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Stimulants How long until I can use my nose again?


Bluelight Crew
Apr 26, 2006
My fucking nose is hurts. My right nostril is constantly bleeding,imm getting huge blod-clot type boogers, and my left nose looks good,but dont let it fool you. Every time i blow my nose ,the snot from that side is brown.

I l'vs snorted well over 4 grams of shard(crushed) over the course of 3 days,then friend gave me more, and my lines would never 'drip' so id sniff a line and the shit would burn'n and just sit there '! Until i snort, or snort water, then i feel sick,bells ringing.nose is falling apart piece by piece, is the red shit like the lining of my nose ? How long until I can smell again?
That sounds terrible! You should probably not snort anything else until it heals up or it will never get better. Have you considered a different ROA? Personally I could never snort meth as I had the same issue you're having.
That sounds terrible! You should probably not snort anything else until it heals up or it will never get better. Have you considered a different ROA? Personally I could never snort meth as I had the same issue you're having.

Thanks peach. Blew my nose this morning and mannn. I'm not snorting anything else until i can smell again.
Hell at first the pain came with a high, now its a pain came with pain. Id blow my nose 20-30min later, and lick*gross i knos* and my tounge would be like licking a battery!!

I've ate it before and like that shit, the heart flutters is what makes it like hitting a bowl. Got to eat like near a gram at a time, and thats only 3-4hrs for the first dose, and when I redose i have to take 2x as much. An 8ball is gone before I get off work.

Why don't you just smoke it if your nose is that fucked up? I can't believe you're even contemplating snorting more anytime soon.

Get some saline nasal spray to keep your nostrils moist to help healing a little.
get some water or saline and put that in your nose after doing a line.
or switch roa.
Thanks peach. Blew my nose this morning and mannn. I'm not snorting anything else until i can smell again.
Hell at first the pain came with a high, now its a pain came with pain. Id blow my nose 20-30min later, and lick*gross i knos* and my tounge would be like licking a battery!!

I've ate it before and like that shit, the heart flutters is what makes it like hitting a bowl. Got to eat like near a gram at a time, and thats only 3-4hrs for the first dose, and when I redose i have to take 2x as much. An 8ball is gone before I get off work.


haha you're so high.
If this persist, see your Dr.

While it's common to experience irritation from snorting drugs (use saline spray/decongestant & avoid using that side for a while) , you can also develop sinus infection, which will require antibiotics.
My fucking nose is hurts. My right nostril is constantly bleeding,imm getting huge blod-clot type boogers, and my left nose looks good,but dont let it fool you. Every time i blow my nose ,the snot from that side is brown.

I l'vs snorted well over 4 grams of shard(crushed) over the course of 3 days,then friend gave me more, and my lines would never 'drip' so id sniff a line and the shit would burn'n and just sit there '! Until i snort, or snort water, then i feel sick,bells ringing.nose is falling apart piece by piece, is the red shit like the lining of my nose ? How long until I can smell again?

Why do you also snort water? I mean, wouldn´t it be possible to use it by any other means?

When you ask about how long you should wait, my advice is to put it on hold for a long time.

Some part of your cavities may be suffering and minor damages may be difficult to repair if you worry about your looks. Besides it tends to be more sensitive with time, even if you don´t use it anymore. So best to give it sometime IMO/E.
Yeah meth tears your nose up. I can't snort anything anymore, my nose is just too damaged. It's still healing and I haven't touched any of that crap for about four weeks! When it was at its worst my nose would open up while I was asleep and I'd bleed all over my pillow, it was fucking gross. Had to walk around with a piece of tissue crammed up my nose like a degenerate cokehead. It's finally beginning to fully heal now though (thank god)

I also got a raging fever from a sinus infection which never seemed to go away...eventually had to take a course of antibiotics for it. Drug use is so glamorous!
Yeah, the excessive intranasal use PLUS the 4 days awake probably has you freaking out extra about it. Give it time and it will heal. This time. But if you do this for a few years... that's another story.
How the fuck did you snort over an 8 ball in that time frame? Holy shit man.I snort a half gram n that would Keep me up for 3 days on it's own ands make my nose hurt. I could only imagine how you feel. I would stick to using a new ROA if I was you.
That's a lot of meth! Give yourself and your nose a long time to heal up.

Take a very long break or else your septum will become severely damaged. A woman who a relative of mine used to work with in the 80s had that happen to her nose with coke.

Get some saline to use, and since you're probably not going to stop using meth take it a different way. Stay safe.
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Yikes man. Smoke it or shoot it if you're taking that much.. it'll be more efficient too. I know someone will chime in and say thats not very HR but neither is tearing the fuck out of your nose.
Hi D's-

I'm worried for you. Sinus infections can become very serious. It's not too far from the brain, ya know?

I apologize if I come off preachy or annoying, as that's not the spirit behind my words, but you know already that the condition of your poor nose is a symptom of what your real problem is. Not just habitual, regular use; the amount used is very problematic.

I realize it's unlikely that you're going to read my post, and exclaim,"She's right! That's it! I'm stopping, I quit!" So, if I can't convince you to quit, then PLEASE read up on HARM REDUCTION like your life depends on it - because it does, actually.

Your life is worth living. You are unique you, with your unique combination of traits, gifts/talents, and energy. You have things to offer this world that are good. You have something to accomplish and learn in this life.

Can I ask why you feel compelled to use such large amounts? Why do you think you turn to getting high, and when/what sets it off?

Thanks for reading my post, even though I know it wasn't exactly what you asked. I just read your post... and to be REAL with you? I got a bad feeling in my gut. Like, a feeling of "if this person doesn't make a big change, RIGHT now, they're headed for extremely dangerous health complications..."

To be clear, I feel that you need to see a doctor about your nose to get any infections under control, and to prevent it from worsening/to see what non-visible damage there is. Now.

I know it might seem odd to post about a gut feeling I have... in my life, I've had many experiences where my gut feeling was right on... many times I ignored my gut feeling to inevitably regret it... enough to where I no longer worry about looking silly or crazy or whatever. If I have a gut feeling, I tell the person, because I'm more worried about your well-being than I am worried about looking sane. I've just had too many experiences where I was right to feel ok to not mention it. My conscience wouldn't be clear if I ignored it.

Get help for your infected nose/sinuses while it can still be fixed without further, more devastating consequences (hopefully).

I've had a bloody nose for the better part of the year and give it a week or so. It wasn't till I started snorting allot that I realized why people would smoke/shoot shit.
Yikes man. Smoke it or shoot it if you're taking that much.. it'll be more efficient too. I know someone will chime in and say thats not very HR but neither is tearing the fuck out of your nose.

I'll do it.

That's not HR.

A lot of people, many young and/or inexperienced people read these threads.

It's NEVER a good idea to shoot any drug.

Tearing up your nose isn't good, no. But shooting it up is certainly NOT better!

Yikes man. Smoke it or shoot it if you're taking that much.. it'll be more efficient too. I know someone will chime in and say thats not very HR but neither is tearing the fuck out of your nose.

If you know it's not HR, why post it? Methamphetamine is already a destructive and very addictive drug. It's beyond me how anyone could suggest that the OP also become an IV user. And this is coming from a former IV user.

I won't edit your post myself because everyone is entitled to their opinion but I strongly suggest that you do so. That's not the message that we promote here.

If you'd just recommended smoking, you would have had a valid point.
Did you start getting the cold sweats? Clammy feeling? Yet, burning up "on the inside"/high body temp feeling?
Have any nausea? And twitching? 4g in 3 days is a lot. Remember, if it's not your first time, and it's not been a month since your last use (some may say 1 week +), then you will struggle to get as high as you want. This usually leads to doing way too much, resulting only in negative side effects. It sucks, but if you want to feel better while trying to get that first buzz back, don't forget to eat and drink. More than just water. Unless you are eating good. Have a banana at the minimum. A protein shake would be ideal. And if you feel like eating solid foods, eat away.
Piling meth on top of more meth, on top of some more meth = an avoidable comedown and definite side effects with a chance of overdose. Glad you made it through that experience, ok, though.

First: If a point snorted got you off, sounds good/fire product, ime

Does this stuff taste fairly pure, with a tiny amount on tongue, maybe check a couple different spots in the bag? I'm just having a difficult time with the 3.5g in such a short time. Not doubting you, but a cut like MSM, it's difficult to detect. Not to cock size but an 8 ball of fire shards from Tucson in '03- '04 would last me five days, at minimum 3, if I was sharing. Smoking all day, staying up a week at a time. I always smoked (a few IVs), snorting was reserved to checking purity in absence of a kit. It just hurts too damn much.

Not perfect, but larger shards 1/4" - 1" generally - is less cut or was cut during crystallization which would cause the shards to break up with hot spots and hot cut spots.

While you switch to smoking shards (my recommendation, or parachuting), here's some basic directions from detecting common cuts to technique, plus please read the mega thread in OD, if you haven't already.

If you have an oil burner/meth pipe smoke some, like just a good solid hit maybe 1/4 of 0.3 pts, you'll need about 0.1- 0.2 minimum left over to cool, but be sure it all melts evenly over time (pretty quickly) as well, you're not smoking it all now, but more left behind helps the cut test. Let it cool with the top blocked- pencil, stick, coin, no plastic or fingers - I realize you snort, but if you keep going you'll have to get a pipe, DO NOT IV! Ruins lives like 3x as fast as smoking it...

Did water collect on the sides of the bowl? That's MSM cut, or another one. All of it should puddle at the bottom, fairly quick after heat removed and look fairy uniform, sort of looks like melted shards looking up through the bowl- don't invert the bowl...

If after cooling it's real brown and the next hit tastes like shit you over heated the first hit, next time roll the bowl back and forth about 20 - 30% while it's over flame or still hot/warm and remove heat once smoke appears. You may well know this, but in case this is your first switch to smoking properly (not off tin foil), thought I'd add that...

Take it easy, I suspect you're in deeper then you're admitting to yourself, I try not to don't judge I want to help.

Please be careful.
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