• NMI Moderators: Snafu in the Void

Member for 1 year


Aug 14, 2018
I have been a blue light member for just over 1 year now. I have learned a lot of valuable information on this site. I would like to express my appreciation for all of the valuable info I have found with blue light. I just made my first post, and thought "It's probably a good idea to make an introduction post, too." In keeping true to my nature, I had to go about it completely backward, lol. Post a question first, then introduce myself.
I guess I could give a little of my history for ya'll..... I feel like my relationship with drugs started young, not illegal drugs, but prescribed ones started my journey. I was diagnosed with ADHD at 10. Back then, they barely acknowledged ADHD as something REAL, let alone have any solid alternative treatments for it. So I was prescribed Ritalin. It was AMAZING! I was in the 5th grade and was still supposed to have recess every day. However, I had not enjoyed a minute of recess since the first day that year. I was failing all academic subjects and had months and months of work backed up. I spent my recess time, while all the other kids got to play, in a classroom alone fighting with myself to catch up my schoolwork. The first day I took the Ritalin I ACTUALLY completed 5 overdue math assignments and a few other things in one 15-minute recess period. The second day, I got to go OUTSIDE and PLAY for the first time since that very first day. Ritalin was a miracle, in a teeny little pill. Fast forward a few years, and the side effects were VERY noticeable. My friends would tell me I was more fun to be around, and that they generally liked me better when I would forget to take my pill. I started noticing the "high" I got from not taking it, and the zombie-like effect it was beginning to have on me. Fast forward to my adult years, I was lost. Nobody had ever taught me any sort of healthy coping mechanisms. I legally became an adult and Dr's no longer wanted to prescribe the medication to me. Any time I brought up the subject I would get treated like, and vibes suggesting they thought of me as a "pill seeker" rather than an adult who needed the medication they had given me for years, in order to function well in society i.e.; keep a fairly tidy home, get a college degree, keep a job. My relationships suffered, everything suffered. Then I found meth. I've self-medicated with it off and on for years now. I feel like it is downright unfair that I should have to rely on somthing so illegal, and possibly dangerous in order to cope and be a functioning member of society.
Anyways, that's my story in short form LOL Thank you for having me, and finally, I can say "Nice to meet ya'll!"
Hey - nice to meet you too @curiositykitty :)

That sucks that you can't get treated for the disorder that you have been diagnosed with. Do you feel like you have control over your meth use? It can take some people in, but it is very similar to many ADHD meds, so i can see how it may help. Are you able to switch psychiatrists and see what a different one would say? About how you were so high functioning on meds and are having trouble now that you're off them?

I hope everything works out for you, and glad that Bluelight was of help to you in the mean time.

Meth is my DOC as well, and my therapist thinks i have attention problems. They would never prescribe me anything because of my substance abuse disorder, and i'm sort of glad, because before even asking for Concerta i found out how to extract the methylphenidate so it is IV-able. I am a drug abuser, but it seems like you are not, and i look up to that.

Anyway, thanks for the introduction, and hopefully i'll see you around the forum!

Welcome to Bluelight kitty.
Welcome @curiositykitty!
Over in OD and BDD we love to discuss our stims! ????

Mental Health and Health&Recovery are also a great places to discuss various topics if you are wanting to know more about therapeutic use.

If you have any questions feel free to reach out to any of the staff or post a thread with your question.

Warm Welcomes,

Mr. Deeds