Question about meth use and addiciton


Feb 23, 2020
Hi everyone, this is only my second post on bluelight, but the topic of meth addiction is the what I am most interested in.

I started using shabu (this is what it's called here in Jakarta) about 2 years ago. We smoke it through a water bong that we make using a plastic bottle. I'm not sure if the strength/potency of the product we get here is the same as in other parts of the world. I only use it with my gf and a close circle of friends, and to the most part we limit our sessions to weekends. 0.5g will get 3 of us comfortably from Friday night to Saturday night, at which point I force myself to eat, shower, take some vitamins and get some rest. Sunday I sleep in until the afternoon and by Monday I'm good to go. Sometimes we buy 1g, or buy another 0.5g on Saturday, meaning I don't get much sleep or food over the weekend but am generally ok to work on Monday, albeit a bit tired.

I like the drug because it allows me to work. I'm building a new business and when i'm on meth the creative ideas flow like water. I can put together good quality and detailed presentations, forecasts, budgets and proposals over the weekend.

I don't consider myself a heavy addict and because I generally only use with other people where we check ourselves, our usage doesn't seem to be getting too out of control. Very occasionally my gf and I might buy a little baggie during the week, but we have succeeded in keeping this to mostly a weekend activity, for now.

From what I've read, my experiences seem quite similar to many other users out there. At first it's great, the euphoria, energy, alertness, sex, and creativity is addictive.. but it spirals out of control and downwards from there on. After 2 years of taking the drug.. I'm still enjoying it without it really negatively affecting my health, wallet, relationships or career.

Wondering are there users out there who have managed to balance regular meth use with a normal life, without it wreaking havoc on their lives? Or is it inevitable that if i continue the way I am things will start falling apart?
First time I tried meth was shabu in Jl. Jaksa. It’s been all downhill from there although the high points were worth it. Once you even question whether you have things under control is the time to quit. Plus - jeezus - Indonesian policed and judicial system!
First time I tried meth was shabu in Jl. Jaksa. It’s been all downhill from there although the high points were worth it. Once you even question whether you have things under control is the time to quit. Plus - jeezus - Indonesian policed and judicial system!

That's good advice... will try to cut down with the goal of eventually stopping. Are you still based in Jakarta?
Picked up a clip on tuner. Relaxing on a day off. Making progress on many goals.
It’s inevitable I think every meth user has a high possibility of spinning out of control but being able to realize that you’re fucking up is the most important part. It’s easy to say fuck everything and careless about being up for days on end. I was like that the first couple years of using now I’m able to maintain and check myself on how much I’m using and not wanting to go back down that dark hole I was in. It’s all about having a strong mindset and not letting it control you. I only smoke it I’ve never shot up and I plan to keep it that way. From what I’ve seen that’s when shit goes south
Unless the Shabu there is cut to hell (I got the impression it usually wasn't - you're certainly close to the source, at least geographically), I would opine that 167mg over a weekend is high... I've found that a fraction of that first thing in the morning on a weekend - and no more later that day - lets me get to sleep at a sane hour, and still lets me enjoy it that day. And also that the overall experience is more rewarding and less deleterious overall when I do less. And forcing myself to eat while on it also helps greatly with reducing the negative effects. Skipping a night of sleep, while fun, is also more deleterious.

Though, smoking from a water bong (how do you apply the fire? Hopefully not by applying it straight to the drug, as that will burn it and waste it) is going to be inefficient, as meth is water soluble, so a significant amount of the drug in the vapor will dissolve in the water. Here in the states, we use what's called a meth pipe or "oil burner" - it's a glass stem, maybe 6 inches long, with a roughly spherical bowl with small hole in the top. Meth goes in bowl, then heat is applied to the bottom (with the hole facing up), and when it melts and starts to smoke, you roll the puddle of meth back and forth ("ten and two", ie, hole facing between 10-o-clock and 2-o-clock positions) while inhaling and applying less heat. If the meth bubbles, you're overheating and wasting it. Doing it this way will probably allow you to consume less for the same amount of high.
Unless the Shabu there is cut to hell (I got the impression it usually wasn't - you're certainly close to the source, at least geographically), I would opine that 167mg over a weekend is high... I've found that a fraction of that first thing in the morning on a weekend - and no more later that day - lets me get to sleep at a sane hour, and still lets me enjoy it that day. And also that the overall experience is more rewarding and less deleterious overall when I do less. And forcing myself to eat while on it also helps greatly with reducing the negative effects. Skipping a night of sleep, while fun, is also more deleterious.

Though, smoking from a water bong (how do you apply the fire? Hopefully not by applying it straight to the drug, as that will burn it and waste it) is going to be inefficient, as meth is water soluble, so a significant amount of the drug in the vapor will dissolve in the water. Here in the states, we use what's called a meth pipe or "oil burner" - it's a glass stem, maybe 6 inches long, with a roughly spherical bowl with small hole in the top. Meth goes in bowl, then heat is applied to the bottom (with the hole facing up), and when it melts and starts to smoke, you roll the puddle of meth back and forth ("ten and two", ie, hole facing between 10-o-clock and 2-o-clock positions) while inhaling and applying less heat. If the meth bubbles, you're overheating and wasting it. Doing it this way will probably allow you to consume less for the same amount of high.

If you are indeed able to self control and not binge then I agree with the positive effects that it can have on your day.

The meth pipes here are as you described but much smaller. The bowl is about 1cm in diameter and the stem around 5cm, and very narrow. You apply heat with a regular gas lighter that has been modified so the flame is very small and only blue.

No one I know here smokes meth straight from a pipe, it's always through a water bong.