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"FFS, I'm eating dinner" The Do Not Call Register & unsolicited phonecalls thread


Bluelight Crew
Aug 20, 2002
"FFS, I'm eating dinner" The Do Not Call Register & unsolicited phonecalls thread

So, who's added themselves to the Do No Call Register. Does it make a difference? What's your thoughts on unsolicited phone calls? Any funny stories (from both sides of the phone line)?

Market researchers have never been too much of a hassle (and we don't get called that often.) If I've got the time I'll sometimes do the surveys or tell them to call back later.

Charity calls are sometimes a bit of a pain. I tell them I already have a few that I donate to regularly, but some of them can be a bit pushy.

It's the sales reps that bug me. After I've told you I'm not interested in your free holiday, please don't continue by asking me why I don't like holidays.

Most of the time I politely ask to be removed from their database. I suspect the do not call register is useless cos I'm certain that most of these calls are coming from overseas call centres. If I can't be bothered waiting through their speil to ask them to remove me, I just tell them there's no-one of that name here (sort of the truth if they pronounce our last name wrong, or ask if I'm Mrs xxxx, who is deceased).

Who here thinks it's ok to be rude to anyone who makes an unsolicited phone call to your house? Despite how much these calls bug me at times, I've never quite got the school of thought that people who makes the calls are the scum of the earth. It's not that hard to just be civil and say not interested, thanks. I know some people will vehemently disagree, so let's hear it your thoughts...
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I've added our home phone and both of our mobile phones on the register. As i've mentioned in the frown thread in response to nihilist's post, our number was erroneously added to the white pages, despite paying for a private number. :\

We get a heap of telemarketing, market research and charity calls. There have been occasions where i've taken a survery but like you, i already give to a few charities of my choice and i'm happy with that. I tell the caller this, yet they continue to push and have had a few try to give me a case of the guilts. I get the shits, but then feel bad because they work for a charity. :|

I don't think it's ok to be rude, unless provoked... i've never been rude to a telemarketer or other phone worker, but i have used the "oh, [insert my name here] isn't here at the moment, sorry" line, but have never told anyone to "fuck off " or the like. If they don't get the hint, i will say "no, sorry, not interested, good bye" and hang up. That's only in cases where they continue to talk to me, despite me not being interested in listening.
I want to but they say if its a business number you are not allowed to...........WHY????????
It really depends on my mood. Sometimes if I'm bored and feeling jolly I'll play along with it for a while and be very polite, other times, if the call has distracted me while I was doing something else, I interrupt their spiel with a,
"No sorry, I'm not interested, bye!" Then hang up.

The last guy I did this to worked for a christian charity and he actually called me back up to tell me how rude I was and tried to guilt me into donating. Uh... no. You might think it's rude for me to just hang up on you, but I've dealt with telemarketers before (and that's what you are, even if you are working for a charitiy), you people do not take no for an answer and I really don't think I should have to justify myself to people I don't know when they call me up in my home.

I hung up on him again and unplugged the phone.
We get called ALL the time. Not surprising really, seeing as I'm not exactly careful about my personal info and am signed up to things left right and centre ;) Also, apparently donating to one charity (Lost dogs home) gives every other charity in the entire universe the right to phone you up for money.

Anyway, it doesn't faze me (much), but telemarketing calls INFURIATE Dale. He turns into the Incredible Hulk with steam blowing out his ears.:|

They don't even get a word out before he says : " Nup. Not Interested" and hangs up.

I signed us up for the Do Not Call Register - home & mobile numbers. Apparently it can take a little while to kick in, but I have noticed a decrease in calls lately.
^ haha yeah that would be great if I had the time but im usualy more interested in getting the hell away from them ASAP
samadhi said:
I've added our home phone and both of our mobile phones on the register.

I was told that you where unable to register mobile phone number and only fixed land line phone numbers where eligible
jude101 said:

That's hilarious!

On another note, I really don't mind market researchers. Sometimes if I'm in the mood and have time, I positively enjoy being asked my preferences about Citylink, or pay TV or whatever*. Surveys are cool because there's no slimy sales element, and no guilt trip as in charities.

I'm in marketing myself so I would be a hypocrite to think badly of market researchers!

* nb: probably yet another reason we get innundated with calls... my file is marked 'sucker'
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Like Katmeow and Samadhi, it's really only the charity calls that bug me [I too donate to charities of my choice + participate in any fundraising amongst social groups + donate spontaniously in public environments.]

And also the banks can be a pain! Bank of Melbourne called me FOUR times trying to sell me life insurance.

I'll often participate in the market research calls, and my parents will often listen to the sales calls for a holiday [they travel regularly,] and other than that, we don't get many telemarketing calls. So it's not really a big deal.

I'll normally try to rush telemarketers off the phone, my brother will try and hand-ball the calls, my mum is very polite... but sternly tells them no, my dad is very rude... and hangs up, or if they're doing market research and say it will only take 2 minutes, gives them 2 minutes, and hangs up mid call.
It depends. Sometimes it amuses me to keep saying no to what they're offering and watching what discounts and free shit they throw at me to change my mind. Telstra offered me broadband half price for a year. But I will never purchase anything so essentially I'm just wasting the company's time (the telemarketer is being payed to be there anyways).

Other times I just say not interested and hang up if they don't say ok and goodbye.

The only time I'm ever rude is if my mobile is called. I can't fucking stand that.

I had a related annoying experience the other night. At about 9:30 PM just as I was falling asleep Vodafone sent me a message essentially trying to get me to buy shit off Vodafone Live. It woke me up and I got insomnia (I'm a bad sleeper at the best of times). Then I had to go to work after 2 hours sleep. 9:30, that's pretty fucking appalling even if it was only an SMS.

I haven't bothered with that register. Offenders will never be pursued and prosecuted (what agency would waste theit time?) therefore it won't stop anything. Plus putting my number on that list will probably just result in more calls from Howard come election time.
I work in the call centre industry (though no longer in outbound sales) and can say that once this has settled in (give it a few months), it will be very serious. If past September or so you are getting these calls you should grab the:

*Name of the caller
*Company they are calling from
*Time of call
*Their supervisor's name (if they will give it)

And report it. Whether they are calling from Australia or not - the rules still apply.

Also on the note of charities, I encourage you not to give over the phone. Federal law dictates that only 40% of the money you give over the phone in such instances goes to the actual charity - the other 60% can be kept by the sales/marketing company (who are the ones actually calling you).
I generally hang up when i realise that they are a telemarketer. I mean i dont see it as being rude, im not interested regardless of what they are offering and im more than likely saving their time anyway.

I have flipped out at a couple of people on occassion. Such people who i hang up on and they then feel the need to call back 3-4 times to piss me off.
Jaza said:
Also on the note of charities, I encourage you not to give over the phone. Federal law dictates that only 40% of the money you give over the phone in such instances goes to the actual charity - the other 60% can be kept by the sales/marketing company (who are the ones actually calling you).

You're fucking kidding me!! That's outrageous.

I have been sucked in once or twice by the Cancer charities ("Little Joey can't go to school camps, so we provide him a special camp where he can feel normal, will you help us help children like Joey?" ..) but since I gave my credit card details I've been innundated with calls, and I mean INNUNDATED, and I've just begun saying no. I felt like a fucking heel but now hearing that, I don't.

I do donate regularly to Lost Dogs' Home via direct debit and put coins for the tin-rattlers. But that's it... no more over the phone now, ever.
Charities and government departments (and some other organisations I could be fucked looking up) are actually excempt from this LIST.

There have been reports of an increase in calls from non-excempt organisations to those who have signed up. In other words it becomes a list of definate "owned" numbers that are eligible. ( does this make sense?)

Faking mid-coital activities always works. (Or don't fake it)

edit: ok fuck it here are the exemptions...

Exempt organisations include:

charities or charitable institutions
educational institutions
religious organisations
government bodies
registered political parties
independent members of parliament
political candidates
maxload said:
registered political parties
independent members of parliament
political candidates

So, what's people's thoughts on phone calls from politicians?

We got a couple of the recorded message calls from little Johnny last time round. That kind of stuff makes me even less likely to vote for a candidate. I suppose it's unlikely to happen, but I'd much prefer a real phone call over some bullshit recorded message.
maxload said:
There have been reports of an increase in calls from non-excempt organisations to those who have signed up. In other words it becomes a list of definate "owned" numbers that are eligible. ( does this make sense?)

I wondered if this would be the case. Interesting... Yet perhaps unavoidable. Truth be told I think the list of those exempt is mostly fair.

Strawberry_lovemuffin said:
You're fucking kidding me!! That's outrageous.

100% serious. They can take up to 60% (and I'm hard pressed to think of a company that wouldn't take at least 50%) , all based on negotiation with the charity themselves.

Strawberry_lovemuffin said:
I have been sucked in once or twice by the Cancer charities ("Little Joey can't go to school camps, so we provide him a special camp where he can feel normal, will you help us help children like Joey?" ..) but since I gave my credit card details I've been innundated with calls, and I mean INNUNDATED, and I've just begun saying no. I felt like a fucking heel but now hearing that, I don't.


I feel bad for the telemarketers. I've done other forms of telemarketing (and still work in inbound call centre sales management) and know how hard it is, how you need it to get by sometimes, but I really can't abide by such an atrociously huge percentage filling the company's pockets. It's not even like it's the TM's pockets, the commisions paid are miniscule.

I donate to MSF (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medecins_Sans_Frontieres), and started to do so when my ex came back with an info pack having been stung on the street. Promptly rang up, cancelled that subscription via the marketing company they use but then rang MSF directly and signed up - knowing well that they get my entire $50 per month now.

Strawberry_lovemuffin said:
I do donate regularly to Lost Dogs' Home via direct debit and put coins for the tin-rattlers. But that's it... no more over the phone now, ever.

Tin rattlers would work off a similar premise, though probably not as high a %. But yeah, keep away from the phone donating.