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Indonesia wants to ban kratom in 2022


Jan 6, 2014
Indonesia is by far the biggest producer and exporter of kratom and its government (the national narcotic agency) wants to ban it and put it in schedule 1 (meaning it's a highly addictive/dangerous substance with no medicinal value). This is supposed to happen in 2022.

Since kratom is harvested from old trees that take many years to grow I think it's pretty safe to say that it would probably disappear from the market, if the Indonesian plantations are eradicated. Also many people depend on those plantations to feed themselves and their families.

This decision might have something to do with the FDA pressuring the Indonesian government... Since they couldn't ban it in the USA (so far) they're going after the source.
As many of you know, Kratom has helped improve the quality of life of thousands, probably even millions or people all around the globe.

Is there something we can do? There has to be a solution.

Some sources:
USA can't enforce on their own 330 mio, so they go enforce for all the 7.7 mia people. Cheers on carfentanyl crisis 2.0 and surges in ER people seizing and suffocating on unknown substances with unknown mechanism and no antidotes. (If all the people who now use kratom as a replacement/substitution or recreationally will get cut off all of a sudden, some of them will for sure turn to H and nowadays that's not what it once was.)
But hey, just label it "
kratakka" (kratom + 'flakka') or krakadil, kratoflcoptr and blame the Indonesians for, why had they to destroy these trees anyways?


Good (sad) point about the farmers and their families. They are doing a legit business and probably won't get any help from the government once their work had been declared illegal, they'll be nothing more than criminals not unlike papaver somniferum farmers maybe?

Who cares about that drug war never was about the drugs in first line anyways.
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Damnit the Feds finally found a way... Unfortunately not sure there’s much that can be done beyond informing and supporting the people of Indonesia on how to fight it. In the end, they need to be the ones that say no.

I could see Kratom alkaloid extracts becoming an illicit substance worth smuggling, if this goes through.

With all the floods, etc in China, who knows how the flow of drugs like carfentanyl will be in the future.
Everyone who wants kratom needs to stock up on kratom seeds.and it's currently legal in the u.s. so ppl there should start growing it.ffs ppl there giving you two yrs notice.start growing now.go out of your way to acqire a plant and clone that shit and replant everywhere.unlike pot it's not easily identified and spotted among other plants/trees
Everyone who wants kratom needs to stock up on kratom seeds.and it's currently legal in the u.s. so ppl there should start growing it.ffs ppl there giving you two yrs notice.start growing now.go out of your way to acqire a plant and clone that shit and replant everywhere.unlike pot it's not easily identified and spotted among other plants/trees

I was definitely thinking of starting to grow my own. I don’t even use Kratom but this might a good one to have around.

Is it possible to grow indoors in a warmer but not humid climate? It’s dry out here but I’m on top of misting my plants and what not. That said I hear it loves humidity :/

Everyone who wants kratom needs to stock up on kratom seeds.and it's currently legal in the u.s. so ppl there should start growing it.ffs ppl there giving you two yrs notice.start growing now.go out of your way to acqire a plant and clone that shit and replant everywhere.unlike pot it's not easily identified and spotted among other plants/trees

Damn I wish I could grow kratom but I don't have the space and also move a lot...

Can't help but wonder if a kratom bonsai would be able to produce the same amount of alkaloïds as old kratom trees.
This might be a stupid question, but has anyone successfully grown kratom at over 6000ft of elevation? I can get viable seeds, but I'm not sure how well it would tolerate altitude...
This might be a stupid question, but has anyone successfully grown kratom at over 6000ft of elevation? I can get viable seeds, but I'm not sure how well it would tolerate altitude...
Most "fun" plants(coca, poppies,pot)
respond by producing more of what you want out of it at high altitudes whether or not they can suffer from problems or taking 3x as long to grow I don't know but they tend to make more alkaloid

They grow big so be prepared

Does it get cold where u r? If so that might be a thing u gotta look into bcoz it's a rainforest plant
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It's very dry here most of the year too. I'll probably start a few seeds over the winter or in early spring so I can get them outside once it warms up and see how they respond and how difficult the care of them will be.
yeah I doubt that a tropical plant like that would grow in any climate that has even a slight winter. it's not like certain citrus which can tolerate a little bit of light frost I would imagine. also, lacking the hot and humid microclimate of a tropical forrest situation will be a problem for sure. similar to how you can grow avocado in a pot if you protect it from frost, but when the humidity in the air is a bit too low, it will be really droopy and never produce any fruit.

having it in a greenhouse with the possibility to control the climate might be a different story, but most people lack a growing space like that.
Yeah, it gets cold here in the winter. Most of my more tropical plants and cacti can stay outside for around 8-9 months out of the year, with the exception of days when large hail is likely, when I bring them in to prevent severe damage.

I guess theres only one way to find out if kratom will survive here...
Yeah, it gets cold here in the winter. Most of my more tropical plants and cacti can stay outside for around 8-9 months out of the year, with the exception of days when large hail is likely, when I bring them in to prevent severe damage.

I guess theres only one way to find out if kratom will survive here...
Build a greenhouse if you have to
This decision might have something to do with the FDA pressuring the Indonesian government... Since they couldn't ban it in the USA (so far) they're going after the source.
I read a year or so ago the area has 5 years to change to a different sellable crop by then. Per US dictate... what a bunch of sh**. If not....
Who cares about that drug war never was about the drugs in first line anyways.
Ok. Well if it keeps their own trades open and unfettered it's not about them - if they tell it. ;) Or they use proceeds to accrue military hardware to protect their own export (mainly opium/h}. It is what it is. The fent subject gives me a bit of fright because it's real.
Ah.., we will see.
It's official now? iirc i read this many years ago, 2012? ye 2012. And they said 2024 but I dunno
I read a year or so ago the area has 5 years to change to a different sellable crop by then. Per US dictate... what a bunch of sh**. If not....

Yeah it was supposed to take place in 2024 but now they have just 2 more years to transition cause the ban has been rescheduled to 2022. I know don't what they're going to farm instead, it's not that easy to start growing and selling new crops specially if you're poor.

I took another look at the second source I cited and I'm shocked at the lack of information and scientific rigour... I don't know who is responsible for that but it's fucking crazy, they said that kratom is 13x more potent than morphine and with a smaller therapeutic index which is not accurate at all because kratom is a leaf which contains many different compounds, they must be referring to pure mitragynine (which isn't even a full agonist). They also confuse grams with milligrams and many other things, it's all over the place...
... they said that kratom is 13x more potent than morphine and with a smaller therapeutic index which is not accurate at all because kratom is a leaf which contains many different compounds, they must be referring to pure mitragynine (which isn't even a full agonist). They also confuse grams with milligrams and many other things,...
I wouldn't bet the confusion is from confusion but to confuse. Intentional? I would hate to think it could be but experience says otherwise... that it is riddled with intent. Just my opinions, I know. ;)
Moving on.
It is to save big money as they gonna lose they ass. They can spout the "steam effect" and "bubble" all the want but what goes up always come down and bubbles without fail burst at some point. Magic money. And this shit is taught in bidness classes as standard operating procedure. All good bro. More sass.
There was a bunch of people trying to change the wikipedia page in the heyday of the move to schedule in the US and all the edits made were legitimate and cited. Whoeva "owns" wiki stands by the *facts of dea/fda are accurate and no other info is needed. Pisses e off and knew some back-room good ol' boy shit was gonna happen as they cannot fight the world peoples... if we are one.
Shit gettin on my nerves gonna eat anotha mg alp. Eat em for' they go bad, I say.
love always