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Aug 8, 2019
First post ever: Need advice

23, bored, tired of Xanax and weed.

hit up my dealer for meth, idk why.

I buy 160$ worth, baggy looked small to me? Idk what it was supposed to weigh out to.

Take it home, load bubble with giant crystal.

tourch until melting, rolling and hitting HARD AF.

5 massive clouds later, I get a huge tingle down my spine, the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

my eyes begin Darting around my room as if I was discovering a whole knew world,

I Plop down on my bed and stare at the ceiling for what felt like 5 minutes in complete euphoria, and turned out to be 3 hours.

I pick my head back up and start playing battle field for nearly 18 hours with out eating or drinking, didn’t even realize I missed an entire day of work.

i crash for Nearly a full day, I wake up, with a heart rate of 190bpm. Sweating, my entire body was aching like I had been in the worst car crash. I feel my left arm to numb and the muscles in my face where spasmodic. I stay calm. Call 911.

I get to the ER tell them I did meth, they ran an ekg, and blood work, and every thing came back normal. They ruled out a heart attack and a stroke. Is this normally what happens after you smoke meth? Or did I have a terrible reaction to. Come down?
Nope, that's normal! You did meth, it's a hell of a drug. I did it daily for years (along with other drugs) and I just quit at the beginning of August. I've smoked 2 times since then and had almost the exact same reaction as you. It's a crazy powerful drug. I don't have to tell you to be careful. Also quitting once you are addicted is HARD. I've come off of benzos before as well, I was so physically addicted I actually had a grand Mal seizure 5 days after stopping. However the psychological addiction meth had over me was pure hell. Hince why I've relapsed twice, which I did not do with benzos once I was done. Aside from heroin, meth is the hardest drug to kick and personally I think it's the hardest mentally. I don't even like how it makes me feel now so why keep dabbling with it?!? Meth addiction is a bitch!
Welcome to BL Christoviel. As said, your experience sounds pretty normal for a noob to the drug tbh - even going to the ER with an imagined heart attack and so on.

I'd probably suggest, while you're still in this very early stage, that you decide not to do any more meth now. And maybe try not to finish off your baggie either. It's so addictive that in no time you'll be craving it all the time and wishing you'd never started...
Yeah this was pretty much my first experience too 😂😂
I think the weird side effects bought on a panic attack that’s all
My first hit, I walked into my bedroom, planning to plug my phone into charge and chill out on the net for the night.
My wall plugs about a metre from my bed.
Anyhow, plugs in the phone, gets distracted by something on the screen and next thing I know I’ve been standing next to bed for 6 hours on my phone, freaking forgot to lay down 😂😂😂😂

It’s a good drug if you can keep control of it. Don’t go too often, regular use has seriously bad side effects on your mind
Welcome to BL Christoviel. As said, your experience sounds pretty normal for a noob to the drug tbh - even going to the ER with an imagined heart attack and so on.

I'd probably suggest, while you're still in this very early stage, that you decide not to do any more meth now. And maybe try not to finish off your baggie either. It's so addictive that in no time you'll be craving it all the time and wishing you'd never started...
you should follow this fellow BL'ers suggestions because you seem to have more of a 'go hard or don't bother' attitude or maybe it was accidental but, you need to be aware of what and how much you're consuming of any drug whatsoever and always place safety above all else but don't allow that to keep you from doing what you truely wish to do, but every individual is different, and addiction is real, but i feel needs to be regarded in a slightly different view than it is, because it can be overcome, but once you get so used to doing somthing just as you would anything unrelated to consuming drugs, a habit is a habit and some habits are just a pain in the ass to kick
This is to funny and depending on where you live a gram cost 100 to a ball can cost just 60 bucks all depends on location
Weird it’s been about 3 days now and I still feel pressure above my heart on my chest, i returned to the ER Multiple times now and every time my blood work and X-ray shows no heart damage, yet I feel the ache and the pressure of an on coming heart attack
you should follow this fellow BL'ers suggestions because you seem to have more of a 'go hard or don't bother' attitude or maybe it was accidental but, you need to be aware of what and how much you're consuming of any drug whatsoever and always place safety above all else but don't allow that to keep you from doing what you truely wish to do, but every individual is different, and addiction is real, but i feel needs to be regarded in a slightly different view than it is, because it can be overcome, but once you get so used to doing somthing just as you would anything unrelated to consuming drugs, a habit is a habit and some habits are just a pain in the ass to kick
Well I didn’t realize your only supposed to do small amounts at a time, the bowl o loaded had a puddle of like .3 nearly the bottom half of the bowl was meth, after doing some research I realized I was probably also burning it, which is why it tastes so bad and burnt my throat and lungs, I’m worried I will develop cancer of some sorts now lol
Well I didn’t realize your only supposed to do small amounts at a time, the bowl o loaded had a puddle of like .3 nearly the bottom half of the bowl was meth, after doing some research I realized I was probably also burning it, which is why it tastes so bad and burnt my throat and lungs, I’m worried I will develop cancer of some sorts now lol

You'll be fine man. Vapes do virtually the same thing if you don't top off the ejuice
Well I didn’t realize your only supposed to do small amounts at a time, the bowl o loaded had a puddle of like .3 nearly the bottom half of the bowl was meth, after doing some research I realized I was probably also burning it, which is why it tastes so bad and burnt my throat and lungs, I’m worried I will develop cancer of some sorts now lol

The lighter should never touch the spoon or the oil burner pipe that will burn the meth you need just enough heat to melt it
Not suggesting in any way you continue using the stuff, but the side effects you described are mostly exclusive to smoking it, are pretty much a rite of passage for noobs, and go away after awhile. Unfortunate side of that being addiction by that point.
I'd choose another ROA if you decide to give 'er another go.
Shit I been done with it for a few months now haha wasn’t that hard to decide to quit
Everyone says that at first. But the seed has been planted lol. When that boredom creeps in, it can get reeeal easy to talk yourself into using again.
Everyone says that at first. But the seed has been planted lol. When that boredom creeps in, it can get reeeal easy to talk yourself into using again.
Oh yea I wish I could load up everyday but it’s just taking a little will power. I’m sure I’ll be completely over it in about 6 months to a year
Hey buddy, meth can still have side effects a few days after use. Based off my xp, you're better off quitting while you're ahead man...if that isn't an option, I suggest staying hydrated and even setting an alarm as a reminder to eat. Sounds ridiculous but shit man it is a game changer.

Hope it works out for you.
Weird it’s been about 3 days now and I still feel pressure above my heart on my chest, i returned to the ER Multiple times now and every time my blood work and X-ray shows no heart damage, yet I feel the ache and the pressure of an on coming heart attack

Your lungs are sore perhaps from breathing too hard, that's what happened to me at one point ....
Your lungs are sore perhaps from breathing too hard, that's what happened to me at one point ....
Thats actually a very plausible reason for the chest pain. It happens to me any time i get really high. Like getting a full breath of air takes more effort. But i remember my chest being sore a couple days after as well. If youre not used to it, it can sure seem like its heart related and freak you out.
Do any people here smoke meth through a water bong? This is how everyone I know in Asia smokes it. I make a bong using a plastic bottle and 2 straws, then load the meth into either a glass meth bowl or pipe made out of a glass dropper or lamp. Then I adjust a standard Tokai brand gas lighter so that the flame is really small and only blue so it doesn't burn black or waste.

The effects on me are no where near as heavy as the OP described. I'm not sure is it because I use much less (generally speaking 0.5g between two friends and I can last us around 12 hours), or because the quality is different, or because the water in the bong filters it out.
The quality in asia is supposed to be quite good. Are u taking any other psych meds? The bong shouldn't have any adverse effect if youre doing it right.