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Tryptamines One shot HPBCD DMT Ayahuasca, masks taste & increases absorption many factors

Dude, try it with and without THH, and both of those with and without HPBCD. Put up or shut up.
part 9: 20 minute visionary visit from a dead Aztec Shaman

This is how I got into growing morning glory, thought would share as I feel it was more a message from the Aztec Shaman, also goes to show the visual power of high dose LSD made from ergot alkaloids, this really happened.

Over 12 years ago, girlfriend and I both dropped 10 hits each of super old 15 year old decomposed acid given to us by a dear friend, he had stored it in between the pages of a book all that time without using a baggie, when held in front of blacklight, only around 60% of each blotter glowed, rest decomposed. It had a sick feeling for the first 2 hours, but then it worked and skyrocketed us to a higher divine plane, it was very strong.

She and I both saw the exact same vision for 20 minutes straight which had formed out of the shadows cast by the fake Christmas tree lights onto the wall--a 20 minute "schooling" by an ancient powerful & spiritually prominent Shaman from Aztec era --- I have never had an experience like that ever again to this day--it was a once in a lifetime opportunity.

The Shaman sat on a living chair made of spirit animals (birds, jaguars, otters, pumas, macaws, toucans) that morphed into other animals constantly, to the left and right of him were centaurs (half animal below, half naked female above), the great Pyramid of the Aztec capital behind him, and he showed me the rise and fall of several civilizations throughout time--and what is even more amazing--is that we both saw the exact same vision.

The Shaman wore a huge beautiful headdress made of feathers and the detail of the 20 minute animated vision was beyond 4k, and extremely detailed--it was also the vision in which I saw snakevines behind the centaurs, and before the Shaman left us at the end, he motioned to me with his eyes to look to the right of the living room out the window into the patio area where I had an empty garden plot--he was trying to tell me to plant entheogenic plants in the plot--that spring, summer & fall I grew morning glory in that plot on a large wide & tall wooden trellis cemented into the ground.

His point in showing me the rise and fall of the different civilizations was that I believe he was trying to tell me that "if humanity is to survive, the only hope is a Spiritual Solution".

morning glory 4.JPG

Concluding notes on morning glory seeds

Below (1-6) from 1975 paper "Extraction and Identification of Clavine and Lysergic acid alkaloids from morning glory", see end of post #8 at top for latest "2016 attached 12 page paper", valuable morning glory study on LSH & other alkaloid levels found in morning glory from 3 different vendors, all levels very similar, collected from heavenly blue mg from 3 different regions located far apart.

The attached 2016 Polish morning glory study at end of post #8 (is somewhat similar to the 1975 study) except it shows penniclavine and LSH to be the 2 highest alkaloids, with the other alkaloids filling in the lower percentage.


1) elymoclavine = approx 17% of heavenly blue mg = 1957 paper from Yui Takeo showed that when animals were injected with elymoclavine, that they were stimulated MORE than when they were given LSD.

2) agroclavine = approx 25% of heavenly blue mg = 1957 paper from Yui Takeo showed than when animals were injected with agroclavine, that they were stimulated MORE than when they were given LSD.

3) chanoclavine = approx 7% of heavenly blue mg = 1957 paper from Yui Takeo showed that when animals were injected with chanoclavine, that they were stimulated just as much as when given LSD.

4) penniclavine = approx 25% plus of the heavenly blue mg = 1957 paper from Yui Takeo showed that when animals were injected with penniclavine, that they were stimulated just as much as when given LSD.

5) D-Lysergic acid hydroxyethylamide (LSH) = approx 25% plus of the heavenly blue mg. If the seeds are not frozen & stored properly, then over time LSH decomposes to LSA (Lysergic acid amide). So the seeds may contain a makeup of 1/2 LSH to 1/2 LSA a long while later, like retail rack seeds as the LSH decomposes over time.

6) Ergometrine = approx 5% of the heavenly blue mg.

From the 1957 paper:
All members of the excitor group produced in all test animals a syndrome of central sympathetic excitation and elicited a stimulation of spontaneous activity. In this group, elymoclavine, was the most potent stimulant and next come agroclavine, triseclavine, penniclavine, and LSD which are almost equipotent, as judged by the degree of symptoms exhibited in the same dose. The arousal effect of elymoclavine or agroclavine on reserpine-sedation was superior to that of LSD.

Animal experiments have shown that elymoclavine, lysergol, LSD and several other ergot alkaloids such as agroclavine, triseclavine, penniclavine, lysergine and lysergene have excitory effects on the central nervous system (Note 1: Yui & Takeo, 1957) as well as lysergic acid hydroxyethylamide (LSH) which also excites the central nervous system in animals (Note 2: Glasser, 1961).

The effects of agroclavine are similar to those of elymoclavine and LSD on rabbits (Yui & Takeo, 1957), indicating that the effect of agroclavine may well be psychoactive in humans as well. It also seems likely that agroclavine, triseclavine, penniclavine, lysergine and lysergene and lysergic acid hydroxyethylamide (LSH) will be psychoactive in humans.

LSH = D-Lysergic acid hydroxyethylamide in the seeds, we know it is similar to LAE-32 in TIHKAL, in which human experiments were done, at 1.5mg it was stimulating & "LSD like".

Glasser in 1961 noticed animals also became stimulated when injected with LSH. Dr. Glasser said some of the mice even stood on their hine legs and pressed on the noses of the mice in front of them, very peculiar.

Animal tests all point to LSH being an active psychedelic and it is indeed the closest thing to LSD found in nature, far closer than d-ergine. Owsley claims Hoffman himself told him that LAOH is very LSD-like.

It was Gröger who first discovered LSH in the seeds, published in his 1963 paper "Über das Vorkommen von Ergolinderivaten in Ipomoea-Arten". Later also Hofmann then extracted it from the seeds. It probably was in 1967, as Heim wrote in his work from August 1967 that Hofmann said he recently extracted it from the seeds (personal communication, as they knew each other very well).

LSD----------------------------------------CH2CH3-----CH2CH3.....chemical formula (C20 H25 N3 0)

LAE-32-----------------------------------------H------CH2CH3.....chemical formula (C18 H21 N3 0)

d-lysergic acid hydroxyethylamide-----------H---------CHOHCH3....chemical formula (C18 H21 N3 02)

Penniclavine-----------------------------------------------------chemical formula (C16 H18 N2 O2)

(1) The above experiments with mice, rabbits, cats and dogs who were injected with elymoclavine, agroclavine, chanoclavine alkaloids from morning glory can be found in "Neuropharmacological studies on a new series of ergot alkaloids" "Elymoclavine as a potent analeptic on reserpine-sedation" by tohoru Yui and Yuji Takeo, Hyg 911/LSD 494, Jap. J. Pharmacol. 7, 157 (1957). Jap. J. Pharmacol 7, 157-161 (1957).

(2) LSH experiments on animals: A. Glasser, Nature 189, 313 (1961)

(3) This is the paper that shows the alkaloid content of HBWR is vastly different from the alkaloid content of morning glory: Paulke A, Kremer C, Wunder C, Wurglics M, Schubert-Zsilavecz M, Toennes SW. Identification of legal highs—ergot alkaloid patterns in two Argyreia nervosa products. Forensic Sci Int. 2014;242:62–71.

No high levels of stimulating LSH, agroclavine, elymoclavine, chanoclavine, penniclavine found in HBWR seeds, only in morning glory seeds. A 2014 forensics paper from Paulke found no LSH in HBWR seeds, but only found LSA & iso-LSA (83-84 percent & ergometrine (10-17 percent & rest minimal: lysergol, elymoclavine & chanoclavine.

We know that MG has centuries of Shamanic use, while HBWR has no history of Shamanic use. HBWR only has history of medicinal use.

HBWR has more of a sedative effect compared to MG.

HBWR is more body related while MG seeds have effects more similar to LSD.

4) Aum_Shanti, 2019, "In fresher seeds there's mainly LSH (in relation to LSA). Only in old seeds, the LSA is dominant. This is because the fungi on the plant can only biosynthesize LSH (not LSA), and LSA is then a decomposition product of LSH over time. The fungi on the vines biosynthesize:

from tryptophan-->chanoclavine-->agroclavine-->elymoclavine-->lysergic acid-->ergometrine-->LSH, which then decomposes over time into LSA."

(5) Psychotomimetics of the Convolvulaceae pg 93: "This particular plant seems to have been more important to the Aztecs in divinity then Peyotl or Teonanacatl, two of their other classical sacred plants."

(6) Jonathan Ott "Pharmacotheon": "Ololiuhqui was far more prominent as an entheogen here in Mesoamerica than those mushrooms; the mushrooms are mentioned only here and there by a few competent chroniclers; yet almost an entire book was devoted to denouncing mainly the ololiuhqui idolatry. The annals of the Inquisition contain many times more autos de fe for ololiuhqui than for mushrooms."

(7) 2016 Polish morning glory study which finds 3x higher amounts of LSH in fresher MG seeds direct from grower/producer vs retail: hxxps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4830885/ LSA is a decomposition product of LSH over time (see attached pics from study).

2016 Polish MG study:
Alkaloids abundance in all 3 HB cultivars is comparable, with most significant difference for LSH (Lysergic acid hydroxyethylamide), which varies from 0.54 to 1.71 compound to IS ratio.

As has been demonstrated in this study, LSH is a labile compound, and therefore the variances in its concentration may be due to different age and storage conditions of the seeds rather than difference in plant metabolism. Indeed, seeds IT-HB2, which express highest concentration of LSH, were bought directly from the producer, whereas seeds IP-HB1 were purchased in retail stores.

[8] Researchers showed in 1961 that Claviceps paspali produces high amounts of LSH in culture: "Production of a new lysergic acid derivative (LSH or Lysergic acid hydroxyethylamide) by a strain of Claviceps paspali, Stevens & Hall".

Possible likely entheogen candidate used to serve hundreds of initiates at Eleusis in ancient Greece: this is where the Eleusian Mysteries were held, at the Eleusis Telesterion (initiation Hall for initiates...all men, women & slaves were invited) in ancient Greece.

Chemist Peter Webster wrote that fresh Greek claviceps paspali infected paspalum grass which grows adjacent to Eleusis in the famous Rarian Plane contains the exact same alkaloids as found in the fresh Aztec & Mayan morning glory. Albert Hofmann wrote that Claviceps paspali due to it's similar makeup to the Mexican morning glory could also have been the likely entheogen used at Eleusis to serve hundreds of people.

(9) Krystle Cole from the book "Lysergic":
"Isn't Ergot what Socrates used to take at Eleusis?" I thought it was kind of cool to be taking something that the founders of our democracy used to take, but that our current democracy has made illegal.

LSD chemist Todd Skinner replied "Yes". Todd had prepared 6 jugs of ergot wine and stored them for many years.

Krystle Cole's "ergot wine" experience (several pages long) in the book "Lysergic", reported that she saw constantly rotating holographic Sanskrit or Arabic & Zodiac symbols, floating in a circle around Todd's head.

(10) sample morning glory wine trip report from Erowid: Morning Glory & Alcohol by Psychopsilocybin:

I would only note that she or he should have most likely extracted the seeds from the start immediately into the wine instead of extracting into the water first...then adding to wine later, as this will cause the LSH to first decompose to LSA in neutral water or water that is not acidic.
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Part 10: One way to make pure tetrahydroharmine

Once you get to the end of your rue extraction, where you put your rue hcl in water and precipitate the harmine from the harmaline, you want to slowly bring the ph of the water up to exactly 7.0 with drops of 10% ammonia (from hardware store, the industrial janitorial version)...at 7.0 only the harmine will fall out, collect over vacuum filter...then raise ph to 7.5 or 8.0 (your preference) and collect a small middle fraction, which you will want to set aside as it is a mix of some harmaline with some harmine...keep this fraction to add back in the future when you do another rue extract...now collect the 3rd fraction, which is the harmaline only at ph = 7.5 or 8.0 and above.

Details: I dissolve the rue hcl extract into water on a stir mantel, and as the stir mantel spins....add drops of 10% ammonia to precipitate only the harmine 1st, then a very small middle fraction (harmine + harmaline), then a final fraction which is only harmaline. I prefer using 10% ammonia from hardware store (janitorial). Super good PH meter: Apera Instruments ph20 ph meter.

Now once you have your harmaline freebase...

1) place 10.5 grams of harmaline in a 1 liter pyrex cup style glass
2) add 900ml vinegar
3) add 40g zinc dust (from pyrotechnic places) in the pyrex glass too, use 40g zinc dust per each 10.5 grams of harmaline. You will see tiny hydrogen bubbles rise to the surface.
5) place beaker solution on a magnetic stirrer with stir rod and spin entire solution slowly
6) spin for 1.5 hour, the solution will turn from green to a transparent like color after 1.5 hour, use end of cotton q tip to place in solution and dab on paper plate in front of blacklight, it will now glow blue when transition is done...

7) once done with spin, let the solution sit for 1 hour, most (99%) of the zinc dust will settle to bottom, then filter solution over a #101 9cm filter disc fitted to a vacuum flask with vacuum trap in series with your vacuum pump, this will give you a transparent golden color liquid, use this solution for next step.

Throw away the zinc dust you just collected on filter disc (be careful, don't throw zinc on top aluminum foil in garbage or it will smoke due to hydrogen loaded zinc, best to put used zinc in a baggie with water to keep it moist, keep away from aluminum).

The pump/vacuum filter flask & filter disc will remove 100% of any zinc dust. so in other words, filter pyrex beaker solution (takes out the zinc dust) over a #101 9cm filter disc fitted inside a vacuum filtration flask hooked up to a vacuum pump, with a small vacuum trap in series, in-between the filtration flask and the pump. A good pump is JB platinum DV-142N 5 CFM heavy duty vacuum pump.

Cool you are left with a 100% clear transparent with just a touch of golden very light yellow color with no zinc dust at all...now add (80ml of 10% janitorial ammonia per 2g of harmaline)...so this means add 400ml of the 10% ammonia to your solution...you will immediately see the thh crash out of solution as a white powder, place mason jar in fridge for 3 hours, the crystals will all be seen at bottom of mason jar.

9) you will collect 7.5 grams of pure white THH freebase on the filter disc sitting in your vacuum filtration flask once you pour fridge cold solution over a #101 9cm filter disc in your vacuumm pump, rinse THH with some cold water. put filter disc of thh in a pyrex tray, scrape off and dry under fan...pure white.

10) always this will happen: exactly 75% is the yield, as I don't know why this is so...but it's a great yield still. Even in TIHKAL, the yield was similar, right at 75% as well.

11) The more zinc you use, the faster the reaction progresses, so 35 to 40g zinc means the reaction is finished by 1.5 hour.

I've looked at the #101 filter after filtration, hardly anything at all on it, truly only 1% of the zinc dust remains to be filtered after sitting for 1 hour.

If you don't have a vacuum pump/filtration setup: Personally, I believe the cotton ball in a funnel to be one of the greatest inventions of all time--and think it would work just fine for filtering out the remaining 1% zinc dust, remember 99% of the zinc dust falls to the bottom already after sitting for 1 hour after the spin mantel is turned off. What you are filtering is actually the 1% of zinc dust from the very bottom after sitting that get's kicked up back into the solution as you are decanting it off.

p.s. I also saw an episode of "Ancient Aliens" in which they discovered remnants of zinc dust inside one of the chambers, and they believe the Egyptians were making hydrogen gas using zinc and vinegar, speculating that the great pyramid was some sort of power generating device.

12) This THH at 300mg is extremely visual, she's an isomer of a hormone like substance made in the brain naturally. With eyes closed for several hours are seen endless slow and high speed motion movies of nature, architecture, culture, history, the future, way beyond LSD or mescaline visuals...very realistic, mind-blowing...and with open eyes, beauty is extreme (over the top) and there is spiritual joy....this is the best psychedelic secret kept under wraps...because hardly anyone has used it over 100mg.

Combine 250mg THH orally (take 45 minutes before) with sublingual 60mg of DMT complexed to 470mg HPBCD, add 10 drops boiling water, mash on a spoon hard back and forth for 2 minutes using the end of another spoon, mash or knead it all hard together using your muscles, grab off spoon using bottom side of tongue (it will all adhere) and hold for 12 to 15 minutes along with 35mg sublingual harmine freebase at the exact same time under tongue...

...22 minutes in you will experience profound beauty with open eyes, heavy CEV visions of spinning geometrics, actual temples, and ancient architecture, never ending breathtaking immaculate visions...pupils very dilated, music sounds incredible. 90 minutes long. 300mg THH is where the visions really are seen well, if you are not used to it, there is some slight dizziness at this dosage for a short period of time, but none at 250mg. The DMT really adds to the visions as well & brightens/colorizes them, incredible combination, just like in Ayahuasca. You can re-dose more HPBCD DMT every 1.5 hour x two more times.

Pic1: One way to make tetrahydroharmine

Pic2: Dissolve your rue hcl extract into warm 115 degree F water so it all dissolves, drop in two high precision PH meters, start the spin mantel, and add drops of 10% hardware store ammonia until you reach ph=7 when the harmine only will fall out, ph 7.1 to ph 7.9 = small middle fraction of harmaline mixed with harmine, put away and save for a rainy day when doing another extraction to add back in, ph 8.0 and above = all the harmaline only.


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I mean I feel something @SKL but not as much as I hoped definitely active this way tho and euphoric. But I also took DOC/BOD two days in the past week and went on that binge so im assuming my tolerance is thru the roof right now. I have to go on break immediately have some O-PCE and DCK coming now that will be here very soon and the later I will combine with DPT/DCK and the former O-PCE/4-AcO-DMT. Kinda puzzled cause I swear that I had more effects last time but like I said I did that after not tripping for a week and I went heavy past 5 days or so. Think im gonna buy some propylene glycol and make some DMT vape carts like @Delsyd was saying in the social that would conserve my material best im thinking. I deff feel good right now but im gonna stop experimenting with this for time being I have like half gram deemsters but im getting bunch more soon so not super concerned and when that batch comes I'll try this again. But right now I think I should dissolve what I have left into PG and make a vape pen, just do it in an amber vial in hot water bath. I have to take a break tripping tho for little bit, I struggle with that tho honestly these things call me.
DMT shouldn't cross tolerate with anything, I don't think. I want to try this without any MAOI or THH, but you seem to be the only one who has, and it doesn't sound promising. Oral DMT with no MAOI would be fantastic. I want to try this but your report is not too encouraging. DMT freebase tastes like shit I have accidentally got some in my mouth before, and that was a few flakes from inhaling too hard, 70 mg definitely won't be nice. I kinda want to know for sure this shit works before buying the powder. I also have DPT and crack style home made with baking soda freebase DPT, but like I said I am not going first.
part 11: From the archives of DMT world: How to easily extract 2.3g DMT from 170g bark using a 2 liter Erlenmeyer flask

From the archives of DMT world, pre-runner to DMT Nexus forum, chemist tek:
Super easy instructions for 2.3g DMT from 170g bark all in one day using a 2 Liter erlenmeyer flask and long glass pipette with rubber bulb on end for the pulls (zero drip).

Chemist tek: which yields 2.3g DMT from 170 gram powdered bark: all 4 pulls are using 90ml naptha on 150g powdered bark mixed into 1.8 liter lye water (1.5 x 150g bark = use 225g lye dissolved into the 1.8 liter 150 degree hot water.) Just heat up 1.8 liter of water in a big pyrex pot on stove and use thermometer to pull if off when it reads 150 degree F.

Slowly sprinkle lye using safety goggles and long chemical resistant gloves that go up each arm, and stand back as far as possible...(the hot water will fizz but not boil up) into your pyrex pot of hot water. After each sprinkle, stir the water a bit with a super long metal spoon. It will "growl" a bit as it fizzes, but this way it dissolves very fast into already hot water.

Pour this lye water into your 2 Liter erlenmeyer flask using a large automotive funnel. Add 170 grams of finely powdered bark, and use a long chopstick or similar to mix it all together.

Use (.6 x 150g bark = 90ml naptha pull for each of the 4 pulls). An erlenmeyer flask makes it easy to do pulls using a long glass pipette, as the top of flask is tapered, so all the naptha collects at the top for easy pull.

Use an electronic thermometer to check the temp of the Lye water bark mix, when the lye water cools down from 150 degree F to around 120 degree F, then it's time to add your 90ml of naptha, make sure your 2L flask is sitting on a mitten or similar...this makes it easy to swirl your flask to mix the contents, make sure you are using the proper rubber stopper number 9.5 to seal the top of your flask once you turn it upside down then right side up to mix the contents as well.

Do a combination of swirling and a couple of upside down then right side up turns of the 2L flask, then once right side up, let the rubber stopper out, and let the stopper just barely sit in the flask (not tight), so gasses can exit. After 1/2 hour, all the 90ml of naptha will migrate & collect at the top of the tapered erlenmeyer flask...use your long glass pipette to collect the naptha, that's it! very easy, no mess, and the tapered erlenmeyer flask and glass pipette with round rubber plunger at the end makes it easy to collect the naptha at the top without collecting any lye water by accident, based on chemist tek.

No need to do a sodium carbonate clean on it, it's plenty clean already.

More notes:

Erlenmeyer flask tapers towards the top, makes extractions easier using a glass pipette, as all the naptha collects in a narrow band tapered area near the top.

Yield from 170g finely powdered bark using a 2 Liter erlenmeyer flask with 9.5 number stopper:

1st pull far left, dish + coffee filter = 1668mg
2nd pull in middle, dish + coffee filter = 517mg
3rd pull to far right = 155mg
4rth pull close to nothing
3 pulls get majority of it all (95%)
total = 2340mg

1) For 170g bark, use 1.8 Liter 150 degree water, when water, lye and bark all dissolved, liquid will all come up exactly to the 2,000 ml line on the flask.
2) 170g bark x 1.5 = use 255 grams lye
3) use 3 x 90ml naptha pulls, each 90ml naptha addition will rise 1.5" or so above 2L line on flask for easy collection using a long glass pipette.
4) allow 30 minutes for each naptha pull to rise to top for collection, this will ensure it all rises. Do pulls one after another, around 1.5 hour beginning to end, then you are done with 3 pulls.

The pre-heated water with mixed lye keeps liquid/naptha warm...keep a 60 watt lamp bulb with reflector close or pointed to back of flask the entire time, so each of 3 pulls are around 125 degree F when measured with electronic thermometer.

It's very important to let your dishes sit undisturbed for a long while, dishes sit in freezer for 12 hours during day (11am till 11pm), then overnight for 8 hours.

Extraction pic attached from DMT world archives.

extract 1.JPG
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Part 12: Out of print writings on the Divine Plant of the Incas, strong euphoria & psychedelic visions from coca leaf tea bags.

Cocaethylene (coca leaf tea bags soaked in wine, the orally active & potent ingredient formed in the liver from cocaine + ethanol in the 1860's "Vin Mariani" wine popular with both Popes, Thomas Edison and scores of other famous people) increases the levels of serotonergic, noradrenergic, and dopaminergic neurotransmission in the brain by inhibiting the action of the serotonin transporter, norepinephrine transporter, and dopamine transporter. These pharmacological properties make cocaethylene a serotonin-norepinephrine-dopamine reuptake inhibitor [SNDRI; also known as a "triple reuptake inhibitor"].

Cocaethylene has a higher affinity for the dopamine transporter than does cocaine, but has a lower affinity for the serotonin and norepinephrine transporters. In McCance-Katz et alia's 1993 study cocaethylene "produced greater subjective ratings of 'High' in comparison with administration of cocaine or alcohol alone."

Years ago, put 6 teabags in my mouth, adding some baking soda, activated the tea, painted an entire barn one afternoon, endless effortless energy, so long as kept adding some bags into cheeks every hour or so. Only thing is it makes the teeth turn green color, not attractive in western society.

Yes, you can add coca leaf tea bags to a couple ounces of high alcohol wine (at least 18%) like sherry wine, let it soak a while, drink wine, can get very high, nice very strong euphoria. You can squeeze 2 to 3 bags into 2 ounces of wine, very pleasant strong euphoria for at least 1.5 hour. This coca tea wine can be combined with other psychedelics for an incredibly euphoric psychedelic trip. Love

Coca tea is served at all the restaurants in Bolivia, very common there. I never got much of anything out of the 6 bag tea, but the bags placed in cheek with baking soda works quite well for clean energy and coca tea contains more vitamins and minerals than most anything else.

There is a quote in the "coca leaf and cocaine papers" by Andrews and Solomon where the neurologist Paola Mantegazza way back when used to put amounts of coca leaf (coca leaf tea bags will substitute) in his cheeks with a pinch of baking soda. He has a chapter in the book, he got so freaking high, even to the point of psychedelic visions:

Page 38 "coca experiences" by Paola Mantegazza (1859) from "the coca leaf and cocaine papers":
An hour later I was sufficiently calm to write these words in a steady hand" "God is unjust because he made man incapable of sustaining the effect of coca all life long. I would rather have a life span of ten years with coca than one of 100000...(and here I had insered a line of zeros) centuries without coca.

Bad ass out of print book, 371 pages, all about the Divine plant of the Incas.

You really have to read the chapter by Paola Mantegazza (page 38-43) on his coca tea in the cheek experiences, mind blowing. He took many drachm amounts of coca leaf and got high as all get out.

Page 40:
The maximum dose of coca I have ever chewed is eighteen drachms in a day, taking the last ten in the evening, one after the other. It was the only time that I fully experienced the delirium of coca intoxication, and I must confess that I found this pleasure by far superior to all other physical sensations previously known to me.

Half an hour later I chewed two more drachms of the leaf, and my pulse rate increased immediately to 120. It was then that I started to have a sensation of extraordinary happiness; I dragged my feet as I walked and I distinctly felt my heart beating. I could not write except with great difficulty.

By the end of the following 2 hours I felt extremely happy. My pulse rate remained at 120; I lay in the happiest sensation of a full and active life. A quarter of an hour after having taken the last two drachms I begun to shut my eyes involuntarily and the most splended and unexpected phantasmagoria started to flit before my eyes.

Page 42, psychedelic visions from cheeks full of coca leaf with pinch of baking soda to activate, 3.8 gram = 1 drachme:
On another occasion, having chewed coca leaf after dinner, I began to hallucinate after the sixth drachme. This effect lasted for over 3 hours, in the course of which I chewed two more drachms. Although I was immersed in a state of indescribable bliss, my consciousness was unimpaired and I was able to record some of the bizarre images that passed before my eyes swift as lightning. Here are a few; it should be kept in mind that for each one I managed to transfer to paper...I missed ten on account of their rapid succession:

A cave of lace through the entrance of which can be seen, toward the back, a golden tortoise seated on a throne made of soap...

A battalion of steel pens fighting against an army of corkscrews...

Lightning, consisting of glass threads, piercing a whole Parmesan cheese crowned with ivy and berries...

A saffron inkwell from which is born an emerald mushrooms studded with rose fruits...

A ladder made of blotting paper lined with rattlesnakes from which several red rabbits with green ears come jumping down...

Plucked Chinese flowers with burning silver stamens...

Looms made of matchsticks upon which cicadas are weaving pine trees made of suphur...

On the day following this experiment I felt more vigorous than usual, in spite of the fact that the nigh I had only one hour's sleep.

Remember when coca tea leaf boxes of 100 per box were sold on *mazon for cheap, along with 1 foot sections of bridgesii cactus, now you can't even buy any entheogens on *bay, only t-shirts or jewelry portraying the entheogen, just like Western man to turn it all into materialism.

Natural entheogens have been squashed by the pharmaceutical companies and teams of lawyers on all the sites while the Earth continues it's acceleration headfirst into climate crisis.

You can still order coca tea from Peru, it still has all the alkaloids, just have to use crypto. I still see some places carry a box of 100 for less than price of two movie tickets. Delisse is good stuff, it has all the alkaloids, use to buy it many years ago.

Wouldn't it be nice if we could let Peru and Bolivia sell the coca tea boxes in the states to legitimately make some money for their struggling economies?

William Martindale, author of "The Extra Pharmacopoeia" seriously suggested that Englishman should drink coca tea rather than tea.

Not a big fan of alcohol, so would stuff as many tea bags into a few oz of wine as could fit, let soak in fridge many hours, strain, drink, strong euphoric stuff for at least 1.5 hour, only used a few times many years ago, but remember those times as clear as a bell.

The median half-life of cocaethylene was 144.3 minutes (2.4 hours) whereas the median half-life of cocaine was 96.7 minutes (1.6 hours).

Cocaethylene is orally potent at lower doses than cocaine (not orally potent) and was discovered to form in the liver in 1994. But the book mentioned above also lists a hosts of other active alkaloids in the coca leaf. There is a synergistic effect.

How to make the highly euphoric coca leaf tea wine, last 2 pages of 2nd book, 5 to 6mg cocaine per tea bag soaked in wine converts to orally active more potent cocaethylene. More euphoric than cocaine and lasts x 1.5 times as long. (1.5 hour very strong euphoria).

Pic1: Last 2 pages: attached out of print writings on how to make euphoric psychedelic coca wine, soak two coca leaf tea bags per each 1oz of wine, then drink wine.

Pic2: Feminine spirit, meditation at the ruins.

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Anytime I do this, I always take antioxidants: 300mg +R-ALA, 1000mg vitamin C, vitamin E. I also take 6 to 8 caps of fish oil daily and 1 cup of 3 berry blend in my protein shake, super antioxidant power and the fish oil keeps depression far, far away...fabulous good mood with fish oil and sunlight daily.

Part 13: THH + mushrooms report from friend

Just wanted to let you know that I finally tried 3 grams of cubensis with 180 mg of THH, and all I can say is WOW! Intense and beautiful like I've never had before, with a definite DMT edge to it.

I've always been a hard-head, needing 4.5+ grams to get anywhere interesting. I've done up to 9 grams, and never got near this intensity.

Just wanted to thank you for the tip. This is the way for me to go form now on.
I look forward to combining THH with DMT.

All the best, and take care.
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why wouldn't you try the complexed dmt on it's own to see if it's active without thh? seems like you have enough dmt to experiment?
well are you sure about the purity of your thh? is it of natural origin? it could be contaminated with other harmala alkaloids...
why wouldn't you try the complexed dmt on it's own to see if it's active without thh? seems like you have enough dmt to experiment?
I have asked him to do this, and also uncomplexed DMT with THH, but he has yet to do it. He is also the only person reporting doing this with any real effect. I am nurturing a suspicion or two and will continue to do so until I hear what the role of THH actually is and hear other people having success doing it as well.
Part 14: Tetrahydroharmine (THH) + 1-acetaldehyde LSD (identical to ALD-52) trip reports

If you don't have LSD, then just substitute a 2oz fresh fridge cold just opened sherry wine extract of morning glory as explained earlier in this paper.

Have used this combination x 3 times, every 2 weeks, ranks up there with the most profound entheogenic experiences I have ever experienced, just as strong, long-lasting, visual, super neon-colorful & music-enhancing as two feet super fat bridgesii cactus, and I've drank cactus tea over 200 times now.

Used to spend hundred of dollars a year drinking cactus tea all year long, at least twice a month, this method is an identical replacement in my humble opinion, and lasts all evening with super long afterglow, very similar to 600+ mg of mescaline, and dirt cheap compared to the rare and very expensive cactus which is only becoming more scarce as time goes on due to demand and less growers.

This is the infinitely beautiful combination of tetrahydroharmine or THH with 1-acetaldehyde LSD (identical to ALD-52).

THH has numerous similarities to mescaline, best kept secret in the psychedelic world, it combines extremely well with other psychedelics and brings out there essence.

THH can be combined with other "oral psychedelics".

THH has numerous similarities to mescaline, not only does it block serotonin like mescaline, LSD & shrooms, but it agonizes all 3 adrenal receptors just like mescaline, which are associated with beauty & aesthetics appreciation, beauty enhancement is "over the top" when THH is included.

Actresses on TV will look like dazzling glowing super-colorful cartoon caricatures of themselves (just like with high dose cactus tea) only if you include the THH. Researchers have called THH the "tryptamine of the beta-carboline world" and rightly so.

Music will sound bad-ass incredible (way beyond LSD enhancement) only if you include from 150mg to 300mg oral THH with your 1-acetaldehyde LSD. Take them both orally at the same time.

300mg THH + 250ug 1-acetaldehyde LSD report (2oz fresh sherry wine morning glory extract can substitute as well):

One month ago combined 300mg of THH or tetrahydroharmine with 250mcg of acid paper that had been soaked in 1 shot of fresh just opened cold sherry wine for 3 hours in the fridge with hand stirring once an hour in the fridge for 30 seconds, to help theoretically or hypothetically convert the LSD to the more neon-colorful & visual and head-space gentle (zero-anxiety but still super-deep head space) 1-acetaldehyde LSD or nearly identical to ALD-52 by adduction of the acetaldehyde from the sherry wine to the NH bottom indole position on the LSD (don't try this at home unless you are really advanced, and sure you have very pure THH) and had closed eye bright colored teaching visions all the way from 8pm till midnight.

Much more powerful than LSD visions alone, these were brightly colored Ayahuasca visions. One of the sequence of visions were of a variety of stone carvings with very elaborate artwork and a beautiful woman who stretched out her hand to me to show me magic.

I would need a tape recorder going for hours to talk into in order to record the hundreds of non-stop CEV animated and static colored visions.

Then at midnight took another 100mg of THH, it brought the visions all back until 4am in the morning! Non-stop hundreds of Ayahuasca visions for hours and hours, I was completely blown away, and listening to music on my headphones, which sounded as if I had taken a high dose cactus tea, very remarkably enhanced, just Heavenly.

Where just LSD and psilocybin alone heighten and clarify the sense of hearing, the combo of 300mg THH + 250ug 1-acetaldehyde LSD produces auditory hallucinations, heightening the hearing sense but also causing sounds to be quite different than normal. Music sounds as if you were an extraterrestrial being, immersing yourself in new sensory phenomena for the first time. Each instrument stands out on it's own, every track heard as if experienced for the very first time.

This combo experience is much more visual than mushrooms or acid. This is very much like the combo of mescaline with a more visual, colorful & stronger version of LSD (1-acetaldehyde LSD). It's like a ZERO anxiety LSD with a very deep head space.

The combo experience makes the music sound just as good as using two feet fat bridgesii cactus tea. As I was watching a movie, all the actresses looked like glowing, dazzling, super beautiful-colorful cartoon caricatures of themselves, and the euphoria way over the top...all the colors in the movie poured over into the room and onto the walls, forming alternating neon colors on all the walls, incredibly beautiful. I saw colors on the wall that did not belong on this earth such as neon purple-yellow! I still can't stop thinking about this weeks later, the most beautiful colors I have ever seen.

Please note: all beginners only use around 150mg to 200mg THH which is what is found average in 1 cup of Ayahuasca tea, only advanced members of the UDV, Santo Daime, Shuar Indian and people like myself drink 2 cups of Ayahausca tea for the evening, which then contains around 300mg THH average.
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Part 15: How to theoretically form 1-acetaldehyde LSD (similar to ALD-52 or 1-acetyl LSD, Orange Sunshine) from LSD hits

1-acetaldehyde LSD (nearly identical to ALD-52) will theoretically form when you drop hits of LSD into 1 shot of fridge cold just opened sherry wine, stir once an hour for 3 hours, keep in fridge at all times, as acetaldehyde boils off at room temp or 69 degree F, then consume...all explained below:

Sherry wine is high in acetaldehyde (10mg per 30ml or shot glass). This serves as an advantage...why is this possibly important?

Page 8441:
Reaction of Indole with Acetaldehyde: A 0.2% solution of indole in equal amounts of water, ethanol, and acetaldehyde formed a product with 60% yield after 1 hour of reaction at ambient temperature. Omitting the ethanol (50% acetaldehyde in water mixture) had no effect.

Decreasing the concentration of acetaldehyde to 0.1% increased the reaction rate and percent yield of product.

See pic of the researcher's indole + acetaldehyde adduct product formed before (page 8439) and after (page 8441).

The researchers achieved a new product with or without the use of ethanol, it made no difference, you only need water acidified to around ph=4 and around a 0.1% acetaldehyde solution, and around a 3 hour soak time for 100% conversion.

Sherry wine fits the bill perfectly with it's high acetaldehyde content, and low ph, which is already at ph=4, just like the study calls for. The researchers stated "the lower the PH, the faster the reaction (indole adduct formation at the NH group)." It contains the perfect amount of acetaldehyde as well, in an alcoholic medium no less.

It is quite possible that 1-acetaldehyde LSH and 1-acetaldehyde penniclavine produce stronger visual trips with zero anxiety. This has been my experience with the seed solution and also my experience when converting 3 x 100ug blotters of LSD to 1-acetaldehyde LSD (have done this over 10 times already spaced at least two weeks apart during the past two years), also confirmed recently by Namaste at the Shroomery to work for him as well, now his preferred method of consuming LSD as well.

Once you know your morning glory seeds are potent, you could also throw in a blotter or more of LSD into the sherry wine/morning glory seed solution soaking in the fridge for 3 hours, not only will this convert the LSD to the more visual, colorful and anxiety free 1-acetaldehyde LSD but it can result in a trip way beyond normal LSD. Example below:

I have also experimented with morning glory seeds a lot. A couple of times the seeds came very close to LSD. I have combined morning glory seeds with other psychedelics. On a few occasions, they boosted the effects of psychedelics enormously and very few seeds where actually needed to create this effect.

Once a mere 30 seeds were enough to cause an overwhelming OBE on LSD, paired with the most insane visuals and a defragmentation of the mind like i have never experienced ever since. I am convinced that there is a substance in fresh morning glories, and maybe it is LSH or penniclavine, that modulates receptors that are being activated by psychedelics in such a way that it can boost the effects of other psychedelics.

How 1-acetaldehyde LSD is different from LSD:

1) You know how acid has that sudden drop off then you are back to sobriety? Instead, this lasts longer than acid and has a warm gentle transition back over a longer period. The come up is also gradual and smooth similar to cactus.

2) 1-acetaldehyde LSD is way more colorful than acid, similar to mescaline.

3) 1-acetaldehyde LSD does not have the "visual choppiness" of acid, but is flowing in the visuals.

4) LSD produces tracers with multiples of shadows of the hand, this produces not only tracers, but colored fractals and mosaics inside the tracers.

5) LSD produces "colored specs that flow in front of everything", this produces instead "fine colored rainbow reflections" that surround everything.

6) Music sounds good on acid, but music sounds great on this, like a whole nother world, similar to mescaline.

7) With 1-acetaldehyde LSD, everything seems alive and magical. Patterns & neon colors form everywhere, the shifting of textures is magical. You can lose yourself easily as the visuals seem to drag your focus in without any effort. As a result, ego death is basically spontaneous.

8] Sometimes LSD causes wandering thoughts & can seem abrasively analytical but with 1-acetaldehyde LSD there is no wandering thoughts, no tenseness or anxiety like with acid, this is deep mentally, a real gem, pure psychedelic bliss. LSD feels man-made, this feels very primitive, archaic and natural.

9) 300ug of 1-aceteldehyde LSD makes 400g of fresh boiled thick bridgesii cactus pieces (no core, approximately 400mg mescaline) feel instead like 700mg of mescaline. I think this has to do with the possibility that 1-acetaldehyde LSD shifts the receptorome or radioligand binding of receptors "slightly away from 5-ht2a" and stronger towards the adrenal A2A, A2B, and A2C spectrum instead. This adrenal spectrum (A2A-A2C) is also the stronger dominance or habitat as well for mescaline & dmt & psilocin when compared to 5-ht2a, which is only midway on the spectrum, with the adrenal spectrum (associated with beauty & aesthetic enhancement) being more dominant with all these natural entheogens.

10) It is not a sacrilege to convert LSD to 1-acetaldehyde LSD cause Albert Hofmann also discovered ALD-52 at Sandoz labs. This is different from ALD-52 cause it has one extra hydrogen on the acetaldehyde adduct at the bottom indole NH group nitrogen.

12) LSD is more "analytical" and not as aesthetic, this feels more natural and is extremely aesthetic (beauty enhancing) like with mescaline.

Sample ALD-52 trip report:

Yes, I realize it's not technically LSD but really, it might as well be. I took 300ug thinking it would be mild if anything. Granted it wasn't as intense mentally as LSD can sometimes be, but conceptually and aesthetically it is beautiful beyond anything I ever anticipated. I feel perfect. At one. Better than I've felt in so long. I thought I could never trip again on anything but this is honestly paradigm changing for me. ALD-52 should be considered just as powerful as LSD-25 although it's a lot more relaxed and somewhat forgiving. As it is probably apparent I'm still very deep into this experience and I hope this to be an open discussion to anyone who would like to be involved.

My god, I just went through multiple ego death experiences beyond anything I've ever experienced from LSD before. There are no words. I mean there are plenty of "words" but none of them mean a single thing compared to any of THAT. Dear GOD. I never expected anything like this, but I sure as hell needed it. Even if I'm the only one here to express it to, as that's realistically the truth of nature anyhow. However, anyone who felt compelled to actually read through all this insanity, I just want you to know you're beautiful and you are everything. All things are right and they always will be.

Anyway, as far as the ALD-52, I took 300ug as I said. It was amazing and stronger than I expected, however I don't think 100ug would be very eventful to be perfectly honest. If you're concerned about it being too strong 200 might be worth it but 300 was really a great amount if you ask me. Even if you haven't taken any lysergamides before ALD-52 is rather calm compared to LSD or even mushrooms for the most part. Visually though, at least for me, it was absolutely breathtaking. Colors and textures were shifting like crazy.

Everything was alive and magical. Patterns were forming everywhere. I could lose myself so easily as the visuals seemed to drag my focus in without any effort. As a result, ego death was basically automatic and I reached that point multiple times. The first time I ever experienced ego death on LSD it left me with this beautiful feeling, like a deep inner glow that lasted for months afterwards. It eventually faded and I hadn't felt anything quite like it in years, but ALD-52 brought it back, and I feel like I've awakened from a spiritual coma.

Another thing is LSD sometimes causes my mind to wander uncontrollably unless I take my own initiative to focus, especially during the come up which can also sometimes fill me with restless confusion. Once I peak everything usually evens out, but ALD-52 put me in a state of perfect clarity from beginning to end. The come up was so smooth and comfortable.

I didn't notice the come down because I actually went to sleep when I felt like it was time to do so, which was an interesting surprise. Every time I've taken LSD I've had to let it run its entire course before even attempting to sleep. Often I would have to stay up for the entire day after which is obviously physically and mentally exhausting. But once I felt like the ALD-52 had made its point I went to sleep just like any other day, and woke up the next morning fully rested and mentally clear.

Overall, it felt very natural and I never had a single moment of uncomfortability or confusion. Just pure psychedelic bliss. I mean, I've had some amazing and extremely important experiences on LSD but honestly after the other night, think I prefer ALD-52. It felt like tripping for the first time again.

Random comments found on reddit to back up my dozen experiences with 1-acetaldehyde LSD (nearly identical to ALD-52) over two years:

1) Pandemoon said:
I dosed ALD52 like 100+ times throughout the last 4 or 5 years, in doses between 25ug and 350ug.

While ALD52 is very similar to LSD25, I think I can still see a slight difference. To me the visuals are different, especially the tracers. I can clearly see a difference there.

With 200ug+ of ALD52, when I move my hand it shows some very colorfull spirals and fractals in the tracer /smearing.

While with LSD25 it is just a mirroring effect that shows several of my hands. Not nearly as colorfull, just a non colored shadow (or several) of the real hand.

With ALD52 it's much more colorfull and intense, like painting the air with rainbow colors.

100ug or even 150ug don't really show a difference at all to LSD25, but with 300ug and above (my highest dose was 350ug) the differences are even more intense.

With 350ug I can hardly see reality anymore due to all those colorfull reflections of anything I look at.

I think the higher the dose the clearer the differences.

2) ALD-52 is probably most similar to LSD relative to the other analogues (of which I have only tried ALD-52). The headspace is markedly psychedelic, it lasts 12 hours and the visuals are prominent enough. They seemed to take on a more flowing characteristic than LSD, to where I'd see objects form within the patterns.

3) I find it has a more mellow vibe than LSD, I'm more content to sit back and relax whereas 1p is supposedly closer to the electricity of LSD.

4) For what it's worth, I found the come down of ALD-52 to be better than LSD... it just felt more refreshing, like a warm hug and it tapers off gently whereas LSD is more of a sudden drop off into sobriety, but the actual peak of LSD feels more... alive to me. like my consciousness is oscillating at a super high vibration.

5) ALD-52 is more euphoric than LSD-25 or 1p, and I find it's also less prone to creating anxiety. Because of this, I feel like I can take much higher doses and go much deeper. I took 5 tabs and experienced absolutely no anxiety at all. I don't think I would have been able to to do the same with 25 or 1p.

6) Hmmm. I seem to get much more euphoria from ALD-52 over 1p. But yes, the anxiety levels are consistently low with this chemical. ALD-52 is an absolute gem.

7) Agree. I feel like it's a subtle power, not as forceful as 1p. But there's genuine depth to it.
I'll be the first to admit it may be placebo, but I also favor ALD-52 for this reason.

8] I am very fond of ALD-52 as well! For me, the headspace was very much like LSD#25; however, I felt like the former of the two had potential for a really crazy headspace. ALD-52 also had me seeing three different colors that I'd never seen in my life. I saw red-greens, orange-blues, and of course the fucking purple-yellows.

9) NoticesMemesOwO:
ALD is MUCH calmer than 1P in every way. 1P tends to have a shitload of anxiety on the come up and tachycardia for me and my group of friends. Its very visual but also very scary at times. especially at high doses. ALD is the best IMO. I prefer it over the real thing honestly. At high doses it was very tame, had a great visual set, and no anxiety at all. very welcoming in the way it gets you. I would pick ALD all day long, and i could take or leave 1P in all honesty.

10) Doubledog said:
My friends had some ALD52 blotters few years ago and described it as slightly more visual, and not so stimulating, and as upgraded version of LSD, but with just small difference.

11) Namaste from Shroomery (has many years experience with LSD) said:
I think you're on to something here. The 1-acetaldehyde LSD I made following your instructions dropping 3 hits or 300ug in 1 shot of sherry wine in the fridge with stirring once per hour was extremely chill. Soft around the edges. When I started coming down, it felt like 10 years of therapy.

I remembered good times, felt compassion. Listened to music I haven't listened to in years. Thought about friends, was at peace in a way that I haven't felt before.

The stars formed into animated constellations. My Bodhi statue began to juggle. I saw the Perseidies meteors not just out of the corner of my eyes but right over my face while lying in a hammock. Saw the entire movement from start to finish. They looked like giant arrows.

Stayed awake all day, went out to visit friends. It was very happy nostalgia. Sometimes larger doses make me totally black out. Not this time, I was awake and aware. No primal fear or paranoia.

Felt like I was still peaking seven hours after dropping. Sometimes I get a cracked out, confused feeling, not this time.

Haven't seen neon colors like that since the one and only time I was puddled.

Sunday's are generally filled with dread and depression for the following week. Experienced none of that. Just a long lasting afterglow. Still in a great mood now. I did get a pretty severe headache but I also drink like it's my job, and I am on a SSRI.

Been thinking about Ephesus and Pergamon, not sure if thats subliminal or coincidence.

Going to wait 3-4 months and repeat.

Give this a go!
P.S. Don't start off with that much (300ug) unless you are very advanced, start with only 1.5 hit or 150ug.
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part 14: Multiple encounters with death and depression & 80mg DMT complexed to 560mg HPBCD oral Ayahuasca report

This is the story of how HPBCD DMT came about: the plants taught this to me. I did not discover it. I have taken Ayahuasca over 70 times and cactus tea x 200 times. Ayahuasca seems to want to propagate herself all over the globe by any means possible, and if that means using the latest pharmacology advancements such as HPBCD, then so be it. The planet is in crisis, and Ayahuasca wants to help reverse the insane rapid destruction.

Daniel Pinchbeck "How Soon is Now":
The human race is careening toward extinction: rising acidity of the oceans threatens coral reefs, habitat destruction, non-native species (predatory fish, bullfrogs, fungus, pathogens), climate change (alters temperature and water levels), pollution and diseases (especially chytridiomycosis, caused from the chytrid fungus) all have been shown to contribute to worldwide amphibian declines.

We clear forest that are full of trees even though we continue to pump CO2 into the air even though we know it's heating up the ozone and melting ice caps; we clear forests that are full of trees that could potentially help clean that co2 out of the air, the Amazon rainforest is the lungs of the planet, but miles of it are slashed & burned every week so that cattle can graize there instead to make hamburgers, and massive soybean cultivation. We throw away plastic water bottles, and worst of all, we feed into the corporate systems that keep this destruction going.

I don't know about you, but I don't use soybeans for anything, don't eat hamburger or steaks, only fish, chicken & turkey daily, as a bodybuilder this keeps me lean daily.

On my 70th Ayahuasca journey using the very last of my stored away Hawaiian psychotria, she showed me a vision of my "lost 1kg container of HPBCD". I had put it away 12 years ago, as I bought it from a sports supplement supplier, once pro-hormones became illegal, I carelessly abandoned the container in a place I could care less about.

Ayahuasca has a long standing traditional reputation of helping people find lost personal items like rings, necklaces, etc. through visions. She once helped me find a set of important spoons that I had misplaced many years ago as well. She showed me they were buried in a drawer under forgotten clothes many years old. I once saw a vision of a beautiful woman in medieval times searching for a lost ring in her home, Ayahuasca showed me that it was at the very top of a cubbard in her kitchen.

All that time the HPBCD container was lost, she showed me that it was in my garage buried in a container along with plumbing parts. That night I dug it out of the container and put it in my closet for use the next day. She also showed me a vision of the mimosa tree or shrub, I put 2 and 2 together, and knew what she was telling me...to experiment with HPBCD complexed DMT, and so that is what I did. She already knew that I had experience making sublingual HPBCD pro-hormones, as I had learned it from chemist Patrick Arnold.

I had run out of Hawaiian psychotria, and it had been extinct for the past 3 years, perhaps diverted to all the numerous Ayahuasca centers in South America. I needed a high power alternative.

A little bit about me...

Becoming a shaman is often just as much of a curse as it is a blessing. Shamans are chosen by the Spirits at birth, but it is not until later in life (usually in their 20’s) that the shaman is struck down. The striking down of a shaman is to dismember them as a person and to have them reborn into something else.

The word Shaman means "to know". I am not a shaman, but have been thru alot of the near-death experiences Shaman's have gone thru, lost both my twin girls at birth, so have no children, my beloved pet Shitzu died at only age 4 from continuous bladder stones for 6 months, we did everything together...he was unable to pee so many times, we had to rush him to vet, where he was put down. He visited both of us in a dream 2 days later to tell us he was doing great in Heaven with a big smile on his face.

Have nearly died several times, once was hit head on by a truck when driver ran a yield sign, barely survived with numerous injuries. The hospital caught all my fractured ribs but did not diagnose my collapsed lung, so when I got home, drifted into shock in the middle of the night, wife called an ambulance and was rushed to a better hospital where they immediately diagnosed the lung condition and treated me for it.

Once took alot of acacia bark with Ayahuasca instead of the normal Hawaiian psychotria I use, and went into a serious serotonin syndrome shock, for an hour and a half I sweated my ass off sitting in the bathtub, I told my wife goodbye while my dog watched in a sad state...by some miracle pulled out of it, believe it was the high levels of maoi's in the acacia that interacted with the rima's in the Ayahuasca, bad combination. My forehead was pouring sweat for 1.5 hours, was in severe shock and trembling, and knew I was gonna die.

Lost everything in a 100 year severe flood, my home and all my belongings, had just gotten married to my beautiful wife and all the newlywed gifts perished...right after that we moved to an apartment complex, and 5 months later all our belongings again perished as they burnt to the ground after a disgruntled teen threw a lit blunt into the apartment complex after his girlfriend dumped him.

Had it not been for the policeman banging on the door of the apartment, we would have surely burned in the flames, as we were on the 3rd floor & asleep as I worked 2nd shift at the time. We ran down the steps in only our bare feet and suffered smoke inhalation.

Have been thru some near-death experiences similar to a Shaman, who lives on the outskirts of society. Lifting weights, walking in nature with my dog, going to the waterpark with a season pass every summer, and reading Bible all keep my spirits up.

Some of you have contacted me via messenger to let me know that you would like to experience this for other reasons than the visions, to help with treating depression. I will tell you this, yes, Ayahuasca can help to cure not only anger issues, melancholy, drug abuse & addictions, but also depression. She is also able to grow brand new neurons in the brain every time a journey is taken, she has cured people of all sorts of afflictions and ailments, even severe depression. I feel an afterglow for a couple days after a journey, and this refreshed serotonin reset often lasts for a couple weeks.

Celebrities who have battled major depression: Dwayne Johnson "the Rock", Katy Perry, Jon Hamm, Lady Gaga, Michael Phelps, Kristen Bell, Bruce Springsteen, Gwyneth Paltrow, Ashley Judd, Naomi Judd, Ryan Phillippe, J.K. Rowling, Sheryl Crow, Terry Bradshaw, Buzz Aldrin, Tipper Gore, Wayne Brady, Jim Carrey, Robin Williams, Brittany Murphy.

Beyond Happiness And Unhappiness, An Interview With Spiritual Teacher Eckhart Tolle:


Eckhart Tolle is one of my favorite writers. He is the author of "The Power of Now, a guide to Spiritual Enlightenment" & "A new Earth, Awakening to your Life's purpose".
What we are beginning to discover is this: The HPBCD "encapsulated and trapped DMT" seems be forming enhanced modes of transport and delivery of DMT similar to how oral psychotria leaf gives an experience that is much more powerful and all encompassing and colorful than using normal plain DMT crystals.

The experiences from the Hawaiian psychotria brew Ayahuasca tea are always +5 on the Shulgin scale for myself in over 70 Ayahuasca sessions, while multiple experiments with several people in the Clearlight sessions found the DMT extracted crystals gave only mild experiences (+3 max) even when using doses up to 100mg. They also found the leaf brews to be +5 Shulgin level in strength & all encompassing.

Even used doses of oral dmt crystals at doses from 70 to 120mg a dozen times years ago, and found them all mild as well (+3 Shulgin scale) compared to the VERY strong Hawaiian psychotria experiences (30 to 35 gram tea), just like mind-blowing Jungle Ayahuasca.

Experiments that involved several people found the leaf brew form superior to extracted actives, the leaf brews were very strong and powerful & clairavoyant (+5 Shulgin scale), while the extracted actives were mild (+3 Shulgin scale) at best, even up to 100mg. Again, this is poorly understood.

However, the HPBCD complexed DMT seems to greatly alter the transport, absorption & digestion of DMT freebase crystals, resulting in powerful experiences sublingually so far, perhaps even resulting in oral powerful Ayahuasca similar to those brews using actual Hawaiian psychotria leaf in them.

downwardsfromzero wrote:
This combined with the HPBCD complexation results (which we really ought to replicate and confirm) makes me wonder whether there are saccharides in leaf brews which perform a similar effect to HPBCD. There is still so much scope for really interesting research here -thanks for posting.

This is indeed fascinating downwardsfromzero, thanks for that keen observation on the sacchardies, perhaps they do function similar to HPBCD? Note: this procedure will work with any freebase molecule that is poorly water soluble, it does not work with already water soluble compounds or salts.

Jagube said:
I've seen anecdotal reports of quidded D. cabrerana leaf being active.
Excellent observation Jagube.

69ron posted 8/12/2009:
People are getting pleasant DMT effects from sublingual Virola calophylla resin. I don't think it has that much DMT in it. So why does the resin work so well when DMT is so hard to use sublingually?

HPBCD DMT is very strong...have used 60mg of it sublingually under tongue for 15 minutes along with 35mg sublingual freebase harmine at exact same time and experienced rapid heartbeat & pulse, tryptamine body rush & buzz, dilated pupils, music sounded incredible, had cev's and open eyed euphoria and profound beauty. 5 hours of Ayahuasca visions. I took 300mg of tetrahydroharmine 1 hour earlier so it was more like a true Ayahuasca experience, but no nausea, and re-dosed more 60mg HPBCD DMT every 1.5 hour x twice re-dose for a 4.5 hour total long experience with super-long afterglow well beyond this.

Part 14 continued: 80mg DMT complexed to 560mg HPBCD oral Ayahuasca report

The experiment was a success...I took the 80mg freebase DMT complexed to (x7) or 560mg of HPBCD (use x8 or 640mg if using the more common 2-HPBCD to keep at a 1:1 molar ratio) all kneaded/crushed using end of another spoon, use your muscles, scrape & crush it back and forth well...all mixed on a spoon for 2 minutes with 0.500 milliliter (10 drops) of VERY HOT near boiling water from a nearby coffee mug.

1300 g/mol HPBCD to 188 g/mol DMT freebase = 1:1 molar ratio
1500 g/mol 2-HPBCD to 188 g/mol DMT freebase = 1:1 molar ratio

Both work exactly the same.

What I do is heat up a bit of water in a coffee cup in microwave & draw up drops of it using pipette. I read using hot water speeds & aids the mixing of the HPBCD to host drug. Then heat bottom of spoon up for around 20 seconds with a bic lighter, just until the edges of the liquid on the spoon begin to bubble, then pull flame away, mix solution a few more seconds, this ensures complete dissolution.

I added the 0.5ml spoon full HPBCD DMT solution to 1oz of 120 degree hot water...this then immediately turned into 100% transparent water when it hit the hot liquid in the pyrex cup...This was stored in fridge until use...then when I was ready, the 1oz clear transparent liquid HPBCD DMT water solution, once re-heated up in pyrex pot on stove, to this was then added 200mg harmine + 250mg THH and also 150mg of pure ascorbic acid (vit C) to help dissolve the freebase harmine + thh.

Or you can just take pre-made capsules of your harmalas at the exact same time you drink the 1oz HPBCD DMT hot water tea to avoid the taste of the harmine and THH.

I gulped it down in one shot...there was virtually no taste! I think the HPBCD completely masked the taste of the nasty DMT...I was shocked...took it all together at same time at 3:30, I'm writing this 3 hours later.

It came on exactly like 30 grams of hawaiian psychotria! there was no difference between this and the leaf brew, again I was shocked...it gripped me powerfully, heavy tryptamine buzz and high frequency. The THH already imparts a body frequency buzz + DMT tryptamine buzz = amazing amplified body frequency.

A vibrating neon colored fortress like a magnetic field surrounded me in the room, it shined off of every object similar to a UV blacklight glow...this neon visual vibration appeared all around me, given off by everything around me. The vibrational frequency field reminded me of the tractor beam in Star Trek when they would transport. I've experienced this same phenomena with past journeys involving 30 to 35 grams of potent Hawaiian psychotria...but never with plain freebase DMT or DMT salts before, only again with this HPBCD DMT.

I had to remain in one spot sitting as it was so strong for 1 hour straight, the walls in the room filled with 3-D ish like honeycomb orange & brown geometrics that appeared to bulge slightly off the surface, like the inside of a bee hive, neon colors were abundant, heavy tracers...the beauty all around me was infinite, beautiful CEV's (spinning and dancing or constantly morphing geometrics) and OEV...I was amazed to say the least.

In conclusion, I am impressed with this route of administration via sublingual or oral.
During the oral Ayahuasca journey (200mg harmine + 250mg THH + 80mg DMT complexed to 560mg HPBCD) for the first hour, all objects glowed or shined as if in caught in a neon colored magnetic transporter beam.
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