• NMI Moderators: Snafu in the Void

New member, have been on here a few times. I finally decided to make an account.


Apr 25, 2019
I am a relatively young male. I go on a decent amount of drug related subreddits on reddit; I also like going on erowid and psychonaut wiki and thought I should sign up here. I am very interested in psychedelics, especially lsd. I want to get into RC chemicals, specifically 4-sub based ones like 4-ho-met, 4-aco-dmt, 4-ho-mipt. I enjoy math, chemistry, and physics. I am in the process of getting my bachelors in chemistry. I also enjoy hiking in the woods with my friends in the middle of nowhere and just enjoying everything nature has to offer. I wish people would inform themselves about drugs before forming opinions about them. I hope to be fairly active on here.
Welcome to Bluelight, lebelef.

I share in your belief that people should inform themselves about everything, including drugs, before forming an opinion.

Looking forward to your contributions on Bluelight.