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Lysergamides Potent LSH & penniclavine fresh from morning glory vine & relation to Eleusis in ancient Greece

Thanks again, @tregar - this is excellent work and very appreciated.
More light shining needs to happen for this compound(s).
I really found the info about ALD-52 being les pyretogenic very interesting. If Sandoz concluded this, and a few other findings regarding how it compares with LSD-25, then these differences have at least the potential to manifest in trip experience and/or side effect variances.
Anyway, just - THANKS!
Thank you Drum Tripper.

DrumTripper said:
Thanks again, @tregar - this is excellent work and very appreciated.
More light shining needs to happen for this compound(s).
I really found the info about ALD-52 being les pyretogenic very interesting. If Sandoz concluded this, and a few other findings regarding how it compares with LSD-25, then these differences have at least the potential to manifest in trip experience and/or side effect variances. Anyway, just - THANKS!
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Interesting that downwardsfromzero also found it stimulating in dreams and not sedating.

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Nichols’ comments above suggest something different may be at work with 1p, that it may in fact end up being qualitatively different, even slightly, and not just “it’s a prodrug, so it’s congruent.”Makes me wonder about all analogs/subs. Thanks again @tregar !
DrumTripper said:
Nichols’ comments above suggest something different may be at work with 1p, that it may in fact end up being qualitatively different, even slightly, and not just “it’s a prodrug, so it’s congruent.”Makes me wonder about all analogs/subs. Thanks again
My thoughts exactly DrumTripper.
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Nichols’ comments above suggest something different may be at work with 1p, that it may in fact end up being qualitatively different, even slightly, and not just “it’s a prodrug, so it’s congruent.”Makes me wonder about all analogs/subs. Thanks again @tregar !

I’m a true believer there’s no such thing as a clean 100% pro-drug. There’s always going to be some biochemical side reaction taking place which gives a different effect to just the drug itself.

I’ve tried quite a few pro drugs and they all feel different slightly.

Interesting thread: Unripe morning glory seeds (in the unripe seeds LSH:LSA certainly would be much more on the LSH side, effects very strong): https://www.dmt-nexus.me...spx?g=posts&t=26273

Now this answers a few questions from me. Twice I picked the seeds before they hardened in the pod and were basically unripe. Eating them had the consistency of mashed potatoes and had a more mild taste. Yet these were the strongest I have ever had on seeds. Half a handful (too mushy to say how many, about 150?) and I was tripping hard, no nausea and much stronger than seeds that were more mature and hardened. I mean at one point I was sitting in the dark, just had a few tokes and the visions were powerful. Not sure why but jungle animals, tigers, all kinds of images coming out of the dark and returning to the dark. These trips were memorable and I always thought unripe seeds should be explored.

So also another piece of info in this thread is freezing fresh seeds preserves LSH. I never knew if that was true or not. If that is the case I can see a lot more people growing and freezing seeds.

Important info here and I believe will get more people experimenting with fresher seeds. I will say adding peppermint to regular seeds did not result in much for me, so that has to be explored more. For now for LSH fresh seeds, and unripe seeds seem to be the way to go.
Erowid report:
The unripened seed pods of the Morning Glory reveal a white, much larger, soft seed with some green in the middle of the kernel. I have found that this state of the seeds is more than twice as potent as the black dried seeds. 400 dried is similar to a little less than one hit LSD. 400 fresh is like about 2 or three hits.
Yes @JackARoe!
I also find that when I trip, or dream, on seeds, I get the suggestive tropes of jungle and vine. Pure nature, no techno.
As i say, it’s prolly just suggestion, but knowing it’s just a seed enforces this notion and i love it.
Just for reference we’re calling it dreaming now? :) I actually use that term to refer to tripping on DMT but it works the rest of em too.

The unripe seeds are what I’m going for, the consistency sounds a lot easier to eat plus if freezing retains potency I’ll just freeze em all like that.

The 2015 forensics study by Paulke found no LSH or penniclavine in HBWR, only 83% lsa/iso-lsa and 17% ergometrine, rest minor clavine alkaloids. Also, HBWR has no history of Shamanic use, only medicinal use. Ergometrine has some psychedelic effects, but it is not as strong as LSH and causes some mild cramping and vasoconstriction, see below:

3 experimenter's effects when ingesting pure ergonovine, another name for ergometrine (found in HBWR), June 1979 Journal of Psychedelic Drugs:
In the January-June 1979 issue of the Journal of Psychedelic Drugs, Jeremy Bigwood, Jonathan Ott, Catherine Thompson and Patricia Neely report on their attempt to replicate Hofmann's finding in three experiments with ergonovine maleate, each time in one pastoral setting. They were following up Wasson and Ruck, who tried the same amount as Hofmann but "did not experience distinct entheogenic effects."

With Thompson acting as a guide, three of them took 3mg. of ergonovine maleate, which appeared as a slightly phosphorescent bluish solution in water. Fifteen minutes later they felt like lying down and looking at the sky; then there were "very mild visual alterations, characterized by perception of an 'alive' quality in inanimate objects." Most of this effect passed within an hour; walking along the beach, they experienced mild leg cramps. Bigwood saw eidetic imagery before going to bed, and the three "slept easily...awakening refreshed in the morning."

The three experimenters were "convinced that ergonovine was psychoactive, but only J.B. was persuaded the drug was entheogenic." They decided to try it again two weeks later in an increased dosage of 5 mg., but Neely took only 3.75mg. "Again, we experienced lassitude and leg cramps, more pronounced than in the earlier experiment." The psychic effects were more intense than previously, particularly eidetic imagery. "Now it was clear to all of us that ergonovine was entheogenic...The entheogenic effects, however, were very mild, while the somatic effects were quite strong. We had none of the euphoria characteristic of LSD and Psilocybin experiences."

To determine if higher consciousness alteration was possible, they tried larger oral doses of ergonovine maleate a week later. This time, Neely took a dose of 7.5mg and the others took 10mg:

"One of us (J.O.) described "flashes in periphery, ringing in ears, inner restlessness" 40 minutes after ingestion, and later noted "mild hallucinosis, cramps in legs and felt the cramping in the legs as painful and debilitating. The psychic effects did not increase with the same magnitude as the somatic effects...For what seemed like hours, we lay on our backs atop a small pumphouse, watching fluffy cumulus clouds pass silently above us. The effects were still quite intense six hours after ingestion. One of us experienced abundant eidetic imagery, rapidly-changing, colorful geometric patterns, undulating, never still. We all had a slight hangover the following morning."
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Speaking of which DrumTripper.....the two Double 17" wide x 15" tall Belize Chata Marsal Clay pot growers for Heavenly Blue morning glory, each securely holding (will not budge) a 4 foot round x 7 foot tall welded round fence, equivalent growing space of a normal 4 foot wide x 7 foot tall fence.....

....My wife thought I was crazy :sneaky:when I brought the stuff home like in the movie "Close Encounters" when Richard Dreyfuss raids a neighbor's yard for chicken wire so he can build a living room sized sculpture of the Wyoming's Devil's Tower.
Those sound amazing and make me want to try indoor cultivation of these.
I can totally picture my wife if i tried this - though given time she would see the physical beauty of a wall of flowers.
If you ever took a pic of those planters, it’d help give an idea of the size impact.
Thanks again for your posts, @tregar !
Mine are coming along nice, two pots worth at the moment. I really enjoy their asthetic too, training their vines in certain directions can add a cool flair to a garden. Can’t wait for them pods though :)
