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PC Real Time Strategy v. My Civilization could beat up your civilization


Sr. Moderator: NSADD, DC, & TDS
Staff member
Mar 7, 2011
A friend of mine lent me an extra cd key he had for civilization 6 on PC. I've been playing it a ton. It's extremely addictive.

I was wondering if anyone else had discovered the joy that is RTS games? I used to play the Total War games way back in the day. Civ is similar, but way more fleshed out and less based on warfare. It's been killing all my time lately.
I used to watch my friend play Civ when we were stoned. It was ok to watch but I never played.
I used to watch my friend play Civ when we were stoned. It was ok to watch but I never played.
It's incredibly addictive! I've been playing literally non stop every moment of my free time.
I got blown out in all my fantasy games anyway so it was a bummer week
I'm playing mankind but having a hard time gettinf into it civ 6 is better imo

Just gotta love the nuke with the little siren and everything so much satisfaction lol
I'm playing mankind but having a hard time gettinf into it civ 6 is better imo

Just gotta love the nuke with the little siren and everything so much satisfaction lol
I haven't gotten far enough into it to have nukes yet lol I keep starting new games so I can do things better lol, I'm on like turn 250 or something though in one game
I always turn off all the victory options except military, start more or less peacefull rapid expansion and then start picking off other civs to get to the most important resources like oil and uranium then i start nuking stuff when there are only 1 or 2 other civs left
Regarding the Civilization franchise:

I got hooked on Civ2, stayed with them up to current and would rank Civ5 the best. Civ6 brought some additional enhancements, but it muddied the play for me. Civ2 changed the genre, and Civ5 was the next major evolution. I'll admit I also tried Sid Meier's Colonization spin off version (weak) as well as Alpha Centauri (meh) and I belive the more recent Beyond Earth. I always come back to Civ5. I've even tried a version they ported to smart phones (very weak and thin).

It's incredibly addictive! I've been playing literally non stop every moment of my free time.

Understatement. Only addiction I've really suffered under, as I have periods in my life of dodging work to play, or playing all night and watching the sun come up, or all weekend with breaks for food (maybe) and bathroom (after it reaches a breaking point).

I keep starting new games so I can do things better lol, I'm on like turn 250 or something though in one game

So, I've mastered the bottom 3 levels of difficulty and am working my way through the 4th at this point. The method is to make a save point every so often, especially before you choose to go to war or have someone launch an attack on you. I'll start with one seed of the game, run from save 1a to 1k, with frequent reloads when I realize I took a wrong path or have to plan for something I didn't see coming. Trying to navigate difficulty 4 is MUCH different from the lower levels. Nations want to be friends, then team up and beat the crap out of you much sooner - aside from the upped barbarian rates :\ Religion is falling behind as a tool (tithes and growth or religion spread help a lot in earlier levels), as I'm just getting smashed on religion spread. I have to focus on fewer owned citites, and a lot more military defense just to survive.

I always turn off all the victory options except military, start more or less peacefull rapid expansion and then start picking off other civs

Same. I used to like the rocket ship option but have opted to turn all wins off except domination. I got good enough with difficulty 3 to manage my growth (4 owned cities max) to stay near the lead on knowldege, and start conquering others (puppet cities).

I always play with the largest possible maps, continents, max city-states (love those guys) to extend the game play. But, kudos to the developers for allowing so many ways to set up your own experience and create whatever variety of play you personally enjoy. I'm also always the Romans, just because I like the accelerated builds for others once Rome has something.
Honestly, a nice non-Civ experience was when Blizzard created the Warcraft series and we could play three different campaigns with their own unique tech tree and units, but all on the same resources. Granted, it ran '94-'03 then transitioned to 'World of Warcraft' which was more MMORPG and I'll be honest, I couldn't keep up - I need that turn based play so I can think and save-reload :\ But that original series saw the developmental growth where Orcs & Humans was bought and played on my home PC, then with Warcraft II they created Battlenet and some online battles if you wanted something more than their base campaigns.

Warcraft offered a new take on RTS, and I played the hell out of it. But as time wore on, I found myself back with Civ5. I'll try to think what other RTS I've played. I know I did C&C, but it didn't reallly do it for me. I think I tried a lot of them, just to get some variation off of Civ, but the one true great game still gets played to this day.
I started off with civ 2 as well but my memory is a bit fuzzy as to eveything that happened inbetween.

This humankind is basically a civilization clone but it lacks the character that civ brings to the table with the voice acting and character design for the civilization leaders.

Remember when you could customize your palace? I liked that option.
I like both. I was competitive with Starcraft2 for a bit until my wife asked me "Do you think that it's going to be around 10 years from now?" my answer at the time was no. It still is.
Don't mean to be that guy but Civ 6 is a turn based strategy game - a damn good one. Games like starcraft or age of empiers that are in 'real time" are RTS.

The total war series are cool as well. Turn based map for most of the game play with the option to fight battles on the ground for for more tactical control.

the strategy game genre has not gotten much love last 5 years. Few games coming out I am excited about but don't want to get my hopes up.
I was honestly thinking this, but I went with real time strategy as it's a more familiar term and I figured it could be a thread to discuss all of the different games and how they relate.

Honestly, a nice non-Civ experience was when Blizzard created the Warcraft series and we could play three different campaigns with their own unique tech tree and units, but all on the same resources.
I played the hell out of warcraft 2 and 3 when I was growing up. I'm glad I found someone who is as enthusiastic about civilization as I am!

I don't have a huge background with these types of games, aside from warcraft and total war, also maybe final fantasy tactics you could probably lump into this category. But thinking back I really did play these kinds of games very addictively from the start. I did play a little bit of command and conquer as well.
I kinda forgot these types of games existed for a very long time, a friend of mine had an extra cd key of civ 6 a week or two ago and offered to hook me up with it and to play a game together. Been going strong since. Basically just been civilization, Bluelight, work, + school, and that's about it.
I thought I replied to this thread, but I must not have hit submit.

Don't mean to be that guy but Civ 6 is a turn based strategy game - a damn good one. Games like starcraft or age of empiers that are in 'real time" are RTS.

Damn good point! I got them confused, but yeah, I engjoyed the RTS of Starcraft and Warcraft a good bit. Found those a little more stressful because it more forces the live or die survival requirement. I'm more comfortable with true Turn Based Strategy like Civ, just because I can save, reload, and change course (repeatedly). But yeah, there is a distinction.
I liked Starcraft and (especially) the Age of Empires series. My favorite civilization was the Teutons, loved swooping down on some fools with a mass of Teutonic Knights with an accompanying swarm of paladins to run down archers and any villagers

For some reason that was always the most satisfying part of the game for me, destroying the town center and brutally massacring all the defenseless villagers as they fled from the rubble lol

Another somewhat lesser known one that I really enjoyed was Empire Earth. That was a fun game I thought, I love how you could customize every individual trait of all your units, speed armor fuel-consumption etc, and the campaigns were really fun and imaginative...I liked the German campaign especially, set during WW1 and WW2 (the last mission involves you, as the Nazis, invading England lol). In the non-campaign, death match-style battles, your civilization could start as cavemen armed with sticks and rocks and advance through the ages to using nuclear weapons, cyborgs etc. Great game! I had the expansion pack too at one point (with missions set in Ancient Rome and the Pacific Theater of WW2, iirc?) but I never played that one too much

Another one I had some experience playing as a kid was Myth. One of my friends loved that game and it’s sequel, Myth 2: Soulblighter. I never played it much but I did think that it had a cool storyline. It’s different from the other ones though in that you don’t really manage resources or create new units (Wiki is telling me that it’s a “real time tactics” game rather than real time strategy
I also tried Sid Meier's Colonization spin off version (weak) as well as Alpha Centauri (meh) and I belive the more recent Beyond Earth.

Caught a deal on Steam, downloaded BE and found I'd never played it. I can see where they took the Civ engine and upgraded to the next generation of gameplay, but it's a learning curve I'm struggling to enjoy. I can see the new opportunities, and the nice improvements, but a big part of me keeps looking back at my Civ5 icon and considering just dropping BE to do what I know I enjoy.

I liked Starcraft and (especially) the Age of Empires series.

Loved the Warcraft and Starcraft series. I'd forgotten the AoE, I may have to go back to that again as well. Especially if they are launching AoE4.