• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

Possible Kratom and Antacid interaction


Mar 23, 2018
I’ve been using Kratom to treat my chronic illness for awhile now and it’s been a lifesaver. A doctor recently prescribed me an Antacid named Axid (Nizatidine), and I was wondering if anyone knows about possible interactions. I read that most antacids can potentate Kratom, but this one has an added effect of speeding up Gut Motility instead of slowing it down. I don’t know where else to go to find info on this, so I’d appreciate any feedback.
Nizatidine is just a H2 receptor antagonist like ranitidine or cimetidine, but presumably with no CYP enzyme interactions to worry about, so it should not have a major effect on kratom
I have come to realize that most potentiators of kratom are not all that effective. Kratom in and of itself is already a myriad of different chemicals that work together in a synergy that really cannot be potentiate by external factors such as Ph change in the gut or by enzyme inhibition. Myself and others in OD have gone through a ton of them only to find a negligible difference in effect. Adding a sedative or stimulant can make the effects more pronounced than kratom alone, but I wouldnt really say its enhancing the effects of kratom, but rather just 2 different drugs acting at the same time. Adding an extract into plain leaf can help make the kratom stronger, but once again you are not potentiating, just adding more mitragynine into your leaf.
Ive found nigella sativa oil to be a strong potentiator of kratom, and its cheap on Amazon (id recommend the capsules).
Ive found nigella sativa oil to be a strong potentiator of kratom, and its cheap on Amazon (id recommend the capsules).

I'll try it out when I have some extra cash on hand. I've never had it before, I've only heard of this via BL as well so I dont know too much about it either so time for some research =)