• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

i have noticed a strange effect of the internet.

You're online too much.

I remember reading about one guy who used to play online role-playing games for so long and so often that he said would sometimes accidentally respond to a verbal joke by saying "smile".

But for real...I don't have any problems with real life social interaction because of my internet interaction. If anything it probably has improved my social skills, cuz I open up a lot on Bluelight. :)
Sometimes I'll use chat talk IRL, but on purpose. For instance, I'd say, "LOL" to something funny. And I wouldn't say each letter, I'd say the word, like it was a "lolly-pop" minus the "y-pop".

Also "ROFL" as well, and in the same manner. Looks like ROFL sounds like "roffle."
gemslave said:
Yeah i understand what you mean.
I however usually feel that i best express myself through the written word.
When im talking in person to someone i never find the right words, but in letters to people all my emotions come pouring forth perfectly.

I am the exact same way. But it isn't just my usage of the internet that leads me to believe I better express myself through written word. I have felt that way for many years... even before I got into message board whoring ;) I'm a writer by nature. Any important things I have had to say to people I have preferred to do so in writing. Which is bad sometimes, because there are certain things where a face-to-face conversation is more appropriate (depending on subject matter). I've even had to go to the extent of writing out my thoughts pre-conversation because for some reason many times I will freeze up when it comes time to have "a talk" with someone.

In addition to that, I go through phases of being open vs. shy. There will be times I will talk and talk and talk (generally when I am in a good mood) and times that I will have absolutely nothing to say (generally when I'm upset and my mind is too occupied on my down emotional state). It's very frustrating to me because there isn't much I can do to fix either situation. And there is no happy medium for me :\

I wish we could use emoticons in normal daily conversation too though =D
i love forums.....i used to not care anything about them...until Dec of this past year when my brother was always on and he showed me some cool stuff on Bluelight, i just became all of a sudden interested...
Yeah, im abnormally addicted to the lounge. I think everyone see's me as his lowlife postwhore. well on the weekdays i post as much as i can. But on the weekends im out and about.
I'd call you a postwhore alasdairm, but I enjoy reading what you type, even though I may not agree with it. :)
Computers have been a daily part of my life since I was 11 or 12. That means I've been at it for about 15/16 years. When I started the internet was almost entirely text, and downloading a picture was a project. Bulletin boards were the bomb, and getting the time from the Navy's atomic clock was totally worth buying the 300 dollar modem. I have very few memories of life before computers. So I really have no idea what impact it's had on my personality. I have no reference for what I would be like without it. I know being online a lot keeps me informed, and allows me to project an image of intelligence. All in all I think it improves my ability to communicate.

One thing that's been getting me since I've been on Bluelight is the desire to use smilies in professional e-mails. Fortunately the spell checker picks them up, and I remember to take them out.
Belisarius said:
I remember reading about one guy who used to play online role-playing games for so long and so often that he said would sometimes accidentally respond to a verbal joke by saying "smile".
I say "sigh" instead of actually sighing. It started as a half joke with a friend I know in real life who I met through another forum (hes my best mate in uni) and now its just habit. I even say it infront of strangers which sometimes raises and eyebrow but mostly nothing happens.

I never say "ROFL" or "LOL", thats really bad. I do keep thinking in internet shorthand like ATM, BTW, AFAIK and a few others but never say them.
I've found the bluelight forum to become addictive for me from a more social aspect. The fact that I've now met and become friends with so many bluelighters means that I use the board so often to interact with people whom I now call friends, and also that I enjoy contributing to the many forums and making new friends who I often meet at some stage.

I believe bluelight is a real community within itself, depending on where you spend your time talking, how actively involved you are in meet ups, events, etc - It can become quiet the new social scene for some of us.

shals :D
I've come damn close a couple times to saying LOL instead of laughing. Mainly because I don't have one of those personality types where I actually laugh after everything I say, unless there's a joke or something "funny" to laugh at. But online I DO tend to have that personality, i.e. typing LOL when I'm not really laughing. (scandal!) Since I don't have a fake "real life" laugh, I nearly say LOL. Hasn't happened for awhile though.

For the test I'm always INTP or ENTP...guess it depends on my mood. I think ENTJ would be fun.
I think LOL to myself all of the time. Like, alllll of the time. As in...I'll read a greeting card, laugh silently to myself, and think "L-O-L". Then I decide that I want to buy it for a friend, go to the check out lane, realize it's going to be another twenty minutes, and think "Sigh. Here we go again."
gee..... RED HAZE -

POSTS: 2247
JOINED: Jan 2004

sounds like ya addicted to these forums :)
I've always been better at written communication than verbal, that's just the way I'm wired..

However, I do see ya point spgeddi...I used to be the biggest phone-whore in the world, and it annoyed the fuck out of me that so many people were so sms-reliant that they never actually called their friends anymore.

Nowadays though, I would SO rather communicate via sms or email than verbally more often than not....it's very strange and I think it does portray some kind of social retardation...or maybe it's just social evolution?

Regardless, I don't think I've got too much to worry about...I still spend as much on the home phone as my other two housemates put together.... 8(
I remember when I was seriously addicted to "Doom" when something happened in my life that I didn't like I with think "press ctrl r" which is the quick reload to where I was before to have another go. lol
TJiLLe|dk said:
heh yep.. i somehow feel i'm addicted to messageboards and irc chat too :)

i can't have a party at my own place without constantly watching the monitor, to see if i miss anything.

You must be the life and soul.
I'm addicted too, but its carried over to real life, I feel i have to chime in on everything.
Johny 5 is alive! Someone shut me down!!