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Fentanyl laced mdma black in uk


Nov 19, 2018
Basically a eads up been told black mdma contains fentanyl from heffield uk supposedly
Apparently Fentanyl when eaten gets destroyed by the stomach acid or the first pass metabolism thing in the liver so if swallowed the way pills usually are it probably won't cause much problems.but for ppl who snort or inject them it could lead to disaster.
That's why fentanyl doesn't really come in pills.fake oxys with fentanyl doesn't count
I had cocaine with carfentamyl took my last line and plugged sixty mg morphonr
Nexthing I'm brinbgiven arcan. No wonder it sometimes stops my rattle there also bashing carfentamyl into amphetamines fentanyl I'd bsd enuf but carfentamyl wow
If this is true then it's fucked up. Why the hell would anyone put fentanyl in MDMA??
Makes no sense. Money? Easier to get fentanyl and they can sell more with less MDMA?

Sometimes illicit labs are run by psychotic chemists? Maybe they thought the people wanted this?
Makes no sense. Money? Easier to get fentanyl and they can sell more with less MDMA?

Sometimes illicit labs are run by psychotic chemists? Maybe they thought the people wanted this?
According to somewhere I read its
El chapos son who's putting fentanyl in everything I'm guessing as a means to get ppl addicted but it doesn't work very well when u put it in a pill bcoz eating fent don't do shit.also trying to get ppl addicted to heroin don't work too well if ppl don't know it's heroin/fentanyl that there having.its kind of pointless to put fent in xtc really
Trust me...it's contamination.

There was a case here in Ontario last year or two years ago where a kid died from fentanyl overdose after his weed was found to have been contaminated.

Weed! In Canada!

Nobody is putting fentanyl in weed to sell more weed....not here. Ganja is like water here: fucking everywhere.

Sloppy contamination, guaranteed.
I've heard of weed purposely sprayed with fentanyl but its I dont think its something you're likely to run into. Weed and opiates are known to be a pretty good combo and if you just barely put any on there people probably just think its a great indica
Fentanyl test strips are known to have false positives with MDMA if it is not diluted enough when testing. Caution is obviously still advised
Trust me...it's contamination.

There was a case here in Ontario last year or two years ago where a kid died from fentanyl overdose after his weed was found to have been contaminated.

Weed! In Canada!

Nobody is putting fentanyl in weed to sell more weed....not here. Ganja is like water here: fucking everywhere.

Sloppy contamination, guaranteed.
How the fuck can someone be so careless as to accidentally contaminate weed with enough fentanyl to kill someone.there isn't enough fentanyl carelessly lying around on the same surfaces that coke, heroin,mdma pot and whatever else drugs are being accidentally contaminated touch.otherwise ppl would be dropping like flies from accidentally coming into contact with
whatever it is doing all the contaminating.fent is absorbed thru the skin remember.3-4mg is enough to kill a person,carfentanyl is 1000x less and for the amount needed to just be lying around causing "contamination" ppl would be dying from it without having touched it.if it's in drugs it's there bcoz someone purposely put it there.the chances of weed coming into contact with fent residue in large amounts anywhere from growroom->drying room->packaging into 1lb cryovac bags->being divided into Oz's->being sold in a$20 bag to some kid who smokes it in his bedroom would be tiny.f u think that someone used scales to weigh loose fent powder then weighed some weed and contaminated it that way the careless person would be dead from a fent o.d. from skin absorption or breathing it in long before the weed would have made it out into the world.theres too much of it in everything to be contamination.