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Opioids I know this is gross, but methadone legit saves me a ton of money on toilet paper.

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Nov 26, 2011
I honestly don't think I've had more than 5 shits in the past year which significantly marked the paper at all lol

My real intention behind this topic however is to say that I used to have fairly significant problems with upset stomach and diarrhea - often after eating and for no apparent reason at all. It may have been a relatively mild form of IBS. It was actually quite debilitating at times, since diarrhea goes along with urgency. One time I was in Hawaii on a tour bus with 20 other people. We were way up in the forest on a mountain, and nowhere near a toilet. The cramps started hitting me after lunch, and after 20-30 minutes, I had to exercise every last abdominal muscle I had to avoid creating a situation that needless to say would have well-topped the embarrassment chart. I had to eventually ask for a special stop, the entire bus had to detour and wait for me to shit in a single public toilet which was literally filled to the brim with water and feces, and had almost no toilet paper along with it.

There have been many other times something similar happened while I was driving, out with friends, or shortly after drinking. Especially if there were any girls around, it was a very embarrassing, painful and unpredictable problem. However, being on MMT has completely eliminated this; I haven't had a single episode of diarrhea in over a year, and while I now tend toward constipation much more often, it is still almost always possible for me to go without TOO MUCH difficulty, and I would much, MUCH rather have this than the opposite problem of uncontrollable urgency in social situations. To this day, I have no idea what was wrong with me, but it was nothing that opiates couldn't cure. My point is, methadone has been invaluable for me for reasons other than addiction. It also helps me breathe at night, as I have some weird pseudo-allergy thing in which one of my nostrils gets completely stuffed up while the other one is usually clear - so I have to switch the side I'm lying on in order to clear that nostril, only for the other one to immediately start becoming stuffed up. Again, I have no idea what this was caused by, and again methadone has nearly completely eliminated the problem. It is for these reasons as well as methadone's highly enjoyable nature to me and efficacy at keeping me off other drugs that I truly question whether I will ever be able to (or have any desire to) kick it or reduce. As of now, I am perfectly happy with the thought of being on it for the rest of my life; after all, I was on hardcore opiates for years on and off (but mostly on) with the same benefits but only interspersed with hellish withdrawal and reversal.

Has anyone else experienced these things or something similar?? I'm very interested to hear your stories.
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I also strongly suspect that if there is such a thing as endorphin deficiency, I have it. That would not only explain my intense and chronic need to self medicate and why I felt so great after first taking them - as if I had finally found what was missing in my life - but also why I had chronic diarrhea, stuffy nose, mild depression and anxiety, chronic migraine with aura, and certain other milder but chronic symptoms. These all seem to point to a dysregulation of endorphins and/or serotonin.
This is partly why I love taking codeine when I'm on psychedelics. The combination feels very euphoric and it stops the explosive diarrhoea I get from the psychedelics.
Chronic diarrhea doesn't happen without a cause. You should probably see a doctor although I see you've found your "cure."
Opiates don't cure it, just mask the problem. There will be some cause & it might be getting worse without you realising. See a doctor, get tested for coeliac & other gut problems, there might be a legit cure.

It was coeliac for me & my father, it's a bit too late for him, it's debilitated him before he got a proper diagnosis (it's an autoimmune disease that attacks everything in your body if you've eaten any gluten), but I'm getting better every day since I've been gluten free.
Have you had your gallbladder check? Often times the symptoms come on after eating, can last minutes to hours to days., especially if stones are involved.
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