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FDA investigating whether Zantac causes carcinogens to form in users

This is a big nothing story. There may be trace levels of nitrosamines in ranitidine which is sold branded as ZANTAC.

I haven't followed the story that closely, the back story is that about 3-4 years ago a generic manufacturer of a completely different drug called VALSARTAN switched the process to use a solvent called DMF, DMF contains dimethylamine and that was making nitrosodimethylamine, this VALSARTAN got everywhere and got relabelled and re branded repeatedly, some manufacturers were definitely lying and cheating with the paperwork they presented to the FDA. For fear of being sued I am not going to name the companies.
The result was that the contamination was eventually (years later) picked up by a different pharmaceutical company and flagged to the FDA, along with their method to detect trace nitrosamines. The FDA had approved the process change with VALSARTAN so quite why they didn't insist on a proper trace impurity analaysis of the new process is a bit of a mystery....GMP says that the drug master file had been significantly altered and there should have been proper checking.

Since then the FDA have been running around like a little child with a new toy finding trace nitrosamines in all sorts of drugs and making a big deal of it, probably to cover what could appear to be negligence over the VALSARTAN issue.

If you were to test a generic SALAMI you would find significantly higher levels of nitrosamines. The FDA can appear to be a tough regulator rather than a corrupt set of incompetents and all is good in the world.