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Opioids OC OP question


May 21, 2009
I know this topic in general is beat. I've used the search engine and waded through multiple 20+ page threads. I am NOT looking for a tek to snort, inject or plug the new oxycodone ER ("OP") preparation.

I enjoy my oxycodone orally the best these days. I've tried dissolving them in coca cola (which seems to work up to a point, but it doesn't completely defeat the time release). I've tried masticating them and swallowing the little pieces with coca-cola. Seems like this works a bit better than dissolving them in coca-cola (i've tried 2hr, 6hr, and 12hr intervals in solution) but regardless of what method I use, I feel like it takes about twice as many milligrams of oxycodone in OP form to achieve the results that I would normally get from oxycodone in ir/roxy/percocet form.

I've not tried the quasi-sublingual method, sucking on the pill and swallowing the "juice" if you will... but before I use another pill to less than stellar results, I thought I would post here and see if there is any consensus on the best way to defeat the time-release for oral use only. Is there a consensus on the best way to prep these OC OP's in order to get the most oxycodone in the bloodstream in the shortest amount of time (via oral administration)?

I may well have overlooked the info that I'm asking about in those tomes of posts that primarily deal with crisping, chemicals, and other methodologies for ROA that I'm not aspiring to, so if I have, a simple link to that existing post would be just fine.

Thanks in advance!
I'm not sure I understand. you want a method of prepping OP's that is not in the way you prep them to shoot/snort/plug, yet I'm sure if you were to prepare it in such a way and then parachute/swallow instead of shooting/snorting/plugging that it would give you the same broken time release effect as it does if you're doing the latter. maybe I'm incredibly wrong and it's not the same for oral administration but I'm curious to find out.
ok i think i know what your askin ive only messed with the op's a couple times but that is the way i took them by cutting em up into real tiny pieces and sucking on them like it was a dip or somethin, swallowin the shit every once in a while...i also chewed the pieces but you will definatly need a toothpick...the only problem is that that was my first time using the ops since ive been on suboxone for 2 yrs...but ive talked to a couple ppl and they seem to say pluggin is the best which i havent tried and then the method i just described...it was nowhere close to the same as when i was using all the old formula pills such as oxy and opana..sorry if a lil hard to understand im in a hurry
The original responder is correct, I could use a plug/iv/snort method to brake the time release then just parachute it... but i don't want to fuck with microwaves and chemical extraction process if possible... i just want to eat the stuff, so I'm wanting to know if--for example-- the above method of just breaking them up into tiny pieces and sucking on them/swallowing the juice is relatively effective...

I was also hoping for someone to say "THIS is THE method for oral use-- easy, no chemical process or microwaves, and nearly 95% Bioavailability!"
it will stay suspended in peg300 (solvent) I forget the formula of the new oc op but it contains peg as well not sure of the number either. not all forms of Polyethylene glycol is liquid at room temperature. Maybe the reason why some have tried freezing and heating them with success.
So I've crunched them into tiny pieces, swallowed with coca cola between bites of a sandwich, I've let an 80mg pill sit in a bottle of coke for ten hours and dissolve, and I've chewed a single pill for thirty minutes whilst swallowing the bitter thick "juices" created when mixed with saliva... any other "simple" methods worth trying? Is there a consensus on which of these is the most effective?
i don't bother with OP oxy unless i get them really cheap, but when i do, i usually swallow 2-3 without doing any magic to break the time-release. keep in mind i usually take 45-60mgs IR oxy at one time to get high...
Man I just got off my OP 60's and my doc put me on MS Contin 30's. It is SO weak compared to OP 60s. I ran out of all my pain meds 15 days early and now I'm suffering because I insisted on changing it all.
the microwave/freezer thing does work for oral use, obviously, but i've always liked just kind of sucking on them until they disolve, or when they get really small, kind if bite what's left into really tiny pieces and just suck on them, chewing and swallowing one every 5 mins or so. it takes a while to finish a pill, but i feel pretty good by the time i'm getting close to finished. ~80 mgs or so gets me feeling it, but i prefer a fair amount more. not sure what your tol is like- it would prob take me at least 80 to feel anything w/ ir orally as well, and much more to get pretty messed up
I know that mixing with alcohol is taboo but you could try crushing and let sit in a shot of vodka overnight - maybe even with some lemon juice added. I'm not sure if its been tried but you could try mixing the powder with papain (papaya digestion pills) and pineapple juice- both have enzymes and acid contents that might help break down the pill. I haven't tried any of these methods but it would make sense that if you subject the pills to acid, time, and digestive enzymes, and maybe alcohol, that you should be able to defeat the mechanism more or less.

I feel like an ass posting this though, because its pure speculation. I'd just keep experimenting if I were you.
i don't bother with OP oxy unless i get them really cheap, but when i do, i usually swallow 2-3 without doing any magic to break the time-release. keep in mind i usually take 45-60mgs IR oxy at one time to get high...

the microwave/freezer thing does work for oral use, obviously, but i've always liked just kind of sucking on them until they disolve, or when they get really small, kind if bite what's left into really tiny pieces and just suck on them, chewing and swallowing one every 5 mins or so. it takes a while to finish a pill, but i feel pretty good by the time i'm getting close to finished. ~80 mgs or so gets me feeling it, but i prefer a fair amount more. not sure what your tol is like- it would prob take me at least 80 to feel anything w/ ir orally as well, and much more to get pretty messed up

My typical feel good dose of oxycodone IR (perks or roxis) is between 120-180 mg. I hadnt done an OP in ages, but the first night I got these, I split up 160 mgs in a variety of delivery methods-- small chunks dissolved in coke, small chunks chewed thoroughly and swallowed, small chunks chewed and sucked on and chewed further then chased with coke, etc-- and got to feeling pretty darn good. Unfortunately, no combination of methods is getting me back to anywhere even close to that plain of happy happy, joy joy.

I'm not the best at following directions when it comes to things like this and the microwave, freezer process just looks like a trainwreck and waste of time in the making (for me-- i dont doubt its efficacy for those so inclined to follow the tek to the "t"). Thus, I'm looking for the best alternative. probably just go with biting, sucking, chewing, swallowing, repeat... thanks all
please???? baggage. out lost me with help Florida anyone in Can stuck I'm

It makes about as much sense put together like that.

I'm leaning towards believing it's a swim thing lost in Florida and looking for drugs.

Ass Gnome
afaik any methods you would use to prep it for nasal/IV/etc would also work orally... honestly I don't have much experience with the new OCs, once those bitches came out i switched to pans, never looked back

cheers to you for taking them orally though, with oxycodone that's for sure the best way to go (without getting rigs involved)