Post Your Vinyl Collection


Oct 15, 2009
Preferably with pics
im gonna list some of my collection, the ones i like. its a fair bit, only got a turntable a few months ago though.

i like hiphop most of all, the real shit. some rap as well but not as much.
best just to show you


Redman & Method Man - "How High"

Dimlite - "Runbox Weathers"

Beat Dimensions Vol. 2

Grand Puba - "2000"

Mr Oizo - "Analogue Worms Attack"

Digital Underground - "Body Hat Syndrome"

A Tribe Called Quest - "Once Again"

Digable Planets - "Where Im From"

KMD - "Mr Hood"

Cypress Hill - "III Temples of Boom"

Flying Lotus - "Los Angeles"

Madvillain - "Madvillainy"

The Lootpack - "The Lost Tapes"

Quasimoto - "Astronaut EP"

MF DOOM - "Potholderz/Hoecakes"


Mulatu Astatke - "Mulatu of Ethiopia"

Little Dragon - "Ritual Union"

Eagles - "Hotel California"

Jimi Hendrix - "MINT CONDITION Red House Picture Disc"

Madlib - "WLIB King of The Wigflip"

Quasimoto - "Further Adventures Of Lord Quas"

Madlib - Madlib Medicine Show #5 "History Of The Loop Digga"

As you can see I have a few records.
I love music but as I said, mainly hiphop.

Let's see some collections!

hurray for music & weed!


(Blue Cheese)
Oh man, too many to list. My Dad was a big music nerd and he gave me his entire vinyl collection which is about 300 or so, almost all original pressings. Some of the highlights include:

-Every Beatles album
-Every Pink Floyd album up to Animals
-Miles Davis "Kind of Blue"
-Most Bob Dylan albums (missing Blonde on Blonde and Blood on the Tracks)
-Are You Experienced? and Band of Gypsys
-John Coltrane "Giant Steps" and "A Love Supreme"
-Ornette Coleman "The Shape of Jazz to Come"
-The Band "Music from Big Pink"
-The Who "Who Are You?"

And a bunch more that I can't think of right now. A lot of them got pawned back in the day when my Dad needed extra cash for whatever reason (probably beer money back in his college days), so its hard to say what gems he lost. I love having a vinyl collection. There's just a warmness to the sound that you can't get from CDs and mp3s.
You have a pretty distinctly smoked-out music taste. ;)
You could say that, aye. I love my herb and I love my music. What about yourself?
Im a biiiiig fan of madlib's work, and similar artists/producers etc.
Most of the CDP & StonesThrow shit, im into it. Only just starting to get a good selection going though.
It's always 4:20 somewhere ;)

I love having a vinyl collection. There's just a warmness to the sound that you can't get from CDs and mp3s.
I find that the audio quality of vinyl can NOT be surpassed by any other medium. Digital media ie CD's and digital files are far too compressed.
Sure, a lot of albums on CD sound amazing. But play that same album on vinyl afterwards and you notice a HUGE difference, in the depth, the texture, the quality of the sound.
One thing I've noticed with the sound of vinyl is that bass is always much deeper than a CD etc could ever hope to come close to.
Most of my hiphop i dont usually have the bass-boost on on my HiFi's EQ anymore as its not really needed, unless I really want some extra "OOMF!" to the listening experience.

Like you Mr Grunge, I have plenty more than are listed.
I was just putting up highlights, ones I really like.

Ideally I'm wanting to see some pictures too, of album cover art. (If people can get pics up of course)
Imageshack is good.
That's another thing I like about vinyl, the LP covers/album art is always better to look at. With a CD the art is about 4"x4". I have LPs with covers so detailed, a small CD inlay sleeve would barely do them justice.

such as these by Santana-

This is a Lion's face made up of lots of different faces. A CD inlay wouldnt show this as well-

This is pretty cosmic, once again, a CD inlay wouldnt do it full justice, neither does this pic-

so aye, vinyl kicks ass and blows other music mediums out of the water, in my opinion.

lets see some album art/LP covers! (please) :D
Wow, I never noticed that about that Santana album
Cool thread idea though and nice collection ya have ther

Unfortunately I have no vinyl
I have mostly electronic music vinyl but i do have some non-edm stuff. Maybe i'll post it when i put it up on discogs. It's mostly spanish music though.
You could say that, aye. I love my herb and I love my music. What about yourself?
Im a biiiiig fan of madlib's work, and similar artists/producers etc.
Most of the CDP & StonesThrow shit, im into it.

I noticed. Me? I don't really smoke much weed. I've listened to some FlyLo and quite a bit of Madvillain/DOOM, and I did like it, however it's not really my thing (I listened to Madvillainy/Viktor Vaughn and Los Angeles/Cosmogramma a handful of times each, yet I never went beyond having a few standout favourite tracks, and then just sort of mildly enjoying listening to the rest of the tracks.)

I love Digable Planets though. And Tribe Called Quest. Especially the album that the single you have is from.

I've been wanting to listen to some of Madlib's albums. I like a lot of beats he's done for other artists (especially on Mos Def's The Ecstatic).

Sega420 said:
Only just starting to get a good selection going though.

You're doing good man. I recently got a good record player/amp/speaker setup, but my collection is just a handful of old $2 records. I'm planning on starting a collection.
I've been wanting to listen to some of Madlib's albums. I like a lot of beats he's done for other artists (especially on Mos Def's The Ecstatic)

I'd suggest starting off with either Beat Konducta Vol. 5-6 (well, any of the Beat Konducta tapes, really) or Mind Fusion Vol. 2. I've got all his stuff, the Medicine Show series included.
Wow, I never noticed that about that Santana album
Cool thread idea though and nice collection ya have ther
Unfortunately I have no vinyl
thanks, well now is a good time to start, no? :p

I have mostly electronic music vinyl but i do have some non-edm stuff. Maybe i'll post it when i put it up on discogs. It's mostly spanish music though.
lets see it ;) anything and everything, shit, ive even got a picture disc of african zulu tribal funk. music is universal!

I love Digable Planets though. And Tribe Called Quest. Especially the album that the single you have is from.

I've been wanting to listen to some of Madlib's albums. I like a lot of beats he's done for other artists (especially on Mos Def's The Ecstatic).

You're doing good man. I recently got a good record player/amp/speaker setup, but my collection is just a handful of old $2 records. I'm planning on starting a collection.
ideally im looking to have on vinyl all the albums and songs i love, but its a long expensive process. gotta dig to find the vinyl, then gotta have the cash to build with ;)
worth it though. Im wanting to get most of Tribe's albums, along with nas's early material, the list really is ENDLESS as you no doubt know yourself.
what've you got in your crates so far?

I'd suggest starting off with either Beat Konducta Vol. 5-6 (well, any of the Beat Konducta tapes, really) or Mind Fusion Vol. 2. I've got all his stuff, the Medicine Show series included.
ill need to check that out (if its on vinyl)
Beat Konducta Vol. 1-2 is pretty dirty, too. Tough call.
ill definitely be picking that LP up after that.

PS- that "Lootpack - lost tapes" double LP cost me £50. worth every penny for a hard to find, excellent condition copy in my opinion. (the only one for sale in the UK at the time i bought it)
Anyone else had any expensive vinyl purchases?
worth it though. Im wanting to get most of Tribe's albums, along with nas's early material, the list really is ENDLESS as you no doubt know yourself.

haha yea. I would like to get Illmatic and Midnight Marauders on vinyl.

Sega420 said:
what've you got in your crates so far?

Just a handful that I got for $2 each. A Simon & Garfunkel greatest hits, a Roxy Music album, and an Elton John album. Once I get some stuff that I actually love, I think I'll be able to give my record player some proper usage.
I once sold Records to buy Drugs its one of the worst things i've ever done to get a quick $ for my H habit .

It was painful but so was the withdraw but i regret it so much , i remember the guy in the shop not feeling to comfortablke with having to offer me the lowest price for some classic Vinyl it was obvious i'd collected ,

his boss was a tight mofo , wouldn't give you owt n took advantage of peoples weakness ( drugs ).
A few folk have sold things like Guitars which are more sentimental to some than their vinyl.

A nasty buisness. Glad i'm not in as deep at all anymore;) I will never go back to selling anything ! for H. I get a methadone script , but back 12 years ago when i sold the vinyl i was not able to have the Methadone i had abused my script and the doctors trust so was punished by being cast off a 40ml a day Methadone instantly !

I'm older & wiser know , & am thinking about getting a 1200 cos i luv vinyl its the best sound , the Best way period.

Do you think we will have it in 10 years ? Or will it just be like for collectors n thatt ?
damn brimz that sucks baws. what record/s did you sell?

i think vinyl will be around for another 20 years or so. cant see it lasting much longer, realistically. from 20-50 years from now i think it will start dying out,
being found only with audiophiles, music & sound lovers, museums, and in quirky backalley shops.
as i said, realistically.

personally i reckon there will be a small vinyl revival/comeback in the near future, as more and more people realise the potential and the power of it as a music medium.
some people say vinyl is dead or dying, but its still very much alive and kicking let me assure you.
as long as there are people like me and yourselves out there, who prefer to hear music at its best, how it should be heard, vinyl will be here.






holy hell-
Just found this badboy today

I have like 12 mid 90 ish house records (a.k.a. the good stuff)
and then my break and scratch records
^vinyl will nevar die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I've got a really eclectic selection. There's loads of Simon & Garfunkel, Bob Dylan, Billie Holiday, Humblebums, The Beatles, Beach Boys... but also some total howlers like the London Boy's album (80's boy band!), a few Tiffany 7" and two "Classic Rock" albums by the London Symphony Orchestra.

My most treasured is an original (if well loved) copy of Alice's Restaurant and one of Sgt Pepper's.
My collection is huge, probably close to a thousand records at this point.
I'll have to take some pics of my rarest stuff when I get a chance.
PLEASE DO! ive been dying to see more LP covers in this thread :)

hiphophippy, whats with that LP? star trek and planet of the apes are two different things, no?
i like your ankh necklace :)
some people say vinyl is dead or dying, but its still very much alive and kicking let me assure you.

Yea I think CDs will be dead and gone soon. But vinyl will be around for a little while to come.
PLEASE DO! ive been dying to see more LP covers in this thread :)

hiphophippy, whats with that LP? star trek and planet of the apes are two different things, no?
i like your ankh necklace :)

It's a compilation of old tv show themes and other songs. like batman, superman, star trek ect. I have one from bionic man and one that has star wars songs. I collect a lot of the arbitrary theme show comps and things like Halloween sound effect records. I like to think in the future I can use them on beats and in battles. Still on the look out for kung fu records. I found one one time but it was just the background songs. I'd like to have ones RZA hasn't already used.
My record collection is kind of weak... I haven't really picked it up yet.

Andres Segovia - The Intimate Guitar
Jimi Hendrix Experience- Smash Hits
George Harrison - Extra Texture
George Harrison - All Things Must Pass
Cat Stevens - Catch Bull At Four
Cat Stevens - Numbers
Cat Stevens - Teaser And The Firecat
Three Mile Pilot - Another Desert, Another Sea
Elvis Presley - Elvis In Concert
Elvis Presley - Welcome To My World
Billy Joel - 52nd Street
The Mothers - Fillmore East (June 1971) (This was a Frank Zappa project)
Julian Lennon - Valotte
The Sainte Catherines - The Art Of Arrogance
Eric Clapton - Slowhand
Polvo - Celebrate The New Dark Age
Talking Heads - More Songs About Buildings And Food
Talking Heads - Remain In Light