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  • BDD Moderators: Keif’ Richards | negrogesic

Harm Reduction Methadone + Xanax + soma combo


Feb 3, 2008
I know many refer this to the “Houston cocktail” Which of course is usually a different type of opiate I’m assuming? Anyhow plz refrain from the lecture on the dangers( I really appreciate it tho) but I’m on a low dose I’ve tapered to at 28mg. I’ll occasionally take 1mg of etiz on a full bar but this whole “ holy trinity” has me curious... is there any serious interactions with these drugs taken together aside from the usual CNs depressant and what not? I’d obviously start slow and safe I’m just wondering if this holy trinity lives up to the hype! Thanks in advanced for the non judgmental responses!
Well, the dangers of this combination are fairly serious. Have you taken them all individually?

To confirm also - you are tolerant to methadone and 28mg is a maintenance dose?

Assuming tolerance, the respiratory depression effects will presumably be reduced, but not entirely absent. These effects typically persist longer than the subjective psychological effects.

Carisoprodol has it's own dangers as far as respiratory depression - although taken in isolation, these would not usually be too much of a concern. The primary metabolite, meprobamate, however, has respiratory effects more akin to the narrow therapeutic index of barbiturates, as well as a longer half life, with less pronounced euphoric effects. Typically that means any redose will significantly amplify the already present dangers coming from depressed breathing.

Xanax obviously is fairly benign on it's own but it will have additive effects when combined with one or more other sedatives.

This combination is not safe, in fact it has the potential to be a very dangerous one. The inclusion of soma is the most significant additional danger - assuming that the methadone is a given, as this is a maintenance dose.

I would advise that this combination is unlikely to live up to the hype, you are combining an opiate and a bunch of sedatives. If you have experience with any of them alone (which evidently you do) you can imagine somewhat what it will be like. It will feel pretty good, for sure, but probably not the absolute best thing ever - and the risks involved are severe. Added to the fact you will likely be disinhibited to the extent that even if your initial dose was not dangerous, you will be far more likely to redose to a dangerous extent - and as I outlined above, redosing will amplify the dangers even more with the substances involved.

That being the case - I would advise you to simply skip this combination. If you are absolutely hell bent on doing it, you should begin by combining the substances in pairs, NOT all 3 at once, and at significantly reduced doses, like a quarter of what you would usually use. And have someone with you who is not dosing to keep an eye on you, and who you trust to refuse you additional doses beyond a previously agreed limit.

A combination that you have to be so careful with honestly does not sound very fun to me. I hesitate to try to advise you in any way because truthfully there is no safe way to do this, but I am hopeful that on consideration you will heed my advice that the combination, while it probably does feel pretty good, obviously, surely does not feel good enough to outweigh the risk of death.
i hope you have taken them all before i repeat start doses low and work ya way up
Okay regulator. I'm not going to give you a huge lecture, but I unfortunately have to cover the benefits and drawbacks of these kinds of experiences. We are a public forum for a reason. We hope that by taking our experiences and questions public, we can help others in the process of helping ourselves. Yay! Hasta La Revolution Siempre! :)

This is a wicked dangerous practice even for someone who believes themselves to be experienced enough to avoid negative consequences. I have learned through experience and research that the addition of different drugs into a cocktail, greatly increases the risk of over-sedation -> respiratory distress.

A Benzodiazepine and an Opioid? That is fairly unpredictable, but I'm not saying it can't be controlled.

A Benzodiazepine, an Opioid and Meprobamate (Miltown)? I feel like even the experienced drug user is playing with fire here. Meprobamate is for all intents and purposes a Barbiturate. It produces similar effects and can kill by overdose as a single-agent cocktail. Meprobamate was believed to be safer than Barbiturates, but was found fairly quickly to share almost all of the same negative qualities.

Carisoprodol (Soma) is known to be metabolized into Meprobamate and it would make sense that such a drug could be so relaxing.

So there is no holy trinity here. You are just combining drugs from 3 different classes, which will probably fuck you up more than just the sum of the parts of the combination, if that makes sense. I highly doubt that there is any kind of cosmic mystery that will be solved by nodding out for 3-4 hours. I'm sure it will be fun, but in all seriousness, when you combine drugs like this, it typically becomes very difficult to describe the experience as anything other than "can't remember" or "drool".

I'm not judging you at all. If you're using for the purpose of numbing your senses and emotions on a daily basis and these pills are economically feasible for you at the moment, then I say go for it. I would be lying if I said I didn't think you could accidentally kill yourself with this sort of thing. I really do not want that to happen. A second option for you might be to stop and take some stock of what you're doing. If you are trying to numb yourself for some reason, maybe you should consider changing things up.

If you need help reducing your dosages or have any questions you can always ask us.
nodding out for 3-4 hours.
or forever....
reminds me of lake worth, fl.
night at "girlfriends house drug party (h, yay, roxys, xans, methadone, weed, alcohol, etc etc) all nighter parties always. went home with a few roxy 20s, a few bars and didn't want anymore methadone. iv when i got home and all i remember is waking up a few hours later feeling like i came back from a dark place. i had seen this place before and busted a nut on it. lol
For real though, my "friends" were dying (OD - there wasnt the problem with fent then)and what can be done? I had to get locked up to get away from it all (assault on leo and possesin of scheduled substances (xans and roxys). they put me inda hole for three weeks. shoulda been out in a week or less... its s fla guys ;) they said "fu** this asshole" and only saw popo when i got "food". its all right as i was getting clean and healthy (thick). only problem is i lost my job (hanging iron - a lot of it) but there were other companies no sweat, home, wife (this being the triangle i mentioned pretty much everything (quite sure other jnks know the feeling and empathize).
love read your posts, keif'. they are full of bullet-points, common sense and knowledge/experience. great reading: informative.
thanks for your input, always looking, always looking....
But yeah, one step from death
It's good to take it in stride man. I hate to rain on the parade, but I think your optimism might end up doing more harm than good in this situation. Losing jobs, destruction of families... it all really sucks when you have to face these problems head on. However, if you have a shot of Heroin and some Cocaine to go with it, a lot of these major, permanently debilitating life issues might not seem quite so serious. I know these aren't your DOC's, but the point stands.

I've been through it many times, the cycle of hating yourself, getting drugs, viewing all of your problems through rose-colored glasses, repeat. I'm not saying you have to get clean or anything like that. I do want you to be able to enjoy life in between these drug experiences. I don't personally want to see anyone spend their entire life chasing drugs. It's my hope that the drugs will not be or remain the "centerpiece" in anyone's life.

If you ever have questions or would like to chit chat, you know where to find me. The Bear Den. Inside joke.
Likely outcome: you black out and wake up not remembering anything

less likely outcome: you die and don’t wake up.

It’s a good drug combo to literally escape the planet, but it is in my opinion without question the most deadly drug combination on earth. Even worse than alcohol and benzos.

Heroin + Xanax is the reason I’m a felon and why at least 3 close friends are dead.
Speaking as someone who has eaten a lot of Soma, that drug is no joke. Even at the heights of my opioid and benzo combo tolerance adding Soma took it up a whole new and dangerous level. It is nothing to be taken lightly. Many blackouts were had, some even in the middle of eating which could have very easily killed me through asphyxiation.
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It's good to take it in stride man. I hate to rain on the parade, but I think your optimism might end up doing more harm than good in this situation. Losing jobs, destruction of families... it all really sucks when you have to face these problems head on.
Yeah, it sucks. then I learn and get over it: No one said it was easy. After decades of fruitless abstenince; there comes a time to give/take. May as well have an optimistic attitude as it has not always been this way and there is doom on the horizon. Looking for the best and expecting the worse.
FWIW, the worst happened decades ago as well as lifetimes past. Been a pretty good boy lately. Mom would be proud. hahaha
I know these aren't your DOC's,
Oh, but they are. If we talkin opies, benzos and muscle relaxers or the like then yep... my love. Yet (again) decades of use/abuse has created a tempered spirit that treads lightly. All drugs are my DOCs yet some are less threatening.
I don't personally want to see anyone spend their entire life chasing drugs.
It truly sucks. There are days l enjoy being "sober" but I would rather be on a benzo or the like. It's gotten to the point of phenibut every third day and kratom 4-5 x day @ 1.5-2g. It's effective but boring as hell. I love to step off for a minute yet it does set me back and causes some self-"hatred" or whatever for not being my "best". WTH is my best?
Phenibut every third day seems to keep most social intolerance at bay and kratom keeps most pains manageable.
Cheap and effective... again, boring: Safe.
Wanna good sack but know it's bunk.
What's to be done?
I'll grow older one day and forget what it was all for anyway... for naught.
Did you hear about this person? do you know if he's still alive?
I really love carisoprodol and I am taking 10mg of methadone a day along with 10mg of diazepam and tomorrow I am going to receive 2 pills of carisoprodol 350mg I was thinking of taking less diazepam and taking only 1 soma, I thought it would be a good combo, but I see that it is very dangerous
I'm hoping this guy is still alive

I am alive and well friends for the advice. You guys were absolutely right. I totally forgot about this post. I did in fact try this at half my usual M dose, .5mg of Etiz, and 350mg soma (initially) and had half a blister pack of 1mg Etiz which I had to have taken cus it was empty by morning. I also had alcohol so I’m lucky to be alive. Everything you guys said happened aside from me dying. I’m sure it felt good but where’s the fun in it if you wake up not remembering shit? I typically don’t try to get high anymore but ever so often I do take a bit of Etiz to help with panic attacks and anxiety from my taper but I don’t exceed 1mg of Etiz more than twice a week. I appreciate all the concerns you guys are awesome and I’m more focused now on getting off this shit for the dose doesn’t hold long enough and I’m sick of waking up in wd. Any advice on getting off this completely would be great. I’m stuck at a low dose cus I can’t seem to shake the random bouts of anxiety. My counselor at the clinic actually was a patient and managed to get off using Benzos. I don’t want to get in the habit of taking them daily. So far I have gabapentin , clonidine and take mirtazipine PRN if I have a tough time sleeping but I hate the side effects from that medication. Thanks again for the love

p.s for those who are as curious as I was, don’t be a hardheaded fool like me. If anything it would be more enjoyable on their own
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I am alive and well friends for the advice. You guys were absolutely right. I totally forgot about this post. I did in fact try this at half my usual M dose, .5mg of Etiz, and 350mg soma (initially) and had half a blister pack of 1mg Etiz which I had to have taken cus it was empty by morning. I also had alcohol so I’m lucky to be alive. Everything you guys said happened aside from me dying. I’m sure it felt good but where’s the fun in it if you wake up not remembering shit? I typically don’t try to get high anymore but ever so often I do take a bit of Etiz to help with panic attacks and anxiety from my taper but I don’t exceed 1mg of Etiz more than twice a week. I appreciate all the concerns you guys are awesome and I’m more focused now on getting off this shit for the dose doesn’t hold long enough and I’m sick of waking up in wd. Any advice on getting off this completely would be great. I’m stuck at a low dose cus I can’t seem to shake the random bouts of anxiety. My counselor at the clinic actually was a patient and managed to get off using Benzos. I don’t want to get in the habit of taking them daily. So far I have gabapentin , clonidine and take mirtazipine PRN if I have a tough time sleeping but I hate the side effects from that medication. Thanks again for the love

p.s for those who are as curious as I was, don’t be a hardheaded fool like me. If anything it would be more enjoyable on their own
Glad to know you're okay man. I've also been doing very dangerous combos (like taking more than 2 25iNbome blotters with a lot of beer without knowing what dose I was taking, and doing cocaine with that too) We all do stupid things but it's good to know you're okay.
In the end, we don't fully understand how these drugs actually exert their effects. When we combine different drugs from different classes, we really lose any ability at all to really predict the outcome.

I would say the same thing to the guy taking Benzos, drinking Alcohol and taking an Opioid. It is a recipe for blackout and or overdose. Everything is just less predictable when multiple drugs are introduced simultaneously.

This "holy Trinity" is not something for beginners. I do not condone this sort of thing in a general sense, but a regular or very experienced user can use the combination with a better idea of what the outcome might be.