

Jan 3, 2009
well I know this isn't about steroids/prohormones, but I felt the need to post this.

Does anyone here work negatives into their workout schedule? I find that doing it once a month on each muscle group tears the shit out of me and that I get alot bigger and more pumped because of it.
what are your views on negatives?

for those who don't know a negative is after doing as much as you can on a set a spotter lifts the weight up for you and you let it down as slow as you possibly can.
I'll sometimes push press out a few more reps if I'm doing millies so that I can get a little more negative action in play
IMO, negatives are great to throw in on occasion but I would use them sparingly. Very easy to over train using them consistantly.
they are where the bulk of the systemic muscle tearing occurs...oddly enough the concentric portion of most lifts cause MUCH less tearing.