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Opioids How to Prepare Kratom?

King J

Jul 4, 2010
Alright so I'm trying Kratom powder for detox and withdrawal and I cannot get this right.

I'm just putting the powder in warm water or gatorade (cold is the worst its all floating at the top). It's so thick and nasty. I don't have any hair net or coffee maker or coffee filters...

I don't know if this is a good withdrawal herb since you have to do so much. I pour 3 tsp to tbsp in a cup and it's so thick and grimey. Ugh it's so nasty.

I'm halfway through day 1 and it is actually working with a bit of OTC Loperamide HCL. I must've taken 12mg so far of it >.>

How can I make Kratom taste a lot better?
Orange juice works with Kratom. Best bet is to just cap the powder yourself.
There are plenty of tips for using Kratom here in The Kratom Thread.

Some people encapsulate, some people make tea. Some people mix it up with stuff, (yuck) and others like to just "toss n wash."

For a toss n wash: Take a teaspoon and scoop a somewhat level spoonful of Kratom out of the bag. Take your juice of choice, and sip just a slight bit and hold it in your mouth. Next, open your mouth and insert the kratom-filled spoon. Aim for the juice, and plop the kratom in. Now for the tricky part; take a large gulp of your juice and swallow with confidence. It should slide down just fine, any kratom that hangs around can be swished away with juice.

Tea is another matter: I like tea bags but some people prefer to just dump it into the water and filter it out later. I did this for awhile, but it's easier just to fill tea bags. Simmer 3-6g of kratom in lemon juice-infused water for 20 minutes on semi-low heat in a pot on your stove.. When the water is a brownish color, remove the kratom and cool slightly. Sweeten to taste and drink.

Best of luck.
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I prefer using capsules and capping my own. I order about 2 ounces at a time and have about 120 caps which last me roughly a week and a half.
Crap man I haven't been filtering it at wall just drinking solid powder. I'm in withdraw with a broken back in 3 places and have no energy.

3.5 hours of Day 1 is left...Kratom and Loperamide helped a lot. I hope it'll get better from here. :( Go to doc tomorrow, hope they prescribe me benzo's.
^Don't worry, Kratom doesn't need to be filtered. Toss n Wash and Soak n Carry (what you're doing) involve no filtering. Personally, I like unfiltered Kratom. It makes the short-acting Kratom last longer as the stomach has to break down the leaf first to get the alkaloids to the intestines.

With filtered (water extracted) Kratom, the onset is quicker, which means a more pronounced peak, at the expense of a more pronounced comedown. Some people like making tea out of Malay, Indo, and Bali to speed up the onset of these slower acting varieties.

Good luck with the w/d! :) You have the best tool for it next to Tramadol or Suboxone/Methadone, which carry problems of their own.