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Gabapentinoids Gabapentin for Opioid Withdrawal - Questions??


Apr 29, 2018
Info: I'm currently around 24hrs into opioid withdrawal and have another 36 to go before I get my prescription. I take a few different opioids but average the equivalent of ~120mg of oral morphine a day.
I have a moderate Gabapentin tolerance (900-1200mg most days).

Around how much Gabapentin should I take to stay out of withdrawal? And how frequently should I dose?

Any help is appreciated!
I can only recommend clonidin, but you'll have to be careful and be sure to measure your blood pressure before every single dose.
Jesus stay away from clonidine.

I honestly don’t think you will get much relief but maybe you could use up to 3000mg and see if it helps. I’ve never found gabapentin to take withdrawal away totally, it just took the edge off. So don’t be expecting anything amazing.
Yeah, you should probably be under some kind of observation if using clonidin. It works very well, but a bit to much and you're pushing up the daisies. Measuring your blood pressure is absolutely essential.
I've taken it and I'd take it again, but I know how much affects me in what way.
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That's kinda tough, with you already having a tolerance. Anything you do that will help WD will have you end up with a much higher gaba tolerance. It's sort of up to you how much pain you can take. I take it every 6-8 hours or so for WD. Get some loperamide. Good luck
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This is quite the dilemma that so many run into.. probably everyone who has used opiates ever has been cut off for some unforeseen event.

I know this situation feels as if you're going to die, but ironically I think withdrawals here and there are truly a necessity. If one does not withdraw, your tolerance will eventually become enough to kill moby dick the whale. High dose opiates with no pain relief or euphoria = game over. I also think that it's important to feel what it's like to be on the other side of opies and really learn to respect it a bit. Gabapentin will help you a little but by no means will it make you feel "normal."