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Apr 9, 2006
Multiplex of perspective

Each perspective morphs when interpreted

Complexity intertwining from the root of being

Nothing is something

Something is nothing

Paradox bursts from the seams of a line

Unraveling at light speed

Speed meets unbridled acceleration

A line bent into an infinite circle

Never began nor ended

Always splendid

The way the mind bended

It sent me to the stars

I removed the bars from my window pane

I left the prison of pain

I certainly didn’t reach resolve by becoming sane

I threw away memory lane

I embraced the infinite moment

The past gives way to present and flowers to the future of now

Each petal melting away to the novelty of a cycle anew

Hurdling towards infinite singularities

Analog and digital

Display the polarity in between a meshing of duality

A tapestry woven in an identitylessness web of Order

Dew glistens displaying its transparency of clarity

A rung of flowing form a web observed with the omnisentient eye

Sung by the melody of the infinite multiplex of universes

Infinite exfoliation of the faberge egg releasing a tapestry woven with utmost care

That had no idea of despair

No creator, no imitator

The kosmos birthed to revel in the unexplainable beauty of nothingness