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Money – it’s not everything…or is it?


Bluelight Crew
May 21, 2000
Money isn’t everything! We hear that phrase many times, and I wonder how true it is – or perhaps it is in varying degrees?

I’ve been accused many times of being a youth worker who lost touch with the common man in order to join the corporate world – a world governed by the almighty dollar and personal success. To an extent this probably does ring true, it was financial reason’s that lead me away from the poorly paid contract work of a youth worker to the more secure and better paid corporate. This thread isn’t however about my philanthropic back flip, but more to the point of why – money.

At the time I was a newly wed (awwwww) with a mortgage and a baby on the way (awwwww) – life expenses we’re about to soar, especially when the Misses was about to leave work for the time being – you see she was also a youth worker…. Maternity leave?, yeah right! So, having lived the Uni life of being an under provished student with wild ideals about the world and how to make it a better place, I was now in a situation where the world had made me realise reality – I needed money.

I’ve not turned into a money hungry corporate – well at least I hope I haven’t – nor have I become a yuppie carrying a well fed wallet – my debts make sure of that. But I think about all the things I enjoy and the expenses they incur. My hobbies are not cheap and have got me in hot water a few times due to financial mis-management. So in order for me to continue to chase after the things I enjoy, I need to chase the almighty dollar. Obviously I won’t attain everything I’m after, but is there something wrong with chasing the almighty dollar?

Now, I’m not saying that with money I would reach blissful happiness – I do realise that happiness comes in many forms and it’s contributed by many different aspects of our lives. But I can’t help to think that money does go along way – I’m just cursed not to have a lot of it hehe. I don’t peruse money in the form of greed, but rather to help me enjoy the things I like.

So the question is, after rambling you to sleep – how important is the almighty dollar in your life? – does it provide happiness and will it provide additional happiness with further acquisition? Is there a happy balance that you have found?
Money is only important to me when I don't have it.

Its very important right now. I have no job and am flat fkn broke.

Should work on the job bit first i think
Money is very important to me. Does this make me a bad person? NO! We need money to get through the daily grind. We need money to eat and live. We need money to relieve boredom. We need money to go out and have fun. We need money to travel. We need money to buy a house.

Right now I don't have the money I need and it's depressing. Could money buy me happiness? I think it could. Obviously there are other things in life that are just as important or more important than money (health, family, peace), but I will always be chasing the $$$. Money allows me to enjoy life they way I want and have fun. My 2 cents.
Money is evil. It's at some stage taken over my life and made me make a lot of big mistakes.

shals :D
Let's think about it.... WE NEED MONEY TO LIVE. You can say money is evil, but you wouldn't be able to do anything without money. Everything you enjoy doing, going to the movies, buying a Big Mac, buying a babe a drink, buying clothes to wear... none of this can be done without money.

Money is only evil when it's used for evil. Money can also do a lot of good.
give me enough cash and i'll do anything, money is definately evil.
I'm pretty neutral about money.

Sure, I dream about winning tatslotto as much as the next person and I think it would be rather nice not to worry about money at all...

BUT... I have zero ambition - if ambition equals climbing corporate ladders and staying in at work until 11pm. I truly don't get that sort of mindset. (Unless, perhaps, if you have a reason, such as you did haste).

To abuse a cliche, life is for living. NOT for working. I would much rather be comfortably lower-middle class, and enjoy my nights and weekends free, than struggle to "attain" the type of "lifestyle" I see many of my peers struggling for. Some have achieved it. Are they happier? Not in my estimation.

I couldn't tell you how much I have in my bank accounts. Money always seems to be there when I need it. If not, there's always the credit card. :D Basically, to be debt free, with a comfortable house, a nice car and money to do a few things on the weekends is all I aspire to.

Still, money does inevitably have *some* importance. When my partner was recently out of work it became a major issue. It wasn't so much LACK of money (although that was obviously a factor), it was more about distribution of fiscal responsibility. In other words, I was paying for everything while he kept the couch warm. :| It affected our relationship deeply. I never thought - with my relaxed attitude to money - that it would affect us so much, but it did. Money is so inextricably tied up with power balance, and more so with gender roles than I'd previously thought too.

Bleh. We should all go back to trading apples and chooks. =D
when you've got it - it's not so good because you know soon you wont have it
Its an interesting question. I seem to find myself talking about money more and more and am realising that I sound really self-centered and boring when I do. Having money is fairly central to me. It is not the most important thing, but fuck does it ever make life easier. Being able to pay rent and bills on time, being able to pay off credit cards and debt without struggling or making minimum payments. Just being able to live comfortably :)

It is not everything but it certainly makes a difference :)
I don't like what money does to people. Makes them greedy and materilalistic. "Stuff" does not matter in this world. People do and how you treat them. Respecting where you live and having self respect. That is what counts. No one on their death bed is going to be saying "oh gee i really wish i had bought that boat" but maybe regret that they treated people badly or didn't get to have the experiences that they wanted.

Saying that however experiences sometimes COST alot of money. I would like to go doofing all over the world one day and that in itself is going to cost money.

I need food and shelter and all the other basic needs to *live*. I need to have enough money to provided for my son and give him all he needs and some of the things he wants (i'll never just hand things to him on a silver platter...i'm not raising a spolit little rich kid who takes everything for granted...not that i'm rich but you get my point hopefully)

I'm studying to be a teacher so that i have a decent job that will let us live comfortably but mainly because i want to do something worthwhile in my life and be a role model for my child and show him that anything you want to do you can succeed at no matter what your conditions are.

I would like to buy a house in a nice area and have home security for us and not having to worry where the next $50 is coming for a bill or having to buy less groceries and things like that.

I've always come from a poor family and lack of money me the worst experiences at school but now that i'm older (and yet still poor) i am mature enough to realise that money is not the be all and end all of life.

Too much of it in my opinion turns people into selfish arseholes (unless they contribute to good causes and do good things with it and don't let it run their lives) and not enough can be difficult to live off but you learn to manage and actually enjoy the important aspects of what the world has to offer.

Hmmm. Money would be good, I come from a middle class (read just coping and no more) family, and yeah, money has never been that important to me, more the things I could buy with it.
You need money to live but I think the overall need for it depends on your upbringing. The way I was raised has made me feel that while money isn't the be all and end all you still need it to look after your health and secure a future.

If I had come from a family where my health wasn't number 1 and living in a nice area was a priority I'm sure I wouldn't care as much as I do now.

I want to be able to eat nice food, enjoy some recent technology and live in a safe area when I grow up. All this costs alot of money and if I don't have it I will be living worse off than when I was a kid and I don't think I could do that.
unfortunately money is everything.... (well, i know money can't buy love etc... but girls are suckers for a rich guy...)

we need it to survive, to have fun and to live comfortably...

as to how much you let it control your life, that is up to you......
^^ pffft i couldn't care less how much money a guy had and women who do are just plain selfish imo "ooooo i wonder how much he can buy me and all the pretty things i can have" yeah you really want to date a girl who looks at whats in your wallet?
It's the only reason I go to work in the morning.

If i didn't have a family to provide for i could choose to not work and get by whatever way possible (all I really need is pot and sex). But now that I have brought three souls into this world, I see no other option but to continue working.
money is not the be all and end all for me, but at the same time it is important for me to have financial security. i lived for too long not having enough money for bills, food, etc and now that things have changed i really don't want to go back to the way i lived before.

granted, my financial situation was mostly brought on by myself (too much beer and pot), but i like being able to enjoy myself and still be able to eat and have electricity.

in regards to what haste said about leaving one job for a better paying one, atm i'm deciding what to go back and study and i do take into account the pay that i'm likely to recieve...one day i want to have a family and i want to be able to provide for them and not worry about affording the essentials.

i don't think money provides happiness, but having money does decrease the amount of stress in my life which in turn makes me happier :)
Originally posted by astrosmurf
money is not the be all and end all for me, but at the same time it is important for me to have financial security.

That's where I stand. Life is much more stressful when you're struggling to pay bills and it's frustrating when you can't do the things you want to do.
It's human nature to want more. you can be as self righteous, 'altruistic' and introverted as you like but no-one can say that they 'don't need money man' or 'its a triviality imposed on us by the fascist system', bullshit. we need money to survive.

what I think is important is EARNING that money DOING something that you ENJOY

so even if you don't have complete financial security, you can always aspire to do better at the job you enjoy and therefore make more money to better your standing.

now comes the realization that i work at a fucking bakery. then again, i'm only 17 and it breaks even, and I work with good people
"in america, first you get the money, then you get the power, then you get the women"

Money is the B all and end all. It creates ambition. Why do you want to be the high flying corporate.. der cause i want more shit. Then i want a bigger house so i can fit more shit. *Blah, yeah verging on truth for me*

Money is a bitch, the more u get doesnt necessarily means the more u save. It just increases your lifestyle, if you choose to do so.

Without the Bling your have Nothing. Its all well and good to talk about how money is such a bad thing, because its so "in" to hate money. I want to be driven to succeed and I find that the money will follow, I never want to be money driven. Money is great, until what u have to do for it begins to take over your life. Respect and Power is the Key, money just comes with it. When this starts to effect other areas of my life though, ie family then money is meaningless and ill just adjust to a level where I feel that I can enjoy both.
