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Pissing while on E

i hate when that happens doesn't happen any more.
Used to happen to me mainly on hallucinogens.
Its fucked when you are trying to piss and you have already been standing there for way to long lke other have come and pissed and gone and your stil standing there. it starts to fuck with your head after a while. especially when piss-head that don't take drgs wonder what you are doing. best bet find a quiet place to piss. or be a bitch and sit down. practice makes perfect.
relax and it will come sure it may take 30mins but... hey
I do recall the original thread from a couple of years ago. If I remember right, it was something to do with the 'Fight or Flight' theory..... Something along the lines that when the body is stressed it will start shutting down non-vital 'services' in response to a perceived threat..... Blood vessels constrict and the body stops sending blood to non-vital regions. (eg. speed-dick) Correct me if I am wrong.

But anyways, I find when really munted, it can take no word of a lie, up to 45 mins to piss..... and I REALLY have to go. I find that the prob is I simply can not concentrate long enough to make my body realise what it is supposed to be doing. I found that pushing on the bladder helps stimulate the body a little to get things started.....
i personally find holding my breathe for a period of time and focusing really helps
peeing nightmare

[EDIT: Threads merged. Please do a search next time. hoptis]

Last time I went out I only remember going to the pee twice over 10 hours even though I drank heaps but then when I went to sleep later on I had to get up to pee about 10 times over 7 hours. OMG It was a like a nightmare lol, i just kept waking up every half hour to pee. Im wandering if it was something in those damned pills.
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Completely normal, Nil to be worried about. The only worry is voiding too much at night.

This sounds a bit dodgey but try to remember how much you drink, and try to compare to how much you void. Its a good way of staying away from hypo-volimia (spelling) and dehydration.
lol yeah pissing is a real chore when i'm peaking.

i know that i need to go, but i find myself standing at the urinal for a good 2 mins before anything wants to come out.

mostly tho, i find that only happens at nightclubs, as tho the complete and utter disgustingness of the public urinals turn me off, and i dont want to be in there, and my bodys telling me to find somewhere more sanitary.

there is one time however. (this is a good one)
in july or august 2006.
i got my hands on some blue, green and purple mercedes

i had 2 of each colour (6 all up) throughout the night.
and around about 7 points of base amphetamine.

at one point i went to the toilet and found that i'd actually.. without any physical contact... had ejaculated in my pants without knowing it.
i did have the really awesome mdma tingles throughout my entire lower body. (i often refer to them as orgasm tingles, thats how good it feels to me lol)
but that just completely amazed me.

this did send me into paranoid thoughts tho,
"was i rubbing myself up in the club and didnt know it"
"is this just some dream that i'm in"
"what if that isnt just cum"

all sorts of deranged speed type thoughts..
of course i was peaking that hard i soon stopped caring, mopped up and got back into the dancing.

my mate also had the same sorta thing happen, same night.. same pills.
he had 2 or 3... and a few points

unfortunately we never were able to get any more mercedes, but wound up getting some fucked up klm's instead lol
Sort of along the same lines but not quite...... A friend of mine (and yes it was him not me) said that after a few bickies one night while walking home, he could not control himself, and unfortunately shat his pants. He did say that very little alcohol was involved throughout the evening (so he wasn't pissed), and this has never happened to him since!!

I find that when Im on E I can still piss ok but it takes a bit of effort, I do keep an "eye" on how much im drinking and how regularly I go to the toilet. I do find however that once I come home, go to bed and the e wears off Im going to the toilet every 15 minutes and pissing loads.

Its what I call ecstacy's cruel joke cos all I want to do is go to sleep!
i always need to piss on E. is never really easy to get it out though. i tried so much one night few years back, next morning my abs were hurting like hell from trying to make myself piss the night before.
seriously, i think its a gas problem or something similua4r. since your on a drug your body works a different way, maybe in the way that stops you from pissing your bed as a grown adult...?

i found out i could take a crap, or just sit down and fart out something,, and i would piss instantly after doing so.

there are some times ways to get around it, but speed+mdma seems to be a NO GO combo, and decent doses of mdma, its gonna be difficult... i find phenethylamines to do it quite a bit actually.
Splatt said:
i found out i could take a crap, or just sit down and fart out something,, and i would piss instantly after doing so.

Yep same here. Got to love those come up craps as well. But saying that at a house party I dont find it that hard to piss maybe its got something to do with state the toilets are in or the constant amount of people walking in and out and I loose consentration
nothin beats a greta shit after a whack of meth, it just comes on instantly somtimes, foun the same with mdma smetimes too
_Bionic_ said:
Yep same here. Got to love those come up craps as well. But saying that at a house party

Oh fuck I hate those. Nothing worse than 1am in a club, dropping your first pill 'oh fuck I need to take a dump' and there's nowhere except, dirty, seedy piss soaked club toilets.

Yeah in Clubs it really sucks. had to do that a few times. nothing worse than Club toilets. But at someones house even better if its your own house its actually quite satisfying. And usually makes my peak come on nice and strong
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I cant piss on E aswell, mainly on large strong doses

what happens is it feels like i need to piss, i sit down, relax, feel like coming, like though my bladder, but then it feels like it cant get through my dick because its blocked and just wont come out lol

like relax or push really hard but nothing happens
Haven't read the whole thread, but i get this everytime i drop pills which isn't often these days. Does my head in cause its so uncomfortable but there is nothing i can do. The only time i can go is when im literally in pain and about to piss my pants.
^ I have the same and im think its dangerous considering the amount of water i drink
urinary retention had it for the first time recently, on a green diesel (clean and very strong). Nothing uncommon about it, as you can see.
Biscuit said:
This matter is a lot more serious than just not being able to go.
I was under the impression that MDMA use caused the body to release an anti-diuretic hormone.
This prevents urination.
It is this unique feature of MDMA which causes hyponatremia. Other drugs will not do this.
Basically if u ingest heaps of water, low in salt concentration, and sweat out water, relatively high in salt concentration, u r beginning to dilute the electrolyte concs in your body.
Your kidneys control the output of urine according to that required to manage these levels;
And so the anti-diuretic effect of MDMA causes potential danger here by preventing the body to concentrate its salt levels by getting rid of very dilute urine.
And yes, i think its most likely something involving this fact which is why MDMA is so hard on the kidneys. I suffer from a painful lower back often while rolling, and its become obvious that it is kidney related and not something less sinister like cramps.

listen to biscuit. i suffered from the same thing when i used to take lots of pills.. especially on high strength smacky's. On one occassion i couldnt piss for 11 hours from the time i knew i had to piss! i was in the shower trying to hot/cold shock myself into pissing... sounds funny but i was 10 mins away from going to hospital... bad news dude.

anyone that says they can 'dance' all the fluid out of their body is.. erm.. incorrect - all you have to do is press where your bladder is to know that it is full of fluid.
There is also research to suggest that some temporary swelling of the prostate gland could also contribute the cause. Very similar effect to not being able to piss with a hard-on... except in this case you're probably dealing with a shrivelled up googy-willy the size of a peanut :)

advice from my personal experience - I'm not suggesting you start drinking as practise while on pills, but in my case i find a couple of shots (no beer or large amounts of fluids, and ONLY A COUPLE) can be useful, as the diuretic effect of the alcohol can ease the problem a little.

other than that, piss sitting down and figure out how to massage your bladder. Push in on your stomach while sitting down on toilet when you're in this situation next and you'll know what i mean. it works, but still takes time.

I know exactly what you're talking about dude, and it used to shit me coz i seemed to be the only one having the problem.

.. i was also generally taking more pills tho :D