• TDS Moderators: AlphaMethylPhenyl | Eligiu | deficiT

Inhalants fucked me up. Coming off Years of abuse

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wow coming back to thread... its been several months since i had this problem and. decided to go into a detox program for several weeks and then go out on my own and give life a shot. i got off the gas and duster but am still addicted to recreational doses of diphenhydramine. i am very ashamed of my past. most. of the time i posted in this thread i was still heavily under the influence of solvents. it got to the point where i felt like i wasnt coming down and the effects never went away. i cant believe you guys understood my cry for help i greatly appreciate the help especially re distrubuted and others who motivated me to get treatment. i ended up with pretty severe brai. damage ( although i never saw a docter) i have permanet. stuttering and very bad vision. either way i am thankful i hae pulled myself out of that whole. wen i came back from treatmet i used psychedelics and diphenhydramkne to istract myself. i moved out of my asshole room mates house and moved in with my cousins. thank you for support :)
and thank you the most! you were there since the beginnj g and helped alot. i really owe you on bluelight. you guys very well may have saved my life.
Wow, dudeonacid, this is so encouraging to read!<3 Congratulations on getting help, especially getting yourself to detox--that took some courage. Don't waste your time being ashamed. There is not a damn human being walking this earth that does not look for relief. Sometimes what we think is going to give us relief turns on us worse than the original pain.

Are your cousins supportive of you? I hope that is a good situation. Keep taking care of yourself, try to get off everything and eat and sleep as well as you can. Your brain is going to keep healing. It is still early.<3
This is great to hear :) You can already see the difference in your writing. I'm glad we were able to help get you into treatment.

Being in a better environment will help your recovery so much.
Hey man, it's good to hear that you are going sober :)

Inhalants have been proven to cause some serious damage over time, but thankfully our body and it's organs are pretty damn good at repairing themselves (with the exception of the brain). So to answer your question, yes, if you can stay clean for a few months your body will be healing itself.

It can't be good for you staring at your past all the time when you're working. It won't help with the cravings at all. Have you considered trying for another position elsewhere? I'm not saying quit your job on the spot. But if you can find other work that won't put you in harms way all the time it may be better in the long run.

Sometimes, coworkers and friends don't think they are in a position to help. It doesn't mean they don't care. I'll bet you'll notice how relieved/happy they will be when you can say you've been sober for x amount of time.

Re distributed i want to personally thank you for being there sincce beginning. WHat didnt help was i awas always typing on ipod while fucked up on that shit and it is imposisble to type on those screen sober let alone tripping on multiple inhalants and diphen. I am doing well and greatly appreciate your support and taking my issue seriously. I really owe you one. Thank you very much. I am doing great my cousins are suportive and know what been i through and when i see the gas of can i know not to go anywhere new it. I am done witht that past of my life and am hoping even with brain damage that i can find new job new house. I know my future isnt as bright as it once was and i have very difficutly retaining informationand short term memory but i have high hopes for future anyways. Im not sure where i should go in regards to my job path. Any reccomendations on jobs that dont require much use of the brain or lungs? lol thanks again
So I got a warning for "Posting a PM" despite it being a death threat that I wanted people to know about.

Really disappointed how that went down. Was anyone else aware its against the rules to post PMs?
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^Posting PM's is considered an invasion of privacy and is not allowed.
If you would like to, you may contact the Moderator who gave you the infraction, in that forum (not TDS) to discuss it.
You may also PM the moderators working in the forum where you posted the PM.
If you feel nothing is resolved, the correct course of action is to contact that forums Senior Moderator and the Admin.

I am UnApproving a lot of the posts on this page that are inflammatory and not really for public viewing.
If you have staff issues, or an issue with how something was hadnled, please contact staff rather than posting here in TDS about it.
It appears most of what you are referring to took place outside of TDS.
I am sure the staff members there are looking into it.
Let's be respectful to each other here, please.
Its not an invasion of privacy. HE SENT IT TO ME. All expectations of privacy are null and void when HE SENDS ME SOMETHING. It is MY MESSAGE, that he sent to ME.

Thats like saying if you get something in the mail, you cannot show it to anyone. Its MY MAIL, and I am free to do with it what I please. Sure, if I posted a PM that was not sent to ME I could see that being a legitimate argument. But thats not what happened here.

I already made a post in support. To say this has been handled like shit is an understatement.
The OP has come back with an update and all is well.

The rest of this thread has gotten offtopic.
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