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New Ketamine tests on sheep 🐑 💉


Jul 16, 2010

So they're basically saying when they gave sheep 24mg/kg their brains stopped completely for a few minutes.

24mg per kg! I'm not fucking surprised.
I weigh 90kg and the most I ever did was 2.1g in a shot which is very fucking close to 24mg/kg. ..24mg/kg for someone weighing 90kg would be 2160mg - I did 2100mg once and FUCK ME SIDEWAYS. The whole world dissolved along with my brain as I breathed out what felt like a room full of menthol and the loudest ringing in my ears I've ever heard, came round about an hour later. My tolerance is massive, but 4-500mg makes me fall over and forget shit 😂 1000mg+ and I'm lucky to get the needle out of my arm/hand before going unresponsive...and they say 24mg/kg is on the 'lower end of recreational use'
No one I know in real life or on this forum has IV'd as much as or more than 2.1g (if you have please speak up I'll virtually shake your hand) so I don't know where the fuck they're getting that it's on the lower end of the scale.

It is vice after all I guess. Still an interesting read 😁💉🐑

Edit: I have just realised it doesn't say if it was IV or IM. I was going on IV doses when I wrote that. IM 24mg/kg would be way weaker.
Don't forget that many animals have faster metabolism and require much higher dosages (rats x12 for example and they say the sheeps dose was on the lower end of recreational dosing). Remarkable finding, how the fuck do they explain having consistent memory of a time where the brain was offline??

I'm hesitant to write it but yeah, I've felt it, these drugs will give us access to the hyperspace beyond our physical bodies xD try to listen to binaural beats for out of body experiences on K for example..
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listen to binaural beats for out of body experiences on K for example..

I used to do that when I was about 20. In a dark room with headphones in. Used to send me on MAD trips/holes, especially when k was combined with nitrous balloons while listening
Really curious about that part saying the brain is essentially offline during a K hole. Science needs to hurry now to provide a theory about how the fuck can you remember things from a time without .. emm ... your memory?

As I seem to be predisposed not to hole, I'd rather hit plain anesthesia, my experiences are unfortunately limited but indeed I do have some very deep interesting NDE experiences which are completely unlike the regular pseudohole/loss of contact with your body / drifting away etc.. full dream like scenaries come closer but these two were essentially what people describe when they say "I saw my life playing as a movie". It is a fucking movie, in superduper ultra HD and colors on steroids, you've never seen anything more bright, more intense etc.. one time it was about making a movie about my life and the other time it was somehow inside a space ship and my life was just a movie...

I suspect that I have more memories like these, essentially time spent in parallel universe, days, weeks, months(?) but I can'r access most of them. Only by accident if I remember something similar enough. Like the movie thing remembers me about seeing a crime movie about magic mushrooms, teenagers overdosing in a forest and awakening evil spirits and I searched long time for that movie but I did not find it, especially not made in Switzerlad, so I came to the conclusion it was a brief memory of some time spent in dissoverse ....

Hope somebody will find a way to better access these things, because they are there. I know this is metaphysical but people speculate about a common subconscious that all human(? why not animals too) share and just most don't know how to access it (see the hundreth monkey effect for example), and it would be golden to turn that into a mental internet (yeah, like in the sci fi movies). :LOL: Some more little pieces in the puzzle that we aren't just biological machines living a nonsense short period of consciousness ... I think things are a bit more complicated than like astral body travel to another city. Yeah, this stuff is possible, but that'd be too simple. Unlogically simple, given all the dimensions etc.. so if you loose contact with this reality, don't expect our dimensions to be relevant in the space you reach.
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Really curious about that part saying the brain is essentially offline during a K hole. Science needs to hurry now to provide a theory about how the fuck can you remember things from a time without .. emm ... your memory?
You don't actually know what's going on around your body while in sleep, right? You remember your dreams.

Dualism would be the easiest answer.
You don't actually know what's going on around your body while in sleep, right? You remember your dreams.
The brain is pretty active during REM sleep and the other time asleep is just gone. But indeed I thought about whether sleep, and dreaming, are the natural functions for which the dissociative mechanisms are for.

Now add endogenous DMT to the picture, something which seems to have gone basically lost during evolution (?) and things become even more interesting.

But it's a good question even when not what you referred to, if and to what degree conscious is able to influence the body at cell level. Some magic healers spread wild theories about such stuff but I like more to stick what can be proven and re-proven. Just such a shame that psychedelic states are still excluded from science..

Anybody knowing if we have some reports about secret experiments with psychedelics from the CIA etc publically available?
Yeah, dissociatives do exactly this, they discouple the conscious brain from sensory input but if I understand the study correctly then the K hole is different in that there should be too little activity for you to experience all these things you do.

Will read up about dualism, heard before but don't remember. These philosophes have some great concepts.