Packer was a mountain guide and sole survivor of a party of pioneers that got lost in the mountains in winter. Accused and convicted of murdering and eating his travelling companions, he was to be executed by hanging.The movie begins at his trial, where he pleads his innocence to an unsympathetic audience. Only reporter Polly Pry will listen to his story, which is then related to the viewers in the form of flashbacks.

As Packer and his gold-prospecting clients make their way through the forests and mountains, they encounter bemused Japanese Indians, an unimpressed group of mountain men and the brutal Rocky Mountain winter, all of which inspire the travellers to break out into song and dance

i just watched that film "wanted" with angelina joley , was great!

erm, "pandorum" is a good sci-fi horror

"law abiding citizen" is great also

call me what you want but i loved "Wall-e" lol

"The stepfather" pretty good also
can anyone recommend any good films along the lines of sci-fi action like paycheck , or wanted, planet of the apes , i love films like them, whats some other good ones liek that ?

Anvil! The Story of Anvil.

It's a documentary on the never-made-it-big thrash band Anvil. It's basically a cross between The Wrestler & This Is Spın̈al Tap, only it's real.

Even if you're not a metal fan you should really enjoy the film.

I think it's got 98% on Rotten Tomatoes if you follow reviews.
last night watched the 1931 Danish horror Vampyr in the hyde park picture house


It was cool they had a live group with a sax, a violin and an accordion providing the eerie soundtrack. The effects were quite impressive for the time, reversing shadows and lights and things.. not in a hurry to watch another silent movie but it was cool, made me feel very cultured :D
To Live And Die in LA, awesome actioner by William Friedkin, contains the immortal line, when th eguy is asked about giving his bird some money "if you want bread, fuck a baker"

"Two cops in Los Angeles try to track down the vicious criminal Eric Masters. Then, one of them is killed by Masters and the other one swears revenge no matter what the cost. After that, the hunt becomes an ob- session and the law he once swore to uphold becomes meaningless to him"
I watched The Dead Girl last night.


Synopsis: THE DEAD GIRL, the new film from acclaimed writer/director Karen Moncrieff (BLUE CAR), is a quintet of stories about seemingly unrelated people whose lives converge around the murder of a young woman. "The Stranger" is about the woman (Toni Collette) who finds the body. The publicity generated by the discovery creates an opening for her to break away from her abusive mother's (Piper Laurie) control and form an unlikely bond with the mysterious Rudy (Giovanni Ribisi). "The Sister," a forensics graduate student (Rose Byrne), is torn between her mother's (Mary Steenburgen) pressure to hold onto hope for her abducted sister's return and her longing to move forward with her own life. When she examines the dead girl, she is convinced that she has found the body of her missing sister, finally releasing her from her burden. "The Wife" (Mary Beth Hurt) is trapped in an intense hate/love relationship with her husband (Nick Searcy). A terrible discovery about his connection to the dead girl's murder forces her to confront what she thought she knew about him-and herself. "The Mother" (Marcia Gay Harden) searches for answers about her runaway daughter's life and is confronted with a series of revelations that change the course of her own life. She gets help in her quest from another troubled young woman-the prostitute (Kerry Washington) who lived with her daughter. "The Dead Girl" (Brittany Murphy) is a fireball: hyper, volatile, self-destructive and subject to hair-trigger bursts of uncontrollable rage. She also has an innocent and child-like side. She dreams about improving her life and becoming a good mother to her young daughter. The characters in THE DEAD GIRL are linked not only by their connection to a brutal murder but also by the difficult hand that life has dealt them. The film scrutinizes their inner struggles to overcome or surrender to their misfortunes. As in BLUE CAR, Moncrieff creates multidimensional portraits of women as they seesaw emotionally through a tangle of conflicting desires and fears. Riveting and ultimately heartbreaking, THE DEAD GIRL confirms the promise of BLUE CAR, and heralds the arrival of Karen Moncrieff as a major American independent filmmaker.

Un prophète


An impressionable and vulnerable Arabic man gets thrust into a hellish prison, and ironically discovers greater opportunities for success than he ever possessed outside of the bars, in this violent melodrama from French succès d’estime Jacques Audiard (The Beat That My Heart Skipped). Tahar Rahim stars as Malik El Djebena, a petty criminal incarcerated for six years. Once inside and subjected to all of the standard brutalities that most prisoners endure (including a rough strip search), he is quickly educated in the "ways" of the prison, an institution torn violently between gangs of Corsicans and Arabs. The head Corsican thug, César Luciani (Niels Arestrup), offers Malik an ultimatum: either he rubs out an Arab inmate named Reyeb (Hichem Yacoubi), or he himself dies. Not only does Malik succeed with the hit, he earns the begrudging respect of the other prisoners, and -- after securing several days' release for good behavior -- uses off-time to forge a deeper and more multi-layered network of criminal ties than he ever dreamed possible. But as his own power and confidence grow, they threaten to outstrip César's own insistence on submission and obedience at all costs.

really excellent film, the french have been kicking the rest of the worlds asses when it comes to prison/crime/gangster type films the past few years.
i hired out a film called gamers yesterday didnt really no what to make of it its definatly original so i woud reccomend watching it
Un prophète


really excellent film, the french have been kicking the rest of the worlds asses when it comes to prison/crime/gangster type films the past few years.

That looks cool and I agree, French cinema is probably the best in the world. Usually raw, gritty, real yet often glamorous at the same time. Always stylishly shot and well done too.

I didn't like Beat That My Heart Skipped much though but stuff like Mesrine, La Haine, Innocence, Cache, Angel-A are a few that spring to mind that I just loved. Love to be able to watch a really decent French flick right now.
The Invention of Lying.
Has the guy from the office. I like him, Funny.

I'm in the minority i'm sure but i hate him SO SO much he's not funny at all and is the most 1 dimensional actor ever, not having a dig at you for liking him just saying i think hes fucking wank, man.
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