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new national anthem - "techno" version

that is possibly the new number one on my list of shittest songs that shuold have never been released..... gobsmacked at the horror of it... hate it, fuck!! put every copy of it on a rocket and shoot em into the sun.. that shit is FUCKED UP!


madison avenue are actually quite good (their album rocks, and andy van is a good dj). i will not listen to this.
silvia saint said:
so from now on when i am asked "what music are you into?" and i reply "techno", people are gonna think i'm into this rather than steps? well, i guess it's good then ;) :)

BWAAAAAHAHAHA! i get that too "trance, you mean like that britney remix on video hits?" ohh dear lord no. i really hope that 'ole johnny gets through on this and they can it. it is seriously a disgusting 'song'
onetwothreefour said:
madison avenue are actually quite good (their album rocks, and andy van is a good dj). i will not listen to this.
Hrmm I was just about to say the same thing. Great minds and all of that. ;)
I'm not sure what causes me more pain... the anthem or agreeing with little johnny hehe
OMG the ultimate in cheese!!

To the [over]producers of this: I SALUTE YOU!!!

To the idea of adding the 'Waltzing Matlda bit in: Sheer Genius.

I already thoguht our anthem was somewhat cringeworthy.. this just takes it to a new level.....!!!
I cant believe they even thought to make this heh.

Everything about it, is just horrible.
The horribleness of that makes me glad I don't live in Sydney right now.
pfft i can't tell the difference with all this so-called 'electronic music' these days. Whatever happenned to having a national anthem you could tap your toes to?
I have yet to hear the un-adulterated anthem.... but this is complete rubbish.. Whoever produced this should be drawn and quartered :] Why is this going to be played? Did any of the people who voted on this actually listen to it? If this was what they selected.. what did they reject? :p
preacha - I'm with you - oh canada is my favourite anthem of all time

(oh yeah and this version of the anthem is tragic and bites the big one!!)
Forget about the fact that the National Anthem shouldn't be fucked with, the real issue in my mind is that someone, somewhere is capable of producing such utter, utter shit...someone is capable of singing so poorly and out of beat...and that someone who is smart enough capable of turning on a CD player to listen to such shit can approve it for public consumption.

The signer sounds like some fucked up cross between Dolly Parton on speed and the Chipmonks.

Given the wealth of Australian musical talent (including dance music producers) I am horrified that this the best we can produce for something that will be heard around the world.

Fuck I'm just horrified at the thought that there must be at least one person who thinks this sounds good!
Originally posted by ozbreaker
This one is destined for the next Fabric Live no doubt ;)

Bring on the funked-out Plumps remix, i say! :D
its shocking! heard it on the news...and whats with the waltzing matilda being in it? man im glad in not down sydney harbour this new years eve. i will be elsewhere in sydney. i wouldnt want that blaring around the waterfront.

believe it or not it got the green light to be played to 100000000s of people nye down sydney harbour

*starfalls69* said:
and whats with the waltzing matilda being in it?
isn't that because cool techno dj's often mix in more than one song into a single track to be cool?

i bet john laws did this just so he could have a whinge about it. download some mixing program and did it during his lunch break
Aah well, this is yesterday's news now. Like most people I've built a bridge and gotten over it. Australians are world champions at making mountains out of molehills.
onetwothreefour said:
madison avenue are actually quite good (their album rocks, and andy van is a good dj). i will not listen to this.

agreed on both points, the chick is hot and has a good voice and Andy Van is an awesome DJ...