Mental Health Mental Health Resources/Treatment Options/Helplines Thread!

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Bluelight Crew
Mar 7, 2007
Our original Treatment/Helpline thread can be found HERE.

We have created this new thread with hopes to keep thing organized and easily accessible.
Below are all of the links from the original thread made by Sushii. (Who did a fabulous job;) Thank you so much for getting this going!)

Feel free to add links as we go along

*The TDS Mods may at a later time as the thread gets more posts, reorganize and add your links to the original post- so we can have all of our helplines, information on mental health resources, and drug treatment options in one place.

Useful websites for accessing drug and alcohol or mental health services in Australia

Government directories of drug and alcohol treatment services:

New South Wales: hMental Health and Drug and Alcohol Office (MHDAO)

Northern Territory: North Territory Department of Health - Contacts

South Australia: Drug & Alcohol Services South Australia

Western Australia:
Community Projects

Other Websites:

The Australian Drug Information Network

This site was set up by the Australian Drug Foundation and can help you access internet-based drug and alcohol information within Australia. It can link you to specific treatment services (under ‘topic centres’ select ‘Alcohol and Drug Services’ and select your state from there).


An online directory of community support services in Australia.

National depression initiative that provides information and resources.

Needle Exchange Centres

(Taken from ServiceSeeker)

Needle Exchange Services in NSW

Needle Exchange Services in VIC

Needle Exchange Services in the NT

Needle Exchange Services in QLD

Needle Exchange Services in SA

Needle Exchange Services in TAS


Anxiety Recovery Centre of Victoria (ARCVIC) - 03 9886 9233
MENSLINE- 1300 78 99 78

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Crisis Lines and Telephone & Online Counseling

United States

A Number of different Hotlines found here!

Suicide Hotlines- 1-800- SUICIDE
  • 1-800-273-TALK
  • 1-800-784-2433
  • 1-800-273-8255
Suicide Hotlines by State

National Sexual Assault Hotline

RAINN National Rape Crisis Hotline

Domestic Violence Hotline
1-800-799-SAFE (7233)

Kids Help Line - 24-Hour Telephone Counseling for Kids


Health Support has alot of links to support groups, hospitals and just general help with mental health or physical health conditions in Northwest Washington State.

The Unabridged Student Counseling Virtual Pamphlet Collection

Kids Help Line

North American Syringe Exchange Network

For psychiatric outpatient care / medication management in Alameda County, California:

Schuman-Liles Clinic
10850 MacArthur Blvd
Ste 300
(between 108th Ave & 109th Ave)
Oakland, CA 94605
(510) 569-9334

A good resource for north americans w/ sexual/physical abuse problems:
Minnesota Center Against Violence and Abuse

Violence Against Women, Australia Says No
24 hour telephone counselling for women experiencing domestic violence:

Lifeline - 24-Hour Telephone Counselling & Crisis Line
*This should be the first port of call for anyone who is feeling suicidal

13 1114

A free 24 hour online counselling service for alcohol and drug concerns: Counseling Online

Sexual health and HIV/AIDS telephone counselling:

Drug and alcohol telephone counselling and referrals:
1800 888 236

Family Drug Help
Counselling, support and referral for individuals who have a family member with a drug problem: 1300 660 068

nformation and telephone counselling for benzodiazepine dependency and withdrawal:
03 9886 0955

United States

Buprenorphine physician and treatment program locations (*BY STATE) - Buprenorphine

Northeast US


Addiction Treatment Center of New England - Brighton
(617) 254-1271

Baystate Medical Center - ADS Carlson Recovery Center - Springfield
(413) 794-3971

Bay Cove Human Services Bridge to Recovery Detox - Quincy
(617) 471-9600, ext. 243

Community Healthlink Inc. Detox Programs - Worcester
(508) 860-1000

Natchaug Hospital - Mansfield Center
(860) 456-1311 or

CT Renaissance - Norwalk, Stamford, Bridgeport, Hartford - (203) 866-2541 (*Check website for specific location #s)

Community Health Services - Hartford
(860) 249-9625

Wheeler Clinic - Hartford, Plainville
(860) 523-9788

We need more state-by-state contacts! Please consider contributing contacts for your own state in this thread!
~ Vaya

Bluelight - "The Medication FAQ a.k.a. Everything you ever needed to know about psychiatric drugs" (Many thanks to IcarusRisen)

Manchester, United Kingdom

Lifeline is a fantastic drug agency started in Manchester in 1971.
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UK harm reduction/needle exchange information.

Needle exchange supplies, drug information (including info on opiate dependence, info on rehab/injecting/detox) and relevant conference details. They have lots of publications and handbooks on order (and all on 100% recycled paper! :D )


The road to recovery from opiate addiction is a difficult one. Choosing a methadone treatment clinic for yourself or a loved one can be a critical step on that path, and it is a step with which we can help. The Methadone Treatment Centers contains over 10,000 treatment centers nationwide, provides individuals with free referrals and offers the public the ability to locate alcohol and drug rehab centers across the United States.

Drug Rehabs and Addiction Treatment by State:

Hotlines to use 24 hours a day 7 days a week in America.

Methadone Treatment Center Directory [USA]

Medically Assisted Treatment

American Association of Suicidology

Words of comfort to persons in danger of hurting themselves.

Suicide Crisis Center

Great free on line training in these situations.

NCSPT - National Center for Suicide Prevention Training

This is something that I am wanting to do, and in no way associates with BL. This is personal. ~ ocean

What Winners Do - An Addiction Recovery Blog

Swinburne University Student Services

Also, the Atlanta Harm Reduction Coalition.
This has links to Atlanta Methadone clinics/Needle Exchange information alongside various other information that is useful to those in Atlanta. I used this.

American Psychological Association

For those who want to change their behaviors, their causes and triggers through therapy, I want you to read about this - It is a lot better than being dependent on Methadone Maintenance Therapy or Suboxone.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) - What Is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy?
National Association of Cognitive Behavioral Therapists

EMDR... a non-pharmaceutical treatment originally designed to treat PTSD, but has been found to have phenomenally high success rates for anxiety disorders of all types, most depression disorders, some eating disorders, substance abuse (the psychological aspects), body dysmorphic issues, amongst others.

It has personally helped me a great deal, and since I've been suggesting it to everyone and their dog lately, I thought I'd put a few links to it in here.

Wikipedia - Basic Info

EMDR Canada
EMDR Australia

And feel free to PM me if you'd like to know more about it, my personal experience with it, or if you need a sympathetic ear.

The San Francisco area helpline is (415) 621-8600.
Their web site is San Francisco Narcotics Anonymous

Turning Point - Turning Lives Around

Eating Disorders Anonymous

I went to Keystone Treatment Center in South Dakota for 30 days.
You can stay up to 90 and possibly 120 under special circumstances I think. It was nothing fancy, but the people really cared. Everyone--from the counselors, to the nurses, to the receptionists--were in recovery. They knew what they were talking about and not just from a textbook stand point. They were also MORE than generous with helping me pay. I believe they were over $10, insurance would only cover the medical expenses, so like $3,500. I paid then $1500 out of pocket plus like $300 for med co-pays and they wrote the rest off. It was AMAZING.

I really liked it there. If anyone wants more detailed info, PM me...

Oh, and they are very in tune to Native American culture as it is South Dakota so they allowed everyone to participate in rituals like talking circles, smudging, sweat lodges (inipi), etc. That was a truly unique and inspiring experience.

I know South Dakota isn't glamorous, but really, I would recommend it to anyone.
Addendum: They also have a program for adolescents and gambling addicts, just FYI.

Healthy San Francisco
The San Francisco Community Clinic Consortium

Narcotics Anonymous World Site
A List of Narcotics Anonymous Regional Sites

For all the Centerally-located Canadians on the board, here is a few links to get help with ATOD addictions and abuse.

AA Website for the GTA

Holistic Drug Rehab Ontario

Emergency Services

Gerstein Crisis Centre
(416) 929-5200

Distress Centres
(416) 408-4357

Assaulted Women's Help Line
(416) 863-0511

Kid's Help Line

H.E.Y.Y Help Line for Toronto Youth
(416) 423-4399

St Joseph's Health Centre
(416) 530-6000

St. Michael's Hospital
(416) 864-5094

The Toronto General Hospital
(416) 340-3048

The Toronto Western Hospital
(416) 603-5757

The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health

Women's College Hospital
(416) 323-6300

*All taken from my notes and from Sheena's Place
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I cannot believe that NAMI has not already made the list.

NAMI is the National Alliance on Mental Illness:

You can find the nearest NAMI office location in your area by visiting NAMI's website and then clicking "Find your Local NAMI". Calling your local NAMI office's telephone number can really come in handy.

When I was going through the chaos of my last inpatient hospitalization a few years ago, my mother found out about NAMI and was able to find out a lot of helpful information through their website and by calling the number of our local NAMI office to ask for help. She told me that she just called them up, explained that her son is bipolar and was just hospitalized, and they were able to direct her to so much information that has helped us out in a great way.

I hope that others find my input useful. If you have a mental illness I highly recommend checking out their website for resources and other information about programs you may qualify for, how to get free medications, free mental health screenings, and more. You may have to dig a little deep on the website, but as I said they are extremely helpful over the telephone.
I just organized the links CH ;)
All links have been gathered over time and were in the previous Treatment Options thread. (There is a link to it in the first post.)
But I'm glad you find it useful! <3
I just organized the links CH ;)
All links have been gathered over time and were in the previous Treatment Options thread. (There is a link to it in the first post.)
But I'm glad you find it useful! <3
I'm looking at NASEN's website now. I'm interested in starting a syringe exchange program because there are none not only in my city but my entire state! It's a rather large state and it takes me 3 hours to drive to the closest exchange.

It's quite helpful indeed! Thanks so much! :)
Mental Health Self-help


DBSA - Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance
[In-person and online support groups]

US, Canada, Israel, India, and Ireland

Recovery International
[System of techniques for multiple goals for prevention of relapses in former mental patients and chronicity of nervous patients]

US, Australia, Ireland, New Zealand

[Peer support and mutual aid organization for recovery from, and prevention of, serious mental illness]


Emotions Anonymous
[12-step approach for emotional difficulties]
I've been taking a good look around THIS SITE (National Alliance on Mental Illness) quite a bit lately.
I really think it is a VERY helpful site.
There is a wealth on information on all kinds of mental illnesses, medications and also treatment options and support groups- not only for the person suffering from a mental illness but for family, friends and caregivers, as well. This is the link to a state by state/local search for support groups.

I also really like their medications section which has information on many psychiatric medications, links to the FDA, and prescription assistance programs.
^ I have reservations about NAMI that hopefully are past issues that are overwith. At one time some NAMI chapters discouraged therapy and pushed a meds only approach because they felt therapists can blame parents/ family to much. Some NAMI chapters have also been pretty friendly with E Fuller Torrey's Treatment Advocacy Center which campaigns to make it easier to have people involuntarily commited and to keep people under commitment. I think the national organization eventually gave a statement about being unaligned with TAC. Individual chapters will have different character, project and interests. My observation of the local NAMI was that for the mentally ill they told you to shut up, take your meds, and sit in the back kind of thing. NAMI can be a great resource for families especially if they are unaware of local resources. I have grown weary of people without mental illness who want to advocate for the mentally ill. The difference between protector and oppressor is often a small change in one's viewing angle.

If you are mentally ill NAMI might not be a very good resource for support ime. If you are family at wits end and not knowing what to do NAMI is a good place to go.
^I'm sorry you had a bad experience with your local NAMI, and that your opinion is negative.
Thanks for sharing your opinion, though.
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If it hasn't already been mentioned, is a good place for mental illness support. It has forums dedicated to lots of different disorders. I've lurked there for a while, and it seems pretty good. Most of the members are really helpful and supportive, and I've read a lot of stories that I can relate to.

And here's a couple of numbers for fellow New Zealander's that may be useful:

Alcohol & Drug Helpline: 0800 787 797 (lines open 10am-10pm every day)

Lifeline: 0800 543 354 (lines open 24 hours a day)
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If it hasn't already been mentioned, is a good place for mental illness support. It has forums dedicated to lots of different disorders. I've lurked there for a while, and it seems pretty good. Most of the members are really helpful and supportive, and I've read a lot of stories that I can relate to.
By no means am I implying that self-help forums are not important for people with problems of a severe enough nature as most frequenters here have. In fact, online "group sessions" via chat and/or forums are shown to be equally as effective as "in-person" sit-ins - sitting in a circle, that whole deal.

All I'm saying is personally I've had a hard time committing myself to these websites. I don't know exactly why, but I doubt building a system of support (even if you guys aren't aware of it) would be as easy there as it would be here. My point is, if you can't find anything that works, consider TDS to be a good resource to a stepping stone. I personally find it very therapeutic giving advice and receiving such. It restores hope in humanity for me a bit.
^ That's the exact reason why I've never created an account on that site. I just lurk and read posts. TDS is my main source of support on the net, besides friends on MSN.
Im in Az i have been on pain meds for over 3 years I have had 6 surgeries in 2/1/2 years. I have been takein 180 to 350 mg OC and 200 to 300 mg oxycondon a day for 2+years. I just lost my job amd insurans in may and can no longer pay for doc or meds I have applied for goverment insurance but not approved as of yet I need help asap in Phx, or glendale AZ. I would like it to be privet and not have to be reported as a user on any list. Can anyone tell me where to find help? Please Im am so scard of withdarws & that just makes the pain so much worce!
Y'all may want to keep in mind that '1-800-suicide' will send the police to your house if they believe you are actually suicidal.
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