• NMI Moderators: Snafu in the Void

Howdy folks! Hope to be of use and share knowledge !


Dec 10, 2019
Hi guy's! Thought id introduce myself , my name is Cody, I am a south Australian, avid writer, drug researcher and enthusiast and have been for a long time, i have a number of qualifications ranging from a bachelor in pharmacology, currently part way through my masters in pharmaceutical drug design, A.D in drug delivery and administration, I've also developed several RC substrates and am a strong believer in the usefulness of harm reduction and safe administration practices, running a local safe drug practice group in my home town. Im also a recovering alocoholic and morphine/dihydrocdeine addict ( now on 8mg suboxone daily) along side numerous other drugs, amphetamines, methamphetamines, benzos, RCs, etc. Hopefully In the near future i can become a valuable member of the community!!
hope to be of service! :):):coffee:
Hi @Dionysus1794,

Cool background! I'm looking forward to hearing about your experiences. I'm curious about the practice you run - is it non profit? What types of services do you provide?

Welcome to Bluelight!

Yay, someone new to teach me the scientific specifics, cheers i'm going to bother you at some point 🙃 ;)