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☮ Social ☮ PD Social: Nexus for gibberish of the psychedelicized genius and veritably insane

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You should never sell a gun ay? What interesting cultural idiom :)

Probably gonna spend the rest of the day hungover wasted so that tomorrow I can do MiPT, go to Zen group and shop my new dual monitor inner LED lit wall-stand design while my friend tried to DIY a light especially for his piano and I'm gonna help him.
Still doing a lot of work on Bach pieces myself and every bit that I can record clean enough I feed into a virtualisation of the biggest upright piano in the world with amazing sound.

In the course of next week I really want to clean myself up a bit.
Tripping tits after a khole on some 4-aco-dmt and to be honest I understand solo trips a bit better, much more than I did before but at the same time for some reason I feel guilty for taking drugs alone.

Got great techno playing, completely gone, this stuff is mad for making you go into actual trances really weird. I would honestly love if psychedelics like this worked the same way as ayahuasca did in sorting out anxiety etc.
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I often I get so caught up in my daydreaming that I start acting it out, or talking, without noticing it.

atlantis said:
Hey what's up guys, haven't popped my head in here in a minute. Hope everyone is doin well. I am also wondering if anyone has any experience combining L and 2ce. I keep reading conflicting reports about the best time to take them.

Hey atlantis, nice to see you. Can't help you with your combo though.

psox said:
At least down there you seem to get hydrocodone for stubbed toes. With a system like that who need OTC codeine in the states anyway? :p

We don't get opiate scripts unless we came out of an operation or are senior citizens.

True, we do have that over you.
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last night I was at a party with a tank of nitrous, and I was wondering if nitrous is 'psychedelic' by any means of the term. I got the whole wishy washy sound effect and slight static under the eyelids but beyond that it mainly felt like I was depriving my brain of oxygen. The giggles are great, and it induced some pretty strange thoughts at times, but I always thought that if you keep getting higher on it it gets more and more psychedelic and I was a little disappointed. I'm probably gonna take a B-12 supplement before I do it next time just for good measure.

the whole 'fishing out' thing, is this an enjoyable experience?
So excited to see what DiPT is all about! Thinking about mixing it with some MXE, and see what kind of hole I fall into.
last night I was at a party with a tank of nitrous, and I was wondering if nitrous is 'psychedelic' by any means of the term. I got the whole wishy washy sound effect and slight static under the eyelids but beyond that it mainly felt like I was depriving my brain of oxygen. The giggles are great, and it induced some pretty strange thoughts at times, but I always thought that if you keep getting higher on it it gets more and more psychedelic and I was a little disappointed. I'm probably gonna take a B-12 supplement before I do it next time just for good measure.

the whole 'fishing out' thing, is this an enjoyable experience?

I find it psychedelic in visuals and it's got excellent audio distortion (Stick on a track of water tripping or make a tap do it and watch as it becomes seconds rather than a single one), also quite a good dissociative but not the same feeling but out of body. To be honest, on it's own though it's not a real big psychedelic if your all into introspection etc, it's called hippy crack for a reason. Seems like a recreational drug that people who enjoy psychedelics enjoy. However, mixed with other psychedelics it's really good as a boosting platform and taking things up a notch but not for ages. Or with ketamine, however, I have been told this is harmful so research first.
Omg 2ce and Lsd is soooooooo amazing. 1 hit and 25mg of 2ce (oral) taken at the same time with another 10 mg bump snorted later. The most visual thing by far except for blasting off dmt. Was plastered to the couch and music sounded sooo amazing. Highly recommended combo.

And hey Peppers and NKB :), i have been finishing college so have been really busy. Might start dropping by here more often tho
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What's up guys? I haven't popped in here for a while so I thought I would say hi. In regards to nitrous being psychedelic, I have never found it to change my headspace very much which is the main point of psychedelics in my opinion, not visual and audio hallucinations. However it can make things much more psychedelic if you are already tripping. I have had some peak experiences doing a balloon while peaking on good L. It also lasts a lot longer if you are already under the influence.
Seriously, why did I have to slip and fall on the ice and bust my leg the day after stopping tramadol use :|

Sorry to hear that, man. :\

At least down there you seem to get hydrocodone for stubbed toes.


Got great techno playing, completely gone, this stuff is mad for making you go into actual trances really weird. I would honestly love if psychedelics like this worked the same way as ayahuasca did in sorting out anxiety etc.

4-AcO-DMT is actually pretty good with therapeutic work. IMO, that's what it does best actually. Ayahuasca is still my weapon of choice for such purposes, though.

I often I get so caught up in my daydreaming that I start acting it out, or talking, without noticing it.

If I understand you correctly, I think I do the same thing. Or maybe for me it's a bit different. I talk to myself a *lot*. I find that verbalizing my thoughts really helps clarify them. It's like the feedback loop of my thoughts coming back into my brain through my ears does wonders for helping me think more logically and efficiently.

last night I was at a party with a tank of nitrous, and I was wondering if nitrous is 'psychedelic' by any means of the term. I got the whole wishy washy sound effect and slight static under the eyelids but beyond that it mainly felt like I was depriving my brain of oxygen. The giggles are great, and it induced some pretty strange thoughts at times, but I always thought that if you keep getting higher on it it gets more and more psychedelic and I was a little disappointed. I'm probably gonna take a B-12 supplement before I do it next time just for good measure.

the whole 'fishing out' thing, is this an enjoyable experience?

I never was able to get anywhere too special with nitrous. I mean, maybe a couple times I went to some cool places, but why go there for 5 seconds on nitrous when you can be there for 2 hours on DXM?

So excited to see what DiPT is all about! Thinking about mixing it with some MXE, and see what kind of hole I fall into.

Nice! I tried DiPT + MXE. The doses were very low, but it still seemed like a killer combo. Lots of potential. :) Just be wary of the ridiculously extreme synergy between dissociatives and psychedelics.

Omg 2ce and Lsd is soooooooo amazing. 1 hit and 25mg of 2ce (oral) taken at the same time with another 10 mg bump snorted later. The most visual thing by far except for blasting off dmt. Was plastered to the couch and music sounded sooo amazing. Highly recommended combo.

Good to hear, man! I remember my 2C-E + LSD trip very fondly. I remember feeling like the 2C-E + LSD state of consciousness was better than sobriety in every way. I wished that I could feel like I was on 2C-E + LSD every day of my life. So, I turned to Eastern philosophies, and that was the night I found Taoism. Very fateful trip for me.

And yes, music was awesome, too!
12mg 2c-p with the morning coffee and a bowl of grass. This is the tedious part....the three hour wait.

Whats up with you guys?
2C-P with coffee made the comeup jitters a lot stronger for me.

any plans for your trip? :)
Well not much now...

At the one hour mark I started to trip pretty hard with a stronger than expected histamine release, and seeing as how this dose was the second last from a 10mg/ml solution, I feared the worst and took 25mg diphen and 10mg olanzapine just to be safe.

Looks like i won't be tripping now, or for at least a week. But I do still have a pleasant glow going on now, so I suppose not all was lost.

Going to be evaporating what i have left of that solution to have an idea of what I'm working with. :\
12mg of 2C-P is actually a pretty heavy dose, i think you just overshot your mark. i usually make sure to take some diphenhydramine at the same time that i dose larger doses of 2C-P.... makes things go a lot smoother. you live, you learn :) let us know how your next dose goes!
I have access to BOD. Do you guys think I should nab a bit just for curiosities sake. Seems like a nice intoxicant from shulgins pov
I was thinking of getting some a while back but don't have aces to it anymore. It sounds like an interesting chem.
Never posted in here, whats up guys ?

It's been a while since I've done any sort of true psychedelic (I don't really count MXE even though it's also been almost 3 weeks since I quit it). I've honestly only had a handful of psychedelic experiences. My first was with 2C-I. Very interesting drug, gave me some bad muscle spasms in my legs though and slight anxiety during the whole period.... Also couldn't really sleep the night I took it. I did however enjoy it as a whole and took it again at a dubstep show with some friends, 25-30mg. It was a pretty damn interesting night. I was dancing for hours and so in the zone I didn't even realize how high I really was. I left the dance floor sweating like crazy and then looked at my phone. The whole screen was morphing and wavy lol. I spent the rest of the show on the upstairs balcony sitting down...

I've experienced DOC once. It was much better than 2C-I IMO, but at one point during the trip it became EXTREMELY overwhelming for like 15 minutes and I had complete kaleidoscope vision and my heart was beating out of my chest. No idea why it happened.... I was in the middle of watching Planet of the Apes and noticed the picture looked really weird.... I started seeing things in the movie that weren't really there like straight up fire. Overall the high was interesting but I got bored after 6 hours or so and just wanted it to end. The duration is much to long.

My best psychedelic experience by far was 4-AcO-DET. Amazing chemical. Took 25mg dissolved in a glass of orange juice and sipped it over a span of 10 minutes or so. No anxiety, no jitters, no muscle spasms. Just a moderate psychedelic mindset and some pretty good wavy visuals. I spent most of my time starring out my window into the darkness listening to the night sounds. 4 hours after dosing I was asleep. Perfect psychedelic IMO.

I've also tried shrooms once, low dosage. They might have been bad or something, I had a pretty scary experience. I lied, this was actually my first psychedelic. Took them in a PB&J sandwich around midnight and somehow just got a bad mindset and was freaked out by everything. Walked outside in the dark and it looked like every tree around my house was surrounding me in a circle when I looked up. Spent most of the trip in the corner of my room wishing it would just end....

In the end, I don't really care for psychedelics, other than MXE which as I said before just isn't really the same at all. They all give me this.... feeling... like something is off when I'm high. I don't know exactly what but it bothers me and I've regretted dosing a couple times.

Anywho, long post but thought I'd share my psychedelic experiences with PD social.
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