Hopeless I can’t function


Apr 12, 2020
Life was ok for a short while but I then lost my mum, my partner became ill and has anaemia and I started to have various health issues and the doctors say my blood count is on the decline and I don’t have any energy, I’ve gained weight and I feel so depressed and helpless. We have 8 cats but we started out with 3 but because of this pandemic we couldn’t go to the vet because it’s not an emergency and she got pregnant and gave birth 6 weeks ago and I am having to empty the litter trays and do chores and then I sit down and I’m exhausted and the kittens climb all over me, scratched my skin, biting me, trying to chew cables but I love them but I am just tired. I don’t sleep very well because I have ptsd causes by abuse and the only thing that keeps me from falling over the edge is drugs and my game, there’s nothing else to do because of this pandemic other than maybe exercise or shop and I don’t have energy for exercise when I try I start to shake and then if it’s bad enough I go to sleep. The doctors couldn’t find much wrong from blood test other than my blood counts going down and my liver function is boarderline but I don’t drink and the only drugs I take are pain meds the doctor gave me for my bad legs and some Mary Jane. Until my legs became back I used to cycle 30 miles a day in to town and I used to be really fit but then something bad happened and they removed my source source of testosterone and life’s just been really horrible times. I am due to talk to a therapist for a telephone assessment but I doubt I will get to see them for a long while because appointments are really happening at the moment, they cancelled most routine appointments and I live somewhere were there are not many therapist and it’s quiet rural and I don’t have a car.

At times I've wanted to give up and maybe go abroad to end my life but you can’t even travel abroad anymore and some people would say why abroad? I just wanted a peaceful way out a way out that won’t leave me like a vegetable and won’t be painful because I am a coward when it comes to pain. I used to cope with pain very well but being on pain meds has made me more sensitive to pain or so it seems, I can’t hold a hot plate of food anymore without it feeling like it’s burning my fingers.
Hi @kenlee
First of all, call a cat sanctuary or a "No kill" cattery. I've taken on many, many strays over the years and re homed many kittens 😊 Sometimes I'd have 2 or 3 stays coming to my house for food, which I always left out. They would naturally breed and I'd find myself responsible for so many little kitties!
I am so very sorry about the loss of your mum, I cannot even fathom the thought. That's a massive life changer, no wonder you're feeling displaced mentally. No words honestly, I just hope you've got someone to lean on.
I was extremely bad mentally last year due to major life changes and I thankfully found a doctor who has a history on psychiatric practice and took me off ALL of my current meds and put me on different meds; It helped tremendously.
I will find the kittens homes but they need to be weaned first. What makes things worse is that within weeks of mum passing away my dad started dating and found someone and moved in with them and she’s just really nasty
I am sincerely sorry for your losses. I think that before deciding to end your life. You should broaden your experiences with different substances. Maybe try IVing a little meth and see how you feel then. Eat a couple stacked E pills and listen to your favorite artista while watching the huble telescope images. Ending your life is the final straw, dont give up yet
That is a super shitty predicament. What pain meds you taking? My mother in law had bad liver numbers, switched to kratom and they improved to normal. Just an anecdote, as pain meds can be heavy on the liver.

I know it seems hopeless right now but you're not alone. Do y'all have any family nearby or?

@d3lnarg0 You've got the spirit for sure, but I imagine they probably dont want to feel a heavy stimulant hangover in their current state.

Also my wife does animal rescue shit, so free advice on that is a message away and in this post as well, I'm personally clueless about that kind of thing though. Still figuring out how to take care of myself lol.
Really sorry this is all happening but to make a looooong story short (not to make lite of it, ok? ) is that these *issues grow as one gets older and it helps if one is open to see this as a new normal... if apropos as my burdens are of my own choosing and I wouldn't shed them for anything.
LOve always,

I will find the kittens homes
ahhh hell,
thanks i gotta go feed the outdoor 4
much love
thanks again
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