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My delicious Ayahuasca Recipe!

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Is it possible for you to stop believing that your soul was possessed by "illuminati devils"? To be honest I can't even tell you the number of times I have heard people having psychotic episodes using words that you're using, and typing in ways that remind of how you're typing. Have you been to see a doctor? It could be you're having a psychotic episode. In which case, psychedelics will probably make it worse. I think the most important thing for you is to stop believing you've been possessed because this is in your mind and you have the power to feel any way you want to, with some work. The longer you fear such a thing, the farther it's going to drag you down and contribute to your mental state. If you can't rationalize it away on your own, consider seeking medical help.

Good luck <3
If you can't rationalize it away on your own, consider seeking medical help.

Good luck <3

Do you honestly think the medical approach will heal his "lost soul"? They'll sedate the f out of him. I know it's not HR, but humans have issues that fall outside the realm of what the western medical community is capable of dealing with.

How much meditation do you do? It's a good idea to find a place (and time) where you can completely relax and become still, letting thoughts pass over you.

If you are dead set on the shamanic approach for retrieving your soul, there are a number of ways you can bring yourself back. Psychedelic cacti are a relatively spiritually safe (but not necessarily easy) avenue for finding the strength of one's heart. If you think you need a complete overhaul of your being, you could look into Iboga, but do not even consider for a second doing it without the supervision of an experienced sitter. Consider it death to do it without a sitter.

And a therapist with experience with psychedelics would be a very good person to talk to. I once experienced profound derealization from an incident on Salvia, and just talking about it made me feel more present and alive. There can only be good that can come from talking about your problems to a caring individual.

Don't lose hope.
i lost my soul for all eternity
i need help real spiritutal help
theres fire going thru me
im in HELL
i don't want to go there when i die
i want to reach samadhi nirvana
please send me a pm rhythm spring because i cannot send one for another 2 hours
I'm in a spiritual crisis right now
i lost my soul to salvia and LSD
i need some help
Do you honestly think the medical approach will heal his "lost soul"? They'll sedate the f out of him. I know it's not HR, but humans have issues that fall outside the realm of what the western medical community is capable of dealing with.

I'm not the type of person who will always recommend medical help, nor am I the type to believe that neuroleptics are a good answer for most, nor am I the type who sticks straight and narrow to the scientific approach of our modern world. I know there are things we do not understand and that our approach to medicine is not equipped to handle. It's just that my impression from his posts is that he is having some sort of psychotic episode, and the best advice I could give considering this is to seek medical help. I have a feeling that trying to use further psychedelics to solve this problem will only exacerbate it. I can't in good conscience recommend it. I do not believe he needs to use ayahuasca, or mescaline, or iboga and that it's more likely than not that these will make things worse for him.

I've given different advice to other people in this forum claiming similar issues, but those individuals were coherent and rational-sounding in their descriptions and because of their insight into their own state that they communicated, I did not believe them to be experiencing psychosis.

nishith said:

This is but one example. To me this sounds like classic psychosis. Not just this but it jumped out at me as a good example.

And a therapist with experience with psychedelics would be a very good person to talk to. I once experienced profound derealization from an incident on Salvia, and just talking about it made me feel more present and alive. There can only be good that can come from talking about your problems to a caring individual.

I do, however, support this advice. It may be good to talk to a therapist but make sure it's one who accepts psychedelics as something besides dangerous drugs. I was in therapy for a while after my divorce and opiate addiction and my therapist was a wonderful woman who supported my use of psychedelics as a tool. They do exist. But if you go to one that isn't like that, they will almost certainly just think you're crazy.

Anyway what I said above still stands.
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the ayahuasca i drink tastes and feels like WINE or something POISONOUS, it does NOT seem PURE at ALL
please pm me RhythmSpring when you read this
its NOT psychosis, quit being arrogant.
its REAL to me

I wasn't being arrogant, I took care to think of a compassionate response. I'm only sharing my advice, based on my witnessing of similar things from other posters and a friend over the years. Take it or leave it. <3
^i've had experiences with psychosis. because of something inside us we don't know if we are that way.

has anybody noticed feeling scattered and confused after 5 or 6 days of abstinence from excessive DMT use? i very rarely use DMT. when i do the dose is 5 to 20mg vaporized. i don't use doses higher than 30mg and i spread these experiences out at least 10 days. i remember using DMT multiple times each day when i was younger (over extended durations). there weren't noticeable negative physical consequences. psychologically things were odd.

this is what i learned about DMT. in the words of Rick Strassman "There is always more to learn".
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