• NMI Moderators: Snafu in the Void

I'm looking forward to meeting you all

Pleasure to meet y'all.
From the south much? LOL Takes one to know one. ;) Probably wrong as hell on this one as kinda sober.
Great to have ya and look forward to reading some posts as to see what interests you. I like to binge watch shows on the tele (confessed pirate), garden, work with steel/iron, mechanics, structural and technical engineering/reverse-engineering, hangin onda cona with a couple "pals" (this has come to a screeching halt) every once in a while and doing drugs among other pastimes.
I prefer benzos and opiates but have come to grips with it and just try to be as safe and responsible as possible with usage.
Welcome to BL. Seems we are what most dare not admit, but are open about it. Perfect place for many as those who look at us irl with disgust get on my nerves too much as they all hypocrites: Most everything on this planet is psychoactive in some manner so bread could by definition be a "drug".
Whoah... my bad. didn't mean to start a tirade.
Give us a peek under the hood?
What would be your drug(s) of choice?
Best always,

Thanks for the contribution here as it is most welcome. ;)