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Hindu deities & practices

Zopiclone bandit

Jan 25, 2018
We have anyone on here that is of the Hindu faith etc? I had a "calling" shall we call it during lockdown to Chamunda & my experience wasn't something I'm that eager to repeat. You know that kinda logic "Hey what's the worst if I do some Kundalini Yoga while playing a mantra to her?" Well I learned the hard way sadly.

I've asked around online but all the Hindu folks that have posted back like most magick paths use stupid long words & seem unable to boil the teachings right down to the basics, for all his faults Jason Louv is one of a very small few I respect as he cuts all the bullshit out when it comes to the Naga Baba & puts it simply.

Anyway anyone on here practice the faith, deal with Chamunda etc?.....

I was truly slapped by an energy force I've never felt & was made truly terrified to say the least.

At your own risk folks..........

Be careful with kundalini yoga its pouring fire on a nuclear reactor of our soul. Get fast powerful results but your if not prepared and understand what is going on can shatter your mind like what almost happened to me. During my heights of twice a day kundalini yoga i had reached heights of human consciousness that people would not believe unless they tried it themselves then it backfired and let me scattered trying to pick up the fragments of my mind this was before any psychedelics.

Powers i had obtained during kundalini yoga was the ability to heat myself up with my own mental will power so i became immune to the cold pretty much like wim hof. I could spin hanging objects on strings in any which way i pleased with my own mind. Had deja vu dreams every night and managed to save myself from getting busted with weed with my new found clairvoyance powers. Those who didn;t heed the warning thus got into trouble with the law calling me crazy beforehand. I attracted alot of negative spirits attained the power of complete astral projection with deep mental relaxation.

Mantras are thought forms that have a powerful energy of many people chanting energy into them giving them life in the human collective consciousnesses. Paired with proper breathing techniques mantras and kundalini yoga you will quickly find a path that leds to things science can not explain. I knew one friend who had a full psychotic break from kundalini yoga that he never recovered from.

During sessions i would get major kundalini surges through my spine sometimes leaving me writhing and seizing on the ground eyes rolling back in my head as the heat and energy was so intense leaving me tingling for hours also could see auras 24/7
During sessions i would get major kundalini surges through my spine sometimes leaving me writhing and seizing on the ground eyes rolling back in my head

You gotta be kidding me here???!!!??!!?

I swear to Godthat is what put me off, the first few times I felt this really weird build up of something between my shoulder blades that then spread to my head & smacked me right between the eyes like a brick & I stopped really quickly as I've NEVER felt anything like that before.

The last time I gave it a go (like I didn't learn from that experience) just as you said, the energy started off a bit easy at first & in less than 1 second it actually twisted my body up like I had been folded into a 1/4th of my normal size, my right arm went all mad & began to flap around & my head went all floppy while I "folded" from the waist & there was NOTHING I could do to stop it. I could see Chamunda in my minds eye with her tongue out that she uses to drink the blood of the demon for addiction in the Vedas, it scared the piss out of me & isn't something most people will even understand or believe but that isn't something you can make up, I got "folded" like a piece of paper.

These Hindu Matrikas mixed with that Yoga can be extreme, I was truly shocked & I'm quite sure I've opened a "door" to this one Matrika I'm kinda scared about if I am honest. Chamunda actually pre-dates the most early of the Vedas texts & what got me to try her out was from a podcast that said on her "Chamunda is an extreme form of Shakti energy & NOT to be taken lightly" :oops:

Here I was thinking "Well yeah ok maybe I'll not just chant her name 108 times I'll add some kundalini yoga power to it also" BIG Mistake & NOT something I would suggest as it seems you are all to aware of.

Mantras are thought forms that have a powerful energy of many people chanting energy into them giving them life in the human collective consciousnesses.

I guess that is why I can still "see" her now in my head, it's a very weird thing to express in words but I have the same thing with Santa Muerte also.
I can "see" them but in a weird way, I'm not quite sure what I have done this time but it isn't something most normal people would have a clue about.

As we do seem to be in The Kali Yuga from what I can see..............

When in Voodoo, ask Papa Legba.
When in Hinduism, ask Hanuman.

Two spiritual masks of the same Deity.

If I am honest with you it will be quite some time before I do that again, I will go back to it but I have to be ready.
I've seen that Hanuman before in a dream, I just Google searched it & the image I saw on Wikipedia I've seen before in my dreams several times :oops:
I stopped kundalini yoga a long time ago to stop my kundalini from total awakening shit was getting way to crazy for me. Very few people can acutally handle the path of kundalini yoga its very dangerous without a proper guru who has awoken their own kundalini and knows how to control it so they can guide you through difficult times
Take it slow and easy i was the mother fucker who thought i was the best son of bitch born ever on planet earth and i could handle anything til i learn't the hard way and was hanging onto my reality by a thin string. If only i knew better and could of stopped my friends from becoming full on psychotic and schitzo and totally gone after they got slapped sideways by kundalini. This is the one path that no matter how much you think you know you really do need a teacher who has been there and done it before you.
This thread mentions LSD & mental breakdowns like your poor mate had. Did he ever get fixed?

he just takes his anti psychotics which help him alot and he can function okay he acutally likes his meds since it stopped his episodes.
I am christian (by birth and belief but not super religious at all) but have learned a tad about hinduism. Prabupad style (iskon). Pretty interesting, but have a problem regarding the meat. They say you will have terrible karma and burn in hell if you eat meat and praise a karma free life if you stop meat.

Curious what other people say about the meat thing?

One of their deities will take you down. Scared me away.
You would of had to eat meat back in the day. How else could people survive.

But I know its about the cow.

Indian food has so many good meat dishes. So its confusing.
you can eat meat as long as the animal has been killed humanely though most take the vegetarian option but also in a hot climate like india meat rots fast.
you can eat meat as long as the animal has been killed humanely though most take the vegetarian option but also in a hot climate like india meat rots fast.
Just on this and very quickly I actually really like the ideology of being completely meat free and at least vegetarian if not vagin although I believe that certain aspects of veganism like eating butter and possibly eggs can actually be done sustainably and humanely but that's a separate matter...

It is the case unfortunately for my own self that I have a much better chance of maintaining adequate health and surviving in the long-term if I include good quality Meat in my diet. I tried many times to live without Fresh Foods but I just got incredibly sick and it can be the case for certain individuals especially when suffering from long-term illness.

If I go 3 days without flesh foods I have absolutely no energy at all no matter what else I consume.

However I'm very diet conscious and passionate about eating as cleanly as possible and we get our meat from an organic grass fed farm with very high animal care standards and butchering practices.

Otherwise just any old organic meat from the supermarket but it really needs to be organic the vast majority of the time with the odd exception apart from animal raising standards non organic meat is extremely cancer-causing and full of growth hormones and antibiotics etc.

Just one of the many reasons why the general population has such a high cancer rate and ages at a faster than natural rate.

so I am kind of hoping that animal raising standard regardless because I am doing my best to eat the cleanest and best raised and only what feels necessary and balancing for my bodily needs- that I may receive some sort of reprieve from the heavens in the long run fingers crossed lol!
No where does the vedas say to stop eating meat its a more modern thing and not everybody agrees on that.

The guy I've been seeing at the local temple said I'd have to quit eating meat & quit doing drugs too but he seemed quite eager to tell me weed is fine but anything else is bad I guess his never smoked N,N-DMT then)
His obsessed with Brahma, my calling is towards Matandi, Kali & Chamunda, I don't feel Shiva that much yet.

He had be clocked right away & has this glow in his eye, he had me figured out in 30 seconds & I hardly spoke, right away he said "You're NOT a normal person are you? You see things in your dreams" & I nearly fell off the chair. I'm going to level with him soon & tell him I want to go down a Tantric path to study the Matrikas (Brahmani, Vaishnavi, Maheshvari, Indrani, Kaumari, Varahi and Chamundi or Narasimhi.) & see what he says.
you can eat meat as long as the animal has been killed humanely though most take the vegetarian option but also in a hot climate like india meat rots fast.

How do people kill animals in a humane fashion?
I can understand backin the day when they would kill an animal to eat & it would have been raised on clean grass etc but these days with Monsanto & God knows what other evil GMO company types spraying their chemical death everywhere it will go into everything. Also only NOW am I starting to understand how it's not really right to kill animals in a way, how would I like it if a bear came along & pulled my head off & fed me to the baby bears? Not very much is the answer.

Taking this concept to it's logical end though what gives me the right to kill plants & at them too?Is it ok to kill plants & eat them because they don't have eyes like cows for example? Where do you draw the line? If we don't eat something we die so our whole life is based around murder in one form or another.

I'd have NO stomach to go kill a dog & eat that, maybe some Southern Fried cat, Roast Penguin, Stir Fry Tiger, Penguin in Blackbean Sauce etc............
The Aghori eat meat & once in a lifetime ritual eat part of a corpse that's been burned on the Ghat's too, you mention the Aghori to most Hindu people they turn white in terror though, I really want to take this faith up for at least 5 years to learn it, if I have to quit eating animals well so let it be.
In a quick painless fashion the animal should be clean aswell and raised well in humane conditions. here all cows are grass fed in huge open farms. Free range chickens etc. Pigs are a dirty animal pig farming leads to many diseases that threaten this planet they knew that thousands of years ago so banned eating pork in most religions
I admit I don't know much about Hinduism but at a time when I was reading books about as many religions as I could find info on, I started finding mantras online with audio so I could learn them and follow along. I learned to pray to a few different deities and I definitely noticed my consciousness change to only thinking of the deity

I never got scared but there was one deity I saw continually behind my eyelids for several hours. I didn't do any fasting per se, although I did eat only rice for a week while I did this

I admit, I never got into Kundali Yoga although I did try it for a while, I had already learned astral projection (without books) on my own when I was very young; 7 years old. Also when I started seeing apparitions