GHB as a perfomance enhancer?


Bluelight Crew
Dec 11, 2014
I've read some conflicting evidence on this. How is G used in the context of performance enhancing and what is it supposed to do for you? I have access to it and figure I may as well use it for something else besides recreation.
And me, do the doctors prescribe it for woman with sex issues as it would definitely help me enjoy sex

I've not had it for ages like over a decade, but I used to pass out sometimes on it and wake up and my ex had wanked all over my feet, and once he laying down on the couch when I was rubbing myself on his face, he wanted me to pee I think, but he passed out and I didn't realise so was rubbing my bits on his forehead look down and he's passed the fuck out lol, I should of just pissed all over his face and be like "you asked"
Yeah I mean in context of working out.

Believe me I know how it goes with sex. Shit gets me ALL horned up.

I also have zero experience with using it as a performance enhancer for sport but wanted to add a +1 for any future readers of the thread to the chorus of voices that agree on the sex thing. ;)
Many fun nights with that particular substance. My wife still likes to joke around & give me shit about just straight passing out standing straight up on my feet in the middle of the act. :LOL: The summer('s) of Xyrem.; spending the nights cooking over a wood fire in the driveway & having plenty of outdoor sex. Good times. :)
Years back I had a friend who used to take a little bit of GBL and hit the gym. I was never experienced and tolerated enough to do the same but he swore it was good, helped him push a bit harder, and also said made him hungry which is good after gym if you're looking to bulk.
He'd also knock himself out on it most nights and swore he used to grow bigger faster, due to the anabolic sleep state it forces you into.
He was of course a massive drug addict so possibly delusions. But we did some research, aparantly mixing it with some Bulgarian medicine called BROMOCRYPTINE or BROMOCRIPTINE would have a great effect on growth. I planned to use the combo combined with test in a 12 week cycle once but never got round to it.
There is a thread on here somewhere about it I'll see if I can find it
I've read some conflicting evidence on this. How is G used in the context of performance enhancing and what is it supposed to do for you? I have access to it and figure I may as well use it for something else besides recreation.

There was debate many years ago regards potential for increase in hGH release due to sleep induction of GHB..
Unfortunately sleep can only last up to about 4 hours rendering the user wide awake thereafter due to differing receptor binding at lower blood levels, necessitating a further dose...
Its my belief, natural sleep is better than drug induced.. Avoid blue spectrum (LED) light 3 hours before bedtime for increased melatonin release and subsequent better REM sleep...
There was debate many years ago regards potential for increase in hGH release due to sleep induction of GHB

I couldn't sleep on it, I'd pass out if took slightly to much but only for like 20 minutes or so and be wide awake, my ex could sleep on it
Years back I had a friend who used to take a little bit of GBL and hit the gym. I was never experienced and tolerated enough to do the same but he swore it was good, helped him push a bit harder, and also said made him hungry which is good after gym if you're looking to bulk.
He'd also knock himself out on it most nights and swore he used to grow bigger faster, due to the anabolic sleep state it forces you into.
He was of course a massive drug addict so possibly delusions. But we did some research, aparantly mixing it with some Bulgarian medicine called BROMOCRYPTINE or BROMOCRIPTINE would have a great effect on growth. I planned to use the combo combined with test in a 12 week cycle once but never got round to it.
There is a thread on here somewhere about it I'll see if I can find it

Please for the love of god do no use bromocriptine as a performance enhancer. That’s seriously idiotic
As started there was some interest in its potential to impact growth hormone levels.

There are some pros I know in bbing circles that also use it to sleep cause a lot of the really heavy dudes are so cranked up on amphetamines/stimulants during contest prep
As how it performs.
Same to me or at least like meth.
It is a stimulant it pushes ur metabolism und ur body dries out.
Of course there is a little difference ik the strenght but its still shit.
I did g for 7 days and i feel sluggish now.
I drank like 25mL in these 7 days.
For gym ? No way
Of u want to be sucvesfull in the gym - no drugs!
How...? It’s a sedative and meth is about the most potent stimulant you can get. They’re complete opposites

Maybe you don't use analogues in your daily life, nothing wrong, everyone's different, this includes speech patern. I was saying it perfoms as meth because it has the same risks and the same outcome, in my eyes at least. I will not go further nor further back. All evilness to goodness
How...? It’s a sedative and meth is about the most potent stimulant you can get. They’re complete opposites

Its a sedative at high doses, as it acts upon gaba-b receptor, but at low dose binds GHB receptor producing stimulant like effects..
Its a sedative at high doses, as it acts upon gaba-b receptor, but at low dose binds GHB receptor producing stimulant like effects..

I’ve got 500ml right now and at any dose from 1-4ml it’s acted as a sedative on me and anyone else that’s ever taken it...probably a dozen people. Just the mech and the fact it’s a CNS depressant doesnt lend much to stimulant effects
Maybe you don't use analogues in your daily life, nothing wrong, everyone's different, this includes speech patern. I was saying it perfoms as meth because it has the same risks and the same outcome, in my eyes at least. I will not go further nor further back. All evilness to goodness

They’re not even close...meth is the most or one of most potent stimulants out there and will keep you up for days...GHB is a CNS depressant and lasts for 2-3 hours. Not to mention it acts on entirely different receptors with mechanisms that are 180 degrees apart. Not to mention GHB is very, very low on the addiction scale whereas meth is very high.

It’s like comparing xanax to cocaine lol. Not even remotely similar. You sure you’re actually using GHB?
Please for the love of god do no use bromocriptine as a performance enhancer. That’s seriously idiotic
Why not? I think the bromo was to help the growth hormone part of the gbl I can't remember tbh I did't find the thread. I never did it in the end anyway