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Tryptamines One shot HPBCD DMT Ayahuasca, masks taste & increases absorption many factors


Apr 26, 2004
Update 2.17.2023:

Sublingual Ayahuasca, my psychedelic of choice: https://www.shroomery.org/forums/showflat.php/Number/28189371

hxxps://www.shroomery.org/forums/showflat.php/Number/28189371 (change hxxp to http to link)

I've actually decided to save my bridgesii only for when I go outdoors to the waterpark with my family or in nature at the river. I always get a mild hangover from cactus that makes me extra tired, and I end up sleeping too much of the next day away, and my beautiful, funny and smart wife gets aggravated with me 😄 cause I can't stay up to watch movies.

I actually went back to taking 200mg tetrahydroharmine + 200mg harmine orally at one time in a capsule, then 1 hour later when I feel it working, I place the HPBCD DMT under my tongue and wait for it dissolve which happens 100% in 15 minutes. It is no different from high dose cactus in effects for 1.5 hour with an incredible afterglow.

Sublingual Ayahuasca directions:
1) Take 200mg harmine freebase and 200mg pure THH freebase orally in a capsule
How to make pure THH or tetrahydroharmine here, post #13: https://mycotopia.net/topic/111610-hpbcd-dmt-sublingually-active-under-tongue/
2) 1 hour later: Place 120mg DMT on a spoon
cover with x 7 or 840mg Hydroxy propyl beta cyclodextrin or HPBCD also use the 2-Hpbcd, same in effect. This keeps it at a 1:1 molar ratio, as HPBCD (1300 g/mol, is x7 bigger in mol/g weight by dmt (188 g/mol).
3) add 10 drops of hot water from a microwaved coffee mug
4) mix and scrape it all back and forth for 1 to 2 minutes on the spoon using the end of another spoon, the complex is formed with absorption into the sublingual mucosa x 4 normal or 400% increase studies show.
5) Place bottom side of tongue onto spoon, the HPBCD DMT complex will all adhere, as HPBCD forms sticky complexes like sugar. Now hold under your tongue for 15 minutes, if at any time you feel too much saliva form, simply tilt head forward and spit out the extra saliva into a cup, but always keep tongue pressed down.

How this works: the oral harmine you took works in the brain to prevent the "zapping of dmt" by mitochondria located within the cells of the brain according to Dr. Mckenna, mao is reduced in the brain for several hours as harmine has a half life of around 1 to 3 hours. So once the dmt is absorbed sublingually, the harmine working in the brain prevents it from breaking down, and the THH doubles it's half life. The THH is critical as it is a major alkaloid of Caapi, a feminine teaching spirit who causes visions all on her own, she is the guide and teacher for the experience. She also blocks serotonin which causes mild stimulation, dmt does not block serotonin.

There is a mild sting but it is so worth the wait. The HPBCD being such a large molecular weight is not absorbed by the mucosa but does facilitate the transfer of the DMT into the bloodstream as the potent freebase by opening up of "tight junctions" as research into HPBCD shows. The HPBCD ends up in the saliva you spit out after 15 minutes. The mucosa under tongue is also only 100 to 200 micrograms thick, it is rich for this activity and many times more potent than normal oral absorption according to Dr. Narang.

When you mix it on the spoon, use your muscles to scrape, mix and knead it all together. This is how scientist prepare these complexes, by kneading.

1.5 hour incredible experience +5 shulgin in intensity and euphoria and beauty....beautiful geometrics overlaid all surfaces, music beyond heavenly, just incredible music enhancement...actresses on tv look like goddesses.

The colors omg are just neon like and out of this world, so beautiful, the shimmering of everything is beyond belief. The beauty with open eyes is divine and infinite. The interconnection of all things is seen, and very deep spiritual insights and healing. I walked out in nature and lost myself in the beauty.

None of the negatives of oral Ayahuasca, as oral DMT makes my very nauseated and uncomfortable, this is all positives...very euphoric and straight to bloodstream as the potent freebase.

Way better than LSD.....and just as good as high dose cactus tea. I had an experience tonight that blew my mind, this is my method to use every weekend for the rest of my life, Sublingual Ayahuasca is a great way to stay psychedelic for the rest of your life. I re-dosed more HPBCD DMT at the 1.5 hour point, and the fun continued for another 1.5 hour, as the oral harmine has a half life of from 1 to 3 hours, and the THH doubles the half-life of DMT as shown by Dr. Mckenna, I can attest it does. You can keep re-does a 3rd time, as I did many hours later, and was still blown away. I have used it over 50 times in 2 years last year, and loved every minute of it.

I've taken oral Ayahuasca over 90 times in a decade, trust me when I say this is so much better, no nausea, no dizziness, as dmt is not travelling thru stomach.

More on sublingual Ayahuasca, my psychedelic of choice, I wrote this 2 years ago:

1mg LSA + new aldehyde molecule discovery results in effects similar to 100ug LSD: https://www.shroomery.org/forums/showflat.php/Number/27850299/page/1


Last and final updates 10.28.2022:

LSH + penniclavine combo psychedelic, natural LSD:

1) Zero nausea morning glory LSH + penniclavine combo tincture based on 2022 LSH study, natural LSD:

or here: https://www.shroomery.org/forums/showflat.php/Number/27850299

Sublingual "under the tongue" Ayahuasca:

I use the sublingual HPBCD DMT weekly with zero nausea or dizziness used sublingually. Big difference compared to oral Ayahuasca which always make me feel nauseated, uncomfortable, dizzy like and with anxiety, with sublingual there is none of that. Take a look at L-dreamer's many experiences using the sublingual Ayahuasca several posts up. He rated it 10/10 just like me.

This sublingual Ayahuasca bi-weekly is so euphoric and very strong, zero nausea or dizziness, absolutely love her. All the visions, music enhancement, deep spiritual insights and teachings of oral Ayahuasca without the side effects: https://mycotopia.net/topic/111979-...to-3-times-better-than-dmt-salts-masks-taste/

or here: https://www.shroomery.org/forums/showflat.php/Number/27978052
I use the sublingual HPBCD DMT weekly with zero nausea or dizziness used sublingually. Big difference compared to oral Ayahuasca which always make me feel nauseated, uncomfortable, dizzy like and with anxiety, with sublingual there is none of that. Take a look at L-dreamer's many experiences using the sublingual Ayahuasca several posts up. He rated it 10/10 just like me.

Update 7.24.2022, other topics you may be interested in:

1) How to make THH or tetrahydroharmine with pics, post #13:
THH can be made by converting harmaline from rue seeds in 1.5 hour using vinegar, zinc dust, magnetic stirrer and 10% janitorial ammonium hydroxide from the hardware store or on-line.

2) One shot HPBCD DMT Ayahuasca, masks taste and increases absorption many factors with pics, post #42:

3) Journal: 50 Sublingual HPBCD DMT Ayahuasca journeys over a years time with pics, post #19:

4) LSH extract tek: 500 Heavenly blue morning glory extract in 1oz everclear + 1 oz wine, imagine your best 2 hit LSD experience x 2
Thread summarized in 4 pages and continued here:

2 minute formed HPBCD DMT liquid very bioavailable sublingually under tongue & outperforms DMT salts orally by many factors in personal trials, combo with tetrahydroharmine, Ayahuasca.

Here is the full journey report (150mg HPBCD DMT + 170mg harmine fb + 250mg THH or tetrahydroharmine freebase) all dissolved into 30ml (one-shot) hot water, added 150mg pure vitamin C powder so the freebase harmalas could dissolve, although only 100mg is needed:

Update 4pm 3/21/2022: I am writing this 1.5 hour later: took the 1-shot HPBCD DMT Ayahuasca (150mg HPBCD DMT, 250mg THH, 170mg harmine all dissolved into 30ml hot water) and it worked incredibly well! Phenomenal strength, for the 1st 10 minutes I held on tight as it felt like I was handling a high speed sports car, ego disintegrating & boundaries shattered.

For the first 10 minutes, open or closed eyes, didn't matter, saw same thing: colored neon geometrics on the surface of everything. Felt whole body high tryptamine frequency combined with the THH frequency vibration = amazing amplified whole body frequency, like being tuned into another spirit manifested alien world. It felt like a colored shining tractor beam was going to surround me and take me away, very 3-dimensional.

It was so powerful for 10 minutes, I had to close my eyes to find a happy place. Felt like the most powerful of my past Hawaiian psychotria experiences (40 grams leaf) with Caapi which I only ventured at this dose around 5 times (and all by accident, never meant to, as it is so strong) out of my 70 total Hawaiian psychotria journeys (most 30-35 grams), this was no different, exactly the same as the potent leaf, at the very high end for advanced Ayahuasca use.

Dennis Mckenna once said about one of his Ayahuasca journeys, that for the first 10 minutes it felt like he was riding an elevator to the top floor at high speed, this is how it felt for me, or like handling a high speed sports car.

...then it became at 10 minutes extremely enjoyable, infinite open eyed beauty, incredible closed eye morphing & dancing geometrics in wild neon purple, pink & green that lasted for another 35 minutes with closed eyes. With open eyes, saturated neon colors and neon colored rainbow reflections surrounded everything which glowed intensely with an inner divine light, music playing was just heavenly, incredible music enhancement, +5 Shulgin level experience, most powerful experience I've had in years....very strong for 1.5 hour, when it decreased in strength several notches.

I could not believe the open eyed beauty--phenomenal...this is my preferred method. WOW, unbelievable experience, high euphoria, deep headspace, profound spiritual insights, extremely visual, had the power of 40g Hawaiian psychotria to the highest degree. I experienced zero nausea, zero dizziness (so long as I keep my harmine dose below 200mg). Love, Love, Love.

Part 0: 12 reasons pure THH or tetrahydroharmine rocks (this post #1 in middle)
Part 1: HPBCD complexed DMT experimental dosage, effects & duration, over 44 sublingual DMT experiences over a year's time (this post #1 at bottom with pics). Many times stronger than oral DMT. Updated 1-1-2022. (this post #1 near middle & bottom)

--> See the 5 hour brightly colored CEV trip report using 300mg oral THH once + 60mg sublingual HPBCD DMT + 35mg sublingual harmine fb x 2 re-doses every 1.5 hour at the very bottom of this post #1. HPBCD DMT kicks ass period. Most meaningful & intense CEV visionary experience of my life, and I've taken Ayahuasca x 70 times and high dose cactus tea over 200 times. Incredible music enhancement the whole time as well. <--

Part 2: L-dreamer's 2/4/2022 experience: "Sublingual DMT + oral THH - surprising and underrated" + Closing tips + Receptorome chart & explanation (post #5)
Part 3: 300mg Tetrahydroharmine (THH) teaching visions all by itself (post #17)
Part 4: Tetrahydroharmine receptorome similarities to mescaline; potentiates cactus & safety note [post #18]
Part 5: Chemist Patrick Arnold's HPBCD complexed prohormones for sublingual use (millions of dollars in sales) & bloodwork studies (post #15)
part 6: Dr. Narang: "with sublingual" or "under the tongue" better than buccal, gingival & palatal, absorption of drugs through the sublingual route is 3 to 10 times greater than oral route and is surpassed by hypodermic injection (post #20)
part 7: a little bit on my 70 Ayahuasca experiences, doses & visions (page 2, post #22)
part 8: New research: Morning glory contains 5 stimulating LSD-like drugs, soluble only in wine/alcohol, only sparingly soluble in water (page 2, post #40)
part 9: 20 minute visionary visit from a dead Aztec Shaman (page 3, post #42)
part 10: One way to make pure tetrahydroharmine (page 3, post #43)
part 11: From the archives of DMT world: How to easily extract 2.3g DMT from 170g bark using a 2 liter Erlenmeyer flask [page 3, post #48]
part 12: Out of print writings on the Divine Plant of the Incas, coca leaf visions...and writings on strong euphoria from coca leaf tea bags soaked in wine, forming orally active cocaethylene in the liver, discovered in 1994. Explains the popularity of Vin Mariani (coca leaf soaked wine) with both popes, Thomas Edison and countless celebrities. (page 3, post #49)
part 13: THH + mushrooms report from JKW (page 3, post #50)
part 14: Tetrahydroharmine + 1-acetaldehyde LSD (similar to ALD-52) combo, like high dose mescaline (page 3, post #56)
part 15: Multiple encounters with death and depression & 80mg DMT complexed to 560mg HPBCD oral Ayahuasca report
[page 3, post #58]
part 16: Late March 2022 experience: Oral Ayahuasca: 250mg oral THH fb + 160mg oral harmine fb + 140mg HPBCD DMT, THH and harmine in gelatin capsules, 140mg HPBCD DMT dissolves from off spoon instantly into 1 shot glass of 125 degree F water, transparent color. Many times more potent than freebase or DMT salts used orally. HPBCD not only helps to mask the taste of the nasty freebase DMT as it goes down but improves absorption into intestinal tissues many factors over. (page 4, post 80)
10.18.2021 update, (see page 3, post #56 for details)

Tetrahydroharmine + 1-acetaldehyde LSD (similar to ALD-52) combo, like high dose mescaline:

In closing, I'm going to post what I believe to be a revolutionary psychedelic combination, and it's dirt cheap compared to the rare and very expensive cactus...but it's just as long-lasting, profound, highly euphoric, visual, neon-colorful, music-enhancing & super deep head space, with zero-anxiety as two feet of fat bridgesii.

300mg THH + 250ug 1-acetaldehyde LSD report (2oz fresh cold sherry wine morning glory extract can substitute as well)

1) The combo of 300mg THH + 1-acetaldehyde LSD makes the beauty & aesthetic enhancement way stronger than LSD alone. Same "over the top" beauty enhancement as high dose cactus tea.

2) The music sounds much better than LSD alone, it feels very much like when you combine mescaline with LSD, as THH is like the beta-carboline version of mescaline.

3) The combo is highly visual & neon-colorful with open eyes, with each of the 12 trips spaced two weeks apart experienced so far have seen neon-red-greens, neon-orange-blues, and even neon-purple-yellows, supercolorful just like high-dose cactus tea.

3) Very beautiful combination.

4) This 300mg THH + 250ug 1-acetaldehyde LSD combo is one of my absolute favorites, have since used it every 2 weeks x 12 times now. No re-doses necessary as the THH has a 10.5 hour half life with peak at 5.25 hours. Very powerful: Lasts all evening, infinitely beautiful. I've consistently reached +5 Shulgin level strength every time, very life changing experience every time. Super deep head space, Divine to the extreme, heavenly mescaline-like spiritual euphoria for hours on end, no words to describe.

Note: THH is NOT an MAOI, she (feminine spirit) is a psychedelic SRI or serotonin reuptake inhibitor just like the following psychedelic serotonin reuptake inhibitors: mescaline, LSD, shrooms, ibogaine.

Make sure your THH is pure and not contaminated with unconverted harmaline (which is a RIMA/maoi). Dab some THH on a wet cue tip, rub on paper plate, hold under blacklight, if it glows blue you have THH, if any green glow, you have harmaline in it, keep in mind harmine also glows blue too though.

(0) Part 0: 12 reasons pure THH or tetrahydroharmine rocks

1. Part 10 of this paper: shows how to convert harmaline to pure THH in 1.5 hour for the first time (very fast) with 75% yield. TIHKAL THH entry also achieved 75% yield. Post also shows how to check the blue glow under blacklight to make sure it is pure. Any green in the glow means you still have un-converted harmaline, but follow instructions and you won't have any unconverted.

1. Dennis Mckenna Ph.D: page 115:
Thus, tetrahydroharmine may prolong the half-life of DMT by blocking it's intraneuronal uptake, and hence, its inactivation by MAO, localized in mitochondria within the neuron.

In my experience, THH doubles the half-life of DMT, so when used sublingually or orally, you get a full strong 90 minutes out of it with long afterglow.

2. She is in the same beta-carboline family as ibogaine. She is the 2nd highest alkaloid in Caapi. She has a 10.5 hour half-life with peak at 5.25 hours.

3. DMT only colors are subdued and dark, but THH brightens the DMT visuals: out of this world impossible bright neon colors are a trait of high dose oral tetrahydroharmine + moderate dose 60 to 70mg+ sublingual or oral HPBCD DMT: neon red-greens, neon orange-blues, neon purple-yellows.

4. DMT does not block serotonin on it's own, but THH does...this results in not only stimulation but euphoria in combo with the DMT: and real Ayahuasca visions become apparent...important teamwork. Ibogaine, LSD, mescaline, shrooms, 5-meo-dmt, bufotenin in Amazonian snuffs, all block serotonin, THH blocks serotonin.

5. THH has numerous similarities to mescaline, she is like the beta-carboline version of mescaline, few people have used her over 100mg. I have seen the receptorome chart for THH vs. mescaline. She not only blocks serotonin like mescaline, but agonizes all 3 adrenal receptors A1-A3 associated with beauty and aesthetic enhancement, just like mescaline. Beauty enhancement is "over the top" when THH is included, she is diamondlike shimmering in her beauty.

Actresses on TV will look like dazzling glowing super-colorful cartoon versions of themselves (just like with high dose cactus tea) only if you include the THH. Researchers have called THH the "tryptamine of the beta-carboline world" and rightly so.

6. THH is found in average 150mg in a cup of Caapi based Ayahuasca tea, when 2 cups are drank by some of the more advanced members for evening at the vegetals (UDV, Santo Daime, Shuar Indian) people are consuming around 300mg of THH.

7. Music will only sound bad-ass incredible if you include from 150mg to 300mg oral THH with your sublingual or oral DMT.

8. This pure THH at 300mg all by herself is extremely visual, she's an isomer of a hormone like substance made in the brain naturally.

9. The entry in TIHKAL for 300mg THH is completely wrong, where the unexperienced person compares it to the effects of 100mg harmaline. She is nothing at all like harmaline, and like 69ron once said about the person's comment in TIHKAL, he or she would not be able to tell their ass from their elbow. I agree, what complete nonsense. Dr. Shulgin wrote that he never got the chance to try THH, but wrote that more studies on it are "badly needed."

10. professor8 (found here from 11/1/2010 he writes like a poet w/special powers of imagination & expression):
Tetrahydroharmine (THH) has the ability to raise your vibration in a most powerful, yet subtle way. It brings a crystalline prismy texture to spice and adds a super clear watery dimension to Aya, like looking down through 10meters of shimmering Caribbean Sea on clear blue day. It brings a dimension of pure light to the entheogenic experience and encourages entities & intelligences of only the Highest Order. If one is not accustomed to perceiving these experiences with a spiritual perspective most of the nuances & subtleties THH brings on are overlooked and remain unseen and one would better enjoy Harmaline as a house painter chooses a roller over a brush, its about preference & choice.

11. Trips (from here on 12/2/2011):
As to how the THH altered the experience -> I find rue extract+DMT to be very similar to mushrooms. I found the THH added to the rue+DMT to shift the experience to a state much closer to that provided by LSD. It was more clear, more energetic, more focused, and when confusion struck it was definitely more "acid-like".

tetrahydroharmine is much more like mescaline.

The world is moving in the direction of the Left Brain: technology and science. What the world needs is to move in the direction of Right Brain development: empathy, spirituality, connectedness. Compounds like tetrahydroharmine in Caapi could be said to improve emotional intelligence. Is this component of caapi a smart-nutrient for the right side of the brain? you be the judge.

At 300mg of THH all by itself, there are heavy open-eyed tracers like lightening flashes, and hours of teaching closed eye visions that start with colored sparkles and fireworks (red, green, yellow, blue) that dart around and progress into full-fledged way-beyond 4k visions with eyes closed that are not only static but often animated like slow and high speed movies, but all one monochrome color like green or blue for me, when you add DMT, the visions then become colored and patterning on animals for example will display their associated colors, DMT also adds on to or builds on top the THH visions, expanding them, but the teachings and insights & visions are credited to the Vine, just as Gayle Highpine writes in linked paper:

12. Gayle Highpine (Ayahuasca researcher):
The vine carries the content of the message, the teaching, and the insight. The purpose of drinking Ayahuasca is to receive the message the vine imparts.

Tetrahydroharmine or THH ranks very high on the "periodic psychedelic table" among all the known entheogens for inducing realistic way beyond 4k monochrome teaching visions for hours...adding even small amounts of DMT brightens and colorizes the visions, example: reptiles, birds & animals such as serpents/snakes/toucans/parrots/jaguars with patterning show their respective associated colors. Many times I have viewed multi-colored serpents, birds & jaguars several times over hour long CEV periods, serpents are the manifest spirit of Ayahuasca.

Daniel Pinchbeck "Breaking Open the Head" (Daniel also states in his book, that Ayahuasca is his favorite entheogen):
For many people, Ayahuasca-a slowed-down low-res interface of the DMT flash-seems to convey strong messages from the natural world, of nature as sentient energy and spirit matter, of the need to protect the planet we have been given.

Yage whispers that human beings are meant to be gardeners of this reality, journeyers, storytellers and singers, weavers of the sacred. DMT, on the other hand, conveys no overt human or humane message.

Graham Hancock, "Supernatural", pg 428:
My experience with smoked DMT was qualitatively different from the realms and beings Ayahuasca introduced me to. For whereas the Ayahuasca worlds seemed rich, luxurious, and abundant in the transformations of organic and supernatural life, DMT brought me to a world--or to some aspect of a world--that appeared from the outset to be highly artificial, constructed, inorganic, and in essence technological.

Gayle Highpine (Ayahuasca researcher):
In the western world, Ayahuasca acquired a new definition: It was now, by definition, the combination of Banisteriopsis caapi and a DMT-containing plant. Ayahuasca became, by definition “orally active DMT.” The first anthropologist to adopt the new definition seems to have been Luis Eduardo Luna in 1984. Luna spent time with Terence McKenna, absorbing his perspective, before beginning his fieldwork. Since then, anthropologists have increasingly adopted this definition and filtered their observations through it. The preeminence of the Ayahuasca vine in the indigenous Amazonian world became the elephant in the living room of Ayahuasca studies, with a tacit agreement to pretend it doesn’t exist.

The leaves were Ayahuasca’s “helpers,” I was told, and their purpose was to “brighten and clarify” the visions. The vine is like a cave, and the leaf is like a torch you use to see what is inside the cave. The vine is like a book, and the leaf is like the candle you use to read the book.

The vine is like a snowy television set, and the leaf helps to tune in the picture. There was a subtle attitude that the need for strong leaf was the sign of a beginner: An experienced ayahuasquero could see the visions even in low light.

Ayahuasca vine is not visionary in the same way as DMT. Visions from vine-only brewsare shadowy, monochromatic, like silhouettes, or curling smoke, or clouds moving across the night sky. It is because their visions are usually monochromatic that vines are classified by the color of vision they produce: white, black, blue, red (in my experience, dark maroon).

Snakes, the most common vision on Ayahuasca, are considered the manifest spirit of the vine. Vine visions can be hard to see; in fact, the “visions” may not be visual at all, but auditory or somatic or intuitive. But the vine carries the content of the message, the teaching, and the insight.

The leaf helps illuminate the content, but the teachings are credited to the vine. Vine visions are “frequently associated with writing, to a code that is present in visions…or in the ‘books’ where the spirits keep the secrets of the forest.” (Calavia Saez 2011:135).

The vine is The Teacher, The Healer, The Guide. The purpose of drinking Ayahuasca is to receive the message the vine imparts. This is why it is the vine, not the leaf, that is classified by the type of vision it gives. “For them the vine is, in truth, a living guide, a friend, a paternal authority” (Weiskopf 2005:104).

Listening to the Vine:
While I was living in the village, someone began the process of shamanic apprenticeship. There was a series of ceremonies with brews of special strength for that purpose; brews with enormous quantities of vine. About two to three pounds of fresh vine per person was used (about 25 to 35 times the amount needed for MAOI inhibition). Those were powerful experiences indeed.

Although the apprenticeship began with crushingly vine-heavy brews, the more the apprentice progressed, the weaker the brew he would need. He would learn to see the dimmest of visions. If he spent a full two years “fasting,” then eventually even smelling or tasting the brew, even touching an Ayahuasca plant, would be enough to visit her realms. On the other hand, he would learn to navigate the strongest of brews with clear focus, and be undistracted by any amount of DMT fireworks.

Psychedelia, page 61:
A traditional saying among Ayahuasqueros is that the jungle vine brings powerful realistic visions, but that the chacruna brings light to these visions. According to the view of Western research, this is not the case; essentially the entire psycho-activity resides with the chacruna leaves DMT content.

Ayahuasca researcher Luis Eduardo Luna recently observed that when surveying tribal lore praising the jungle vine, he could find no traces of similar mythology around the two most common plant admixtures; psychotria viridis or diplpterys cabrerana, even though these DMT plants to a Westerner would appear much more important than the harmala alkaloids of the B. caapi liana.
Part 1: HPBCD complexed DMT experimental dosage, effects & duration

How this works: the Hydroxy propyl beta cyclodextrin molecule (HPBCD) has an inner hydrophobic cavity (repels water) which attracts & traps freebase molecules like DMT freebase inside it's tornado shaped cone. The outer cavity is hydrophilic (likes water) and thus makes the DMT molecule water-soluble. HPBCD, being a polysaccharide derived from the enzymatic degradation of starch, improves the penetration of the DMT freebase many factors over (studies show x 4 factors or 400 percent into the sublingual mucosa under the tongue.

HPBCD, being a potent polysaccharide derived from the enzymatic degradation of starch, improves the penetration of the DMT freebase many factors over (studies show x 4 factors or 400%) into the sublingual mucosa under the tongue. HPBCD then releases the DMT as the potent freebase into the bloodstream once it crosses the sublingual mucosa, these reasons explain it's potency.

Keep in mind using DMT salts sublingually does not work, and there is no penetration enhancement unless HPBCD is used to complex DMT in the freebase form only. The cyclodextrins have toroidal shapes, with the larger and the smaller openings of the toroid exposing to the solvent secondary and primary hydroxyl groups respectively.

You can order HPBCD from China no matter where you live as it is legal, and if you google "Europe + HPBCD" there are a couple places that sell it as well. It is very common in the USA from *mazon or auction sites.

In closing, complete instructions and pictures all updated for 1-1-2022 on sublingual HPBCD DMT & summary of over 44 sublingual experiences in a year's time (bottom of post #1), these experiences all must stronger than oral DMT by many factors. Zero nausea, zero dizziness, zero anxiety or un-easy feelings, deep head space, highly visual, strong open eyed and CEV's of spinning & dancing geometrics & real Ayahuasca visions, incredible music enhancement, way over the top open eyed beauty, neon colorful & highly euphoric, see trip reports bottom of post #1...will continue to use for the rest of my life, highly recommend: https://www.dmt-nexus.me/forum/default.aspx?g=posts&t=96861
Complete instructions and pictures all updated for 1-1-2022 on sublingual HPBCD DMT & summary of over 44 sublingual experiences in a year's time, these experiences all much stronger than oral DMT by many factors. Zero nausea, zero dizziness, zero anxiety or un-easy feelings, deep head space, highly visual, strong open eyed and CEV's of spinning & dancing geometrics & real Ayahuasca visions, incredible music enhancement, way over the top open eyed beauty, neon colorful & highly euphoric, see trip reports bottom of post #1...will continue to use for the rest of my life, highly recommend: https://www.dmt-nexus.me...aspx?g=posts&t=96861

My procedure:
1) place 60mg of DMT onto a spoon
2) add 1:1 molar ratio of host drug to HPBCD powder, this means 1:7 mg ratio DMT to HPBCD, use a 1:8 mg ratio DMT to HPBCD if you are using the 2-Hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin.
3) this means 60mg dmt placed on spoon, then add 420mg of HPBCD on top DMT, use 480mg HPBCD if you are using the 2-Hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin.
4) add 10 drops of very hot near boiling water to the mix from a nearby microwaved coffee mug for DMT doses of 90mg or below, use 12 drops of boiling hot water to mix DMT doses over 90mg (such as 100 to 120mg). 60mg DMT = +3 Shulgin level strength, 90 to 120mg = +5 Shulgin level life changing strength.
5) Knead or crush the HPBCD powder into the dmt using the end of a spoon for 2 minutes, scrape & mix everything back and forth hard using your muscles. This is how scientist pre-pare these complexes by kneading.
6) Optional (you do not have to do this): Hold a lighter far away from under the spoon to heat up spoon for around 20 seconds or so, then pull flame away, this seems to aid dissolution or dissolving after heating up a slight bit, mix the contents a little bit more before using.
7) Take 150 to 300mg tetrahydroharmine orally around 45 minutes before...and take 200mg harmine orally around 45 minutes to 1 hour before...if you don't take harmine orally, then place 25 to 35mg of freebase harmine under your tongue. Then place bottom of your tongue onto HPBCD complexed DMT spoon, the HPBCD DMT glob will all adhere as HPBCD powder forms sticky complexes. Be sure to take the 35mg harmine and HPBCD DMT under tongue all at the exact same time in order to activate the DMT strongly.

Hold under tongue for 10 to 12 or 15 minutes depending on dosage, hold under tongue the whole time to trap sticky liquid complex in the sublingual mucosa. Be sure to use bottom end of tongue to lick any off spoon that is left behind, you want to get it all.

At end of 15 minutes, spit out any saliva into a cup instead of swallowing. Gently relieve any saliva during the 15 minute period as comfort dictates by leaning your head forward and spitting into a cup, but keep your tongue pressed down any time you relieve saliva. There is a mild to moderate sting felt but it's so worth enduring for the effects which begin in 22 minutes or 1/2 the time of an oral dose (44 minutes). The sting does not bother me at all. The tongue is completely fine afterwards (no burn), and it's as if nothing happened the next day.

So long as the HPBCD DMT is used sublingually, there is zero nausea, zero dizziness, no delirium, crystal clear clarity like mescaline...there is something about DMT going thru the stomach that tends to induce nausea and weird uncomfortable strange feelings, just as L-dreamer mentions in post #2 of this thread at the very beginning. Same thing with me. It's also no where near as potent as sublingually used HPBCD DMT. Sublingual HPBCD DMT is at least x 5 times stronger than oral DMT.
The combination of THH + DMT simulates true Ayahuasca, but there is zero nausea, zero dizziness, zero queasiness since there is no harmine or DMT going thru stomach and intestines. 22 minutes in there are heavy CEV's of spinning colored geometrics, visions of ancient architecture, animals, aliens, you name it, She seems to tap into the Akashic record of the ether in the Universe, where all past, present, and future is known. Open eyed profound beauty, music sounds incredible.

The sublingual application is several factors stronger than oral DMT, and I've used oral DMT dozens of times. I tolerate this very well compared to oral DMT, extremely pleasurable experience, high spiritual euphoria.

I don't like oral DMT or oral harmine, both make me dizzy, give me anxiety and un-easy feelings, and just keep saying "I want this to end". But the sublingual method is a complete 180 degree, feels great like mescaline all evening long.

Oral 300mg THH taken 45 minutes earlier + sublingual 60 to 120mg HPBCD DMT combined with sublingual 35mg harmine fb journeys (over 44 of them over a year's time). This counts the two subsequent re-doses every 1.5 hour for the evening, for a 4.5 hour total strong journey with super-long afterglow.

First of all there was a deep head space, profound spiritual insights and revelations. I was seeing curtains of visuals in the doorway, closed eye neon spinning & dancing geometrics, music enhancement incredible, out of this world impossible neon colors (like neon yellow-purple) flashing on the walls, some times these colors on the walls would break up into fine lines like lazer beams, and paste themselves like hundreds of beams broadcast on the walls, concentric circle rings in the air, powerful lightening like tracers.

Open eyed beauty so over the top & infinite, actresses in movies looked like glowing, dazzling, super-colorful, cartoon versions of themselves, just like with high dose cactus tea, also zero anxiety just like mescaline. Euphoria was powerful, just like with high dose cactus tea.

Again with the sublingual: pupil dilation maxed out, strong tryptamine body buzz high frequency, heavy CEV imagery, open eyed beauty profound, music sounds incredible.

On my very first 300mg oral THH + sublingual 60mg HPBCD DMT combined with 35mg sublingual harmine fb trip with 2 sublingual re-doses at each 1.5 hour mark (had not used DMT in several months)....all the way till 5am in the morning I was seeing closed eye visions of slow and high speed movies...I saw brightly colored serpents, dungeons I traveled thru, many Mesoamerican pyramids, women of incredible beauty, Japanese landscapes, dancing geometrics, many different animals on a rotating globe, walking on the planet-like globe as it spun, hundreds of visions like slow and high-speed movies over the course of many hours.

I wore headphones and listened to music the whole time, as the music sounded just like if I had taken a very strong cactus tea.

I saw the interiors of many magnificent homes, exposed like a camera flash went off, then off to the next home interior, bizarre alien looking creatures, I saw ancient ruins but they were seen as they were before they fell apart. All sorts of architectural wonders appeared that I could not make out exactly what time period they were from.

All the visions were enchanting & manifested incredible beauty. The multi-colored beautiful serpents kept appearing several times in different forms, as if they have some prominence to do with it all, two of them had shining skin covered in gold scales and intertwined like DNA, reminds me of the Aztec quetzalcoatl myth, the "serpent of precious feathers."

...all of these visions were brightly colored due to the sublingual DMT/harmine and oral THH combo all night long..it was one of the most powerful psychedelic experiences of my life...and I've taken Ayahuasca x 70 times, cactus 200 times, etc...I have never had over 5 hours of non-stop CEV visions anything close to what I saw that first night.

The visions inspired me to buy a book on the Aztec myth of "Quetzalcoatl, the serpent of precious feathers", as I feel somehow this entity is a "teacher to mankind". I saw the brightly colored serpents many times in the 5 hours of visions, and now I understand why they are so commonly reported in Ayahuasca journeys.

They seem to possess divine knowledge that humans were not supposed to have been privileged to, but the serpents gifted this knowledge to humankind.

Recently found a 1.5 hour video on Amazon prime entitled "Ancient Alien Origins" which is all about this ancient alien flying serpent or dragon entity which is found in all religions of the world & "BAM, Builders of the Ancient Mysteries".

Return of the Serpent & of Eden:



300mg of tetrahydroharmine (THH) is equated to the (CEV) power of 100mg harmaline, but without all the nausea and dizziness. It glows blue under blacklight, like LSD or psilocin & has a metallic-like lingering taste with a 10.5 hour half-life.

"Cyclodextrins used as excipients" pdf, European Medicines Agency, Oct 9, 2017: page 5 of 16 under "Oral products, Kinetics":
The oral bioavailability of cyclodextrins is very low in adult animals and humans (0.1–3 percent except for RM-β-CD, which has a bioavailability of 12% in rats. Because of their bulky and hydrophilic nature only insignificant amounts of cyclodextrins are absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract by passive diffusion [33, 27].

This pharmacology has been used to potentiate these freebase drugs ORALLY as well -- in my experience, this results in an Ayahuasca experience that is strong in potency. Example: HPBCD improves oral absorption profile for Ofloxacin, a second generation fluroquinolones by 54 to 89 percent.

I've used HPBCD complexed DMT orally three times stirred into a 1oz hot water tea (it dissolves instantly) with 150 to 300mg THH + 160 to 200mg harmine with a bit of citric acid to help the harmalas dissolve, and it's also way more potent than normal DMT freebase or salts used orally, very reminiscent of my over 70 Hawaiian psychotria brewed leaf teas, very strong & all encompassing. Trip report on page 2, post #25.

But I vastly prefer the oral 150 to 300mg THH + sublingual Ayahuasca (35mg sublingual harmine fb + 60 to 100mg sublingual HPBCD DMT all taken at exact same time under tongue), many times stronger than oral DMT, and zero dizziness or un-easy feelings for me due to only 35mg harmine being used. Highly recommend for sensitive individuals like myself. Very strong & feels great all evening like mescaline, heavenly.

"Sublingual mucosa as a route for systemic drug delivery" by Narang & Sharma 2010:

As you can see from this sublingual viagra study, even 50 to 100mg doses can be administered under the tongue, the authors noting that less of the drug was required, and that it began working in only one half the normal time of an oral dose:

"The start of pharmacological activity after sublingual administration of sildenafil citrate in 30 patients affected by erectile dysfunction." by Siati & Franzolin 2003:

Tetrahydroharmine on it's own will also yield the same type visions as harmaline, it just takes more of it. For example, around 300mg of THH will yield the same visions as about 100mg harmaline...even if the THH dose is split in two over several hours, the visions will still be apparent some time after the 2nd dose takes effect, the doses are additive.

THH in the caapi also seems to strongly activate the right hand hemisphere of the brain-- the side that performs tasks that have do with creativity and the arts, feelings, visualizations, imagination, holistic thinking & intuition, empathy, spirituality & connectedness. Researchers found that the right side of the brain lit up in brain scans of people who took LSD, mescaline, or mushrooms. This includes tetrahydroharmine. The world is largely moving in the direction of the Left Brain: technology and science. What the world needs is to move in the direction of Right Brain development.

Quote from TIHKAL by Dr. Shulgin "More studies on tetrahydroharmine are absolutely imperative."


Dennis Mckenna Ph.D:
Thus, tetrahydroharmine may prolong the half-life of DMT by blocking it's intraneuronal uptake, and hence, its inactivation by MAO, localized in mitochondria within the neuron.
I have years of experience with pure tetrahydroharmine, and it does indeed do this very well.

Jamie, posted : 11/23/2012 8:29:28 PM:
You can't compare sublingual or oral either..20-30mg sublingual harmine is enough to activate sublingual DMT and cause effects on it's own. 20mg sublingual is probably comparable to 200mg oral.
I use 35mg freebase harmine sublingually along with the sublingual HPBCD complexed DMT, 35mg sublingual has the power of x6 or 210mg oral harmine, but without the dizziness and un-easy feelings you often feel with an oral dose.

Dr. Narang:
The absorption of drugs through the sublingual route is 3 to 10 times greater than oral route and is surpassed by hypodermic injection. Sublingual mucosa under tongue is only 100 to 200 microns thick.
In over 44 total sublingual experiences over a year's time, this sublingual route is many times more potent than oral DMT. The only way I use it.

"Cyclodextrins used as excipients" pdf, European Medicines Agency, Oct 9, 2017:, under "Kinetics":
Cyclodextrins at high doses can increase drug permeability by direct action on mucosal membranes and enhance drug absorption and/or bioavailability. These effects are possibly caused by solubilisation of membrane lipids through inclusion complexation with cyclodextrins and the ability of cyclodextrins to cause perturbation of membrane integrity. However, unlike detergents, cyclodextrins solubilize membrane components without entering into the membrane, therefore the perturbing effects of cyclodextrins are mild and reversible [7].Cyclodextrins are absorbed poorly via mucosal membranes.
HPBCD enhances the drug permeability of guest complexed drug, but the cyclodextrins themselves are poorly absorbed via the sublingual mucosa.

Pic 1: How to mix the DMT, HPBCD, and drops of very hot water on a spoon.

Pic 2: 1kg container of HPBCD from China for cheap. 2-hydroxy-propyl-beta-cyclodextrin is the more common form available, works the exact same.

Pic 3: Sublingual mucosa under tongue only 100 to 200 microns thick.

Pic 4: 300mg pure THH for oral use in weigher, 35mg harmine fb for sublingual use next to it, 60mg dmt fb in spoon, 420mg HPBCD white powder above it, coffee mug of near boiling hot water, medicine dropper pipette, Bic lighter.

Pic 5: 60mg DMT was covered with x 7 or 420mg HPBCD powder and 10 drops of near boiling hot water from a nearby coffee mug was added, and all mashed and stirred well for 2 minutes, then Bic lighter held under spoon until the solution just started to boil (20 seconds or so), then pull flame away, notice how well the DMT complexed inside the HPBCD.

Take 150 to 300mg tetrahydroharmine 45 minutes earlier orally, place 35mg harmine under tongue, then place tongue on to HPBCD complexed DMT spoon, it will all adhere for sublingual use. Journey starts in 22 minutes after application and lasts x 90 minutes, at which time you can re-dose x 2 more times, each dose just as strong as 1st dose for a 4.5 hour long strong journey with super-long afterglow. Instructions, 5 hour CEV trip report and 9 pics here on post #1.
Stay true to yourself, Love, Peace and Music

sublingual Ayahuasca.PNG


sublingual mucosa only 100 to 200 microns thick.PNG

sublingual HPBCD complexed DMT pics.PNG

Attached File Sublingual mucosa as a route for systemic drug delivery (2).pdf 240.7KB 3 downloads

Attached File Thermodynamic properties of hydroxypropyl Beta cyclodextrin and guest interaction, a survey of recent studies, 2021.pdf 854.1KB 6 downloads

questions-answers-cyclodextrins-used-excipients-medicinal-products-human-use_en.pdf 273.35KB 5 downloads

Attached File HPBCD solubility enhancement table for 68 drugs.pdf 61.76KB 5 downloads
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I want some of this aya premixed in a drop bottle like this water soluble THC prep, my current fave.

Yes, Delsyd, this method only works if you include the 35mg sublingual harmine fb along with the sublingual HPBCD DMT.

Igorcarajo said:
Instead of the harmine sublingual, have you tried orally ingested harmine, maybe at the same time as THH, 45 minutes before the sublingual HPBCD-complexed DMT?

Thanks for joining in the discussion igorcarajo, seen you reading for some time. Great question igorcarajo, in fact, out of the 44 times I've used the sublingual HPBCD DMT over a year's time, the time I took 300mg pure tetrahydroharmine (THH) + 200mg harmine fb at the same time orally in capsules, then around an hour later took 90mg of sublingual HPBCD DMT (held under tongue for 15 minutes) was the most powerful experience visually with open eyes, and the deepest headspace yet encountered.

For some reason, the sublingual HPBCD DMT was many factors more powerful than any dosage of oral HPBCD DMT. It was many factors stronger, around x5 times. It was so powerful that I saw curtains of neon-colored visuals in the open doorway when I looked to my right. Everything in all directions was surrounded by brilliant neon-colored rainbows, the euphoria and music enhancement was very powerful.

Open-eyed beauty was beyond belief, divine and infinite. The tracers were so powerful, that they went on forever like a hall of mirrors into the distance, and instead of there just being multiples of my hands when I waved them, there were beautiful colored fractals inside the tracer smears. One hour after the sublingual HPBCD DMT started to work, it was still as strong visually & transcendence wise as when it started.

In my trip diary that night, I documented this as the most powerful sublingual experience of my life. There was zero nausea, dizziness or anxiety as well, very impressed. The 200mg of harmine was so powerful, that I continued by taking a 2nd dose of sublingual HPBCD DMT again 2 hour laters after the 1st dose, and it again worked just as strong as the first dose. With closed eyes were seen brightly colored Ayahuasca visions, in my diary I noted that I saw close to a hundred rapidly changing visions from Egpytian scenery to elaborate art carvings in stone, way beyond 4k in detail. This resulted in a +5 strength Shulgin level journey with life changing consequences.

The harmine having a half-life of from 1 to 3 hours, did not die off until around 5 hours later, so each time I took a re-dose of sublingual HPBCD DMT for the evening, it continued to work very strongly. I highly recommend this approach as you brought up in your question, and plan to use the oral harmine again with the oral THH again soon (next week again), but only using the HPBCD DMT sublingually as noted above.

L-dreamer said:
Making this thread so that I can post my thoughts on the dosing method described in this thread
My few experiences have consisted of about 60 mg of freebase DMT dissolved in 500 mg of HPBCD, with 250-300 mg of THH, and about 35 mg of sublingual harmala/harmaline

From the start I want to say that sublingual DMT with oral THH is everything I wanted ayahuasca/pharmahuasca to be. And I think it is also the best way for someone to be introduced to DMT
Where do I start with the pros
- no nausea at all, even if you take sublingual harmine/harmaline with it. It is such an odd and pleasant feeling to not have to fight constant nausea and vomit inducing dizziness. I literally don't have to worry about having a handy throwup bucket like I did with typical oral DMT.
- just the right kind of duration, it never overstays it's welcome, in about an hour you will get whatever you had to receive. No need for a bedridden 2+ h long comedown
- crisp, clear headspace. Previous oral DMT experiences have always given me this pinch of delirium and sleepiness to my mental state. But with this combo and I am fully present in it
- no come-up anxiety, the transition is gradual and smooth
- the DMT visuals are there, and in one experience they seemed even more glowing, or with actual real-life landscapes or persons assembling before my vision instead of the usual DMT geometry
- your body will love to move to the music you are listening
- let's say you accidental swallow the DMT solution or the saliva build-up becomes unbearable - you will still have a pharmahuasca experience with less if not any nausea. And also this form of oral DMT seems to absorb way better than a typical pharmahuasca
- you need less DMT than the typical pharmahuasca
- if you aborted the experience (saliva build-up that you spit out) you will now in about 25-30 minutes for sure, and then you can try again with the same DMT dosage, it won't stack like in pharmahuasca where it can sometimes take even 2 hours to enter fully

Now the cons:
- the saliva build-up can abort your start or break it's knees. Now if you swallow the solution you will still get a top-tier pharmahuasca trip, I repeat again, with barely any nausea. I tried with some cotton rolls in my mouth to stop the saliva pooling around the DMT solution but it was useless. Next thing I want to try are some saliva pads dentists use: either I trap the solution between the pad and the mouth floor, or I infuse the pads with the DMT solution, put the pad to the cheek mucosa or sublingual mucosa, and enjoy the slow release of DMT (even your lips can absorb this stuff pretty well, one of these days I will use the solution as ointment only for the lips to test it)
- and that is pretty much it, I can't think of any other cons of this way of taking DMT

With that in mind here are some questions that could be explored in the future
- how to get consistently the neon-glowing visions, they feel like such an eye-candy that your eyes feel compelled to see in all their beauty; is it a certain THH treshhold? less harmine/harmaline or more sublingual harmine/harmaline?
- do we really need the mouth floor? can I just smear this on my lips, inner cheek, upper gums or mouth top since with these there is not saliva problem?

I still can't believe people aren't all over this method, especially beginners. It is so versatile and maybe even "comfortable". It is worth experimenting only on it for me, goodbye throw bucket and tissues next to my bed, goodbye retching and holding in the taste of earthy vomit, goodbye 5 hour long sedation and diziness that takes up your entire day.
I predict in a short time sublingual DMT will have it's separate section on the Nexus.

L-dreamer said:
- how to get consistently the neon-glowing visions, they feel like such an eye-candy that your eyes feel compelled to see in all their beauty; is it a certain THH treshhold? less harmine/harmaline or more sublingual harmine/harmaline?

Once again, thanks for your amazing post L-dreamer, and keep up the great work. In answer to this important question, I always use 300mg of very pure home-made tetrahydroharmine (made easily from harmaline in 1.5 hour). You can sometimes find harmaline on-line if you don't want to start from rue seed scratch. 35mg sublingual harmine has power of around x6 or 210mg oral harmine. 60mg HPBCD dmt = + 3 Shulgin level strength, and 90mg HPBCD dmt = + 5 Shulgin level strength.

The fact that one of your experiences involved seeing actual real-life landscapes and persons assembling before your vision instead of the usual DMT geometry only indicates you are in the realm of actual Ayahuasca visions. You will find that many of the Ayahuasca visions begin with dancing & morphing geometry but these then progress to actual colored beautiful teaching visions, each time you see a new phase of geometrics many times indicates a transition to more phenomenal Ayahuasca visions, just as Benny Shanon remarks in "Antipodes of the Mind". I have found this to be true.

Always test any THH you may acquire elsewhere. For example, there is a THH many are using that is made in China, with several reports of it not glowing blue when a bit is rubbed on a wet q-tip and smeared on a paper palate, and the plate held under blacklight. Pure tetrahydroharmine glows light blue like LSD under UV light, any green in the glow indicates unconverted harmaline. Five reports so far from nexus people saying it glows green instead of blue like pure THH even though the paperwork indicates over 98% pure. THH never converts back to harmaline once made and remains stable indefintely, so this tells me the initial synthesis on those particular batches was incomplete.

As a long time chemist, I take purity seriously, and so should everyone. What would happen if THH with contaminated un-converted harmaline in it was mixed with LSD at same time like I often do for an incredible journey (feels like a combo of LSD + mescaline as THH is like the beta-carboline version of mescaline in many ways). It would not be a fun journey like it normally is when using pure THH. Always be careful. Test your THH, even home-made to make sure it is pure.

Pure THH at 300mg results in neon-glowing visions with open or closed eyes in every one of my 44 total oral 300mg THH + 35mg sublingual harmine + 90mg HPBCD DMT held at exact same time under tongue journeys. These 44 times count the 2 subsequent re-doses every 1.5 hour for a strong 4.5 hour experience with super long afterglow beyond that.

Actresses on TV will look like dazzling glowing super-colorful cartoon versions of themselves (just like with high dose cactus tea) only if you include the pure THH. Researchers have called THH the "tryptamine of the beta-carboline world" and rightly so. Music will only sound bad-ass incredible if you include from 150mg to 300mg oral pure THH with your sublingual or oral DMT. The combo of THH + DMT is like listening to music on high-dose cactus tea, heavenly.

Again with the sublingual: pupil dilation maxed out, strong tryptamine body buzz high frequency, heavy CEV imagery, open eyed beauty profound, music sounds incredible.

Here is an example of the glowing CEV visions you see when using pure THH:

On my very first 300mg oral THH + sublingual 60mg HPBCD DMT combined with 35mg sublingual harmine fb trip with 2 sublingual re-doses at each 1.5 hour mark (had not used DMT in several months)....all the way till 5am in the morning I was seeing closed eye visions of slow and high speed movies...I saw brightly colored serpents, dungeons I traveled thru, many Mesoamerican pyramids, women of incredible beauty, Japanese landscapes, dancing geometrics, many different animals on a rotating globe, walking on the planet-like globe as it spun, hundreds of visions like slow and high-speed movies over the course of many hours.

I wore headphones and listened to music the whole time, as the music sounded just like if I had taken a very strong cactus tea.

I saw the interiors of many magnificent homes, exposed like a camera flash went off, then off to the next home interior, bizarre alien looking creatures, I saw ancient ruins but they were seen as they were before they fell apart. All sorts of architectural wonders appeared that I could not make out exactly what time period they were from.

All the visions were enchanting & manifested incredible beauty. The multi-colored beautiful serpents kept appearing several times in different forms, as if they have some prominence to do with it all, two of them had shining skin covered in gold scales and intertwined like DNA, reminds me of the Aztec quetzalcoatl myth, the "serpent of precious feathers."

...all of these visions were brightly colored due to the sublingual DMT/harmine and oral THH combo all night long..it was one of the most powerful psychedelic experiences of my life...and I've taken Ayahuasca x 70 times, cactus 200 times, etc...I have never had over 5 hours of non-stop CEV visions anything close to what I saw that first night.

The visions inspired me to buy a book on the Aztec myth of "Quetzalcoatl, the serpent of precious feathers", as I feel somehow this entity is a "teacher to mankind". I saw the brightly colored serpents many times in the 5 hours of visions, and now I understand why they are so commonly reported in Ayahuasca journeys.
ava69 wrote:
Always test any THH you may acquire elsewhere. For example, there is a THH many are using that is made in China, with several reports of it not glowing blue when a bit is rubbed on a wet q-tip and smeared on a paper palate, and the plate held under blacklight. Pure tetrahydroharmine glows light blue like LSD under UV light, any green in the glow indicates unconverted harmaline. Five reports so far from nexus people saying it glows green instead of blue like pure THH even though the paperwork indicates over 98% pure. THH never converts back to harmaline once made and remains stable indefintely, so this tells me the initial synthesis on those particular batches was incomplete.

L-dreamer said:
The THH I have does not glow blue (it did not come with a purity certificate), but it definitely is not harmine or harmaline since it does not give nausea at all. Taking more than 300 mg of it makes me a bit dizzy and that's it. And post experience I do feel the typical calmness or composure I got from previous aya drinks.
Thanks for the update. In answer to your question, using pure 300mg THH (which glows light blue) will most assuredly give you the glowing Ayahuasca visions consistently. Bottom of post #2 shows THH glow under blacklight:
I would recommend making your own, take care, all the best.

Closing tips:

In the 44 times I've used 60 to 90mg HPBCD DMT sublingually under tongue, my tongue felt 100% fine the next day, no burn, completely normal, as if nothing was used the night before. 60mg HPBCD dmt = + 3 Shulgin level strength, and 90mg HPBCD dmt = + 5 Shulgin level strength.

Make sure there is no sodium hydroxide contamination in your dmt before you complex it, as any remnants of it will surely burn, it helps to use a long glass pipette with rubber bulb and 2 Liter erlenmeyer flask (heat resistant & tapers at top for easy pull) when extracting, this will ensure no accidental grabbing of any lye water, ie contamination...and make sure the dmt is complexed to the HPBCD as well as you can, as freebase dmt without being complexed might possibly burn as well.

My only other suggestion, is to just stir the HPBCD complexed DMT from off the spoon into 1oz of microwaved hot water (120 degree F) for oral Ayahuasca use, it dissolves instantly, and you will notice the water remains transparent due to the remarkable dissolution. Then just take a capsule full of 160 to 200mg harmine + 100 to 300mg THH at exact same time you drink the 1oz HPBCD DMT water tea. The harmalas can be in freebase form, work just fine. Take all at exact same time as the Shaman's do for strongest effects.

The HPBCD masks the taste of the nasty DMT freebase very well when used orally in a tea, and even helps to reduce gastrointestinal irritation by the freebase DMT. I was shocked in my oral use as there was virtually no taste, and zero nausea.

Using it orally works very well, used it this way x 3 times. It's many factors stronger than normal dmt freebase or salts used orally, as the HPBCD increases drug penetration x 4 factors or 400% into not only sublingual mucosa but intestinal tissues as well. 80mg HPBCD DMT Oral trip report on page 2, post #25.

One last note: make sure you have not used dmt in any form within the past 2 weeks, as this will ensure 90 minutes of very strong activity, and each dose thereafter for the evening will be just as strong as the first dose and last just as long.

Harmine and THH together are both important, just as Dr. Mckenna mentions for preventing the inactivation of DMT by MAO localized in mitrochondria within the cells of the brain, these both prevent zapping of the DMT, and greatly extend the half-life of the DMT several times over, just like with real oral Ayahuasca, as Benny Shanon mentions in "Antipodes of the Mind"..."there is always 90 minutes of very strong activity", this has been my experience as well when your tolerance is low.

"Cyclodextrins used as excipients" pdf, European Medicines Agency, Oct 9, 2017: Page 11 of 16:
According to the data in section 2 one can conclude that below 20 mg/kg/day no serious adverse effects are to be expected for all routes of administration and no statement is deemed necessary.

Above 20 mg/kg/day, cyclodextrins may show some activity, and because there are insufficient safety data in children below two years old, it is advisable to inform about the quantity of cyclodextrin in the product and that for use in children below two years old, a doctor’s recommendation is needed.

Above 200 mg/kg/day cyclodextrins may theoretically cause problems in the digestive system when given orally, and cause mild renal toxicity when given parenteral, which information can be given. Depending on the amount, cyclodextrins may influence the Cyclodextrins used as excipients permeability of tissues and therefore the bioavailability of active substances given topically (nasal, rectal, dermal, sublingual, ocular).

This is exactly the way I use the HPBCD sublingually, when I complex 90mg DMT to (x7) or 630mg of HPBCD, and I re-dose two more times every 1.5 hour, I am using 1890mg of HPBCD for the evening. I weigh 95kg, so I am using less than 20mg/kg/day or less than 1900mg per day. This always gives me a 4.5 hour long +5 Shulgin level strength experience with super-long afterglow. Very similar to 600mg of mescaline.

Pic 1: use a 1:1 molar ratio HPBCD to DMT

pic 2: 300mg of pure THH for oral use taken 45 minutes before, not shown: 35mg of freebase harmine for sublingual use taken at exact same time under tongue as the 0.5ml (10 drop) 90mg DMT complexed to 630mg HPBCD stored in a 3ml syringe if desired. Locking syringe caps prevent spillage.

Two re-dose syringes at the 1.5 hour point can be "back-filled" by removing plunger & pouring spoon's HPBCD complexed DMT solution down the syringe. Schematic showing sublingual mucosa only 100 to 200 microns thick.

Pic 3: Pure tetrahydroharmine glows pale blue under blacklight like LSD or psilocin, harmaline reduces to tetrahydroharmine by gaining a hydrogen atom. THH never converts back to harmaline but remains stable indefinitely. Tetrahydroharmine is in the same beta-carboline family as ibogaine, remarkable way beyond 4k monochrome (blue or green for me) closed eye teaching visions at 300mg for hours. No sedation, pleasant stimulation like mescaline. Adding even small amounts of sublingual or oral HPBCD DMT adds color to the visions.

Pic 4: Serpents are the manifest spirit of Ayahuasca

A few additional pics & from article "Return of the Serpent & of Eden" link given near bottom of post #1:

Top left: Egyptian Goddesses Isis (Cobra) & Serapis: depicted as Sacred Serpents

Top middle: Shipibo Ayahuasca Tapestry: The Vase representing the Amazonian Medicine, The Serpents that of the Grandmother Spirit of Ayahuasca

Top middle: Cosmic Serpent: Book by Jeremy Narby

Top right: Mayan ruins

Bottom left: Priestess of Quetzalcoatl

Bottom middle: Aztec Serpent Moon Goddess (Coyolxauhqui). Other Aztec Serpent Symbols include: Quetzalcoatl (Feathered Serpent), Xiuhcoatl (Fire Serpent), Mixcoatl (Cloud Serpent), and Coatlicue (She with Serpent Skirt)

Bottom right: Kundalini Serpent Pathway

Bottom right: Shiva & Shakti: Siddhi Level of Divine Masculine & Feminine Balance

pic 1.JPG

pic 4.JPG

pic 5.JPG


Part 2: receptorome chart & explanation

Receptorome study: how traditional Ayahuasca & snuffs differ from dmt:


This is why I suggest taking the DMT with tetrahydroharmine (as found in true Ayahuasca):

Thomas S. Ray, Psychedelics and the Human Receptorome (2010):
Breadth of Receptor Binding, 4.00=max or "off the charts", 0.00=min

LSD: 5ht1a = 3.73, DMT: = 0.00, psilocin = 2.88, mescaline = 3.61, 5-meo-DMT: = 4.00 (make up >80% of brain 5-ht)
LSD: 5ht1b = 4.00, DMT: = 0.00, psilocin = 2.19, mescaline = 0.00, 5-meo-DMT: = 2.41
LSD: 5ht1d = 3.70, DMT: = 3.91, psilocin = 3.40, mescaline = 0.00, 5-meo-DMT: = 3.48
LSD: 5ht1e = 2.62, DMT: = 3.28, psilocin = 3.03, mescaline = 3.16, 5-meo-DMT: = 1.72
LSD: 5ht2a = 3.54, DMT: = 2.58, psilocin = 2.14, mescaline = 0.00, 5-meo-DMT: = 0.98
LSD: 5ht2b = 3.11, DMT: = 3.91, psilocin = 4.00, mescaline = 3.97, 5-meo-DMT: = 0.69 (sensual & entactogenic)
LSD: 5ht2c = 3.11, DMT: = 3.42, psilocin = 2.52, mescaline = 0.00, 5-meo-DMT: = 1.55
LSD: 5ht5a = 3.64, DMT: = 3.16, psilocin = 2.83, mescaline = 0.00, 5-meo-DMT: = 1.84
LSD: -5ht6 = 3.75, DMT: = 3.35, psilocin = 2.82, mescaline = 0.00, 5-meo-DMT: = 2.73
LSD: -5ht7 = 3.77, DMT: = 4.00, psilocin = 2.82, mescaline = 0.00, 5-meo-DMT: = 3.69 (novelty & new ideas)
LSD: ---D1 = 2.34, DMT: = 3.51, psilocin = 3.37, mescaline = 0.00, 5-meo-DMT: = 2.38
LSD: -A-2A = 2.93, DMT: = 2.75, psilocin = 1.36, mescaline = 2.92, 5-meo-DMT: = 0.00 (aesthetic/beauty adrenal a2a)
LSD: -A-2B = 0.00, DMT: = 3.53, psilocin = 1.57, mescaline = 0.00, 5-meo-DMT: = 0.86 (aesthetic/beauty adrenal a2b)
LSD: -A-2C = 0.00, DMT: = 3.53, psilocin = 1.03, mescaline = 4.00, 5-meo-DMT: = 1.57 (aesthetic/beauty adrenal a2c)

2011 Thomas S. Ray study: Breadth of Receptor Binding, 4.00=max, 0.00=min
LSD: 5ht1a = 3.73, DMT: = 0.00, psilocin = 2.88, mescaline = 3.61, 5-meo-DMT: = 4.00 (these serotonin filters/gates/barriers/doors make up >80% of brain 5-ht & are broken down when 5-ht1a is agonized)

This study from Mol Pharmacol. 1988 Feb;33(2):178-86. backs up the above study from Thomas S. Ray:

Pharmacology of 5-hydroxytryptamine-1A receptors which inhibit cAMP production in hippocampal and cortical neurons in primary culture. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2828913
5-HT1A agonist: All the tryptamine derivatives substituted in position 5 of the indol were potent agonists [5-HT, 5-CT, 5-MeO-N,N-DMT, 5-methoxytryptamine, and bufotenine (5-ho-DMT)],

whereas tryptamine, N-methyltryptamine, and N,N-dimethyltryptamine (DMT) were poor agonists.

Dr. Nichols (Heffter.org LSD paper):
LSD has very strong potency in blocking the action of serotonin. LSD is strongly "anti-serotonin". The morpholide lysergamide cousin had only about 1/10th the potency in blocking serotonin. Of the 5 diferent dialkylamides we studied LSD was the most potent and specific serotonin antagonist. 5-ht1a makes up >80% of brain 5-ht receptors

An example of the importance of adding the serotonin reuptake inhibition properties of 5-meo-dmt for example to dmt (which has poor 5-ht1 reuptake properites on it's own) is shown below. This is the same way the snuff's are used in the amazon, as they naturally combine dmt with additives which cause the reuptake of 5-ht like bufotenin for example.

Oroc's experiment of combining 5-meo-dmt with DMT sounds imho very much like a short beautiful transcendental Ayahuasca experience, from his book "Tryptamine Palace":

DMT + tiny amounts of 5-meo-dmt [perhaps similar theoretically to Amazonian snuffs which have a makeup of 7.4% bufotenin (potent 5-ht1a agonist), 0.04% 5-MeO-DMT (potent 5-ht1a agonist) & 0.16% DMT (poor potency as 5-ht1a agonist):
As an experiment (and in a foreign land) I smoked the last of the Bufo alvarius venom (the story of whose collection is described within the pages of Tryptamine Palace) with some ‘regular’ DMT (extracted from Jurema Preta.). In the vast majority of my early nigerine (DMT) experiences, I encountered visual fields of ‘dots’ that would come together to form images, much like the pointillism style of painting developed by Georges Seurat or the Australian Aboriginal song-line paintings.

** With the addition of the 5-MeO-DMT containing toad-venom to the DMT however, the visual characteristic was completely different and totally unique to my experiences so far. On this occasion there was a complete lack of ‘dots’ or ‘points’ of any kind, the fine lines of the constantly changing imagery were like those painted with a single-hair brush on Tibetan thangkas and due to the overwhelming artistry of what I was seeing, I could only think of the vaulted ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in comparison.

Sistene Chapel: This was without a doubt the most ‘visionary’ experience I have ever been fortunate enough to encounter and I lay there with my eyes shut watching the most fantastic parade of the Collective Unconsciousness imaginable, wishing that it would never end, and as I sit here now I can not even describe one tiny corner of it, since every image in the multitude of imagery was in such constant motion that they defied all but a glimpse. And then moments later, like a tent collapsing when its ropes are cut, the vision is gone. Leaving only a struggle of words to explain it, since nothing before or after has come close to this experiences visual majesty.

As we go thru day to day life, the 5-ht1a brain serotonin filters (gates, or day to day survival filters as I like to call them) which make up over 80% of brain 5-ht are in place so that we will not be overwhelmed by the perception of the way things would appear to an un-filtered mind, or "Mind at Large" as Aldous Huxley describes it in "Doors of Perception" as "infinite or eternal". He also referred to the visions as coming from "the other world" in his book "Moksha". I prefer to think of it in similar terms as well "the spirit world" or "the other world": https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mind_at_Large

5-ht1a inhibition by entheogens (in green above) theoretically cause this filter system to be lifted, and the infinite mind to manifest in combination with oral dmt with the tetrahydroharmine providing the 5-ht1a inhibition & additional adrenal system agonization (A2A thru A2C), just as bufotenine in snuff's provide the 5-ht1a inhibition combined with the dmt in the snuff's, resulting in a 3 hour experience ie both examples of Teamwork on how these entheogens are used traditionally in the Amazon.

Thomas S. Ray's study shows a value of 3.57 at SERT for Ibogaine (4.00 is max). Ibogaine has been shown to inhibit serotonin transporter (SERT) noncompetitively, in contrast to all other known inhibitors, which are competitive with substrate. Ibogaine inhibits both serotonin and dopamine reuptake transporters, it is an SDRI or serotonin & dopamine reuptake inhibitor.

Tetrahydroharmine is a serotonin reuptake inhibitor, it is an SRI found in caapi. In other words, both are strong serotonin reuptake inhibitors which inhibit over 80% of brain 5-ht at 5-ht1a.

In contrast, as an example, Cocaethylene (coca leaf tea bags soaked in wine, the orally active & potent ingredient formed in the liver from cocaine + ethanol in the 1860's "Vin Mariani" wine popular with both Popes, Thomas Edison and scores of other famous people) increases the levels of serotonergic, noradrenergic, and dopaminergic neurotransmission in the brain by inhibiting the action of the serotonin transporter, norepinephrine transporter, and dopamine transporter. These pharmacological properties make cocaethylene a serotonin-norepinephrine-dopamine reuptake inhibitor [SNDRI; also known as a "triple reuptake inhibitor"].

Cocaethylene has a higher affinity for the dopamine transporter than does cocaine, but has a lower affinity for the serotonin and norepinephrine transporters. In McCance-Katz et alia's 1993 study cocaethylene "produced greater subjective ratings of 'High' in comparison with administration of cocaine or alcohol alone."

69ron on harmalas:
Ayahuasca is Banisteriopsis caapi. It contains mostly harmine and tetrahydroharmine (THH). B. caapi itself contains no DMT and can be used as is to produce visionary states that are like mental day dreams which lack true visual content. Often admixtures are used to increase the visual content of the ayahuasca dreams. Most admixture plants contain DMT.

Harmine & THH used alone, can produce a mild dreamy psychedelic experience in which daydreams or lucid dreams can be experienced if the user chooses to do so. These dreams from the harmalas alone are vague and lack visual content, but usually have story lines and can be quite complex just like a real dream. The harmalas allow one to go in and out of dream consciousness at will. It takes some practice to learn how to enter a lucid dream with the harmalas alone. The harmalas won’t make you enter a lucid dream. You have to do it yourself by allowing your mind to drift off into a lucid dream.

DMT used alone, produces an intense visual experience, often very chaotic and fast moving, and quite amazing to watch. The visions of DMT alone usually lack meaningful content. The DMT visions are often just constantly morphing colors and shapes. Most of it makes absolutely no sense. Rarely will the visuals present to you a full blown dream with people, places, a story line, etc. But this does sometimes happen. But usually you just get a bunch of bazaar visions that are difficult to understand.

When combined, as in Ayahuasca, the harmalas brings a dreamy quality to the DMT experience that makes it more like one is experiencing an actual dream, not just a bunch of fancy colors. With the two together, you have the visuals of DMT, plus the dream content of the harmalas. The harmalas are the boss here in this combination if used in Ayahuasca proportions where the harmalas are not just used as an MAOI but is used specifically to allow dream consciousness to be entered by the user. DMT is just an additive used to increase the visual portion of the harmala induced dreams.

Using harmalas in very low doses, just as an MAOI, is not the same as using properly made Ayahuasca. If the harmalas are used in low doses just for it’s MAOI effects, the trip lacks dream content and is just a bunch of bazaar DMT visual effects. This is not Ayahuasca-like, it’s just orally activated DMT. That’s not the same. Its true that some Ayahuasca is prepared this way, but such Ayahuasca is considered inferior by most natives. With Ayahuasca, the DMT is just an additive, not the main course. This is why Ayahausca made with only caapi is still called Ayahuasca and considered nearly as powerful as Ayahuasca made with additive plants containing DMT.

This is something a lot of people don’t get. Ayahuasca is not simple orally activated DMT. It is the dream consciousness effects of the harmalas that are at play in Ayahuasca. In order to experience lucid dreams from harmine + THH without DMT, you need to practice a lot. But once you know how to do it, you don’t need DMT added to it anymore, unless you want the extra visual depth that DMT adds to the dreams.

So, “Dmt Or Ayahuasca?”, well that question is a personal question. Some people prefer DMT-less ayahuasca. Some people prefer just orally activated DMT. Some people prefer Ayahuasca with a side order of DMT. Some people prefer the truly bazaar effects of smoked DMT alone.

My personal opinion is that DMT alone is FUN and can be quite frightening. It’s like a roller coaster ride and I like roller coasters. But don’t expect a deep meaningful life changing experience from it. Its pure visual FUN and nothing more. If I want a more meaningful experience I’d use an oral Ayahuasca extract, or a smoked Yopo extract (not as effective as ayahuasca because Yopo is low on harmala-like alkaloids)

Authentic Ayahuasca, high in harmine & THH, and low on DMT, is like entering a full blown 3D dream with dream characters, storylines, etc. This can be a life changing experience. It’s more like sitting in a theater for several hours absorbing a story that’s meaningful because its about you. You leave with memories of places, things, people, etc., and possibly a new view on life.
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Thanks for clearing that up. I was not aware that THH isn’t an MAOI. I linked it in with Harmine and Harmaline because of the similarities in their names.
You’ve now sparked my interest in THH, both alone and combined with DMT.
Strong effects at 5 minutes, intense rush & elevated heart rate, dilated pupils...neon colorful visuals/visions...peak at 30 to 45 minutes, duration 60 to 90 minutes.


This would allow those who normally get nausea from oral preps to avoid the nausea. There is no burn under tongue, taste yes. I used this 4 times in one night over the course of several hours with THH, and my tongue was just fine, no burn or scarring. Felt just fine next day too. I experienced infinite beauty and visuals, very transcendent.
So does it work without the THH or not? If it doesn't, then how distinct are the sublingual effects from different RoAs?

First of all you're not getting 100% BA. 100% BA is achieved by intravenous administration and by definition means all the drug is circulating. Also by definition is pretty much impossible for other ROAs. Plus HP-β-cD actually probably isn't doing much of anything for you. I'll get into why a little bit below. And to round things out adding THH as a confounding variable just confuses things further. So, for now, I'm at "don't believe the hype." You're making some interesting claims in your post but they require evidence that you're just not providing.

Now that that's out of the way the subjective description reminds me a lot of intramuscular DMT, which I was quite fond of but which is a pain in the ass and potentially dangerous. This makes sense as the rates of absorption into the bloodstream are rather similar between i.m. and s.l.. As far as RoAs go, though, i.m. is a bit more involved than this (converting into a salt to make it dissolve at all, then, unless you're OK with a big abscess, making sure your pH is not off the charts, then wheel filtering.) IM DMT was kind of shroomy with a DMTish headspace but not as fierce as smoking or IV. No nausea or anything, quite benign. As I said I liked it a lot, more than smoking (with or without MAOI, although the latter felt in the same category) or i.v. injection but it was something that I'd always be wary of recommending to anyone as far as harm reduction practices go. I am not experienced combining DMT with β-carbolines although I have smoked it with moclobemide which also felt reminiscent of what you are discussing. Both smoking w/moclo and i.m. admin have a similar timeline (although smoking obviously with faster onset) to what you describe but I'd say last rather less than 90 minutes total.

But firstly, how much of the quality of the experience you describe is attributable to THH? I'm not convinced it's not an MAOI, by the way, there is plenty of literature that says it is, even if less potent than other β-carbolines, although it's SSRI activity and potential psychoactivity in and of itself (especially combined with a/nother MAOI?) are both interesting. See here, the paper is quite old but they even figured out an EC50 for it inhibiting MAO.

I looked around on a few forums for info about people taking sublingual DMT (mostly crudely converted acetate or citrate; I couldn't find anyone getting any success with unconverted freebase, a few people mentioned fumarate being better) and the results were unimpressive. I'd like to see the difference between your method and various salts of DMT. Now, what you're doing sounds like it could be increasing s.l. BA of DMT which is exciting. However a few points: DMT's MW is 188.27 g/mol, HP-β-cD's is a whopping 1387 g/mol. A 1:1 molar ratio would be the minimum to make good use of all the DMT and several sources I checked suggest a higher one. Your suggested ratio of HP-β-cD to fb DMT is not enough. If HP-β-cD is dramatically increasing BA, it seems to follow that you could significantly increase enhance potency by increasing the amount of HP-β-cD, which seems to have a high solubility in H2O.

Experimenting with this alone could tell you how well the HP-β-cD is working. In fact, unfortunately, just going on some of your subjective experiences, your DMT doses are not so much larger than equipotent i.v. doses to suggest that you could in fact get that much mileage out of it by increasing the molar ratio. That naturally suggests to me that HP-β-cD isn't actually doing as much as you think it is or that you are running into some hard limit I'm not thinking of. Either way what you're getting out of it now is certainly not 100% BA but not bad, however the very fact that it's not bad with such a low molar ratio suggests that the HP-β-cD isn't that much of a factor. I'd suggest that a lot of what you're getting out of this is attributable to THH potentiation with possibly a small assist from complexing. I don't think THH potentiates DMT enough to invalidate my argument about equipotency with i.v. adminstration, either.

So I would greatly like to hear three things:
(a) what complexed s.l. DMT is like without THH;​
(b) what complexed s.l. DMT is like with a higher molar ratio of HP-β-cD; and​
(c) less extraneous material and especially less New Age stuff.​
Until then, color me skeptical. HP-β-cD, however, is definitely exciting, especially as it does form complexes very readily in kitchen-sink type scenarios without a lot of equipment. If it substantially increases s.l. BA then that is very cool and would have wider implications but I'm not seeing evidence of that yet. What it definitely does do is render a freebase water soluble without converting it into a salt which could have some other applications. It might be a better way to convert freebases like DMT or crack into a solution for injection, although I'd be wary of doing so on anything that wasn't well filtered and pretty pure as HP-β-cD could complex other shit that you don't want in your body. Also these applications may run into a limit due to the weight of HP-β-cD although it is very water soluble. Depends on the doses of the drug involved.

You've piqued my curiosity on the subject generally, though. HP-β-cD is pretty neat:



Here's how it works, basically:




... which looks something like this ...


Here is a relevant paper: the melatonin-sulforaphane derivative ITH12674, a tryptamine as you can see, is not very soluble in water. They used HP-β-cD to make it both water soluble and more stable:


ITH12674 is a multitarget drug, designed to exert a dual “drug-prodrug” mechanism of action, able to induce the phase II antioxidant and anti-inflammatory response for the treatment of brain ischemia. However, its physicochemical properties limit its potential preclinical development due to its low water solubility and instability towards heat and pH variations. In order to improve its properties, we prepared the inclusion complex of ITH12674 with 2-hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin (HP-β-cD) by the freeze-drying method. The formation of the inclusion complex was confirmed by FT-IR spectroscopy, PXRD, DSC, 1H NMR and SEM techniques. Experimental results showed that the inclusion complex enhanced its water solubility and stability against heat, acidic and basic conditions. Furthermore, the inclusion complex, prepared in water solution, exerted the same potency to induce the phase II antioxidant response as the pure ITH12674. Thus the formation of the inclusion complex with HP-β-CD is a very effective method to stabilize and solubilize the active compound for its future preclinical development.


Here is their method, obviously more involved than the one mentioned in OP involving stuff you probably can't do at home but are still rudimentary if you have access to the appropriate tools. Important takeaway is they're doing a 1:1 molar ratio which you don't approach, not nearly. And here is a paper that suggests you will often want to go beyond equimolar to get the best complex formation (although the curve starts to slope downward again if you have too much HP-β-cD.

We simply need a lot more before anyone should start getting excited about this.
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Who’s going to be the first to test Tregars theory without THH?
Thomas S. Ray

I think that Thomas Ray has some very interesting ideas, his evidence is rather sparse for the magnitude of his claims.

I am biased, I feel like he creates his own terminology, which makes his ideas harder to integrate with the larger milieu of psychedelic/cognitive research.

A lot of his comparisons rely on self reported subjective experiences, which do not always mirror what I (and folks I know who enjoy knowing and loving compounds) have felt.

I do like the general concepts he puts down but I feel they should be viewed as a lens rather than gospel/an accurate depiction of reality.
So does it work without the THH or not? If it doesn't, then how distinct are the sublingual effects from different RoAs?

First of all you're not getting 100% BA. 100% BA is achieved by intravenous administration and by definition means all the drug is circulating. Also by definition is pretty much impossible for other ROAs. Plus HP-β-cD actually probably isn't doing much of anything for you. I'll get into why a little bit below. And to round things out adding THH as a confounding variable just confuses things further. So, for now, I'm at "don't believe the hype." You're making some interesting claims in your post but they require evidence that you're just not providing.

Now that that's out of the way the subjective description reminds me a lot of intramuscular DMT, which I was quite fond of but which is a pain in the ass and potentially dangerous. This makes sense as the rates of absorption into the bloodstream are rather similar between i.m. and s.l.. As far as RoAs go, though, i.m. is a bit more involved than this (converting into a salt to make it dissolve at all, then, unless you're OK with a big abscess, making sure your pH is not off the charts, then wheel filtering.) IM DMT was kind of shroomy with a DMTish headspace but not as fierce as smoking or IV. No nausea or anything, quite benign. As I said I liked it a lot, more than smoking (with or without MAOI, although the latter felt in the same category) or i.v. injection but it was something that I'd always be wary of recommending to anyone as far as harm reduction practices go. I am not experienced combining DMT with β-carbolines although I have smoked it with moclobemide which also felt reminiscent of what you are discussing. Both smoking w/moclo and i.m. admin have a similar timeline (although smoking obviously with faster onset) to what you describe but I'd say last rather less than 90 minutes total.

But firstly, how much of the quality of the experience you describe is attributable to THH? I'm not convinced it's not an MAOI, by the way, there is plenty of literature that says it is, even if less potent than other β-carbolines, although it's SSRI activity and potential psychoactivity in and of itself (especially combined with a/nother MAOI?) are both interesting. See here, the paper is quite old but they even figured out an EC50 for it inhibiting MAO.

I looked around on a few forums for info about people taking sublingual DMT (mostly crudely converted acetate or citrate; I couldn't find anyone getting any success with unconverted freebase, a few people mentioned fumarate being better) and the results were unimpressive. I'd like to see the difference between your method and various salts of DMT. Now, what you're doing sounds like it could be increasing s.l. BA of DMT which is exciting. However a few points: DMT's MW is 188.27 g/mol, HP-β-cD's is a whopping 1387 g/mol. A 1:1 molar ratio would be the minimum to make good use of all the DMT and several sources I checked suggest a higher one. Your suggested ratio of HP-β-cD to fb DMT is not enough. If HP-β-cD is dramatically increasing BA, it seems to follow that you could significantly increase enhance potency by increasing the amount of HP-β-cD, which seems to have a high solubility in H2O.

Experimenting with this alone could tell you how well the HP-β-cD is working. In fact, unfortunately, just going on some of your subjective experiences, your DMT doses are not so much larger than equipotent i.v. doses to suggest that you could in fact get that much mileage out of it by increasing the molar ratio. That naturally suggests to me that HP-β-cD isn't actually doing as much as you think it is or that you are running into some hard limit I'm not thinking of. Either way what you're getting out of it now is certainly not 100% BA but not bad, however the very fact that it's not bad with such a low molar ratio suggests that the HP-β-cD isn't that much of a factor. I'd suggest that a lot of what you're getting out of this is attributable to THH potentiation with possibly a small assist from complexing. I don't think THH potentiates DMT enough to invalidate my argument about equipotency with i.v. adminstration, either.

So I would greatly like to hear three things:
(a) what complexed s.l. DMT is like without THH;​
(b) what complexed s.l. DMT is like with a higher molar ratio of HP-β-cD; and​
(c) less extraneous material and especially less New Age stuff.​
Until then, color me skeptical. HP-β-cD, however, is definitely exciting, especially as it does form complexes very readily in kitchen-sink type scenarios without a lot of equipment. If it substantially increases s.l. BA then that is very cool and would have wider implications but I'm not seeing evidence of that yet. What it definitely does do is render a freebase water soluble without converting it into a salt which could have some other applications. It might be a better way to convert freebases like DMT or crack into a solution for injection, although I'd be wary of doing so on anything that wasn't well filtered and pretty pure as HP-β-cD could complex other shit that you don't want in your body. Also these applications may run into a limit due to the weight of HP-β-cD although it is very water soluble. Depends on the doses of the drug involved.

You've piqued my curiosity on the subject generally, though. HP-β-cD is pretty neat:



Here's how it works, basically:




... which looks something like this ...


Here is a relevant paper: the melatonin-sulforaphane derivative ITH12674, a tryptamine as you can see, is not very soluble in water. They used HP-β-cD to make it both water soluble and more stable:


ITH12674 is a multitarget drug, designed to exert a dual “drug-prodrug” mechanism of action, able to induce the phase II antioxidant and anti-inflammatory response for the treatment of brain ischemia. However, its physicochemical properties limit its potential preclinical development due to its low water solubility and instability towards heat and pH variations. In order to improve its properties, we prepared the inclusion complex of ITH12674 with 2-hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin (HP-β-cD) by the freeze-drying method. The formation of the inclusion complex was confirmed by FT-IR spectroscopy, PXRD, DSC, 1H NMR and SEM techniques. Experimental results showed that the inclusion complex enhanced its water solubility and stability against heat, acidic and basic conditions. Furthermore, the inclusion complex, prepared in water solution, exerted the same potency to induce the phase II antioxidant response as the pure ITH12674. Thus the formation of the inclusion complex with HP-β-CD is a very effective method to stabilize and solubilize the active compound for its future preclinical development.


Here is their method, obviously more involved than the one mentioned in OP involving stuff you probably can't do at home but are still rudimentary if you have access to the appropriate tools. Important takeaway is they're doing a 1:1 molar ratio which you don't approach, not nearly. And here is a paper that suggests you will often want to go beyond equimolar to get the best complex formation (although the curve starts to slope downward again if you have too much HP-β-cD.

We simply need a lot more before anyone should start getting excited about this.
tregar has a history of making wild and anecdotal claims about such things, see his threads a couple of months ago. unfortunately he just keeps ignoring people who are skeptical and try to debate his topic. Kudos to you for giving discussion a go but he probably won't reply to any of that. but your post was pretty informative in my opinion. :)

in his last threads, people like sekio with massive drug chemistry knowledge kept debunking his claims, but he never cared to actually participate in the debate.
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Kudos to you for giving discussion a go but he probably won't reply to any of that. but your post was pretty informative in my opinion. :)

in his last threads, people like sekio with massive drug chemistry knowledge kept debunking his claims, but he never cared to actually participate in the debate.
Thanks! I claim no chemical/pharmacological knowledge to rival those guys but I try my best.

I was asked to explain my objection to the OP in less technical terms so here goes. It's really pretty easy to understand if I explain it without them. All of this is high school chemistry but people can be forgiven for forgetting that.
  • Molecular mass is what it sounds like: the mass per molecule of a substance, which is a function of the different atoms in it. It is expressed in grams per mole. A mole means about 6.02x10[super]23[/super] molecules, which is how many carbon-12 molecules it takes to weigh 12 grams. A mole of hydrogen molecules is about 2 grams. A mole of water (H2O) is about 18 grams. As you can see how much a mole of something weighs depends on molecular weight (or molar mass), so the unit of molecular mass is grams per mole. The larger/heavier the molecule the more grams 6.02x1023 of molecules is going to be.

    DMT has a molecular weight of 188.27 g/mol.


    HP-β-cD, as a much larger and more complex molecule, has an MW of 1387 g/mol.


  • One molecule of HP-β-cD (the "host") attaches to one molecule of another substance (the "guest") forming a "complex."
  • The number of molecules per gram for DMT and HP-β-cD is different, so an equivalent ("equimolar") number of molecules is going to result in the HP-β-cD necessary to bind to the DMT being considerably heavier.
  • @tregar used between 1-2 times as much weight, not moles, of DMT and HP-β-cD.
  • This means that only about 1/7 of the DMT bound to HP-β-cD.
  • Literature recommends using equimolar amounts of guest and host molecules, or up to twice as many host molecules.
  • With equal/double weight, not moles, of HP-β-cD, that means only 4-8mg of the 30mg DMT will bind to HP-β-cD.
  • 4-8mg, even with THH potentiaton, is not going to do anything. 22-26mg of DMT is going to remain unbound and in fact if it is the freebase, not even dissolved in water (it would dissolve with an acid, such as citric acid or acetic acid. Vinegar could be used to form a crude form of the latter.)
  • In order to get full complexing he'd need about 210-420mg of HP-β-cD. It's very soluble in water but I doubt that much would dissolve in as little water as he's using.
  • He claims to have gotten significant effect from sublingual administration.
  • Therefore, if he actually tried it and it worked, he's getting it mostly from regular freebase DMT (with THH potentiation.)
  • Therefore, the whole claim is bogus. Either the DMT was absorbed sublingually or some of it made it's way to the stomach (the latter is unlikely to have been responsible for all the effects if the onset was as quick as he says.
  • Other people online say they've gotten no effects from sublingual DMT freebase. So it's either all THH potentiation doing the work or it is a bunch of hot air.
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interesting. so sublingual i imagine is broken down by monoamine oxidase as well, or wouldnt it not be? any why would hpbcd change that? ive never tried or read about sublingual dmt, but i know it works nasally
P.S. I was the researcher who introduced HPBCD complexing to 25i-nbome here at this forum back in Jan of 2012, after that virtually every vendor in the world of the nbome's took my idea and begin marketing them as such. Some of my other topics have been how to convert 4-aco-dmt to 4-ho-dmt (actual psilocin). However, I am only into Ayahuasca and cactus. I regret the whole nbome thing, and threw all of mine out many, many years ago. I hate that nasty compound. Most of you have probably noticed I work with natural psychedelics, I avoid all man-made psychedelics. You can see where I introduced it in below link in 2012:

(14) The Big & Dandy 25I-NBOMe Thread | Page 28 | Bluelight.org

Part 5: Chemist Patrick Arnold's HPBCD complexed prohormones for sublingual use (millions of dollars in sales) & bloodwork studies

Several years ago, before "prohormones" were banned (they were legal for 10 years), there was a company called "Ergopharm" ran by chemist Patrick Arnold. Ergopharm had sales in the millions due to their hot selling HPBCD complexed 4-androstenediol (Cyclodiol, see attached pic).

Patent granted to Patrick Arnold:

In 2001 Arnold's company introduced the prohormone 4-Androstenediol, under the marketing name 4-AD. 4-AD is a prohormone that is easily converted by the body into testosterone at a rate of 95%, and it sold well. He is the chemist who created hydroxypropyl-beta-cyclodextrin complexed diols such as Cyclo-Diol™ and Cyclo-Nordiol™.


I bought and used the sublingual HPBCD cyclodiol when it became available and it was very effective, had my testosterone level checked with a blood test at the local labcore one hour after administering the sublingual powder under my tongue (dissolved in less than 10 minutes) and it was 3,500 ng/dl ! when my normal level was 600ng/dl. Highest measured normal levels in men are around 1200 ng/dl. The blood test cost me $70.00. The sublingual HPBCD complexed pro-hormone would cause the 4-ad to enter the bloodstream via sublingual mucosa under tongue, and convert to testosterone via enzyme activity once in the bloodstream. Patrick invented the pro-hormone 4-ad or 4-androstenediol, which converts to testosterone at a rate of 95%.

Patrick Arnold's sublingual powder of HPBCD complexed 4-AD could be grabbed from the bottle with a pre-measured scooper, and the powder need only be held under tongue for less than 10 minutes. The HPBCD complexed DMT on the other hand dissolves in 15 minutes or less under tongue, as it is a slightly higher dosage.

Before Patrick started his company, he used to post on "deja-news" bodybuilding news group (defunct now but bought out and owned currently by Google) and would explain to bodybuilders how to complex HPBCD powder to 4-androstenediol at home using a spoon, drops of hot water, end of another spoon to mix and crush all ingredients together, lighter to heat up, etc. I learned his technique back then, and created my own HPBCD complexed 4-ad for sublingual use just like hundreds of other bodybuilders who read his postings and asked questions daily, there are logs of this that would fill up a book.

Later, the pharmaceutical industry picked up on his idea and started marketing sublingual HPBCD testosterone base (read the 3 studies in the link above from Patrick's column at MesoRx midway thru), which worked remarkably well to raise the testosterone of hypogonadal men to the high-normal level when absorbed under the tongue.

Pic: Ergopharm's hot selling cyclodiol powder, HPBCD complexed 4-androstenediol, when used sublingually, converted into testoserone at a rate of 95% via enzyme activity once it quickly entered the bloodstream from the sublingual mucosa.
Attached 1: Sublingual Mucosa as a route for systemic drug delivery by Narang, Sharma, 2010.

Attached 2: Thermodynamic properties of hydroxypropyl‑β‑cyclodextrin/guest interaction: a survey of recent studies by D'Aria, Pagano, Giancola, 2021.

Ergopharm's hot selling cyclodiol powder (HPBCD complexed pro-hormones).JPG

Attached File Sublingual mucosa as a route for systemic drug delivery.pdf 240.7KB 12 downloads

Attached File Thermodynamic properties of hydroxypropyl Beta cyclodextrin and guest interaction, a survey of recent studies, 2021.pdf 854.1KB 17 downloads
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Well just ordered a tub of HPBCD to use with my Freebase DMT and make it sublingually active. This thread has me incredibly intrigued and im thankful for you bringing this to my attention. If it works I'd also like to try using the HPBCD with some DPT sublingually and see how that works. Will get back to you guys with my findings, happy experimenting guys. Thank you for all your work exploring psychedelics @tregar, keep it up.

Stay swirly everyone and happy trails 😊
Good to hear Shadow cat, thanks for comments.

Part 3: 300mg Tetrahydroharmine (THH) teaching visions all by itself

The Ayahuasca closed eye visions using 150 to 300mg tetrahydroharmine or THH and HPBCD complexed DMT (30mg on up) together surpass in magnificence anything I have ever seen in reality or in works of art.

With open eyes, all spiritual things such as nature, art, female form, beauty, joy, take on significant meaning with infinite beauty, just like with cactus or LSD. Extraordinary beauty is manifested with open eyes and with the visions one sees with closed eyes. Impossible neon-like colors are seen that don't exist on this Earth.

The existence of a higher spiritual plane is recognized to which insight can and must be gained, yet it does not reject the mundane reality as inferior or empty. This joyous embracement of the world of form leads to words like infinite pleasure, beauty and joy. This loving reappraisal of the worldly forms leads the way to higher divine planes.

At 9pm one night, took another 100mg of THH, for a total of 350mg of THH for afternoon & night, before I fell asleep, I watched dream-like monochrome imagery (usually always in green or blue for me) as the THH was still working...I viewed mind-blowing vistas--grand architecture and cities, a bookshelf full of ancient books, a view of the gardens in front of what looked like Versailles, France.

I traveled down a street in Midieval period where I saw beautiful women walking along the street, I could make out the houses & markets along the street. Many of these visions are like slow speed movies being played, way beyond 4k, highly detailed...true Ayahuasca visions...this always happens when I take at least 300mg or more of tetrahydroharmine during the late afternoon/early night. This is one of the best parts of the journey imho.

I've taken 300mg of THH on it's own many times and for hours with eyes closed I view endless dream-like visions, like slow and high speed movies being played for several hours...totally unlike normal dreams, she seems to tap into the "Akashic record" of the universe, the ether where all events, past, present, and future are stored...she shows you artwork, architecture, nature, culture, fantasy, history, the future, spiritual, supernatural. The visions are also characterized by the extraordinary beauty that they manifest.

Tetrahydroharmine was called by one researcher "the tryptamine of the beta-carboline world" to give an example of her remarkable visionary properties. She is an isomer of a hormonal-like compound found in the brain naturally, she is what gives Ayahuasca her telapathine or telethapy properties and CEV dream-like visionary power.

300mg THH in Caapi is just as visual as 100mg harmaline but without the nausea and dizziness. At 300mg she gives one several hours of incredible closed eye realistic visions, this places her very high on the "psychedelic periodic table" for visions compared to just about any other entheogen.

It's like entering a university, she teaches you for hours with not only sequential visions one after another, but visions seen in continuous slow and high speed movies. She tells you a story for a long period. There is a theme to it all each time, the beautiful visions never repeat session to session. I only rarely go beyond 300mg THH, as a little dizziness sets in above 300mg for sure. No dizziness at 250mg, only a tiny bit at 300mg.

Several weeks ago, after drinking 300mg tetrahydroharmine, I saw the interior decorations of palaces, the checkered floors, the beautiful windows and furniture, the winding stair cases, I was blown away.

I've seen sacred temples for religious worship, beautiful animals and super fine women, birds of all kinds, even the lost city of Atlantis, I was taken in for a bird's eye view, zooming in from way above to all the way down into the city center.

Caapi tells a story when you drink it with eyes closed, she teaches you things, the most beautiful "realistic visions" that no other entheogen comes close to showing you, these realistic visions go on forever with Caapi, I can recline and watch for 2 hours or more the visions, the visions are quite powerful. You can take additional THH hours later to bring back the visions again for another 45 minutes, the doses are additive.

Pic: 300mg of THH showed me closed eye vision of gardens at Versailles, France

300mg THH showed me visions of gardens at Versailles, France.JPG
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Part 4: Tetrahydroharmine receptorome similarities to mescaline; potentiates cactus & safety note

A little off topic, but I think tetrahydroharmine is a pretty special compound. I've used 250mg of it to potentiate cactus to very strong levels, it makes a 12" medium san pedro cactus tea which may contain around 250mg mescaline feel like an X-large 12" thick san pedro cactus containing around 400mg mescaline. It makes a 12" thick bridgesii cactus feel closer to a tea made with a 12" bridgesii cactus along with an extra 6" piece.

In the data I've seen for THH, it strongly blocks serotonin just like cactus, but also agonizes the adrenal A2A thru A2C receptors (the receptors associated with aesthetics & beauty), just like mescaline has been shown to do receptorome wise, explaining perhaps why they "overlap" so well. THH being able to make mescaline in cactus feel much stronger than it really is. Anyone who has ever taken cactus or high dose THH knows the appreciation for beauty experienced is "over the top".

But you have to stagger the THH from the cactus by taking the tetrahydroharmine around an hour after the cactus is taken, that way any minor maoi's or rima's in the cactus won't interact with the SRI which is THH, which can result in a faster heartbeat for a few hours which has happened to me before...so long as you take it later, it potentiates the cactus quite incredibly...it feels like I've taken 400mg of mescaline containing cactus tea when it's really only 250mg mescaline containing cactus, and they both lasts around 6 hours with super strong activity, so they wind down at around the same time. I have around 7 months experience combining the two, giving myself around 2 weeks apart from journeys.

It works so well, I won't take cactus any other way from now on. I get much more mileage from cactus this way. Visuals and visions are insane, music is so good sounding, you would think you were an alien experiencing sound and music for the very first time, every instrument stands out on it's own, like hearing a track for the very first time.

Always take the san pedro, bridgesii or torch cactus first (they all contain trace maoi like actives)...then take the THH one hour later, in that order, then the journey is pure bliss and no negative interactions. Beautiful combo beyond belief, just like the combo of THH + LSD or THH + mushrooms.
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Just got my HPBCD last night, 25 grams should last awhile I would think. Pretty excited to give this a try in the next week or so when I can have a trip in May I will try it with the DMT first and then if it very successful use some of the DPT next time. What are your thoughts on me mixing it with it with the later @tregar, will it make my DPT hcl more bioavailable sublingually? I'm not to keen on sniffing the stuff for whatever reason...
Shadow Cat said:
Just got my HPBCD last night, 25 grams should last awhile I would think. Pretty excited to give this a try in the next week or so when I can have a trip in May I will try it with the DMT first and then if it very successful use some of the DPT next time. What are your thoughts on me mixing it with it with the later @@tregar, will it make my DPT hcl more bioavailable sublingually? I'm not to keen on sniffing the stuff for whatever reason...
Glad to hear Shadow Cat! HPBCD will make any freebase pharmaceutical only that has zero to poor solubility in water have 100% water solubility.

Part 6: Dr. Narang: "with sublingual or "under the tongue" better than buccal, gingival & palatal

With Insufflation, sublingual or rectal, DMT is not broken down by monoamine oxidase.

However, tetrahydroharmine and harmine both work to block the inactivation of DMT by MAO localized within the mitochondria of the cells of the brain, this also greatly extends the half-life of the DMT.

See above paper from Narang et al, Intl J Pharm Sci, Vol 3, Suupl 2, 2011, 18-22:
"With sublingual or "under the tongue", the mucosea thickness is only 100-200, high permeability with rich blood supply, much better than buccal or gingival & palatal, 200, 250, 500 micrometer respectively, shuttling the drug directly to bloodstream." The DMT is not broken down via monamine oxidase whatsoever this way. It avoids the liver and first pass metabolism. The drug is rapidly absorbed via the rich blood supply vessels under the tongue rather than being broken down in the digestive track via the enzyme monamine oxidase. According to paper: "Sublingually administered drugs reach directly in to the blood stream through the ventral surface of the tongue and floor of the mouth. The drug solutes are rapidly absorbed into the reticulated vein which lies underneath the oral mucosa, and transported through the facial veins, internal jugular vein, and braciocephalic vein and then drained in to systemic circulation."

According to paper, "the absorption of drugs through the sublingual route is 3 to 10 times greater than oral route and is surpassed by hypodermic injection. Peak blood levels of most products administered sublingually are achieved within 10 to 15 minutes, which is generally much faster than when those same drugs are ingested orally." This has been my experience as well, after 10 minutes of sublingual under tongue application, 5 minutes after the 10 minute sublingual absorption, the DMT rush is felt, followed by 60 to 90 minutes of entheogenic activity. According to paper, "sublingual absorption of drugs is efficient. The percent of each dose absorbed is generally higher than that achieved by means of oral ingestion."

Smoked: If DMT is smoked, the maximal effects last for a short period of time (5 to 30 minutes, dose-dependent). The onset after inhalation is very fast (less than 45 seconds) and maximal effects are reached within about a minute.

Insufflation & Sublingual absorption via Oral Mucosa (under tongue): When DMT is insufflated (snorted through the nostrils) or absorbed sublingually the duration is markedly increased.

Injection: Injected DMT produces an experience similar to inhalation in duration, intensity, and characteristics.

Oral ingestion: DMT, which is broken down by the digestive enzyme monoamine oxidase, is practically inactive if taken orally, unless combined with a monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI).
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