Hip Hop/Rap

Are you talkin about tattoos on younger or older people, classified by gender or? There are some tattoos which aren't available for both sexes. Do you want to know details specifically about one or more?. Music have a deep connection with tattoos and I don't think it should only be influenced by it, most of time it hasn't anything to do with it but if it makes you comfortable to think this way, your choice. I have a clover, if you search meanings about it, it's a prison one. I did it with the thought at our kid, see? Never overthink

Dots tattoos means living wild and free, there are some drawings that you don't usually see on those bad little barking dogs with face tattoos because they are linked to some unique culture, most of them do it for fun and they don't intend things like this although, tears which are a common example nowadays means humiliation, crimes or the time spent in prison and it depends if it's filled or not, empty means that they loved someone who was close to them and died and it depends again by the country and area. People who get tattoos, they like to have a journal and while the meaning it's this to be affiliated with streets and knives, it could mean a whole fuckin new different shit to them.