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Most horrific drug(s) you know of?

Zopiclone bandit

Jan 25, 2018
The first for me has gotta be some stuff in Russia called "ballerina" on the street, I have no idea what it actually is but makes addicts of it have real issues with their limbs & they freeze so it looks like you are stuck on a cross or they have to walk how a ballerina does as their legs have locked. I really wish I knew what that stuff was as it looks horrific & imo isn't that far removed from Krokodil in terms of fucking you up for good.

Next has gotta be Sisa from Greece, this is really dirty Meth to be blunt but has all kinds of "nice stuff" added to it such as battery acid, engine oil, shampoo.

Finally from South Africia is Whoonga which is a mixture of heroin, sand & HIV antiretroviral drug (ARV)
Sooo, I used to live in Tanzania and Ghana and traveled quite a bit around Africa. One thing you see a lot of is glue huffing, especially by street children, since it staves off hunger. It probably doesn't sound that bad but the effects are pretty terrible. Users kind of walk around in a daze with this vacant look, often have residue from the glue on their faces, and sometimes become violent. Brain and heart damage, as well as death can result.

Another really noxious drug I saw in East Africa was inhaling literal jet fuel. It's called "mafuta ndege" in Swahili which means plane oil in English. There is a black market around this and it's diverted from the airports. You can usually tell when people are on this stuff because they have no equilibrium at all. They are walking around just waving their limbs all over the place. It also causes hallucinations. As with the glue, it can cause blackouts and you often see users sprawled on the pavement in cities, just dead to the world. The effects of huffing are apparently pretty short lasting, I've heard. Motorcycle fuel is another solvent that gets used, and it's popular among street kids in some places like Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Yes, @Zopiclone bandit is correct in speaking about Nyaope, which is a smokable mixture of heroin, Anti-retroviral drugs (ARVs) [HIV meds], and fillers like rat poison or "dagga" (weed). The idea that it could be cut with sand is very credible to me. It is a huge problem in Southern Africa in particular, where HIV rates are highest and use of ARVs is up too. The effects can include hallucinations and delusions.

Codeine is big in some countries. I definitely wouldn't say it's a horrific drug but it's interesting in terms of African drug culture. Users tend to pour it straight down their throats to avoid terrible tooth decay. I haven't personally seen this, only read about it online.

Finally, "Bluetoothing" will probably blow your mind as a creative and awful spin on drugging. The basic premise is that users inject themselves with heroin (nyaope) and then pull their own blood back up the syringe and inject it into a friend, as a way to share the high. As you can imagine, this is a fantastic way to also share all kinds of diseases. Bluetoothing is big in Southern Africa, where they seem to be adept at coming up with inventive ways to do drugs.

If I think of any more, I'll post them here. I'd love to know if anyone else knows of any I didn't post.
Flaka (Flakka?) seems to send people fucking mental.
Wasp is ridiculous (a mixture of methamphetamine and crystallized bug spray)
There's no way you'd get me to do Phencyclidine either (remember that guy who ate a homeless mans face?)
Scopolamine - not the drug itself but the possible implications of being able to influence someone to such a degree (didn't - fictionally, I know - Hannibal use that to get that child rapist to cut his own face off?)
ALCOHOL - most people will disagree but this RUINED my body, my relationships with family and friends and my whole life. Plus - the withdrawal is fucking FATAL. 'nuff said.
Spice (and other synthetic Cannabinoids) - evil stuff. I've done this three times and suffered an acute grand mal seizure every time. One of those times (you NEVER normally have any thoughts or cognitive experience while seizing, btw, you just come to later with no memory) I was suddenly a non-physical entity floating out in outer space and I was the only thing that really existed in the Universe (my biggest fear is being alone) and I had overwhelming feelings of impeding doom and terror and I just KNEW that nothing was ever going to be okay ever again...it was one of the worst experiences of my life and if I were Religious I would say I OD'd and briefly went to Hell.
acid is the nastiest one on earth. it is impossible to overlook the effects shown via brain scan if acid is ingested.

Actually all research points to LSD being among the physically safest of all drugs. The idea that it causes brain damage is a total myth/lie. In fact many psychedelics including LSD have neuroprotective effects. There are decades of research into this, when psychedelics got demonized they buried it all and relased a bunch of false claims, but it's not buried anymore, you can see for yourself if you look into it. Johns Hopkins has been doing research for the past 15 years also. They are current research LSD and psilocybin (and MDMA) for use in therapy with very promising results.
There's no way you'd get me to do Phencyclidine either (remember that guy who ate a homeless mans face?)

PCP is a valid drug, thing is, most people don't have any idea how much they're taking and it can be very impure, and if you're prone to violence, well, it causes intense energy and a total inability to feel pain, and a great loss of inhibitions, so... I actually do want to try PCP, if I can ever get it in pure form.

The homeless man eating a face was from "bath salts", however the man was insane to begin with and it was a fearmongering piece of reporting.
PCP is a valid drug, thing is, most people don't have any idea how much they're taking and it can be very impure, and if you're prone to violence, well, it causes intense energy and a total inability to feel pain, and a great loss of inhibitions, so... I actually do want to try PCP, if I can ever get it in pure form.

The homeless man eating a face was from "bath salts", however the man was insane to begin with and it was a fearmongering piece of reporting.

^ahh, yes, you're right. I remember the story now.

I've seen PCP use on Intervention and it looks like I'd enjoy a SMALLLLLL amount of it pure...but is it worth the risk? I'm by no means violent, but definitely very unstable (BPD) and if someone attacked me or hurt someone I cared about, I'd probably get super violent under the influence. I do when sober, to some degree.
This guy in the same Hostel as me OD'd by injecting Pregabalin once...it wasn't bad like the drugs on here but I had to literally breath for him for 12 minutes (that's a really long fucking time when you're keeping someone alive) waiting for the paramedics. It the first OD I witnessed and it was pretty scary.
Not that he ever thanked me (we didn't know each other, but lived in the same building). He just bitched at me because the paramedics (or someone anyway) confiscated the rest of his Lyrica.
Damn that's a fucked up dude....

Yeah PCP is VERY potent, like 5mg is a dosage. The reports of violence are overhyped, it doesn't cause violence any more than alcohol does. That is to say, if you're violent, you might become violent on it. The people I've seen on PCP have just been super zonked, like people really out of it on ketamine (they are closely related after all, ketamine and PCP), except more energetic, and less sedated.