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Lion's Mane, Nerve Growth Factor, & MDMA

^^^This post is wrong on so many levels.

Hippies don’t take less “drugs” as you put it, (but more specifically psychedelics/empathogens) because they start to burn out. Have you ever heard the phrase, “If you got the message, hang up the telephone.”? Tripping over and over again can be redundant and some people get what they need in the earlier experiences, why continue to take a drug that has served its purpose?

And what exactly is that purpose you may ask?.. To get you to live and be a healthier YOU. That includes healthy eating, exercise, meditation, etc.. The fact it makes “drug” experiences better is only a side benefit ;)

I find that trying to clump together all substances into the same category, aka “drugs” gives a narrow minded view of the issue. Some drugs will take more than they give, some give a lot more than they take. You have to ask and weigh out what’s going to cause more benefit than harm. Having taken a wide plethora of “drugs” over half my lifetime I’d say it’s been much more good than bad. Wouldn’t trade those moments for anything.

Bro I live in the pacific northwest, it's like a mecca for hippies. I know what the fuck I'm talking about. Been in the culture for years and had many wook friends lol, met thousands more.

Maybe at the very end they hang up the phone, but there is a long middle period between "drugs are cool and fun" and "drugs don't give me anything anymore". there is a very long period of "well, they gave me so much before, maybe there is a little left to give" before they reach the end phase of not doing drugs anymore or doing them very rarely.
Bro... So do I.. As well as travel around to other areas of the country fairly often. I know what I’m talking about.. lol.

Also PNW thinks it’s the “Mecca” for hippie culture.. You can’t even recycle plastics out here for gods sakes!!! PNW has a long way to go compared to other areas of the country.

Also the “drugs” out here are also garbage too.. Probably the reason you got LTC in the first place. Tons of MDMA but it’s all impure compared to other areas.

Just quit now my friend, I can promise you you haven’t even scraped the surface of hippie/psychedelic culture.

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Drugs trade your future health in exchange for a really good but short lived high.

you take drugs, and you suffer at a later date. The harder the drug, (usually) the better the high and the more you have to recover from it. If you don't recover enough and take too many drugs, you will begin to feel sub-human and like a drug feind.

Look at MDMA. you take it, feel like you are in heaven for a couple hours, then for a couple days to a week afterwards you just feel wiped out and fucked up.

If you want your drugs to hit harder, you have to improve your health. Take more drugs or trying to mix drugs is what fools do, or lazy people. Also trying to find secrets or hacks and shit like that is the wrong move too. The hard move, working out, eating healthy, getting enough sleep, having a constructive and strucutred routine, etc, that is the shit that really works. the things that doctors and people in the health industry tell you over and over.

If you are young, your health regenerates very quickly and its harder to notice the cause and effect (be wary of people who deny the cause and effect! usually they are young or have a lot of health and they just dont see it very well. Ask someone who has zero health or bad health, they will see it clear as day. Just hope they can express what they see fairly without being biased in negativity lol

You are generalising too much.
Yes, all drugs are bad for you if you dose too much too often.
With many drugs though, you can take them and get benefits and no drawbacks, if you don't take too much too often.
This thread is about Lion's Mane, and it can have benefits that the activities you mention cannot give you, in fact only some substances can give you those benefits, one of them is found in Lion's Mane but there are more.
Now I'm not saying that working out, eating and sleeping regularly and well are not good things, of course they are, but they just won't do what Lion's Mane does.
Also, whatever doctors and and people in the health industry say it's not automatically true.

Ever wondered why hippies love to eat well, workout, socialize, etc? Just my personal experience, but they want to recover from the drugs they did take and make their future trips better. Also if you look at the older hippies, many of them dont take drugs anymore at all, or if they do its like a couple times a year. They recognize the cause and effect and are not wanting to trade future health for a short term high anymore.

Just try to see if you can notice the trend. The more you abstain from drugs, and the more you improve your health, the better your high will be when you indulge in a drug.

If you are constantly hitting every drug you can, you'll reach a point where none of them seem to work. It's because all your health has been expended and you're not doing anything to replenish the health stores. More drugs will just fuck you up even more at that point.

People who try to use drugs to escape inevitably run into that issue. they never deal with the issues, and never replenish their health, but they just keep taking drugs until eventually they are on rock bottom, barely getting high when they do take drugs, and stuck in an endless cycle of negativity and addiction. It takes a real badass to get themselves out of a place like that but its possible, seen it happen many times before.

Hippies love to eat well, workout, socialise? Yeah, they're humans, anyone that does any of that and can recognise the benefits they get will want to keep doing it. Being a hippie does not have anything to do with it.
Same for older hippies doing less drugs compared to when they were young, most drug users do the same really, if anyone that wasn't a hippie just kept blasting drugs at the same pace they were when they were young, the adult and senior population in most 1st world countries would be significantly lower and several conditions would be more common.

Constantly taking drugs causes tolerance buildup, now that's not healthy but calling that "all your health is been expended" is excessively generic.

Your general reasoning is valid, mind you, I'm not hating, but I could not agree on some of the points you made.